"His grandmother, did you brat use the cheat device?"

The attacks all came to nothing. This special state of Qiye Huixun's body is completely It's like the invisible version of the invincible mode, no matter what my attacks do not have any effect on him, but every one of his attacks is effective for me, this kind of battle can't be fought at all!

Seven nights back to the soul, who found that I was already a little timid, laughed triumphantly. "Hahahaha, know that fear right?? Today I will let you know what is failure and what is frustration."

"You are embarrassed to say me when you open a cheat device!" In fact, I know that "Zero" is impossible to open a cheat device, but the problem is that this guy's current situation is the same as the cheating mode. All of my attacks on him were ineffective. I simply didn't hurt him at all. It felt like I was fighting with a group of phantoms. The fists I shook were all hitting the air, which was meaningless.

"Whatever you say, you are not my opponent anyway, I want you to taste the taste of failure. Get ready to accept punishment!" Qiye Huihun said and rushed towards me again .

I turned around and ran as I watched the rushing Qiye Huihun. It is purely a mental illness to continue fighting when I can only be passively beaten. What we are fighting now is not a defensive battle. There is no pressure to escape. If it is a guard battle, because there is a base and cannot run, the death battle still makes sense. Now this situation is completely unnecessary! Even if you want to fight, you must first figure out what is going on in the invincible mode of Qiyehuihun. You can only be abused when you are so incapable of fighting, and you can't fight this battle at all!

"Frost Rose, reinforcements, I can't figure out this bastard later!" I was running and still contacting the Frost Rose reinforcements over there. Anyway, we will have such a big spaceship here. Isn't it a waste of resources not to use it?

The personnel on the Frost Rose had been on standby before, and immediately rushed over after receiving my notice. Qiye Huihun was chasing me and running behind me, and suddenly felt that the surrounding area was dark. When I looked up, I saw a huge monster stopped on top of his head.

The Frost Rose, which is moving at the same speed as us, looks like it is hovering over our heads, and when Qiye Huigui looked up, it happened to see the armor plate under the Frost Rose. It flipped and folded for a while, and then exposed a large area of ​​hideous muzzle.

"Fuck..." Qiye Huijin only shouted so loudly and was instantly covered by the intensive artillery fire. The people around only saw countless multi-colored horror bullets pouring down like a torrential rain under the Frost Rose. The Seven Nights Soul was completely covered by the attack of the cheat book. The ground below except for the tumbling flames. I couldn't see anything outside, even I was stunned by the shock wave.

The attack lasted for thirty seconds before it completely stopped, and when the attack stopped, the entire battlefield was quiet. Everyone looked at the location of Qiye Huixun in a daze, but they couldn't see anything except the tumbling smoke.

Suddenly, just when everyone thought that Seven Nights Soul had been killed, a silhouette flew out of the smoke and dust, and flew straight toward the Frost Rose above.

"Fuck me!" I knew it was not good when I saw the silhouette that popped out suddenly. I quickly yelled to the communicator: "Climb up and up, that guy is going to you!" The communicator yelled that I had spread my wings on one side, and the four jets were fully opened. The whole person immediately got off the ground and soared into the sky, chasing Qiye Huixun and flew past.

The Frost Rose in the sky received my notification and the reaction was very quick. There were dozens of jets on both sides of the spaceship, suddenly colleagues sprayed long flames, and the Frost Rose followed the flames. While turning to accelerate, he began to climb, and two rows of more than a dozen windows were opened on both sides of the Frost Rose. Dozens of densely packed aircraft with strange-looking shapes broke away from the spaceship shell to welcome the Seven Nights. Just flew over.

The good Qiyehuihun is flying upwards. Seeing the oncoming aircraft, there is no intention to slow down at all. The first few aircrafts have started to launch a round towards Qiyehuihun from a long distance. A red or green light bullet, but it’s the same as my attack. Qiye Huihun simply doesn’t exist. After the light bullet hits him, it continues to fly forward as if it hits nothing, passing directly on his body. Past.

