The behavior of Qiyehuihun's gnawing corpse is obviously a special skill, because I found that when he gnaws on the iron-armed steel bear, the meat on the opponent's body disappears more quickly than Qiyehui The speed of soul gnawing is not up to the number. This situation can only be due to skills, because if it is a skill, it means meaning during the gnawing process, and it is impossible to really make Qiye return to the soul with a mouthful. Eat the whole corpse, otherwise, judging by the size of a person’s mouth, when he finishes eating a corpse, he himself has to become a corpse.

After gnawing off the iron-armed steel bear's body in twos or twos, Qiye Huihun immediately turned around and looked towards me, and then this guy slowly stood up, but he stood up slightly It's kind of weird. When a normal person is standing, even if he doesn’t stand upright like a military posture, at least it’s basically a vertical state, but now the Qiyehuihun is half-bowed like an ape, and the posture of the whole person is like The rugby player's posture before serving. This strange shape doesn't look like a normal person should maintain a posture, and this guy suddenly poses such a shape after eating the corpse. This is obviously a prelude to mutation!

I just had such a guess here, and the guy from Qiyehuihun immediately verified it for me. I saw that the guy's limbs and torso began to bulge rapidly at a speed visible to naked eye, and at the same time the whole person's posture became more curved, as if he was resisting some kind of huge pain. He pressed his arms to the ground firmly, his fingers gradually tightened, and the mud on the ground was forcibly locked in a few large ditches, but this still couldn't resist the huge pain. Qiye Huihun suddenly raised his arms, clenched his fists, and slammed on the ground. At the same time, his head raised and made a roar that was not a human voice. If the movement were in the forest, it is estimated that all animals within a few kilometers could be destroyed. Scared away.

Following the roar, Qiye Huixun seemed to have broken through a certain level. The speed of the whole person's expansion quickly began to accelerate, and at the same time, his body began to ignite with a little light. The red flame, his armor and clothing began to melt in the flames, but the strange thing is that the melted armor did not become molten iron flowing to the ground, but was gradually absorbed by his body and formed on his body surface. The first layer is like a carapace. With the formation of this shell, Qiyehuihun's body also gradually stopped convulsing and struggling and gradually returned to a normal standing posture, but the Qiyehuihun at this time and the previous Qiyehuihun were no longer a species at all.

The previous Qiyehuihun wears an ordinary-looking warrior armor. The structure is very ordinary, and it is slightly darker. It looks like a garbage color. This is also our at first It is said that he has an attribute of hidden equipment or the reason for the equipment. Outside of this equipment, the character of Qiyehuihun is basically a normal player. But now, this creature is no longer even Human Race, let alone equipment.

At this time, Qiyehui Hun looks at least one meter nine or more. The whole body is full of muscles. The surface of the skin presents a rough feeling like an rubber, and some areas also have a structure similar to the Insect carapace. . Although the proportions of the limbs are still similar to that of humans, they are quite horrible. Even the bodybuilders among humans are slightly thinner than this guy. In addition, apart from the exaggerated tendon flesh on the red skin, the most distinctive feature of Qiye Huixun now is his head.

This guy’s head has basically not changed much now, except that the skin has become infrared and the hair has disappeared, only the volume of the head has increased a little bit, his facial appearance or something. Basically there is not much change. However, even though his appearance hasn't changed much, there are still two obvious characteristic changes in this guy's head. One is that two horns appeared on both sides of this guy's head. This horn is not very big, just like a new horn just emerging from the top of a little lamb's head. In addition, this guy has four fangs growing out of his mouth, and because this fang is too long and stretches out slightly, the four fangs are obviously growing out of the lips, which looks very The hideous look.

The above items are not considered special things if they are taken out alone, but if they are brought together, it reminds me of a mythical creature that is more common in Japanese legends-ghosts.

The so-called ghosts in Japan are not the same thing as the ghosts in our country. The ghosts referred to by the Japanese should be the general term for a class of creatures with surreal powers, including ghosts in our country, but more likely to refer to Demon or Divine Race. In addition, many of the Divine Races in Japan are from Demon, so in Japan, ghosts can actually refer to gods.

The completed image of Nanya Huixun’s transformation is a relatively common ghost in Japanese mythology. The characteristic of this ghost is that the whole body is fiery red, the head is taller than the average person, and there are four protruding lips. Fangs. This kind of image can be said to be quite scary, but the ghost of generally speaking is actually very easy to deal with, because according to the legend, this kind of ghost seems to have basically no other specialties besides being strong, and their intelligence seems to be very good. The problem is a species that is not even as powerful as many monsters.

However, Qiye Huixun is a player after all, so the ghost he turned into should be impossible without intelligence, but whether he is only powerful is uncertain. Furthermore, judging from the performance of the fight against me before Qiyehuihui, this guy is actually very good in terms of fighting skills. As long as his strength and defensive power go up and his agility does not drop significantly, he will become a very difficult opponent.

