Kristina’s transmission was originally considered to be a very simple thing, but what we didn’t expect was that the simpler the thing, the easier it is to make mistakes. Exals was fine when he was standing on the Transmission Formation. After the transmission started, he was indeed transmitted away, but the problem was that the receiver at the other end did not receive anything.

"Damn, such a big dragon can be lost, what kind of transmission are you?"

Kristina is also a little dizzy, and she surrounds the receiver. After watching for a long time, I couldn't find out where the problem was. "That's not right! Everything is normal here! It's supposed to be the one who will appear here!" Kristina said frantically, rubbing her hair.

"But the fact is that he just didn’t appear here, so we need to know where Exhals is now. Our actions have changed the entire mission process of the mission scroll. Exhals's mission to find us is completely disconnected!" I said helplessly.

Christina also knows that our mission will be forced to interrupt if this continues, but her Transmission Scroll and this receiver are really not the slightest problem, so now she is also very entangled. I know what to do!

"Why don't we think about it in another direction?" The head aunt standing next to her suggested.

"Change direction?" Christina and I were both stunned for a moment, and then started to think about this issue in a different way of thinking. To be honest, this way of changing the direction of thinking can really help people solve problems that they couldn't figure out before, but most people are easy to get stuck when they encounter problems. In that case, you can't think of other things. Therefore, Christina and I were there to study whether there is a problem with the Transmission Scroll and the receiver before receiving other people’s reminders. It turned out that both things are normal, so our thinking fell into dead end.

After changing the way of thinking, Kristina immediately thought of a possibility. "If there is no problem with my Transmission Scroll, it means that Ike Sals must have been transmitted. After all, he has indeed disappeared, so this is not disputed. Then, why the receiver did not receive Ike Sals?"

After Kristina said this speculation, she and I suddenly reacted at the same time and yelled: "There is a stronger receiver."

The essence of sub-spatial teleportation is actually to open a gap in the spatial barrier, and then throw the target object into the sub-space, and then to reproduce the object in another place, then you need to re-apply on the spatial barrier near this location Make a hole. When two holes exist at the same time, because the space barriers in other places have the pressure to resist the passage of objects, the target object can only return to the normal plane from the hole we opened, so one teleportation is completed. NS.

Judging from the fact that Xhals did disappear, the scroll of Kristina must have successfully opened the space channel and threw Xhals into the subspace. And we checked the receiver and found no problem, which means that the exit here is indeed opened. However, Iksals did not appear, that is to say, there may be another exit in this subspace, and the shielding pressure of this exit location may be lower than the pressure on our side, so Iksals did not slide in. This hole on our side went straight to the hole on the other side.

Although Christina and I have probably guessed the reason for this situation, it is a hassle to know the breach that Exhals accidentally entered. There are not many things that need to be investigated, but it is more troublesome. You need to know where Exhals has gone, and you must first find the location of the gap. And to know where the gap is, I only have to enter the subspace, because there is no way to locate the existence of the gap without entering. Moreover, not only must we enter the subspace, we must also be fast. The impossible exit of the subspace is always open, and the other side's gap should just happen to be opened at the same time as us, so the gap must have been closed, or will be closed soon. But it doesn’t matter, because the repair of the space barrier takes time, and this time is actually quite long, so as long as we enter the subspace before the space barrier is completely repaired, we can accurately locate Ike according to the location of the weak point of the space barrier. The whereabouts of Sals. However, although this repair time is not short, it is not long, and it is difficult to guarantee that no one else will be connected to the same subspace for transit and jump in the subsequent period of time, and once this happens, then There will be some new openings, and we have no way to distinguish between these openings. The only thing we can do is to investigate one by one.

