"Even if I die, I will never make you feel better!" The mummy-like guy yelled, and then suddenly jumped from the ground to leap on me , Before I jumped up, I was stabbed to death on the Eternal Hook by Lingkong. It was crazy to watch that guy being picked up by the eternal hook and sickle in the air and still struggling desperately there. It was a pity that this kind of madness basically had no meaning other than scaring the coward.

Looking at this crazy guy struggling less and less, and finally stopped moving completely limp on the tip of the gun, I casually flicked the eternal hook and sickle down, and the guy’s corpse was directly Throwing it down from the eternal hook and sickle spear and slamming it on the ground, there was no more movement. Qiye Huixun and Iron-armed Steel Bear over there could only watch the mummy corpse here, and then couldn't say a word. Faced with this situation, they are also powerless. Iron-armed Steel Bear is a personal shield, defensive power is indeed good, but it is a pity that he has no offensive ability at all. Qiyehuishun’s fighting skills are pretty good, but unfortunately all attributes are lower than mine. Whether it is strength, all attributes including agility and other important attributes are a little lower than mine. Although this point does not seem to be much, the points of victory and defeat are the points that come together in all aspects when fighting. Besides, the game "Zero" is indeed a game that does not completely rely on attributes. In fact, it also pays attention to a certain degree of skill. If your personal reaction nerves are superb, then even if your attribute is slightly lower than your opponent, it is actually Can beat the opponent.

It's a pity that Qiyehuihun's reaction nerves are indeed pretty good, but the problem is that my body in reality is Dragon Clan, not a human being. His reaction ability can only be said to be top-notch among humans, not the peak, but I am a super creature whose reaction speed is not known how many times faster than humans. This gap simply does not depend on effort or something. Things can be reversed. Besides, this guy not only reacts nervously and is not my opponent, even the attribute is not as good as me. It is strange that the gaps in all these aspects converge without losing.

Of course, my Dragon Clan essentially only improves my reaction speed. If this guy’s attribute can surpass me by a large margin, then I can still be defeated. After all, the design in "Zero" The attribute this thing is not a display. When a player’s attributes surpass others by a lot, skills and so on actually have no meaning.

The mummy-like guy was killed by a single shot by me, and the Qiyehui soul behind was maimed, the iron-armed steel bear has no offensive ability, and the guy Nobunaga on the hand was even dealt with by Yeyue and the prison snake. The deadly place, simply did not have the slightest chance to fight back. In this case, there is basically no suspense in the battle.

I glanced at Iron-armed Steel Bear and Seven Nights Resurrection, I pulled the reins to signal Night Shadows to move over to make the final kill. However, the iron-armed steel bear over there obviously didn't want to sit still. Although his offensive ability is very bad, his attributes are fairly good anyway, and the most important point is that among the so-called four great experts they came together, he is actually the only one who still has complete battle strength. NS.

Although the iron-armed steel bear is relatively timid by nature, a person is always alive to save face. This guy is quite outstanding because of his defensive power, so he was considered a celebrity when he was in Russia, and there must be a lot of people who naturally adore him. The public's adoration of powerhouse has existed since ancient times, and it has not completely disappeared until now, so the iron-armed steel bear also has admirers. Conversely, in order not to disappoint these admirers, even if the Iron Armed Steel Bear could not defeat me, at least he could not be scared away directly by me, so even though he was very scared, he eventually summoned the courage to rush towards me.

Seeing the iron-armed steel bear rushing over like a rhino, I gently knocked Ye Ying’s belly with my heel, and Ye Ying immediately began to speed up and rushed to face the opponent. Clashing posture. The iron-armed steel bear on the opposite side is also a rectum. Seeing our reaction, he immediately began to speed up with joy, because he thought we really had to compete with him.

Actually speaking of which Iron Armed Steel Bear is an infantry battle, he is an overweight infantry and has a special attribute during the charge, which can offset the cavalry’s suppression of the infantry’s attribute, so in this case If we really collide with each other, my cavalry advantage will not be played out. Of course, even if there is no advantage of cavalry, we should not suffer in the case of collision.

Ye Ying is nearly three meters tall, and his body is not generally large, and his weight is naturally not comparable to that of a normal war horse. Besides, even for ordinary war horses, it is normal for two to three hundred kg to be worn. Ye Ying is big in size, and the armor on her body is a special model, weighing at least half a ton. Although the dragon soul suit on my body doesn't have much weight on me, it is because of the magic attribute. After all, this thing is designed according to the heavy armor plate, and the weight of the whole body is very exaggerated.

