"Oh, we are here, there is no problem, hurry up and help." As I shouted, Kristina immediately ran in with the children, but the road was huge But the trenches blocked them all on the opposite side.

"Is this Gates of Hell? How could it appear in such a place?" Kristina looked at the deep groove in front of her and understood what it was.

In fact, the trench full of grievances is not an ordinary existence, but a kind of magic. The name of this magic is called Gates of Hell, but in fact, the following is not really connected to the Transmission Gate of Hell. In fact, the real hell is not like this. This magic just formed a world similar to a demiplane based on people's guesses about hell, and then opened a channel between the two. Because magic itself needs to open the Space Gate and must support the existence of a demiplane, its consumption is naturally very exaggerated. Generally, this kind of magic can only support a few seconds to ten seconds, no matter how long it takes, it can't be maintained. However, the Gates of Hell in front of us has been open since we came in, and it seems that this thing has always been there. In other words, this is a permanent Gates of Hell. This kind of Gates of Hell is generally produced by special methods rather than magic. Most of the internal demiplanes are formed naturally, and the magic itself only uses the magic array to open a stable channel. In this way, compared to the full version of Gates of Hell that needs to support the entire demiplane, the magic required to support only a space gate is much less. As long as there is a large energy gathering array, the energy problem can basically be solved.

"If you have time to study the Gates of Hell, why don't you come over and help me get this Epic Grade giant dragon out!" I was watching Christina being stopped by a big ditch. Then reminded out loud.

Kristina realized that she still had nothing to do, so she hurriedly greeted the group leader aunt and told the children not to approach Gates of Hell, and then jumped over by herself.

A distance of 20 meters is an insurmountable distance for ordinary people, but it is not a problem for Kristina. Who makes people have wings?

"What am I going to do?" Christina who landed looked at me and asked when I was busy.

I pointed to the Epic Grade giant dragon and said, "First, help to see if I can cut off the chain from his bone by performing an operation now. It seems that the thing is directly fixed to the skeleton. I don’t know if his current physique can withstand this cutting operation."

Kristina is a mage anyway, knows a little bit more about these things than I do, although she is not a professional medical practitioner. People, but it is still possible to use magic to inspire life force, but we are not sure whether this dragon still has life force to inspire us.

Kristina, who was instructed, quickly ran to the Epic Grade giant dragon and looked at his neck, then poke the opponent’s wound with her finger, and then asked: "Yes. Do you feel pain?"

The giant dragon shook the head said: "No."

Kristina nodded continued to ask: "What is your name?"

"Exhals Subaru Sionig."

"Well, Exhals. Listen now. These chains and wounds on your body I have done a simple check, and the situation is not optimistic. These things have been in your body for too long. The metal components have caused your body to be poisoned, and because of Dragon Clan’s powerful life force, this The poisoning phenomenon did not make you die immediately, but started to spread in a large area. Have you recently found that your body is getting stiffer, even if it is injured and will not hurt?"

"This phenomenon has already occurred. Good for several decades."

"So I said the situation is very serious. Because your poisoning phenomenon has spread throughout your body, your body has almost lost its self-healing ability, that is, the divine technique This kind of healing technique will not be effective for you."

Hearing this, Ixalus didn’t react with any fear or frustration, but rather said in a tranquil voice: "You’re saying that. Is there any other way?"

Kristina didn’t sell it, she directly nodded and said: "Although the divine technique of treatment doesn’t work for you, we can use the expelling technique first. The divine technique expels your body in a targeted manner. Set various metal toxins in your body as expelling targets and gradually expel them out, and then use some alchemy to refine your body alive, that is, to strengthen it to a certain extent. After homework, you can use normal healing techniques for treatment."

"So where are the difficulties?"

"There are three difficulties, the first one is On your own. Before we start to expel the metal toxins in your body, we must make sure that these shackles on your body have been dropped. But the problem is that your body may not be able to hold on to the large-scale operation on so many places. Even if the guild leader’s weapon has a rule effect, the cutting speed is very fast and will not cause you too many wounds, but anyway, it is necessary to cut so many large holes in the body, and the damage must be some. , And it’s not too light. Your physique now......"