To sum up, we must enter the subspace as soon as possible before the space barrier is completely repaired if we want to find Ixals, and we must also use the fastest speed to pass, otherwise it is very It is difficult to ensure that Exhals can be found accurately. Besides, Aksals is completely ill now, but he happens to be a very awesome Epic Grade giant dragon. In the system judgment, he is a dragon and Epic Grade, so the EXP given by killing him will also be Epic Grade, and the various materials on the Epic Grade giant dragon are also terrible. It can be said that even if Xals is dead now, he is a very valuable existence.

The other party opened the channel for whatever reason, and suddenly saw a dragon fall out, and later discovered that it was still a dying dragon. What do you think the other party will do? I won't leave him there anyway, no matter what the other party does, it's definitely not good for us.

"What are we going to do now?" Kristina asked.

I thought about it for a while and said: "There is no way. The only way at the moment is to find someone to take us into the subspace where you are connected with a scroll as soon as possible, and then follow the previous passage as soon as possible. Go to the place where Exhals fell out and find him."

"But we can’t do this by ourselves! Besides, even if we enter the subspace, the two of us don’t have the ability to force it. Break through the barrier of the opponent's space and jump out?"

"No, I can do it." I directly said this conclusion, but Kristina was taken aback.

"What? Can you do it?" Kristina asked, looking at me in surprise.

I nodded very surely said: "I can break the space barrier, and I can also move in the subspace. As for the other side of the exit, I also have a way to open it again, but in this process I need to consume huge amounts of money. When I go out, I may have a period of weakness afterwards, and I need you to protect my safety."

Kristina wanted to accept it immediately, but she thought about it carefully. Stopped that impulse again. "I said, the president, my strength is definitely no problem to protect you, but Ixalus is also there, of course it is no problem for the two of us to protect him together, and now I want to protect you, then Ixal What should I do? In case the group of people who opened the space channel face to face is hostile, it wouldn’t have been so good. Seeing us chasing after us, they will definitely kill Xelsals decisively, when the time comes, you say me Is it to protect you or to protect Exhals?"

" looks like this is really not good!" I thought for a while and immediately said: "That's it. I will do it. How about calling a few more experts over there to help?"

"The most suitable words for expert are True Red and gold coin, but can they both spare their hands to help in this situation?"


At present, Russian players are aggressively invading the borders of our country, and the players in our guild are currently divided into several waves to go out to intercept these unruly Russian players. Gold coin and true red are the pillars of the guild. They The two are absolutely busy at this time. I can't help and have put a lot of pressure on the guild. If these two pillars are pulled away, it will really affect the overall situation!

"Well...or else you should just leave our mission alone?" The head aunt heard me and Kristina next to me and knew that we are very busy now, but in the end They were unable to complete the work in the guild for this task, which made her and the children feel very guilty and felt that it affected our normal work. After all, our guild was the ruling guild in China, so what we did was basically The above can be regarded as a national major event, which makes the children even more sorry.

They were right to think this way, but now this task is done so that we can't even give up. Since Xals is an Epic Grade giant dragon, then his value of existence has gone. In this case, even if we give up the task, we are all impossible to stop just for the sake of Aksals.

"This is no longer your business, but ours. We have to finish this matter, so you don’t worry about us. But I may need to talk to Chris Dina enters the subspace together to search for Xals, you need to return to Isengard by yourself. But don’t worry, you bring this communicator, and I will notify you as soon as I have new information, when the time comes you Come and meet us again."

Although the head aunt heard me a little bit, she was still not at ease, but she also knew that it was useless to persuade us at this time, so she wanted to give us as much as possible. To reduce the trouble, she can only accept the communicator obediently and stop talking.

Fixed the team leader aunt and the children, the rest is to need a strong back-up. Although this backup may not be useful, but it cannot be without it. Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case!

"Everyone at the guild is very busy, why not consider foreign aid?" Kristina suggested.

"Foreign aid? Are you talking about the Iron Crusade?" I asked in surprise.

