"Honor—Divine Weapon."

With Qiye Huixun's cry, his whole person suddenly tore apart from the middle. No, not so much that he was torn apart, but rather the skin on his body was torn apart from the middle. I saw Qi Ye Hui Hun ripped his skin from the middle, and then got out from the inside, but the body that got out was not the same as the red ghost that I saw before, but turned into a height of about It is 1.9 meters away, with a pair of horns extending backwards on the head, and the whole body is covered with brand new creatures with an armor-like shell.

The current Seven Nights Resurrection Soul is more like a warrior in armor than a human being, because he simply can’t see any biological characteristics, at least the creatures on Earth are definitely not. There will be those physical characteristics of this guy now. The exposed parts of his entire body don't look like living tissues, but very much like Insect's carapace, but the texture is more cold and hard, with a strong metallic feel. I remember that there was a very red cartoon called "Universe Knight". After being parasitized by extraterrestrial creatures, the human beings in it will become a humanoid combat creature covered with armor, but the current Seven Nights Resurrection is a bit like that. It's just that his body armor doesn't look as smooth as the creature in the cartoon, but it seems to have been frosted.

The completed transformation of Qiye Huixun seemed to have completely offset all the previous damage, and when I stood in front of me again, I couldn't see any injuries. Similar to him, I also entered the best state after completing the combined state. Now my battle strength is the Purple Moon that is recognized by the system as the number one in the world battle strength list, and the usual appearance can only be said to be me. The conventional form.

"Didn't expect, right?" Qiye Huihun looked at the opposite me and said with a unique voice with a metallic vibrato: "You are not the only one who has the final form, I can also transform The final form. Now that everyone is back to the same starting line, let's divide it up, right?"

"It seems that your resentment towards me is really deep enough. Although I don't remember you are Who, after all, I have crushed to death with an insect like you. However, you can be considered unique if you can do this. Unfortunately, no matter how hard you make, you can still only be mine. defeated."

"Arrogant guy." Qiye Huihun looked at me proudly and said, "You may not know it? I have done a special analysis of the battle strength in this mode. You can definitely say that you are stepping on your feet. Don’t think that you are the number one in the battle strength list and you can really surpass everything. The system score may not necessarily be equal to the absolute strength."

"It seems that you feel pretty good. , I won’t convince you of anything, but you’re also impossible to convince me."

"In that case, let’s see the real chapter under our hands!" Qiye Huihun suddenly lifted up after speaking. He pointed his right arm to my side, and then the carapace on the back of his hand suddenly opened like an eye, revealing a red crystal. Almost at the moment and when this thing appeared, the crystal suddenly lit up, and then shot a red beam toward me.

I said before that the beam weapons in the game do not necessarily travel at the speed of light. Some of them are real beam rays, and the propagation speed is the speed of light. Most of the time the beams emitted by the skills that players use are actually energy beams. This kind of energy beam is mostly magical skills. Although it looks like a beam of light, it is not a beam of light. They travel very fast in the air. Basically, it is not a problem to double the speed of sound. But that is not a light beam after all, and the fact that ordinary players can't flash it doesn't mean that I can't flash it either.

Under the Divine Domain mode, my attributes have soared to a level that guards the sky. In this mode, my body can actually do some very exaggerated things. If it is an ordinary player, even if all the attributes on my body are transplanted, it is impossible to play all my battle strength, because this physical quality still needs the corresponding response nerve to control. Players who have played simulation racing games may experience that although the high level cars in the game have outstanding acceleration and extreme speeds, they are often not as good as driving for novices. A bad car is better. This is because the performance of the high-level car is too good, and the novice's response can't keep up, so that it keeps hitting the wall or sliding off the track, and the result is not as fast as the low-level car that can perform stably.

My Divine Domain mode is like a super racing car. As long as you lightly touch the accelerator, the whole car will suddenly jump out like a rocket launching. Those with a slightly slower reaction will just head straight. I hit something in front of me. For this kind of player, instead of using my body, it is better to use his own body to have a stronger battle strength. At any rate, his body can move normally, right?

Of course, the above situation only occurs when the response nerves cannot keep up with the physical attributes, and what if the body attributes cannot keep up with the nerve response speed? At this time, the situation is just the opposite. You don’t have to worry about the uncontrollable problem of a high-performance body, but the more powerful the body is, the easier it is to use, because the reaction speed of this body can be close to yourself. Feeling handy.

Under my Divine Domain mode, the attribute is almost out of reach. If most people control the body of this attribute, they might even struggle to walk normally, but I’m Dragon Clan, and I usually work at one-eighth speed. Dragon Clan in mode. Today, in order to deal with the Seven Nights Resurrection, I not only used the Divine Domain combination, but also activated my entire brain into the normal mode. Although the assisted acceleration mode of the electronic brain is not turned on, even in the normal mode, it is eight times the normal reaction speed, and even if I run in the one-eighth speed mode, it is twice the limit of the normal person's reaction speed. In other words, my brain computing speed at this time should be sixteen times that of a normal person. In this mode, as long as the body functions can keep up, I can theoretically do anything at sixteen times the speed of a normal person.

No matter how the Qiyehuihun on the opposite side collects my information, he can only know my attributes in the game. He is impossible to know about the things in my reality anyway. So, although I haven't changed anything in his eyes, in fact, the me at this time is completely different from what I was a second ago.

Just as the opponent’s red ray was shooting at twice the speed of sound, the claws on my wrist suddenly popped out like lightning, followed by my arm lifted up a little bit and deflected. At an angle, the red ray from the opponent hit the flashing reflecting surface on the side of the claw, and then was instantly refracted back to hit his own chest, blowing his whole person back for a small amount. However, compared to this little injury on his body, Qiye Huixun's heart was obviously more hurt, because he couldn't figure out how I did it.

"Are you just like that? Then I have to do it." Slowly lowered my arms, the claws slammed back automatically, I just moved towards Qiyehuihun one step at a time I walked over, and the other party took a step back in shock under my imposing manner.

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