Looking back at the injury on his waist, Qiyehuihun obviously felt a little surprised, but I can also understand his current mood. In fact, his current mood and I should be It's about the same. But to be honest, I have been fighting with this Seven Nights Soul for so long now. My biggest discovery is that this guy's melee ability is really outstanding. I'm sure this kid is definitely trained in reality. , Otherwise, many actions are absolutely impossible to do.

In fact, although the game "Zero" is fair to everyone in theory, the different ways of thinking of each person actually seriously affect the balance of this game. Among them, the most important feature is in reality. Those who have practiced martial arts in the game can often take advantage if they choose a warrior class that requires close occupations in the game.

Of course, what I mean by taking advantage of this does not mean that martial arts practitioners can also play martial arts fighting effects in the game. After all, the player’s system output in the game depends on attributes. Yes, it's not that you have developed a deep tendon in reality, and you can transform into Superman in the game. What the player really brings into the game is not the physical changes, but the psychological, mental changes. Give a simpler example. A martial artist, if he is kicked in the abdomen by an enemy in battle, his first reaction is to find a chance to fight back or quickly protect the vitals and pull away to avoid continuous blows, but an ordinary person who has never fought before. One reaction is often to cover the pain in the abdomen and then not knowing what to do. The reaction of these two people determines that the damage they will receive in the subsequent battles will not be the same.

In addition, a common advantage for a martial artist to do is to create skills. Because "Zero" has its own skill settings, if the player has played a certain fighting skill that conforms to a certain mechanics law in battle, the system will ask you if you want to record this skill temporarily. After that, when you have finished this battle, you can go to the skill cultivation place, and then find a room there to study, modify and improve according to the type of coherent attack recorded by the system, and finally you can generate a Set your own fighting skills. This kind of skill is your own skill as long as it is created. From then on, the system will judge your skill based on the calculation of the physical calculus model. According to the result of this judgment, your skill can get an additional damage value. Moreover, after this skill is created, the player as the creator himself immediately gains Level 10 proficiency. At the same time, as a creator, your upper limit of proficiency for this skill will not be Level 20, which is the upper limit of normal skills, but Level 21. .

Don’t underestimate Level 1 because the level of skill is not the same concept as the player’s level. As the player's level increases, the amount of strength enhancement obtained for each Level 1 is exactly the same, just because after the level is higher, you can use higher level equipment and learn higher level skills, so it seems that the player's strength increase will be better than the level increase. Be fast, that is to say, the battle strength of a 1,000-level player is definitely more than a thousand times that of a Level 1 player. However, this is actually just an illusion. As I said, in fact, players get the same improvement every Level 1. The reason why everyone feels that high-level players are much better than low-level players in the later stage is mainly because high-level players have better equipment and more powerful skills, and Not entirely because of the increase in attributes brought about by higher levels.

On the contrary, the effect of skill improvement is that the more you get to the later stage, the more perverted you are.

General skills have such a pattern. Once Level 5 is upgraded super fast, basically a player can rise to Level 5 or higher within three days of learning a skill, and in this process the ability value of the original effect is only increased by the skill. Make an analogy. A player acquires a Fireball Technique skill, Level 1 has an initial damage of 50 points, a release speed of once every three seconds, and a cooldown of five seconds. Before reaching Level 5, all the upgrades are all existing data, that is, the damage value will continue to rise, the release speed will continue to increase, and the cooling time will continue to decrease, and this change process is a constant speed, that is, it changes every Level 1. The percentages are the same.

However, once a skill rises above Level 5, additional effects will begin to appear at this time. For example, when Fireball Technique reaches Level 5, splash damage effects will begin to appear. In addition to directly hitting the target, Enemies within a certain range around will also receive a certain amount of damage, and as the skill level increases, the formidable power and range of this splash damage will gradually increase.