With my iron hunchback and night shadow’s own weight, it actually weighs almost a ton. Although the iron-armed steel bear’s body is exaggerated, the final weight is actually not enough. It is about one ton, at most one or two hundred kilograms more than ours. However, it is not entirely dependent on the self-respect of the two parties involved in the collision, but also on everyone's speed.

Although we don't have the weight of that iron-armed steel bear, our speed is not comparable to him. Night Shadow itself is a mount-type creature that can run. In addition, he also has the ability to walk in the void. To put it bluntly, he can fly. This speed is naturally amazing. On the other hand, on the side of Iron-armed Steel Bear, although this guy's speed is not slower than ordinary infantry, it is not faster than others. In contrast, our speed is at least ten times that of his. The total amount of kinetic energy is the product of speed and mass. Although our own weight is one or two hundred kg lower than that of the steel bear, it is only one-tenth of the total weight, and the speed of this guy is only ours. Less than one-tenth, so that our kinetic energy is at least eight or nine times his. If there is a collision in this situation, it is definitely not us who fly out.

Although we are actually taking advantage of the collision, I did not intend to play bumper cars with this guy. That guy is a defensive type, and I am not a siege hammer, so a fool fights defense with him.

The forward night shadow looks very fast, in fact, he has already left his feet, and when the two sides are about to collide together, the night shadow suddenly jumps to the left side, and then starts from that guy. The right side of rushed over, and I, who was ready for a long time, rushed over. At the moment I rushed over, the heavy hammer that was transformed into eternity slammed fiercely against the shoulder of the steel bear with the iron arm.

The expected impact did not happen, and the Iron-armed Steel Bear lost his balance. Suddenly, he suffered another hit on his shoulder, and the guy instantly lost his balance and fell to the ground. The whole person is like a bulldozer sliding along the ground all the way for seven or eight meters before it is completely stopped.

"Bah..." The iron-armed steel bear that fell a dog chewed on the mud struggling to get up from the ground as soon as he stopped. Although the fall was very serious, it was kind to him. The skin is rough, flesh is thick type is actually just tickling. On the contrary, half of his shoulder was almost unconscious when the hammer hit just now.

In fact, this situation is a very normal response. Iron-armed steel bear is amazing defensive power. This guy’s power is all focused on defense. Although it looks heavy when he fell to the ground just now, his defensive power certainly won’t fall due to a simple fall. Just how much damage occurred. On the other hand, the moment I put on that guy's shoulder just now was different. That’s what I used to smash it out with eternity. The final attack effect is my attack power plus the eternal destructive power, plus the multiple compound attributes of my cavalry attack, because it’s attribute damage, so naturally it’s formidable. The power is huge, so Iron-armed Steel Bear now feels that half of his shoulder is almost out of sensation, which is also as it should be by rights.

The iron-armed steel bear, who barely supported it, got up from the ground and looked around, as if it was a little embarrassing because of the serious fall. After shaking his head for a while, the guy stood up completely, and then planned to find my position. As a result, people heard the sound of wind approaching before they even saw it. He quickly turned his head and saw a hammer zooming in in front of him. With a loud noise, he flew backwards and flew for more than one meter in the air before sitting on the ground. Then the whole person turned back uncontrollably and became lying on the ground.

After the attack this time, the Iron-armed Steel Bear was not as energetic as before, and he stayed on the ground for a long time without getting up again. It's not that this guy's body has received a huge blow. The main thing is that it hit the forehead just now, and now it has a vertigo effect. In "Zero", various moves in different parts have different effects, and the most common effect of moves in the head is dizziness. Of course, if a sharp weapon hits the head, it will probably be fatal.

I know that the defensive power of this iron-armed steel bear is exaggerated. If you want to hurt him with sharp items, the probability is not great. It is better to directly turn the eternity into a heavy hammer to increase the damage. Since he couldn't make a critical attack, then simply rely on the powerful output to shake him to death.

The dizzy iron-armed steel bear stayed on the ground as if drunk for a long time before reluctantly supporting his body. After a little bit of force, he got his whole person up from the ground and it was still a little swaying. Yes, but he just woke up before he could fully wake up before he realized that I was here again. And this time he used a big hammer with a long handle directly, and then he fainted again.