In any case, Qiye Huixun has completed his transformation. As for whether he has really changed so much, it is definitely impossible to understand this without a fight. Therefore, after seeing this guy regaining his gaze on me, I was immediately ready to fight.

"I am bullish after eating two corpses, but I don’t know if the battle strength has risen together with the height." Looking at the evil spirits on the opposite side, I deliberately attacked him provocatively. He beckoned: "Come on, let me weigh your jinliang. See if eating corpses can really boost your strength."

The Qiyehuihun on the other side doesn’t know if he doesn’t want to talk to me or transforms. After losing his language ability, this guy rushed directly without the slightest hesitation.

Since the other party has already begun to do it, I naturally have no reason not to do it. Looking at Qiye Huixun who was rushing forward, I directly turned the eternal hook and sickle spear in my hand and pointed it in his direction, and then took the initiative to rush toward him.

The distance between us was not great, and the hedges naturally ran into each other very quickly, but the reaction of the guy on the opposite side was a bit exaggerated. Just before we were about to collide together, this guy unexpectedly twisted his waist and avoided the tip of my gun, and then grasped the middle of my gun with an unimaginable speed, and followed the other hand with his fist directly. My head just banged over with a punch.

In this case, if I didn’t do dodge at all, I would definitely be knocked out immediately, but just letting go of the hook and sickle gun in my hand would be too cheap for him, so I made a discount In the program. Seeing the opponent's fist hitting, I directly lowered my head and drilled under his fist. At the same time, I released the eternal hook and gave up the long weapon, and then rushed to the bottom of his stomach and raised my hand to hit this guy with a punch. abdomen.

I didn’t keep my hand in this fist, I used my full strength, but didn’t expect this guy’s abdominal muscles to be hard to fight with the steel plate, I only heard a bang when I punched it up, back The power of the shock bounced my hand directly for more than a centimeter, but my power output was placed here after all. Although it was shaken a certain distance, the guy was not well, and I was punched and flew out seven or eight. He just landed meter away, but this guy has a good balance. After landing, he just took two steps back and didn't fall.

Originally, this guy gave me a punch. I thought he would have a hard time of a few tenths of a second. Who knew that this guy not only has muscles like steel plates, but even the internal organs are of the same level. After a normal person’s this fist is hit, even if the outer abdominal muscles are strong enough, the internal organs will definitely be injured, and there will always be some symptoms such as pain. However, the guy in front of him actually resisted the inertia a little after landing, and he strode back immediately after he stood firm. And looking at this momentum, it's as if it wasn't him who was beaten.

"Damn, do you want to be so hard?" I could only helplessly continue the fight as I watched the rushing Qiye Huihuo.

I stretched out my hand in the direction of the eternal hook and sickle, and the hook and sickle flew directly into my palm, and then instantly melted into a liquid form attached to my double walls and quickly dispersed throughout my body. Above the sharp protrusions and blades. The fact that the opponent can hold my hook and sickle gun just now shows that this guy has excellent reaction ability. Although long weapons have a larger formidable power, they are in vain if they are not hit. Therefore, it is cheaper to deal with this kind of enemy with short weapons in close combat.

Of course, the starting point of my analysis is to consider myself as the other side of the battle. If it is a player with low agility, it is better to use a heavy weapon directly. Yes, it’s better than if the formidable power drops after becoming a short weapon. I am agile enough, and using short weapons in close-fitting short hits can effectively play my high agility and high hits, so the battle method still has to be different from person to person.

The guy on the opposite side did not respond to my absorption of eternal behavior, and rushed up directly, suddenly stopped about two meters away from me, and stepped forward with one leg. At the same time, he twisted his waist and waved his arms, and a heavy punch of momentum is big, power is deep blasted directly. The moment this guy punched, I even saw that the surrounding air was distorted. This was a physical phenomenon caused by too fast punches. However, such a large initial speed means that this guy's formidable power is amazing. Once he is hit, it is by no means as simple as flying out.

I simply didn't dare to stop watching the fist that came by. If I was a stunned young man, I might actually pick it up, but I'm not an ignorant person, so I'm afraid. The formidable power of this guy's fist is definitely extraordinary, and it is definitely a problem of breaking the bones and bones directly, so the only thing I can do is to dodge. But the opponent can hit a high-speed punch that even squeezes the air, how can it be avoided so easily? But you can't avoid it at this time, but also avoid it. In a rush, I could only try my best to tilt my head sideways, and at the same time block it slightly with my arm diagonally. I was not really hit head-on, but just rubbed by his fist. As a result, I immediately felt a terrifying pain in my arm, and at the same time, my whole person was also in a huge uncontrollable force. The whole place flew up and turned around in the air for two and a half weeks before falling to the ground with a chirp, and at this time the Qiye Huixun had already rushed past me.