In fact, the situation of skill addition effects is not fixed. After Level 5, most skills will add one to three different effects. This process will continue until after the 15th level, but different skills have additional effects. The number and intensity of the are not the same. This also distinguishes the quality of skills. A high-level skill can often pursue one effect with two Level 3s, while a low-level skill will be the same as the Fireball Technique. If you upgrade from Level 1 to 15th level, you can only add two effects and it's over. Some special Niucha skills may even have an effect of Level 1. Of course, skills of that level are rare.

The skill changes after 15th level are slightly unstable. After reaching the 15th level, ordinary or second-level skills will only increase the percentage of all previous skills, instead of chasing skills. High level skills may still maintain their previous state for one or two levels to give a new effect. And this state will be maintained until Level 18, but after reaching Level 18, all skills including Fireball Technique will give you a special effect per level, that is, Level 3 of 18, 19, and 20. You can get three additional effects. Moreover, this Level 3 will also increase the percentage of the previous effect, and it will increase according to the quality of the skill. The worse skills are the same as before Level 18, and the good skills may even appear at the final Level 3 with three times the speed improvement effect before. For example, for a certain attack skill, the attack power increased by 500 points per level 1 or directly increased by 50%, but the final level 3 may increase by 1,500 damage per level or 100%. Fifty damage, anyway, the speed is three times the previous. Of course, the triple increase is not the limit, because I have several skills that can increase the follow-up effect by more than five times.

So, the higher level skills are more scary in the later stage, and the self-created skills can be upgraded to Level 1, so the final damage output is simply sensational. It’s okay if the formidable power of your skills is relatively low when they are created. If they are high-damage skills at the beginning, then the later stage will go against the sky. If you carry some additional skill level equipment or something on your body, it is simply an ultimate weapon.

So, self-created skills are definitely a very scary skill. Once you reach the full level, it is definitely much more than the general skill formidable power. Because of this, those who practice martial arts in reality definitely have a lot of advantage in the game. Of course, these are still secondary, and the most important thing is your reaction.

When "Zero" first started operating, many people complained about why a virtual reality game has agile settings. Is it possible that a person stands still, as long as he is agile, and the opponent kicks and beats at him, but the MISS effect does not stop appearing? Isn't this cheating?

In fact, this is simply not the case. Everyone’s guess is correct. In "Zero" the person with high agility really doesn’t have to do anything. It’s hard for you to cause harm to him, but this is not what everyone had previously guessed. After hitting the opponent, the MISS effect appears on the opponent, and then the damage is not calculated. That kind of setting is a bit too fake.

Actually, the agile setting used in the game "Zero" is realized by a function called "active intervention assistance". Maybe some smart people know how this effect is achieved when they see the name. That's right, the system helps players manipulate characters. It's like player skills. As long as you call out the name of the skill you own, and the release conditions of this skill are met, the system will automatically control your body to exercise your body according to the release effect of the skill, so as to complete something that you absolutely cannot do or the success rate is very high. Low movements. This way of controlling your body assisted by the system is actually the so-called active interventional assistance. And the agile attributes in the game are actually achieved in this way.

When two players are fighting, even if the player with high agility does not respond to the enemy's attack in time, as long as your agility is high enough, there is a certain probability that active dodge will be triggered. It is the system that will help you manipulate the game characters to dodge, thus achieving the MISS effect.

This kind of active dodge effect is the same as the auxiliary control in the skill. It is done by the system for you. You don’t need to participate at all. Moreover, there is a set of very clever settings in "Zero". That is, intervention assistance is not absolute control, but a kind of control that can actively intervene. To put it simply, when the system assists in controlling your skill release or dodge action, as long as you use your own thinking to actively intervene, you can make fine-tuning in the action, even if your wishes are completely opposite to the system's auxiliary actions. , Or when the difference is too large, the system will automatically terminate the auxiliary process forcibly.

The advantage of this setting is that it makes the auxiliary control appear natural and flexible, and it is not easy to make jokes. For example, there was an experimental virtual reality game in the past, which also has similar skills assistance, that is, the player shouts the name of the skill, and then the body will automatically move to use the skill. As a result, because there was no active intervention mode, a lot of jokes were made in the end. For example, in a set of combos, the enemy has obviously dodged, but the player is still there because the skill is not over yet, he is still there and hit the air indiscriminately. This behavior is obviously quite brain-dead. There is also a player standing on the edge of a cliff and confronting the enemy, the structural enemy punches, the agile attribute is activated, and the system controls the player to dodge backwards, but he jumps off the cliff. This all sounds pretty idiotic, but I have to admit that the system can really do this kind of thing without the player's autonomous control.

