After being scared by my imposing manner and taking a step back, Qiye Huixun immediately realized that he shouldn’t back away at this time, but in this case he has already acted, and now It's no use regretting it anymore. The helpless Qiye Huihun had to reorganize her mood, and then rushed forward to face me in an attempt to regain some disadvantages in the imposing manner.

I didn't have much reaction to Qiyehuishun's behavior. Anyway, this guy is impossible to do to me. And the facts are almost as I expected. At the moment when we were in contact, Qiye Huixun suddenly raised his hand and moved towards my face door and smashed it, but his fist was only halfway through, and my eternal sword was almost on his throat, as long as He dared to continue swinging his fist forward, and he could not escape with this sword anyway. However, the strength of this guy is not too bad, so the battle awareness is not bad, I feel that I will be the first to be recruited if this continues. This guy turned his fist into a claw instead of swinging forward, but pressing down suddenly. I clasped my wrist, and I tried to grab my Eternal Sword by turning his wrist, but when he flipped his wrist, I suddenly pointed my index to the middle of the grip of Eternal Sword, and the Eternal Sword immediately Cooperating with me, I opened a hole in the center point. My fingers passed through the hole and fixed on the hilt, and then released the other fingers. With a slight sway of the wrist, the Eternal Sword immediately revolved around my fingers.

The Eternal Sword suddenly began to rotate instead of falling, and the opposite Qiye Huixun was also taken aback, because according to this situation, when the Eternal Sword has rotated 180, it will cut directly to his finger. . Qiye Huixun, who had been through several times before, knew that my eternal sharpness was too exaggerated. Once his fingers were cut, even if they wouldn't be cut off, they would at least be bloody. So, this guy directly lifted his arm up and dragged my wrist up, then lifted his leg and hit my abdomen with his knee.

My left hand moved forward quickly to hold down this guy’s knee, but the tremendous force made me jump up a bit, and now I feel pain in my wrist from being shaken. Obviously this The current attribute point of the guy is no worse than mine. However, although the impact was very strong, because the palm of the hand successfully resisted the attack, the damage was almost non-existent. And, taking advantage of the opportunity to block his knee blow, my held right hand suddenly released the Eternal Sword, flipped with my wrist and clasped this guy’s left arm, while holding down the guy’s left hand on the knee. Staying still, squeezed this guy's knee joint and pushed forward hard.

As soon as my strength changes, Qiyehuihuo immediately feels bad, because he suddenly found that he has lost his center of gravity under his feet, but before he can react, the whole person has started to follow the direction of the body. The angle deflection occurred, and the whole person was lifted up by me forcibly grasping the wrist and the knee of one leg.

People who have practiced fighting skills should know that all your strength in battle comes from the reverse friction with the ground, that is, once your feet are off the ground, no matter how big you are The power of is also unable to be exerted, because at this time you have no place to take advantage of it. Even if you swing a fist forward, you will not be able to play much power. Instead, you may fly backwards due to the reaction force. Therefore, those moves that are off the ground in battle are actually very dangerous. Although it may seem fancy, and sometimes it does produce a good attack effect, once the opponent catches the gap, this kind of trick is possible. Be the turning point of your failure.

Qiyehuihun obviously also knew this truth, so he immediately reacted after his feet were off the ground. At this time, I lifted Qiye Huixun over my head and was about to smash it against the ground. Who knew that behind that guy, two structures similar to oblique triangles suddenly popped out, and the lower part of these two things suddenly burst out with a sudden bang. A fire snake more than two meters long. However, the rocket thruster of this thing is very different because it does not work continuously. The instant jet just lasted only a few tenths of a second, and no more than 0.5 seconds at most. It felt more like the moment when a large-caliber gun fired. Muzzle inflammation. However, although the jet lasted only a few tenths of a second, it produced a huge thrust in an instant. As I was lifting Qiye Huijin on top of my head and preparing to smash it down, I suddenly felt a force that pushed my whole person back. Overturned to the ground, and Qiye Huixun in his hand also flew out in an instant.

The Qiye Huixun, who broke free from my hand, immediately gathered up after flying out, and then rolled out along the ground to finally counteract the impact and stand up unharmed, and at this time I It also turned over and jumped up from the ground.

The previous transformation of Qiyehuihun was just an evil spirit, without the ability to fly at all. Didn’t expect this guy’s second transformation actually has the same configuration as a rocket booster. I just don't know if the thing on this guy's back can only be activated for a moment to assist in doing things like assisted jumping, or it can continue to work. Judging from the moment of activation, the thrust of this thing is enough to make Qiyehuihun fly, as long as it can continue to work, then Qiyehuihun will definitely be able to fly.

Although he was led a somersault, it was a gain to be able to discover the hidden ability of Qiyehuihun. The most important thing is to understand all the abilities of the opponent during the battle. Otherwise, even some seemingly unremarkable abilities, the skills may kill you at the critical moment. So, being able to discover Qiyehuihun's flying ability is a big gain.