Follow-up aircraft saw this situation but did not stop their attacks. They were still pouring firepower, but the results were the same no matter how many times they attacked, and they simply couldn't hurt Qiye Huijing.

It was discovered that the attack was invalid. Our aircraft did not give up. The attack was invalid. These aircraft ran into it by themselves, but the result was still the same. However, at the moment when another aircraft crashed into Qiyehuihun, Qiyehuihun suddenly turned around and hit the outer shell of the aircraft when half of his body passed through the aircraft. We didn't hear any sound because it was too far away, but the aircraft suddenly rolled over to one side, but quickly recovered its balance and didn't fall directly.

"Damn it, what's the situation?" The pilot who was beaten in the pilot channel complained.

The wingman who was flying next to him looked at his companion and said, "It seems that the outer shell is deflated. Don't worry, I didn't break it through."

"His grandfather dare to hurt me. What’s the source of this guy’s love machine?"

"I don’t know, no matter what the attack is, it will be invalid. Just like a cheat device, the boss can’t stand it!"

Although the pilots are as depressed as me, their desperate interference finally played a role. The Frost Rose looked huge, but its flexibility was not as bad as imagined. On the contrary, the maneuverability of the Frost Rose is very good. After Qiyehuihun was obstructed by the aircraft over there, the Frost Rose had already accelerated to the sky, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Although Qiyehuihun found that the Frost Rose was about to run, it began to ignore the aircraft behind him. Constantly speeding up the pursuit, but the large aircraft may not be as agile as the small aircraft, but when it comes to extreme speed, the big guy is definitely faster.

Seeing the distance getting farther and farther, Qiyehuihun knew that I simply couldn't catch up with the Frost Rose, and at this time, I had also caught up to stand in front of Qiyehuihun.

When facing me, Qiye Huixun did not directly rush over like those flying machines, but only after a short pause did it start rushing towards me. His purpose of continuing to fly at this time is actually not the Frost Rose over there but me, but now the Frost Rose has proven that its attack is invalid, so I can't count on others, and can only go on it myself. Fortunately, my reaction speed is more than ten times faster than Qiye Huixun with all the brain functions on. All his movements appear to me to be similar to slow-motion playback, so there is no danger, just like that. Being beaten is quite annoying!

The Qiyehuihun, who rushed up again, didn’t care at all. He raised his hand to me and hit him with a punch. I drew his fist to one side, turning around and kicking, but the result was still nowhere. The material passed through his body without any effect at all.

The proud Qiyehuihun took this opportunity and kicked my head directly with one leg. I quickly raised my hand to the side of the head, and Qiyehuihun kicked my arm heavily. , The huge power made me somersault in the air and flew out. As soon as Qiyehuihun turned around, he wanted to catch up and continue to attack, but a flying machine suddenly rushed over, a string of magic bullets flew over, Qiyehuihun instinctively dodged, and then remembered that he simply didn't need to dodge the attack. But when he realized I had stabilized my body again and faced him again.

Although I lost a good opportunity, Qiyehuihun is not discouraged. Anyway, he seems to have the absolute initiative now. All my attacks are ineffective. Only he can do whatever he wants. The attack on me, this advantage is really too great. Therefore, even if he lost an opportunity to attack, this guy didn't worry at all, but rushed up again confidently.

This time, Qiyehuihun didn’t make a big move as soon as he came up. It was probably discovered. My defensive power and reaction speed are exaggerated, so his big moves are basically blocked by me. What is the role of starting with this. So, he flew directly in front of me this time and played a quick punch.