By comparison, "Zero" is much better. For one thing, the game system in "Zero" is smarter. As mentioned before, the system is absolutely impossible to manipulate the player to hit the air and jump off the cliff. Secondly, even if there is a situation that the system cannot judge, for example When Masaga Matsumoto and I face-to-face with Japanese players, sometimes I need to pretend to be hit. In this case, the system is definitely not able to judge, but because "Zero" can be actively controlled, I can completely interrupt the system's dodge action, and the opposite Matsumoto Masaga can also control the skill formidable power, which is not really a big one. Trick me to death.

However, although the agile attributes in "Zero" produce very powerful auxiliary control effects, the system does not exclude the player's active dodge.

Players with high agility attributes do have a higher probability of MISS, that is, when the enemy attacks him, the system will frequently intervene to help him dodge the enemy’s attack. However, this frequent dodge does not mean a percentage. Hundred dodges. That is, not every time the enemy attacks the system, it will step in to help you dodge. The frequency of this intervention depends entirely on the numerical gap between you and your opponent's agility attributes. If the agility values ​​of the two of you are exactly the same, then the system’s active dodge intervention probability will be about 15%, that is, the other party attacks you 100 times, you can get 15 system’s active intervention dodges, and if you 'S agility is higher than the opponent's, the dodge probability will continue to rise, but the highest is only a 95% cap. In other words, even if a 10,000-level sensitive warrior encounters a Level 20 meat shield type warrior, when this warrior attacks a sensitive warrior, there is a 5% probability that the system will not intervene in evasion.

From this point, it can be seen that the system's dodge probability is actually quite unstable, it's just try one's luck. However, there is a kind of dodge that does not require try one's luck, that is, the dodge carried out by the player.

When a player is attacked by another player, if you discover the opponent's actions in advance and manipulate your body to dodge, and you do avoid the opponent's attack, then the system Of course, you won’t be forced to be judged because of your low agility. The system of "Zero" is not so cheating.

Of course, because the agility attribute is directly related to your motivation speed, so if your agility is really very low, it is possible that you can see the opponent’s attack route but find that your body can’t keep up with yourself. The will of the situation is completely inescapable. Moreover, besides you have agile attributes, the other party also has agile attributes. This agile attribute will not only trigger the system's active intervention dodge when you are under attack, but it is more likely to trigger an ability called "intrusive auxiliary locking".

Like intervention dodge, this intervention lock is the ability of the system to help you target your opponent. Even if you are a cross-eyed person, it's okay to see things with double shadows, the system will actively interfere with your attack actions according to your agility attributes to help you aim at your target. This is also the reason why any player in the game can use complex weapons like bows and arrows. Although the shooting accuracy of players who are not professional archers is definitely quite bad, at least every player can shoot the arrow in the specified direction as long as they pick up a bow. This is for sure. And if it's in reality...think about the archery game in the amusement park! Don't say hit the target. Let go of the bowstring and find that the arrow is still in his hand. As for those who shoot arrows into the sky or fly behind... well, this is really a common phenomenon.

Anyway, to put it together, the system will actively intervene in our attacking actions in the game, thus allowing you to make a lot of actions that you actually need a lot of practice to do in reality.

However, defensive intervention of system has a trigger probability, while offensive intervention has an intervention range. In other words, if your agility is not high enough, even if the system lets you shoot the arrow, it is not as simple as where to hit it. There are many other things in the process.