The Qiyehuihun on the opposite side obviously didn’t care much about the exposure of this ability. Without any hesitation, he suddenly turned on the acceleration again and rushed in a straight line, and this time was different from before. His thruster was actually the same. After working for more than a second, he ran into me directly.

Looking at Qiye Huixun who rushed in front of me almost like a teleportation in the distance, I didn't meet force with force with him. Without accelerating in advance, staying still and colliding with the opponent after accelerating, this shows that it is a disadvantage. Therefore, instead of rushing forward, I jumped back and kept moving in the same direction before hitting him. I took advantage of the chance of picking up and placed my feet directly opposite that guy. Direction, and then we collided fiercely.

Although it was an impact, in fact, the first thing he touched was the sole of my foot, and then my legs bent rapidly in the air, in the process like a spring, while bending and absorbing energy, the upper body Accelerate, and when his legs are completely squeezed to the limit, most of the impact on his body has actually been removed. At this time, my body really started to hit and accelerate, and contracted myself into a ball in the air, and my whole body suddenly ejected from him. In the process of flying out, I rolled my head in the air. When I became a posture of head and feet, my body stretched slightly, and at this time, there were two more throwing knives in my hands. With the help of flip acceleration, I suddenly exerted force to throw the flying knife on the flying knife relying on my waist strength, arm strength, and the turning acceleration during the flip.

Two throwing knives with the power of repetition and repetition almost instantly hit Qiyehuihun’s eyes like two laser beams. Only a crisp sound of Ping was heard, and two flying knives were actually on him. The front was shattered, and the scattered metal fragments made dozens of holes in the surrounding ground like a torrential rain, and the guy's head also leaned back following the huge force, only a click was heard, I don't know if it was a flash. The sound of something hitting my neck or something else.

After seeing the flying knife hit, I no longer care about the flying knife over there. I hugged again and flew forward for more than ten meters with the turning power. The wings suddenly offset the force and fell on the ground. Looking at Qiye Huihun on the opposite side, he was sitting on the ground and rubbing his neck desperately, so that the moment he had just flashed to his neck.

The guy's head is now tightly wrapped in a carapace like a helmet, and his eyes are protected by a V-shaped crystal that penetrates from left to right. The two throwing knives just hit the crystal so they collapsed, but although his crystal guard is hard enough to block the huge kinetic energy carried by the two throwing knives, his cervical spine is obviously not as solid as expected. , This did let me discover a weakness.

The hardness of the biological shell on this guy's body surface is amazing, and he can even show good defensive ability in the face of eternity. This is something that even many Divine Items can't do. However, the inner skeleton of this guy looks like the original set of things, and it has not become impervious to sword and spear like the outer shell. In other words, if there is a huge force that the body cannot bear, then the outer shell of this guy Although there is no problem, the internal skeleton may be broken.

Now that you know the weakness, it's easier to handle. I would use heavy weapons to smash his skeleton system if I couldn’t penetrate the shell. Even if it had a biochemical shell like an outer skeleton, he was after all a humanoid creature. Without the support of an inner skeleton, I don’t believe he can move freely. His mobility is sure to be able to do it.

The Qiyehuihun on the opposite side moved his neck a little and looked towards me again, but this guy seemed to be afraid of my reaction ability, and he confronted me for a few seconds. Started to launch a second charge, but this time, unlike the previous one, he did not activate the thruster. I guess he might not want such a fast impact, so as not to be used by me again.

Although the thruster was not activated, the distance between the two parties was not far away. As soon as his side was activated, I immediately followed. The two people moved forward relative to each other, and the approach speed was naturally fast. In the blink of an eye, we collided again, but this time was different from the last time. The two of us didn't use any fighting skills to collide with each other, but held each other with palms. The palm of the opponent's hand became stronger.

Along with a loud explosion sound, a ring of naked eye visible shock waves suddenly exploded at the position where we hit each other, blowing away all the mud and sand on the ground, and the two of us It was completely deadlocked, and it seemed that there was no way to tell the outcome in a short period of time.

"hmph, the power of Purple Moon is only this." Qiye Huihun touched my hands and said with a sneer.

Looking at this arrogant and crazy guy, I am also coldly smiled, followed by my head and turned to the side. Qiye Huixun saw my gaze shifting, and his gaze unconsciously followed it. As a result, I immediately felt my heart tense when I saw it, because it was in the direction that he and I were looking, originally falling to the ground. The eternity actually shook.

Eternal will automatically attack this point. Qiyehuihun has known for a long time, but the battle with me just now was too fierce, and he completely forgot about this until he saw this eternity When he really moved, he realized what he had overlooked.