Christina said with a smile: "Of course it’s not on the Iron Crusade’s side. I heard before I came that the Iron Crusade’s people have entered our country in large numbers and are currently defending the border. Ashford seems to be carrying the elite of the Iron Crusade to help intercept the elite battlement of thousands of people, so they are actually not free now. What I mean is to consider mercenaries."

"Mercenary?" I was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly understood. "Yes, can we place an order for summon mercenaries!" The so-called mercenaries are to spend money to ask some players who have applied for mercenaries to help with some tasks. Of course, you need to sign before the mission starts. Agreement, this will ensure that mercenaries can perfectly help employers complete their tasks, and don’t lose personal wealth when the time comes. Of course, the price of mercenaries that are not the same level is different, and this price is naturally divided according to different strengths. Most low-level mercenaries directly look at the system score. High level mercenaries depend on the task completion rate, system score, and various Ranking List rankings. Of course, the most important thing is the ranking of the world battle strength list, which directly determines the value of the mercenary.

I actually participated in the application for the mercenary declaration agreement, but because of my ranking on the battle strength list and my identity, my asking price is very exaggerated, and no one has passed it so far. Please pass me on this system. In fact, I seem to remember that almost all players in the top 200 meters of the battle strength list have applied for this mercenary agreement. Of course, the price of these people is not too low, but it is much cheaper than my price. After all, I can handle all the players ranked 21st to 200th on the world battle strength list by myself, so I can justify the higher fees.

"Who do you want to hire?" I looked at Kristina and asked. She can propose this method mostly because someone has already chosen it.

"How do you say the gun god?"

"The gun god?" To be honest, I really didn't expect this guy. The gun god has always reached the Ranked 2nd position on the battle strength list, but has recently been surpassed by many experts in our guild, and has now fallen to the fifth place on the world battle strength list. However, fifth sounds seem to be very late, but think about it, this is the world ranking. There are 100 million people in the world, seventy-eighty, and it’s super exaggerated to rank in the top 100, let alone the top five? So, the strength of this guy is quite exaggerated. After all, even our heavily built Japanese idol Matsumoto Masaga is only sixth on the battle strength list, one rank lower than others.

"Does this guy have a problem?" Kristina asked.

I thought about it for a moment and said: "No problem, this guy should be okay." In addition to strength, a very important piece of information for mercenaries is their relationship with themselves. If it is an ordinary player who hires a mercenary, it is generally only necessary to find people from non-hostile forces in the country, but for organizations or individuals with international presence such as ours, we must consider the interest relationship between the other party and us, otherwise we If you openly hire the guy Nobunaga oni to work, I guess they won’t accept it even if you give it money, right? Besides, even if that guy really agrees, we have to dare to use it! Even if there is a system agreement, but if people fight to accept punishment, they will make trouble. What can we do with him? Therefore, in addition to strength, the selection of candidates depends on the relationship.

Although the relationship between the gun god and our guild is not an ally, but basically there is more cooperation, so the relationship should be positive, and the value is also reasonable. There is much less pressure to hire such a person. As long as it is not directly related to the other party's interests, most people will work hard. After all, did you give the money?

"Then I will check if he is online and the latest charging status now." Kristina said and started to operate.

The information of hiring mercenaries is not fixed. Players can modify their employment information at any time. For example, some people have just upgraded recently, and then the equipment attributes in the past are inappropriate and need to be eliminated, so it is possible Add a piece of equipment that requires a certain level of equipment to the cost of employment, and has certain special attributes. This kind of information can be filled in at will, as long as you are not afraid that others will be directly scared off seeing your offer. I originally set a sky-high employment fee because I didn't want to work for someone without problems, so I also set a sky-high price so that ordinary people will not hire me. And if someone is really willing to pay that much money, of course I don’t mind taking a trip.

After waiting for a while, Kristina said to me: "I checked. The current ordinary hire price of the gun god is 100,000 crystal coins per day, plus a star shard."< /p>

"What about task-based billing?"