However, if you are an archery player and can almost hit a hundred shots, in the game, do you think the system will actively intervene to make the good arrows you aim at fly off the target? Obviously not. Therefore, even if the agility attribute of the ray player in the system is not high enough, his bow and arrow accuracy rate is quite amazing, but because the lethality of the arrow shot by the archer in the game is also linked to agility, so if this player does not improve If he is agile, the arrow he shoots is accurate, but the formidable power after the hit may be very low. Of course this is what I described as an extreme request. Under normal circumstances, if a player who knows how to shoot in reality chooses the archer profession, then he will definitely focus on strengthening his agility attributes in the game, and then cooperate with him. Skilled shooting skills are naturally much better than ordinary archer professional players.

As far as I know, the more famous archer players in the game are almost all real bow and arrow masters, after all, the advantages are too obvious.

Similarly, if the warrior is originally a martial artist, then in the game, your dodge ability is definitely better than ordinary people, even if the system does not actively intervene in dodge, you can dodge yourself, as long as Your agility is not much lower than the opponent's. In most cases, players who practice martial arts can actively dodge the opponent's attack and counterattack. This is why many players find me super difficult to deal with. Because I am Dragon Clan, my reflex nerves are different from humans, and my natural response is N times faster than all humans. In addition, I have learned military fighters in reality, and later I also learned Primal Chaos Fist. Although I did not practice for long, because Dragon Clan's learning ability is super strong, I have practiced for 20 or 30 years compared to most. Primal Chaos Fist's so-called Tai Chi expert is even more powerful.

With such a foundation, plus my own agility attributes are quite exaggerated, so as long as I get serious in the game, the enemy simply won’t be able to touch me, except for those who use long-range weapons like the gun god. Because the speed is too fast, no matter how high my agility is, I can’t guarantee a flash past, or a mage player like Kristina, the attack method is with tracking, flash can’t flash, otherwise, the average player really does it. I can't do anything about it. Let's not talk about whether it can be close, even if it is close, they can't touch me with my dodge ability.

The guy in Qiyehuihun had already had a short fight with me before eating the corpse, and I found out in the process. Not only can I practice martial arts in this Qiye Huihun, but this guy seems to know me very well. Many of his tricks seem ordinary, but in fact they are all designed according to my fighting habits. It can be said that after many of his moves are made, I will hit myself. Unless this guy can predict, I can only think that this guy has done special training on my attack methods, so that because he is too familiar with my movements, I can predict a certain degree in advance.

This kind of speculation can be said to be quite bold, because although I am ranked first in the world battle strength list, I have specially designed a set of combat skills for me, and I have also worked hard. This is obvious It's not something normal people can do. Because it's like a person doing nothing all his life, just thinking about how to make another person's life unhappy. Although it is possible for him to achieve his goal, this person’s life has actually been ruined, because the starting point of all his actions is to pit the person he wants to harm, and he has never considered himself, you say this kind of person How can there be a future and a life?

The things that Seven Nights Soul did in the game are obviously the same as the guys I mentioned before. Everything in the game seems to be specifically designed for me. His battle strength exists entirely to restrain me. This extreme approach is obviously not something normal people can do. So, I infer that this guy must be someone I knew before, and this guy must have a big hatred with me, maybe he was killed by me to delete his account, and then changed his character and came out of Novice Village again.

If this is the case, I can understand why he targeted me so hard. Moreover, before Nobunaga Oni Shou, the iron-armed steel bear, and the mummy were still there, this Seven Nights Resurrection once had a very emotional state. At that time, I felt that this guy had a subjective attitude towards me. Certain emotions such as hatred or hatred are obviously not the emotions that normal people should have. Therefore, now that I have this kind of speculation, I am more certain of the previous judgment.

This guy is a certain player I have killed before, and he must be the character who deleted the account and retrained.

However, even though I thought of this kind of probability, I can't remember who this guy is.

The reason why I can't remember it is not that I have a bad memory, but because of two reasons. First, I can go to this step today, and there must be a lot of people offended. tall trees attract the wind. I am the number one in the world battle strength list, and I lead the Frost Rose League, the first guild in the world, and I can be said to be a Peak character in the whole world. Who believes that no one hates this kind of existence? When the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds. One hundred people can have one hundred ideas. Some people hate one person without a reason. He may not even have seen you because he simply heard or saw some of your actions being reported or relayed in his head, and then he hates you and even hates you because of his own values ​​and personal likes and dislikes. .