As soon as I touched this guy, it was a side kick. I blocked his leg with one hand and found that his strength was much weaker than before, so I immediately understood that this was a false move. Sure enough, immediately after this guy was blocked by me, a hand knife cut to my neck, but my reaction was super fast. I immediately raised my hand to block his hand knife, and this guy’s hand knife was not very strong. When the hand knife was blocked, it was another straight punch, but my left hand blocked his offensive line in advance as if it had predictive ability, so I called this fist and was picked up again, and within two seconds this guy continued. Almost fifty attacks have been launched against me. This is already the extreme speed of his punches, and this attack is already a completely aimless punch. If we calculate the orbit accurately every time, we can't do more than 20 attacks per second with human response. Although someone can hit this speed in boxing, it is also an instinctive, non-specific aiming attack. It is not really the result of brain thinking. It can only be said that it is a simple consciousness of punching back and then punching. The method we use for command is different from the way we usually attack.

However, although the attacker can use the Consciousness Attack to increase his speed, the defending party cannot do so, because you need to accurately calculate the opponent’s attack position before you can intercept it, so The defensive side always calculates more than the offensive side. This is why everyone wants the initiative in the battle, because the attacker has a smaller burden and a better record.

Although Qiyehuishun has already maximized his attack speed, and his speed is indeed not bad, but unfortunately, it is still slow in front of me, and all the attacks are successful by me. Blocking it didn't hurt me at all, but I couldn't do anything to him.

This state of blindly being pressed and beaten can't stand it for a long time. Although I can bear it a little bit better, it's not a way to go on like this. In desperation, I had no choice but to connect with the military god first, and while fighting with Qiye Huigui, distracted and said to the military god: "Help me connect with all the players in the guild who can play better, as well as the think tank, and join the voice conference. "

"It's connected."

"Attention, everyone, I am Purple Moon, please help me. I have a little trouble here, there is a guy... …" I briefly talked about the situation of Qiyehuishun, and then I continued: "Which one of you can deal with this kind of enemy? Your boss, I am almost depressed to death! I can only be beaten and cannot fight back. This is simply necessary Human life!"

"We are not there and don’t know what kind of abilities that Qiyehuihui uses, even if we want to give advice, we don’t know what to say!" Hong Yue in the newsletter Sighed in the channel.

gold coin followed: "Have you tried special attribute attacks?"

"I have used everything that can be used! All other magic attacks, physical attacks, soul I have tried attack, even curse, Immortal Technique, and witchcraft, all of which are useless! That guy is like an illusion, but every attack he launches on me is real!"

< p>"This is troublesome!" Zhen Hong said: "Have you tried the extreme skill output?"

"I haven't tried it yet! I don't dare to try it! Now we are all using the super mode , Once I use a big move, the maintenance time will inevitably decrease. What if I change back before that guy is miserable?"

"This is also true!" After Hong Yue finished speaking, it seemed that there was no other way. .

After a little silence in the channel, Su Mi's voice suddenly rang. "Purple Moon, don't you still have a destiny Goddess? Her arrow of destiny should be regarded as a causal weapon? Have you tried it?"

"I forgot about this. You wait, I’ll give it a try!"

After getting the prompt, I directly blasted Qiyehuihun’s attack with a few moves, and then moved away from him in an instant when the thrusters were fully opened, and then suddenly turned around before Qiyehuihun caught up. My hands were shooting arrows in the air. Numerous golden light particles quickly gathered in my hands to form a huge golden bow and transplanted golden light glittering golden arrows. At the same time, a huge Wheel of Fate appeared in front of me.

Although Qiyehuihun who was in the pursuit saw this thing, because he had been in an invincible state, he didn’t react at all to this large skill of mine, and he still didn’t dodge forward. Rush. Of course, the arrow of destiny is perfect, even if he dodges it is useless, so far no one can dodge this trick. Even the Divine King Zeus of Olympus Divine Race did not escape.

"The arrow of destiny." With the sudden release of the two fingers of my right hand, the golden arrow shot out, first hitting the center of the huge golden wheel, and then the golden light flashed accelerated He rushed forward, passing through Qiyehuihun's body in the center of his eyebrows, but Qiyehuihun that had been rushed suddenly stopped on the spot. Obviously, the arrow of destiny has taken effect.

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