"Those are calculated separately and need to be negotiated, but the deposit requires two million crystal coins."

< p>"The price is reasonable, but we don’t need such exaggerated tasks. Let’s hire for a day. Remember to check the delivery service."

"Ok, I’m working on it."

In addition to publishing tasks, the mercenary system also comes with a teleportation service. This service requires an additional charge. The advantage is that as long as the player you hire is online, you can directly send him to you after the other party accepts the employment, and you don't need to think of a way to meet him. In addition, one thing to note is that this teleportation service actually has a return teleportation, that is, after the end of the employment, the other party will be sent back to the location they left before. This is a special teleportation. You need to choose the teleportation when you meet to choose this. And some high-level players have a mandatory requirement in the employment conditions that you have to spend money to buy back and forth teleportation. In fact, in my opinion, this is the same as paying for postage when shopping online. Some people send it for free, while others have to pay for it.

Because the gun god is online at this time, we quickly completed the drafting of the contract. It was not the first time to cooperate, but it was not an employment before, but a pure cooperation, but this time it became an employment relationship.

As soon as the gun god chose to accept the task, he was immediately teleported to us, and this guy’s current appearance has changed significantly from before, the most conspicuous of which is the one on his head Strange helmet too.

The gun god’s profession is a musketeer, so his equipment is different from our magic professions. There is no helmet in his equipment, only a hat. And this hat adds accuracy instead of defense. After all, the Musketeer is not a melee system. What he needs is accurate and absolute output. It doesn't really matter what defense is.

The gun god now is different from before. Not only did he put on a full-covered helmet that looked like the head of a robot in a science fiction movie, but he also replaced all the equipment on his body. With heavy metal-style mechanical equipment, people who don’t know at first glance thought that this guy had changed his race into a constructed creature!

"Are you...?"

"I upgraded my advanced class-heavy assault infantry."

"Reloaded assault infantry? "Kristina looked at the gun god's outfit and asked in surprise: "Are you a power armor?"

"Of course not. Do you think this kind of equipment is possible in "Zero" ?"

"It should be impossible, but you......?"

Speaking of this, the gun god suddenly laughed. "In fact, speaking of which is indeed power armor, at least the function and appearance are all the same, the only difference is that the explanation given by the system is different. Does your guild have mobile angels? Think about that and you can understand, right?"

Neither Christina nor I are idiots. We naturally thought of what the gun god said so well. If the mobile angel is actually an automatic robot according to us, it is also an armed robot. However, in the game, it is not called a robot, but a magic puppet, and we do know that the body of the mobile angel does not use any electronic drive system. , But a complete magic technology. It can be said that apart from the same application of some mechanical structures such as levers, bearings, gear sets, and crankshafts, mobile angels and robots can hardly find any common principles. They can be said to be completely two different technologies from the inner core. The different products below are just similar in appearance. Both are assembled with non-living materials, and both have a mechanical structure, all have autonomous characteristics, and have combat capabilities, and even have similar appearances. However, the difference is different. The mobile angel is not a robot.

If this thing on the gun god is a reference to the mobile angel, then it makes sense. If you use magic technology to improve, and use a lot of steel for production, you can definitely make a magic version of power armor, but the principle is different.

Although the gun god’s equipment and profession have been upgraded with great effort, because our side is also constantly strengthening, even if it is much stronger than before, his world battle strength rankings However, it has dropped, which shows that everyone is also working hard to move forward!

After a simple greeting, I started to get to the point. After all, Ike Sals was in a hurry, so we didn't dare to delay. Before the gun god signed the agreement, he knew the mission outline, so I just briefly introduced him and let him first talk about his current battle method and characteristics to facilitate everyone's cooperation, and then he began to prepare for the crossing.

There are many ways to open the space barrier, and even the huge might of the big move will have the effect of blasting the space barrier when used, but what we need under the current situation is a precise way to open one Enough for one person to pass through, and stable for a few seconds. After all, we have three people. If the barrier is opened and closed immediately, it will be a problem for the rest of the people to enter. Of course, getting stuck in the middle of the barrier is even more terrible.