Several consecutive attacks have completely beaten the Iron Armed Steel Bear to a square inch. Such a powerful attack makes the Iron Armed Steel Bear exactly like a sandbag. The iron-armed steel bear, who was in a hurry, saw this obvious loss, so he simply lay on the ground and didn't get up anymore. He planned to recover himself first. Unfortunately, although his idea is good, it is not a good idea to lie on the ground on the battlefield.

"Lucky, plague, mistress." Looking at the iron-armed steel bear actually cheating on the ground, I simply snapped my fingers and let out three giant dragons to gang up on this guy.

The iron-armed steel bear lying on the ground found that I did not rush up again. Instead, summon came out with a group of giant dragons, and immediately turned over and sat up. Now he also knows that lying down is not the way, because I am not a pure cavalry either, not only charging this move.

Although the iron-armed steel bear has already sat up, there will be no hesitation in our actions. Just when the iron-armed steel bear hurriedly got up from the ground, fortunately, he started to inhale. Although not many people have seen this action, everyone actually knows that this is the prefix action of the giant dragon preparing to use the dragon flame jet. , Which means that this is about to start breathing fire.

As soon as he discovered the lucky intention, Iron-armed Steel Bear quickly took out his shield and put it in front. It's true that you have a high defense, but you can't stand Long Yan Roast! Seeing that the luck on the opposite side had obviously reached a critical point, the Iron-armed Steel Bear had changed his time to support the shield to prepare for the next Dragon Flame Jet, and our side did not let him down. Fortunately, Long Yan followed closely after only a second. The terrifying Long Yan was like a flame sprayed from a flamethrower that was twenty times larger, enveloping the iron-armed steel bear in an instant. However, because there was a shield blocking it, the iron-armed steel bear was not sprayed directly. After the flame was blocked by the shield, it began to impact backwards along both sides. Although there was still high temperature scorching the iron-armed steel bear in the middle, this After all, this kind of temperature and being directly sprayed are two situations, and the defense of the iron-armed steel bear is not only for physical strikes, and the iron-armed steel bear also has considerable defensive power for the magic defense.

After successfully blocking the dragon flame, he persisted in the flame for seven or eight seconds. Iron-armed Steel Bear was relieved a lot, because he found that his blood volume dropped very slowly, obviously as long as the dragon Yan would not spray directly on his body, and the scorching effect produced by the flame beside him would cause very low damage to him. However, this triumphant feeling only lasted for more than ten seconds, and it became a trace of worry, because fortunately, it took more than twenty seconds in one breath, and it didn't mean to stop at all. However, the Iron Armed Steel Bear is only slightly worried. After all, he still knows the truth that Long Yan cannot continue to spray. Even if the lucky breath is longer, it is impossible to spray forever, right?

Although the iron-armed steel bear at first had this idea, his optimism was quickly broken, because just after forty seconds of continuous jetting, the flame had just a little bit To stop, he suddenly saw from the gap in the flame that the dragon standing on the side of Lucky had also begun to inhale.

After feeling that the aura on the lucky side is close to the limit, needless to say, the plague started to inhale directly, and then in the forty-fifth second, when the flames of lucky spit obviously began to thin, The plague was suddenly a big mouth, and a Fire Dragon spewed out immediately. At this time, the lucky flames had not completely disappeared. The dragon flame caused by the two dragons directly produced a huge pressure, which forced the Iron Armed Steel Bear to have both arms. Only by holding the handle on the back of the shield firmly can the shield remain standing. But it's not bad, because the lucky jet is nearing the end, and the flame immediately returned to its normal state after the iron-armed steel bear supported it for a while, that is, the state of a dragon jetting, but the giant dragon jetting at this time From luck to a plague.

Compared with Luck, Plague’s Dragon Flame Jet has a slightly larger flame, and its jet pressure is also greater, but his flame temperature is slightly lower than Luck’s, and Plague Dragon Flame is also not lucky. The exaggerated magical damage of Longyan's Dragon Flame, but with a small amount of corrosive damage and Dark Element erosion damage.

Although the attributes are slightly different, dragon flames are still dragon flames after all. High temperature is still the eternal theme of dragon flames. Except for Ice Dragon, which sprays out ice flames, other dragons sprayed by giant dragons. No matter how the inflammation changes, the high temperature will inevitably exist. The only difference is how high the temperature is.

