After hearing what I said, Qiye Huihun, who was pointed at by me, suddenly lifted the head and glanced at me, and then this guy paid no attention to me and ran without turning around. Another corpse nearby rushed over.

The Qiye Huixun who pounced on a corpse again didn't mean to stop and fight with me at all. He picked up the corpse on the ground and started to chew. Seeing this situation, I am also a little confused.

To say that Qiyehuihun has no intelligence, but his previous behavior is obviously a normal response, because the person controlled by the system will not have emotional changes. This guy will actually be able to laugh after discovering that he has become stronger. This is not what the system should have. But now, after I clearly expressed my intention to fight, this Qiye Huixun actually ignored my words, rushed over and gnawed at the corpse, which was strange.

I have asked him to gnaw so many corpses before. To say that the strength of this guy should also be improved. After all, he can become a Superman, it doesn't make much sense, after all, you are always impossible to have so many corpses to chew. Besides, unless it is a surprise attack on others, under normal circumstances, most battles take place in an unknown period of time, that is, the time before the battle is basically impossible to predict, so there is no time for you to prepare in advance. Therefore, skills that cannot be put into battle at any time are actually of no value at all, anyway, the enemy will not give you time to prepare.

According to this situation, the corpse-swallowing ability of Qiyehuihun should be able to fight without swallowing too many corpses, and the steel-armed bear was eaten before. After the mummy, he did collide with me briefly. At that time, I did find that his battle strength had improved, which means that the guy's battle strength should have been strengthened.

However, it is such a guy who is still unwilling to stop the devouring process after I put forward a clear request for combat, and is still gnawing there forever. This is very abnormal. Although he may increase his strength by gnawing more corpses, this kind of thing is obviously quite embarrassing. I made it clear before that I deliberately allowed him to improve his strength there. This is already an obvious act of contempt. Of course, except for individual impulsive players, most people will accept this insult and continue to gnaw the corpse at this time, because only in this way can they be strong enough to gain an advantage in subsequent battles. However, it was obviously irrational to do so after I announced that the war would start, because I had already said that I would do it, that is, if he continued to chew the corpse, it would be impossible to gain any more power. After all, even if he should not fight, I would not. He would definitely shoot first, and this time interval was at most only enough for him to gnaw a corpse. Now that you have gnawed so many, how big is the difference between one more one and one less one in the end? Moreover. Before the start of the battle, I notified him in advance that he could refresh himself or make some preparations in advance, but he chose to continue chewing the corpse, which means that once I launch an attack, he will basically be attacked. almost. Do you think that normal people can do this kind of thing? Knowing that the enemy is about to attack, he still doesn't make preparations, waiting to be beaten?

Because this guy’s behavior was abnormal, I was also taken aback for a while, but since I have already said that I’m going to fight, I won’t change my mind, especially if the other party dared to ignore me. , This is not self-confidence but a hole in my head if I am waiting.

Looking at Qiyehuihun who was gnawing on the corpse on the ground, I directly grasped the eternity, and then the whole person took a step forward, and suddenly appeared behind Qiyehuihun in the next second. . Since this guy don't give face, I said he was going to fight, and he was still chewing the corpse over there, so I would just give it a bit harder, and directly activate the skill and teleport behind him.

There is no nonsense. As soon as I appeared, I cut it down with a sword, the blade fell, and soon hit an object. I made a puchi sound, and then the resistance disappeared. The weapon instantly cut the flesh into two pieces. But...

"Damn!" I only had time to shout and felt a burst of cold air blowing from behind. I hurriedly turned to block, only a ding sound was heard, and huge power came from my hand. Knocked my whole person into the air, and slid backwards in the air for seven or eight meters before landing smoothly with the help of wings. However, the silhouette on the opposite side immediately followed without pause, a big hand was fully stretched out, and the sharp claws moved towards my face and grabbed it.

"wishful thinking!" Looking at the big paw that was about to catch my head, I went straight to the back of an iron bridge, and the other party continued to rush and draw closer because he couldn't control my inertia The distance between us, and I follow the posture of leaning backwards. I just put my hands on the ground and turned a backhand. After my feet were off the ground, the guy rushed forward, and I simply put a kick on his chin. , Directly kicked the huge silhouette into the air, and then flew back more than one meter before landing again. However, this guy's waist strength is very good. After landing, he just staggered a step and forcibly stopped his figure and rushed up again.