I saw that the eternity on the ground first vibrated, and then suddenly flew directly into the buzz of gold, but the eternity after flying did not fly over immediately, but deformed in the air. It shrank into a sphere, and then the sphere began to soften again, and then it rolled over there like a cloud. As the eternity continues to roll, its volume is also increasing, and in the blink of an eye it becomes the boss of the group, and then this huge eternal change of metal group begins to classify and gradually becomes two smaller metals. The group is split with these two metal groups separately, and the two metal groups become four metal groups in an instant. This is not over yet. After being divided into four metal clumps, it eternally began to deform, and the four metal clumps began to gradually elongate and form, and in the blink of an eye they became four double-headed swords.

The so-called double-headed sword means that both ends have blades, but there is only one hilt in the middle, as if two swords are spliced ​​together by hilt to hilt. However, the hilt in the middle of the four double-headed swords that has changed eternally is very short, about just the width that a person can hold, while the blades at both ends are very long, and the length of each side is very long. At about one meter two, the two sides linked together and the hilt in the center are more than two meters four, which is close to 2.5 meters in length.

After the four-handed double-headed sword was formed, Eternity still did not stop changing, but suddenly shook. The vibration of the four-handed double-headed sword became more and more intense. It was obvious that it was accumulating power. After about two seconds, I suddenly heard oh la la. The four-handed double-headed sword split at the same time, and each one was classified into one at a time. Three identical double-headed swords. Because it was the split of the four double-headed swords together, it became a twelve-handed double-headed sword this time, and the twelve-handed double-headed sword was still shaking after two seconds later, it was oh la. With a cry of la, it was divided into three again, and the twelve-handled double-headed sword became a thirty-six double-headed sword.

After the split was completed, the double-headed sword did not split again, but suddenly roared around me and Qiyehui Hun to form a sword circle. All the thirty-six double-headed swords remained vertical and evenly distributed around us.

After seeing this change, Qiye Huixun was also shocked, his gaze moved to my face again, only to find that I was looking at my feet, so he looked down towards the ground, as a result But I found that I don't know when a huge magic array appeared at my feet, and the thirty-six double-headed swords actually happened to be located on the outer ring of this magic array.

Seeing this situation, no matter how stupid I am, I know that I must be preparing for a big move. Fighting with me now is completely courting death, because my big move may take shape at any time, and his The attack is that the horoscope hasn't been swiped yet.

The Qiye Huishun who predicted that he would suffer a loss, of course, wanted to get rid of this situation immediately, so he hurriedly activated the thruster behind him to force me to accelerate and push me away, but the thruster behind him just unfolded At the moment, I suddenly lifted my head and looked into his eyes, and then said in my mouth: "Eternal-inescapable net array, give it to me."

Follow me At the start command exit, there were thirty-six double-headed swords floating around suddenly, starting from the one behind me, and inserting them into the ground directly below one by one in two directions. All the two-headed swords were inserted into the ground. It took more than a second, but at this time Qiye Huixun found that his body had completely lost control.

Qiye Huihun desperately tried to struggle with his burning eyebrows, but his body seemed to have suffered a fixation technique, completely unresponsive, simply couldn't move a bit, and what made him horrified, On the opposite side, I slowly let go of the hands clasped with it and slowly straightened my body.

At this time, I have completely separated my hand from his hand, which means that I simply didn’t compete with him anymore, but Qiyehuihun found that I still couldn’t move myself. In his body, it felt as if the space and time he was in had frozen. Although Qiye Huixun knew that this situation must have something to do with the big formation I set up with eternity, but what's the use of knowing? He couldn't move, his body has completely lost the ability to move, but I walked to his side leisurely and patted him with his cheeks deliberately stimulating him: "You brat is not my ability Is the investigation clear? How is it? Is there a way to crack this move?"

" damn bastard, you actually have hidden skills!" Although the body is completely unable to move , But Qiyehuihun's pronunciation ability is not subject to any restrictions, at least he is still free to speak now.

"This is not a hidden skill." I deliberately leaned one hand on the arm of Qiye Huigui who was still pushing forward, and then said in a leisurely manner: "This should be called ——Not needed. I usually encounter shrimp soldiers and crab generals. I have so many skills, how can I use everything? The troublesome enemy will be done with three axes, and the more troublesome ones are a hundred tricks. It's only within, many skills are not needed at all. So... don't think that you just check on the forum and think you know me well. You can even have a small character like you that no one has heard of. Hidden ability, do you think someone with a big BOSS-Rank like me will have no trump card?"

I thought that after listening to my words, the Seven Nights Resurrection Soul would be very frustrated. Who knew this guy suddenly laughed. "Hahahaha. Since you have said that, a nobody like me will also have some hidden skills. If I don't make some hidden skills, wouldn't I be sorry for your admiration? Then, let you see now that I am truly Hidden ability." Following Qiye's words back to the soul, his whole person suddenly moved, grabbing my body and threw me directly.

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