"Let me go out and cultivate a little bit For a period of time, reasonable nutrition combined with my self-cultivation can always restore some physique, right? "

"No, you don't understand your current situation. Your current situation is very bad, do you understand? "Kristina said seriously: "Metaltoxins have begun to invade your internal organs, which means that your body will only get worse and worse over time, and it is impossible to get any recovery, even if you have a reasonable diet. The supplement is the same, there will be no improvement. "

"What should I do? "Exhals is really a little panicked now, because he knew that there must be a way for Christina to say that, but now it sounds like the problem is much more serious than imagined.

< p>"In fact, this matter is not impossible. Although your body has lost its self-healing ability due to the poisoning effect, if we can use the ability of the law to temporarily put your body into a functional static state, then there is no problem. "

"The law? "When I heard the law, even the Epic Grade giant dragon like Iksals began to drum up. "Are you sure you can get that kind of thing at random?" "

"Others may not work, but if we will grow up, then there will be no problem. "Kristina turned to me and asked: "You say yes, President?" "

I thought about it for a while and said: "There should be no problem, you are very easy to deal with this situation. "

Actually, the reason why I have a way to solve the law problem is entirely because our guild manages the ring of commandments, so I can apply to use the ring of commandments to temporarily grant certain rules. Of course, because of the ring of commandments In fact, it is only managed by our guild, and it is not something that belongs to our guild, so there is a price to use. However, the price of this thing is of course also high and low. For a situation like Exals, What we need is to prevent him from having any problems during the operation, so we only need a very short time limit, and this rule only applies to Exals itself, and does not cover anyone else, so this The scope is relatively small. For this kind of small-scale, short-term, and low-limit rule change, for my face, those Divine Races probably won't make it to me, so as long as I spare this face, even if I don’t exchange benefits. It should also be easy to get permission to use it.

Exhals didn’t know that we were still in control of the ring of commandments, so when he heard that I confirmed that it could be done, he immediately became calm. But this is a good thing after all, so he was not too surprised, just very excited that he could solve this problem.

Kristina has confirmed that we can use the rules to temporarily ensure that the operation is in progress. Kesars will not hang up and then continue to say: "Then, if it is to use the law to protect, we can skip the previous steps and proceed directly to the operation, so that we can completely remove these fixed chains first. However, it is not all that the chains are down. Your problem still exists. Metal toxins have accumulated in your body to a very high level. Even if you lose the source of toxins like chains, the remaining metal components in your body are enough to kill you, and because of the poisoning effect, you simply don’t have the slightest The recovery ability, even if the divine technique is used for treatment, it will not have any effect. "

"Do you need to use the steps you mentioned before?" "Exhals remembered that Christina just said that he can use the divine technique to expel metal toxins in the body.

Kristina nodded and said: "This is definitely of. The divine technique of expulsion can definitely expel the toxic metal elements in your body, but the problem is that there is not only one kind of toxic metal element in your body, so it is impossible to rely on a divine technique alone. You need a priest or deity who can use the high level divine technique to expel you. According to your situation, you will be expelled many times on the spot. This process may take a little bit of time, and this is the second difficulty I mentioned. . A god who knows high level expulsion is not easy to find, and people may not be willing to do this for you. As for the priests... Although it is theoretically feasible, I am worried that their power is not enough to expel the metal toxins in your body. After all, you are a dragon, and the magic resistance is ridiculously high. Even the divine technique has a low effect on you. Unless the god personally starts it, the priest's words may not even be able to break through your magic resistance, even if you don't resist, it's useless. "

"A god?" "Exhals thought for a while and said: "I know a few gods, and maybe they can help introduce some gods who know high level expulsion. "

"You don't need to worry about this, I think our president should also be able to help you handle it. "Kristina said.

I froze for a moment, then looked towards Kristina and suddenly understood her intentions. Kristina is not really incapable of solving Exar. The question about Si, the reason why she said that 80% was because she wanted to pull Aixars into the guild. Our guild already has an Epic Grade giant dragon, but who is the gold medalist like Epic Grade giant dragon this level? Would it be too much? Kristina's rhetoric is nothing more than to make Xalsles feel that we have worked hard for him, these all are things that he can do, but we can do it. In this case On the one hand, we can show him muscles, which is to let him know that we are capable of doing such exaggerated things. On the other hand, this is also a show of favor, because if we help to do difficult things, the favor is naturally He needs to bear it. As long as we help him complete these things, then if we then show the meaning of soliciting, I believe that he mostly rejected it.