Actually, from the time when I swiped a sword into the corpse, I already knew that the strength of the Seven Nights Resurrection Soul in front of me had risen to a terrifying level. At least I knew he was qualified. Fight with me. Of course, this qualifying battle just means that he and I have equal battle strength, not that he will definitely defeat me. As far as the current situation is concerned, the battle between us is still my winning percentage.

The first confrontation ended very quickly, Qiye Huihun did not continue to attack, and I did not act immediately. However, the reason why we both paused the attack was because there was nothing common with each other. The reason why I didn't continue to do it right away was to adjust my state slightly. This guy's strength enhancement was obviously beyond my expectation, so I needed to adjust my state slightly to continue fighting. As for why the opponent did not continue to attack, I am not quite clear. The reason I can guess is that this guy may have eaten a lot of corpses, and the sudden increase in strength made him a little bit unable to fully adapt.

Actually, the facts are basically the same as my guess. Although this guy’s battle strength has improved a lot, his brain and body have a general feeling of disconnection, as if he is using someone else’s body. Similarly, it is impossible to fully exert all the functions of the body at all.

I am quite experienced in this situation. After all, in reality, my Dragon Clan body has been adjusted many times. Every time I increase my strength, I will have a short period of adaptation, but relatively For the average person, on the one hand, our Dragon Clan's neural system is more developed, and on the other hand, we also have an electronic brain that assists in control, so our adaptation speed is much faster than normal people. However, this Qiye Huihun didn't have such a good treatment. He was just a hapless person who suddenly had soaring strength but couldn't completely control his body. Of course, the game is a game after all. In fact, the system will put the player to control the body, so he does not need too much adaptive training to quickly grasp the feeling of use of the body, it is nothing more than multi-use.

A few meters away from me, Qiye Huixun is constantly moving his limbs to adapt to this body as soon as possible, but he is also afraid that I will make a sudden attack, so he keeps his eyes fixed in my direction. I didn't dare to blink.

This kind of persistence is just an adjustment strategy for both parties, and naturally it will not last too long. About thirty seconds later, I suddenly launched an attack again without warning, but this time I didn't rush directly, but suddenly threw away the eternity in my hand.

Just when I confronted, Eternal had already turned into the form of the whip sword. With my shaking, the eternal sword body immediately scattered and then flew up, returning directly to Qiye over there. Entangled away.

Seeing the flying whip sword Qiye regained his soul, he stooped from under the whip sword as soon as he bent over, but he just got out of the way. This attack I immediately pulled back again, whoosh There was a sound, and the sound of breaking through the air followed. The resurgence of the enterprise, which seemed to have eyes behind it, suddenly turned somersault to the right at this time, and just turned over from the whip sword that was swept over.

After evading the attack of the whip sword twice in a row, this guy continued to rush forward without any reduction. I saw that this situation could only be hurriedly pulled the blade back with a hand drawn. The curly blade suddenly swept towards Qiye Huixun here, but this guy rushed up without evading, and swung the slap that was two laps older than me and grabbed it at me. Seeing what he meant, it seemed that he was going to fight for the price of a sword against me.

Although I don’t want to fight with him, in this case, even if I give up the attack and evade, it won’t be much cheaper, so I can only continue my previous preparations and fight with him. One note, at worst is to test the current attack power of this guy.

It turns out that my first choice is often very correct, because in the next second, my whip sword accurately drew on this guy’s reserve, and as my arm swings , The whip sword quickly slid along his back to recover. During this process, the sword blade would of course rub against this guy’s skin. With the eternal sharpness, in this case, the enemy can usually be cut directly into two. Paragraph.

However, Qiyehuihun let me know what skin is rough, flesh is thick. Cutting steel plates is as eternal as cutting tofu. Cutting on this guy is like cutting leather with a blunt knife. , Accompanied by a huge resistance, it turned out to be a huge wound with deep visible bone on this guy's back. Although this kind of damage is already quite serious, in terms of eternal formidable power, this is simply a malfunction.

The eternal attack here just ended, and the guy's paw immediately hit my chest. Accompanied by a toothy grating and splashing fire star, this guy's claws flew past my breastplate, and the immense power directly lifted me one after another. Fortunately, the dragon soul suit was so powerful that it was only wiped out. A few scratches were not cut directly.

A hard touch, this can be said to be both sides suffer, and I have the upper hand. It seems that this guy’s ability to swallow corpses is really difficult to deal with!

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