This is actually a normal situation. For example, someone kind-hearted willing to help others has never had any conflict with others. One day the unfathomable mystery was stabbed by someone, and in the end the police caught the guy who stabbed him for interrogation. The reason was that he had refused before. The courtship of many girls. The man himself looks handsome, has good family conditions, and is a good person, without any obvious shortcomings, so he is naturally welcomed by the girl. However, this guy is very dedicated. After finding a girlfriend, he always refused to make an active courtship with other girls, and never played ambiguously with others. It seems that this is correct, and there is nothing wrong with it at all. However, the guy who stabbed him was not pleasing to his eyes, because this guy always has so many girls chasing after him, and he still refuses others, and this guy chasing other girls on his own and he still doesn't pay attention to him. As a result, he compares his psychology. I was unbalanced, and I was a little irritated in the end, so I went straight up and stabbed someone.

At first glance, this kind of reason seems absurd and ridiculous, but you have to admit that there are such people in reality, and they seem to be quite a lot. There will be one or two out of every three to five. You can't understand the theory of such mentally disabled people as normal people, and if you can understand, then I can only say that you either see through the world or are about to be abnormal.

Considering that there are so many weird characters in the world, it’s okay if you are a low-key ordinary people, because you are not famous and there are not many people who know you, so contradictions and unfathomable mystery occur. The probability of hating it is not high. But, how do you say that a person like me should hide myself? There are so many people who know me. Among them, we can definitely find some strange characters like the one mentioned before, and the reason they hate me may be all kinds of strange things.

Furthermore, even if you don't consider those people, even if you follow the logical reasoning of normal people, my enemies are absolutely scary.

First of all, I was the number one in the world battle strength list, so I blocked many people's dream of becoming the number one. Although they are still a certain distance away from my strength for the time being, they still feel subdued. People were not satisfied, so I became the target of hatred.

Secondly, the Frost Rose League became the first guild in the world. This process of development and growth is naturally impossible.

To put it bluntly, the Frost Rose League is with armed groups, and its development is naturally to grow up in battle. We have defeated so many guilds and robbed so many resources. Some of these things are natural resources and we directly occupy them, but there are still some that were originally discovered by guilds or individuals. We are in various battles. Taking it over, it must have hurt the interests of those people. Of course, many of them will hold grudges against us and develop revenge against us. Not to mention anything else, you can draw out millions of my enemies by just looking for it in this place in Japan. Do you think it’s weird for someone to take revenge on me as a goal in life under such circumstances?

Based on the above theory, it can be said that this Qiyehuihun 100% is the kind of person who specifically troubles me, and his skill settings and various abilities are most likely designed specifically for my abilities. Over.

According to my understanding of system, it seems that the system of "Zero" will take the initiative to create some incidents. For example, if two guilds compete with each other, the system will usually design some situations specifically for them to facilitate their battle, and in the process, the system will also deliberately make a certain tilt towards the weaker side. The advantage of this is obvious, that is, it will become more frequent and more intense. Because the system took the initiative to create troubles to provoke the battle, the guilds that were only secretly competing with each other directly fought. And because the system assists and strengthens the weaker side, the one-sided battle becomes evenly matched, at least the same level battle. The result of this is that the battle becomes more violent, and the game becomes more lively. stand up.

Of course, although the system will cause trouble and strengthen the weaker party’s strength, it is a kind of secret assistance. Generally, it will not let you find any traces. It will not be very obvious. After all, if the powerhouse Always deliberately weakened by the system, who has the motivation to strengthen themselves? So, this change is just a change in some details, the purpose is to make the world in the game more chaotic. After all, "Zero" is still a world based on battle. If the world is peaceful, how to play it?

Although I know about the situation of Qiyehuihuo now, the problem to be solved right now is how to control this guy. At least you have to get rid of it first.