The lucky jet lasted for forty-five seconds, and the plague followed the relay, and it was another forty-five seconds in one breath. At this time, the iron-armed steel bear was already sweating. Of course this sweat is not hot, but scared.

When I was summon before, I didn't separate summon, but released the three dragons together in one breath, so the iron-armed steel bear must have seen the appearance of the three dragons. When he was lucky to use Dragon Flame Jet before, he might not realize what was going on, but when the plague took over, even an idiot knew my intentions. These dragons were obviously going to play wheel warfare and burn him alive with dragon flame jet. Although he hasn't had any problems so far, it's all the shield's credit, but the problem is that the shield is also impossible to be erected there all the time. After all, Dragon Flame Jet is Dragon Clan's housekeeping skills. The formidable power is not so big. His shield can block one or two times, even if it is very good. If this is sprayed from one after another, no matter how good the shield is Can't help it!

Sure enough. As soon as the spray of the plague had a sign that it was about to end, Xiao San started to enter the preparatory stage, and then at the moment when the flame of the plague went out, one of Xiao San’s heads immediately started the dragon flame spray, and the flame of this guy's spray was obviously the same as the previous two. There are essential differences between dragons.

In addition to the high temperature and the incidental magical damage when the dragon flame sprays, there is also a terrible attribute, which is to repel. When the giant dragon sprays the dragon flame, it is like spraying fire like downward when the flame is launched. The flame will generate a huge thrust.

Giant dragon itself is big enough and powerful, so this kind of reaction force is not a big problem for giant dragon itself. But the problem is that giant dragons are not afraid of this kind of impact, but the force is relative, and the person who is sprayed on the opposite side may not be able to withstand this kind of force. Of course, most people don't need to think about impact after being sprayed by Long Yan. After all, they are already in ashes. It doesn't matter if they are blown off, right? However, the Iron Armed Steel Bear can temporarily block Long Yan, so he has a very serious problem, that is, Long Yan's impact requires him to use his own strength to resist. Although not all the air currents emitted by the giant dragon act on him alone, this power is still very huge. The strength of the iron-armed steel bear may be considered a huge force among the ordinary person, but for a giant dragon with a body length of nearly 100 meters and a self-weight of tens of tons, this strength is really not enough.

Previously, when the plague and luck used the Dragon Flame Jet, the Iron Armed Steel Bear still felt very powerful, but as long as his hands were strong against the shield, it was not a big problem, but as Xiaosan took over, he immediately I felt a huge force acting on the shield. This force even pushed his legs back on the ground forcibly, and the ground under his feet was already unable to support such a force.

Actually speaking of which Xiaosan should be considered weaker in the face of luck and plague. After all, luck and plague are both the Prince of Dragon Clan, which means that he can succeed the dragon king, and his natural conditions are better than normal. The giant dragon is much better. Not only does it have a bigger body, it also has a lot stronger power. However, although Xiao San is weaker than luck and plague in many aspects, he is absolutely super strong in Longyan Jet. Nothing else, just because he has three heads.

Little San has three heads, so his lung capacity is much larger than that of a normal giant dragon. The huge lung capacity brought by the three heads means that Long Yan can inhale more gas when spraying, and can also spray all these gas out with greater force. The benefit of this is obvious, that is, it directly improves the life time and jet power of Longyan Jet.

Because of this feature, when Xiao San started to use Dragon Flame Jet, the Iron Armed Steel Bear immediately felt tremendous pressure, and the huge force from the shield in his hand was pushing him. Continually sliding backwards, there was no way to stop, no matter how hard he resisted, it was useless.

Originally, it’s okay if it’s just being pushed to run backwards. What’s more terrible is that while the iron-armed steel bear is constantly sliding backwards, he suddenly found a huge head appeared on him. On the top of his head. This discovery was incredible. It directly scared the iron-armed steel bear to the birth of one Buddha and two Buddhas ascending to heaven, because if there is a dragon head on his head, it means that once the opponent starts spraying dragon flames, the shield in front of him will rise. There is no effect, after all, the direction is wrong, how can it have a resistance effect?

Whatever you are afraid of, just when the iron-armed steel bear loses one's head out of fear, he suddenly felt a light in his hand, and his mouth opened next to the dragon head above his head. Then a large group of Long Yan descended from the sky. Fortunately, I don’t know if it was quick witted in an emergency or an instinctive eruption. Anyway, the iron-armed steel bear suddenly blessed his soul at the last moment, and raised his shield on his head in an instant. As a result, the dragon flame on it rushed in an instant. When I got down, I was instantly blocked by a shield and diverted to all directions.

