"Wait a minute, although this channel is a bit smaller, but the problem is not big, we must have a solution." I finished speaking and turned to Iksals again. Looked up and down, then frowned began to think.

The channel is a part of the demiplane, and the outside is the space barrier, so there is definitely no hope for widening. Then, if the channel cannot be widened, there are only two methods left. One, make Xals smaller, and then walk out of this passage. Second, find another way.

In fact, if you want to talk about other ways, the door of the earth is a good choice. As a result, the door of the earth is a space door that can be adjusted in size. Although the adjustment range is limited, it can barely make it if it is maximized. Exhals squeezed past. However, there is still a problem here, that is, what should be done with the Mother of the Earth?

The space inside the gate of the earth is after all the garden of the mother of the earth. Although my Qilin warrior and the ring tone Knight have often resided in it, the problem is that this place is only temporarily lent to me It's used, so if I want to bring someone else in, I still have to ask the Mother of the Earth to be polite. However, the Mother of the Earth is High God after all, so it's not necessary that I try to avoid disturbing her. You must know how to behave and not be too narcissistic. If people are polite to me, I have to be more polite. If they can’t be polite, I won’t take others seriously, so how can I live together in the future? People don't beg me for anything, what do you usually look at my face? So, I try not to disturb people in Mother Earth.

It is inconvenient to ask the Mother of the Earth for instructions, and it would be inconvenient for Xhals to enter the Gate of the Earth, so this transit channel has also become a problem. As for the Phoenix Dragon Space...This place is out of my own summon creature, no other creatures can enter. Of course, it's okay to throw the corpse in directly after the death, but we are going to take Axals out alive, not to transfer the corpse, it is indeed a bit troublesome.

Transportation is not possible, so other channels... Although there are many feasible methods, but the cost is too high. For example, open a passage on the space barrier, and then directly connect the space outside, and then you can easily pass. However, we can fix it by opening the channel, but we can't fix it with the connection problem of the space barrier. If we make a hole directly in the barrier of space here, where the opposite side will be connected depends entirely on the character. Maybe the character is good, and the opposite side is directly outside the passage. Of course it’s okay, but what if the other side of the passage is the center of the earth? Therefore, this method is quite unreliable and has no operability at all.

If the channel doesn’t work, all that’s left is to think of a way to make Xelsals smaller. But the problem is already very clear. Exhals is now a magical insulator. Even a wizard of Kristina's level is powerless to face his magical insulator, so it is impossible to use any magic that changes his size on him. . As a result, the train of thought reached a deadlock again, and there was simply no way to get Xhals through that damn passage.

"Hey, what do you think if we go to find a god who understands space magic and transfer the interface of this space directly?" Kristina asked.

I was stunned by Kristina’s sudden thoughts. After thinking about it for a while, I shook my head and said: "This is too unrealistic. If you can really ask a god to come and bridge the space. If so, why do we have to work so hard? Just let him temporarily help us expand the passage. Wouldn’t it be easier?"

Kristina listened to me It is also nodded and said: "This is indeed easier, but can't you really ask the gods to help?"

"We are now on the Southern Sea island, where do you want me to find one? There are a lot of gods in our own guilds, but people in this place can't get through for a while! Besides. This kind of task, letting the guild Divine Race intervene, will probably force the system to increase the difficulty! "

Kristina can only helplessly said after hearing what I said: "I just ask to see if it doesn't work. Then I have another way."

" Do you still have a way?" I was really surprised this time.

Christina took out a scroll directly from her body, then looked at the scroll with a pity, and then said: "It's really invisible, just use this!"

"What is this?" I asked as I took the scroll and looked at it.

"This is a very rare space-based magic scroll. I have been hiding it for a long time, and I have never been willing to use it."

"This thing is expensive?"


"That's not the case." Kristina unexpectedly said that this thing is actually very cheap.

I asked with a little doubt: "Since it is not worth the money, why are you not willing to use it?"

"Because this is a scroll I accidentally completed."

"Did you do this yourself?"

"en. "Kristina nodded and said: "This is the trial task I did when I was promoted to the elemental spirit, and then I I synthesized a scroll. However, the task at that time was quite unfinished. Although this scroll was completed, it was actually not completed. At best, it can only be considered a passing level, but this is a qualitative task. Finished, the score is meaningless. At that time, I successfully advanced to the elemental spirit, and this scroll has been retained by me. Although it is actually a defective product, it has no practical value, but it is of more commemorative significance. But for the task , This little sacrifice is acceptable to me."

"Is there any function in this thing that allows us to take Xals out?"

"Of course. "Kristina explained: "This is a space scroll. I originally said that I hope it can pack a space, compress it and transform it into energy, and then transfer it to the world of elemental spirits. It's just that this scroll only Halfway through, it can pack a certain range of space, convert it into energy, and then teleport, but it can’t send the target to the world of the elemental elves. It can only teleport without a target. But after I was promoted again later, I understand the problem. With my current ability, I can set up a teleporter at a designated location so that we can achieve fixed-point teleportation."

"Sounds good, so hurry up and work. Right."

In fact, the settings of the teleporter that Kristina said is very simple. It is a magic array in itself, but the lines are a bit complicated, but Kristina is the queen of elements after all. So the speed at which she arranged this magical array was simply unimaginable, and soon we saw the finished product.

"Okay, now you just have to stand up." Kristina said to Xhals, pointing to an area.

Exhals moved up obediently, then Kristina started Transmission Scroll, and then... "Damn! Where's Iksals? Kristina, you send him Where are you?"

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