After understanding Kristina’s After the intention, I immediately began to say: "It is unlikely that the gods you know will be connected to the gods who are capable of high level expulsion. You don't know, the relationship between the Deity Clan is relatively tense now, so the gods are Except for one force, there are very few contacts with each other. As for the gods in this faction...it can be said that the opportunity is not great. After all, the high level expulsion technique is also a relatively tasteless divine technique in the divine technique, because it is really not very useful, so many gods do not. of. Those who have really learned this divine technique are some super gods who have too much time, but that kind of god, I guess you can't move it? "

Exhals was a little bit confident at first, but when we said so, he immediately withered, and simply didn’t know how to continue. But we just wanted to let him know about us. The effort was huge, not to make him feel disheartened, so as soon as I saw his expression change, I immediately opened the mouth and said: "But don’t worry, my relationship with Divine Races around the world is still good. Help It shouldn't be a big problem if you ask a great god to help, but you may have to go to someone else's territory. After all, Divine Race can't leave your country casually. "

Exhals nodded and said: "This is of course. I also know the rules of Divine Race, as long as you can find the reason for the god who helped to die, no matter where I go to treat me, I have no problem. "

Kristina said with a smile immediately after hearing what Ixalus said: "Then there is no big problem. Since using the law to directly help you complete the operation, the part of strengthening the physique with alchemy can be avoided, so that we only have two difficulties. But as long as we grow up horses, all of these are not a problem. "

"Then shall we temporarily cut off these things from me now?" "Exhals can't wait to ask when he hears this.

Kristina nodded: "Of course. For follow-up treatment, we can't stay here and finish, so we must leave first. President, please break all those chains first. "

"Leave it to me. "

Cutting the chains is not a hassle. There is eternity. These chains are actually not much stronger than noodles. I didn't even use one minute and cut all the chains on this guy. In this way, the chain on his body is only the part that is fixed under the flesh. Of course, although the chain is removed, the chains fixed to the ground or the wall or even the pillars need me to go one by one. The materials of these chains are all super metal. Going back and smelting and processing is the best alloy material. It is definitely the best additive material for refining equipment. Pen, even more how, we will definitely choose a direct production method with higher added value.

During the time I was digging the anchors of those chains, Kristina had already used magic to control Exar Si sent to the opposite side of the big ditch, but there was some little trouble about how to get out of this place.

The passage from this cave to the outside is a passage about the size of an equivalent to a mountain tunnel. It can be said to be quite spacious. But... Axals is an Epic Grade giant dragon that stands up to 70 meters high. Even the giant beast, such as lucky and plague, feels small in front of him. For several laps. Fortunately, this channel can barely get through with a squeeze of this size, but Aksals is completely hopeless. His body is really too big.

This problem is simply not a problem for Dragon Clan. Don’t forget that the Transformation Technique was invented by Dragon Clan, so as long as you use the Transformation Technique, you can easily transform yourself into any small creature, and then you can walk through this passage in a big way.

However, this method has encountered a little trouble here now.

Because of the chains on his body all the year round, Aixars has absorbed too much metal. As for the ingredients, muscle tissue and blood have been poisoned. If it is just ordinary metal, this poisoning should only harm the body of Exhals, but the problem is that these chains themselves are cast with anti-magic materials, so Ai The metal elements absorbed into the body of Xals are actually blocking materials. The large amount of blocking metals present in Xals’ body caused Xals’ entire body to become a large forbidden magic ball. And the scope of action of this forbidden magic ball is his body itself, so Transformation Technique or something simply has no effect on him, whether it is released by himself or by others, the result is the same. All magic power is blocked by the magic metal. Simply impossible to produce the slightest effect.

Without the Transformation Technique, you have to find a way to plug this super huge monster, which is 70 meters tall and 300 meters long, through the narrow passage, but the problem is that with Ai It is really impossible for Kesars to get past his size.

After I packed up those chains and anchors, I started to think of a way with everyone. It’s just a way to let such a big thing pass through such a small hole. It’s really hard to think of. Although we have a top magician here, I would rather have a magician who can perform a giant dragon, and then get Xals out directly. It's a pity that some magicians can only stare when they see this situation.

"This...or should we widen the passage a bit?" The head aunt asked unsurely.

Christina said weakly: "Don’t think about it, I’ve seen it all. This is a semi-plane. Behind the wall of the passage is a space barrier. We can make a hole in it with our strength. It’s okay, don’t expect to expand."

"Doesn’t that mean that we are trapped here and can’t get out?" A big child asked: "You have solved such a complicated problem. You are actually stuck in a channel?"

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