"Is there anything wrong? What's the matter with this monster-like power?" I struggled to get up from the ground and looked back at the Qiye Huigui who had turned around. The other party At this time, I was looking at my hands or paws and opened my mouth and laughed. From his reaction, it can be clearly seen that this guy was completely manipulated by the previous Seven Nights Resurrection Soul, and he didn't really enter a crazy state, otherwise there would be no such situation of laughing in the same place.

In fact, there is indeed a player who really loses his mind in the Speaking of Which game, but it is not that the player himself loses his mind, but the player's character loses his mind. This kind of player is the so-called Berserker. According to the legend, the Berserker profession is that once you start a battle, you will often lose your mind because of the heat of your head, and you will never stop if you don't kill all the enemies or you are killed by the enemy. The characteristic of this class is that the battle strength increases continuously with the extension of the fighting time, and there is no physical limit. Basically, unless the life value bottoms out, there will be absolutely no fatigue before the end of the battle. Instead, the more you fight, the more lively dragon and animated. tiger. However, although the combat capability of this profession is outstanding, the problem is also very serious. The legendary Berserker loses his sanity after the battle begins, and the player in the game is impossible to lose his sanity. Therefore, the feature of this profession designed by the system is that once Berserker enters a frenzied state, the full attribute is doubled, and the player is manipulated at the same time. The character will be taken over by the system, that is, the player himself cannot control his character. Before the enemy is killed or he is killed in battle, unless he is helped by the spiritual soothing skills of the mage player, he will never stop. The player himself Can't control this character either.

This setting really makes Berserker an almost invincible existence in heads-up mode, but there are big problems in leveling and team battles, but the bigger it is Large-scale battles are more dangerous, after all, if their abilities are not controlled, they will continue to fight endlessly. And the warrior, who doesn't know how to advance or retreat, is definitely the fastest dead group on the battlefield. Therefore, although Berserker is a profession that is PKvery difficult to deal with, the level is generally unable to go up. The main reason is that it dies too frequently, and it is easy to go up to the level and die after a few clicks.

Seven Nights Resurrection has never spoken to me after transforming, so I have been wondering if this guy has entered the system takeover mode like Berserker. Of course, if he really becomes that kind of situation, then I can abuse him as much as possible. After all, the battle mode will be fixed after the system takes over. It only takes a few minutes to figure out the rules and you can play him to death. However, just now, this guy actually looked at his paws and smiled triumphantly after hitting his hand. This shows that this is not something that the system can do, so it means that this guy is still manipulating this mutated body. This is not a good thing for me.

"hahahaha...power, this is the feeling of power." Qiye Huihun looked at his paws for a while and then suddenly started talking to himself, then suddenly he lifts the head and looked around. , And then growled as if very anxious: "Strength, more power is needed, this is not enough, not enough!"

Although it is already certain that this guy is controlling the body by himself, what he said It made me feel like a madman even more, but before I had time to react, this guy turned around and rushed to the other side of the battlefield.

"en?" I looked suspiciously at the Seven Nights Resurrection who ran over to the mobile angel and Nobunaga's group of ghosts and nobunaga. I didn't know what this guy was going crazy again. However, I just want to take a look at the specific strength changes of this guy after eating the corpse, so I can't let him run. Seeing that guy running towards the battlefield over there, I had to follow along.

The guy over there didn't join the battle after rushing to the vicinity of the battlefield, but directly rushed to the corpse of a Japanese player on the edge of the battlefield. The people around were fighting, and no one noticed the situation for a while, but Qiye Huixun picked up the corpse and started to gobble it up, like a person who had been hungry for seven or eight days. It’s just a sumptuous meal, but this so-called sumptuous meal is a bit different.

Qiyehuihun didn't mean to be concealed at all. After consuming the corpse in his hand in one breath, he immediately rushed to the other corpse. This place is right next to the battlefield. His blatant action naturally quickly attracted the attention of other players, and those Japanese players and their helpers who saw this situation took a cold breath, and many of them were in harmony. I just threw up, but because the mobile angel on the opposite side didn't stop at all, these vomiting guys were immediately killed by the mobile angel.

Although it caused the collapse of its own camp, Qiye Huihui had no meaning to converge at all. It still gnawed at the corpses on the ground one by one in the order from near to far, and this speed gradually The accelerating trend.

I lost my patience after watching this guy ate a dozen corpses in one go. Although this guy eats quickly, I can’t wait for him to finish eating hundreds of people here before going up. Fight with him? So when he pounced on a corpse again, I was already standing in front of that corpse and pointed at him with the eternal sword that had just been condensed: "You should have finished eating this pervert, right? Come and let me see first. See your results first, don’t let me down after eating so many corpses."

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