The one we fight just now has caused both of us to suffer a bit. It can be seen that this guy has become quite powerful. Most of his tests have been completed here, because he has confirmed that his ability to swallow corpses is indeed very difficult to deal with, so I no longer need this guy to continue to exist. However, it seems that he had eaten too many corpses before, so that I can't control the scene a little bit now. But... now that I have made up my mind to kill this guy, I naturally have to do my best. As long as you enter the full body mode, I believe this guy should be easy to get it.

After I figured it out, I didn't delay anymore, and immediately moved again, but this time I didn't use a big trick, but suddenly threw a ball out.

The Qiye Huihun on the opposite side saw the sphere I threw instinctively to roll aside, and immediately accelerated towards me after landing. Seeing Qiye Huixun rushing over like a bull, I didn’t mean to evade at all. Instead, I hugged my head and squatted down and blocked my shield in front of me. The guy looked back when he saw my action. He lost the sphere I threw out, but the sphere he saw on the ground exploded into crystal powder with a ping on the ground, and there was no danger at all.

After seeing that this thing did not explode violently, nor did it release any corrosive poison qi, Qiye Huixun immediately realized that he had been fooled, but when he turned his head, he just saw me rushing there. In front of him, the eternal bottom-up sword in his hand pierced his throat. Qiye Huixun, who had no time to dodge between the warehouses, could only avoid the sword edge with his head, and then stretched out the huge ghost claw and pinched it towards the eternal sword.

If you are an ordinary person, holding the eternal blade with your hand is basically like putting your hand into a blender. But this guy’s skin is rough, flesh is thick, I’ve learned it before, so when he grabbed it, I let go of eternity decisively, and then I knelt on the ground and leaned back. I slid directly under my body, and then before this guy could react, I just stood up and jumped up, and went directly to this guy's back.

Feeling that I was on his back, Qiye Huixun immediately raised his hand and threw out the eternity that he had just pinched, and then reached out and patted behind him, trying to get me off. But I reacted much faster than him. When he stretched out his hand, he jumped directly onto his head, and then stretched out his hand in the air. The eternal being thrown out was immediately shot back by me, pinched in my hand, and the blade flipped. Directly moved towards his top of the head and stabbed.

When... the sound of gold and iron hitting is accompanied by sparks, Eternal suddenly slipped to one side, and my body lost my balance. The horns, let me pinch it and finally stabilized my body without falling. However, although my eternity did not penetrate, this Qiye Huihui was also a head dizzy. After staggering two steps forward, the whole person knelt on the ground.

After confirming that this guy has lost the ability to move, I cleanly added a foot to the back of his head, followed the whole person into the air, and flew with one wing.

The reason why I used a heavy blow to make this guy fall to the ground is because I want to get away from this guy. The agility he showed before was too exaggerated. I was worried that the 1.5-second interval of using Divine Domain would be used by him, so the best way is to knock him out with a heavy blow to make him appear briefly. Pause time, so that I can calmly distance myself and fit my body. As long as he enters the full body mode, this guy's fighting skills are completely useless.

His fighting skills are actually not as good as mine. No matter how you practice, he is also a human. His response nerves are inherently inferior to our Dragon Clan. No matter how you practice, it is impossible to break through racial restrictions. The reason why he now looks like his fighting skills are similar to mine is that he has done targeted training before. All movements seem to be based on my rhythm. Each movement is one step faster than me, exactly like driving. Prophet mode is fighting me. In this case, his slightly slower reaction speed and poor skills were naturally concealed. This is why he can stand in a stalemate with me for so long. As for his attributes...it was really inferior to mine, but now after eating so many corpses, his attributes have obviously risen, at least at the same level as mine. That's why he was in a stalemate with me.

However, his state is just my ability in the normal state. After all, I still have a complete body model that is useless. As a beast trainer, fighting alone is not my strong point. Whether it is summon assisted combat or integrating their attributes into my body to fight, it is all my strength performance. Therefore, it is really real from now on.

"Divine Domain-fit together."

After I moved a distance and activated the ultimate form, what surprised me was that the following Seven Nights Soul also suddenly moved. And-he also activated a super skill.

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