The Iron-armed Steel Bear, who had just been able to perform at a super level in less than a second, soon fell into a greater crisis, because he actually saw the other two dragons appearing in his own The left and right sides.

Xiao San has three heads, but only one lung, which means that he can actually switch between the three heads at will with a dragon flame spray, of course, you can also use only one or two of them. A head shot, anyway, this can be controlled at will. And now Xiao San uses his independent head to spray dragon flames, but he puts three heads in three different directions, so that when he switches the spray direction at will, the iron-armed steel bear can be miserable, a little slower. If you fail to keep up, you will face the consequences of being directly sprayed.

Originally, Iron-armed Steel Bear thought he was going to die, but at this time Missan’s jet was actually over. Unconsciously, he has persisted for more than a minute, although Xiao San's breath is longer than that of ordinary dragons, but he also does not say that he can spray infinitely. Besides, Dragon Clan's injection of dragon flames is not entirely determined by the length of the breath, and the fuel it reserves is also the key. When the giant dragon sprays dragon flames, it is similar to the poisonous snake spraying venom. The difference is that the giant dragon sprays a larger amount and takes longer, and it is sprayed directly after atomization, but because the dragon flames will burn, It is impossible to guarantee that you will not burn yourself if you simply spray the liquid out, so giant dragons blow out while injecting fuel, and then rely on their strong vital capacity to accelerate the spray liquid, allowing it to spray forward quickly, on the one hand. With enough speed, the dragon flame sprays farther and the formidable power is greater. On the other hand, it also plays a role in cooling down, preventing yourself from being burned by your own dragon flame. In addition, there is another significance that blowing air when spraying dragon flames can accelerate air convection, just like blowing a burning mosquito incense with your mouth will make the fire suddenly flourish. This is a disguised way of supporting combustion.

As soon as Xiao San’s Dragon Flame Jet was over, the lucky second Dragon Flame Jet was immediately picked up again. Iron-armed Steel Bear completely didn’t expect my giant dragon to be able to take a short time. Spray the dragon flame twice in a row, because according to his knowledge, the dragon flame spray is also a huge burden on the giant dragon, and it cannot be used continuously under normal circumstances. However, what he didn't know was that luck and plague were both dragon kings, so he could spray dragon flames more than three times in a row. In addition, because of Ling's existence, relying on the recovery of magic, all my giant dragons could get three times the chance of spraying. In other words, Lucky and Plague can actually be sprayed nine times in a short time, while Xiaosan and Crystal can be sprayed three times. Of course, at any cost, Xiaochun can also use a large recovery type of recovery technique, in this case, the number of injections can be multiplied by two.

Although Iron-armed Steel Bear didn't know that my giant dragon could spray so many times, the lucky second spray already made him feel a fatal threat, because he just discovered that the shield in his hand was turning red.

Of course, the metal itself will not change color, unless it is rusty, but it is actually very simple to make the metal red, as long as it is heated. Of course, this heating does not mean heating to 100%, but a very high temperature.

The shield of the iron-armed steel bear is obviously not a general commodity. It has magical defenses, and the materials are also special, so it is very difficult to burn red under normal circumstances. This is why most Divine Items are not easy to repair and remodel, because they are too powerful and it is very difficult to melt them.

Of course, this shield will not be burnt red under normal circumstances, but it is sprayed by so many dragons in succession, even a Divine Item-level shield can't stand it. Seeing that the shield began to turn red a little bit, the iron-armed steel bear was sweating like rain on his body, but it was useless to be anxious. Since the temperature of the dragon flames has caused the shield to start to turn red, it means that there is a demon on it that isolates the temperature. The array has reached its limit. In other words, this shield is about to die.

Sure enough, when the lucky spray ended and the plague was connected again, the shield in Iron Armed Steel Bear's hand had turned red, as if it was a metal embryo just coming out of the forge. , The temperature is amazing. If it weren’t for the heavy gloves in the hands of the iron-armed steel bears, they also have the function of heat insulation. This kind of red-burned shield would simply not be expected to continue to be carried on the body, because the temperature of this thing is already higher than that of the iron plate made of teppanyaki. It's several times higher. Putting a piece of meat at this temperature will immediately turn black charcoal. If you touch it with your hands... Anyway, it won't be much better than charcoal grilled pork knuckles.

Just as the plague's spray was coming to an end again, the Iron-armed Steel Bear suddenly felt his liver and gallbladder split and found that the edge of the shield he was holding in front of him was actually moving down. This was clearly a sign that the shield was beginning to melt. Moreover, once this melting starts, it means that the magic array loses its fixed form and will inevitably lose its defensive ability. If it is solely based on the characteristics of the material on the shield, it will definitely melt very quickly at this temperature.

Sure enough, just a few seconds later, there was a cracking sound from the shield, and then the entire shield suddenly began to melt. The edge of the shield instantly weakened from the edge as if it had become sugar syrup. The iron-armed steel bear hurriedly threw the shield and dodged it, but unfortunately the metal solution produced by the melting of the shield did not reach him, but it was lost. The shield blocked him, but Long Yan sprayed him straight.

"Ah hot..." The iron-armed steel bear without a shield immediately began to scream, but this did not stop us from attacking. The armor that has been roasted for a certain period of time is actually already Almost reaching the limit, the blocking armor without the shield became the first defense. As a result, the armor immediately began to heat up, turning red in the blink of an eye, and the fast iron-armed steel bear could not even run. Fortunately, he was lucky. The Plague Dragon Flame just ended at this time, and Xiao San was planning to pick it up, but I raised my hand to stop it.

Dragon Flame Jet is a big move after all, it is best not to use it. This guy has reached the limit now, so I don't have to waste that much. Get down directly from Ye Ying, put away these pets, and walked to the iron-armed steel bear who was full of red and howling on the ground, and then directly raised his hand and pointed the eternally changed whip sword at his stamina.

The armor that has been on the edge of melting has long lost its invincible defense. Under the eternal super attack power, the spine and back of the head of the iron-armed steel bear are directly destroyed, and the screams are like being pressed. It disappeared instantly like a pause.

"Damn, the defensive power is actually high here." After I got the iron-armed steel bear, I had time to look at the attributes read by the star pupil. The data shown in the defensive power column of this guy is actually My one and five times. Don't think that this number is not much. 1.5 times, although it doesn't look big, it is 1.5 times as much as mine. Everyone knows what level of my defensive power is. Being hit by a battleship’s main gun head-on is just a superficial wound. The defensive power of this guy is 1.5 times that of mine. This is simply a city wall! It's no wonder that the average player has nothing to do with him with such a high defense. Except for the professional break-through of the gun god, the average person really can only stay away. Don't even players with super attack power like me still have to bake his armor red before starting? What do you think the average player can do to him?

However, speaking of which, if Christina is here, it would be the right way to deal with this guy. Kristina's rainbow jet relies on forced deduction of blood to produce lethality, so the specific defensive power of the opponent actually does not make any sense to her. Because what Kristina needs to pay attention to is only the opponent's blood volume. Of course, the HP of Iron Armed Steel Bear is not low, on the contrary it is very high, but considering Kristina’s damage output, this point of HP can only last a few minutes more than me, sooner or later. Will be explodes into waste.

After I killed the Iron-armed Steel Bear, I turned around and planned to end up with the half-crippled Seven Nights Resurrection. As a result, I was so excited just now that I almost didn't vomit it when I turned around. "Oh..." I quickly covered my mouth when I felt the turning gastric juice. I managed to suppress the lunch that was almost spewed out. When I re-observed the situation before me again, I had already adapted to the situation a little bit.

The reason why I feel vomiting is not because I was injured and caused a concussion, but because I saw a more disgusting scene. Of course, because I have been playing in the biological laboratory of Longyuan Base since I was a child, my resistance to such disgusting stumps is still pretty good. Unfortunately, this situation is a little bit beyond my bottom line. Because, I saw that Qiye Huixun was-cannibalism.

If you just simply "eat", I won't actually have such a big reaction. The key is that this guy's eating is too disgusting. You say that you can eat it directly, and you have to tear it apart, not to mention that you are looking for the kind of weirdly colored internal organs to chew. I’m a person who has a natural aversion to fatty things, but this guy is holding his warm intestines and an unknown organ and gnawing at it, and it makes the liquid around me spilled all over the place. The smell really matches this picture. It is for me to accept that I can't.

"Then what...Even if you

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