Kristina was troubled because I thought we couldn't get in, but I have something that Kristina doesn't know can help us open the barrier of space.

"Corolla, come out and help." Following my summon, a golden Martial Goddess walked out of the Phoenix and Dragon space. As an infrequent familiar, Larolla’s combat capability is actually quite good. It’s just that there are so many monsters with high battle strength around me, so under normal circumstances, I don’t need her to play. Relatively speaking, I am more accustomed to using Corolla as a special magic familiar, because the combined armor formed by the deformation of the magic array on her body is really easy to use. The existence of this armor is equivalent to carrying a complete set of magic arrays of all other types on the body, because this set of equipment can not only be transformed into magic arrays of any shape, but also all magic array combinations have been preset on it. The most basic unit in.

If you consider a complete magic array with specific functions as an article, then the magic array modules preset in this set of Corolla’s equipment are equivalent to words. It shouldn’t be too difficult to use a bunch of texts that have been written in advance to spell out an article that already knows the content.

"Master, what's your order?"

"Help me assemble a Space Crack generator."


After receiving the order, Corolla immediately began to unfold the Golden Battle Armor on her body, and the things on those armors were like deformed Vajra. After landing, the combination and connection became a giant with a radius of more than two meters. Great Demon array, and this magic array is the so-called Space Crack generator.

This Space Crack generator is not the kind of anti-satellite device in sci-fi games. The function of this thing lies in the Tearing Space, creating a gap. The only difference between it and Transmission Formation is that Transmission Formation will open an exit when the entrance is opened, and this thing just enters and does not come out. certainly. Don't think that this thing becomes simpler without an exit. In fact, on the contrary, this kind of crack generator is actually more complicated than Transmission Formation.

You can think of subspace as a container. Now this container is just blocking the road you are going to pass through, and both sides are against the wall, so you can't go around. Most people can only be stuck here, because you are impossible to tear open the container with your bare hands. Transmission Formation is like a cannon and uses armor-piercing shells. It can make two holes in the container, one side in and the other out, and this hole is big enough for you to drill through. This is the basic principle of transmission. However, if you want to use this gun to make a hole in the container, let you enter the inside of the container, but don't go out from the other side, do you think this is simple?

Simply speaking, it is also simple, as long as the power is calculated well, as long as the output energy can penetrate one barrier and not penetrate the other. But, have you considered it? People are not cannonballs. Can you really control people so precisely and fly through only one level of passage? This power requirement is to make the target of the transmission directly break through the barrier of the First Layer, and then just run out of energy and stop within the barrier, not as long as it can't penetrate the barrier of the opposite Second Layer. Don’t forget that the teleporter is a person, not a thing. You’re impossible to say that if the teleporter hits the opposite barrier and is bounced back, the mission will be completed as long as it doesn’t fly out? That person is not made of iron, and it is not fun to use his flesh and blood to smash the barriers of space. As far as I know so far, apart from the Eastern Divine Dragon and Peak among a few giant dragons, there is really no race that can use Fleshy body to smash the barriers of space.

Anyway, this space tearing device is still a very complicated piece of equipment. Fortunately, I have a Corolla, otherwise it will take a lot of effort!

The space tearing device needs to be activated after completion, but this process requires a lot of magic input. Corolla's own magic is not enough to complete this part, and Kristina is not me, Corolla is not her demon familiar, can not complete the driving of this magic array with her, so I can only do it.

The process of inputting magic power is very simple. The device starts up and everything is normal. It only took more than ten seconds to successfully tear open the space barrier. Then Kristina and the god of war were both in my eyes. I immediately got in, and finally I quickly retracted Corolla and jumped in before the space barrier was completely healed.

The environment in the subspace is weird. It feels like jumping into a kaleidoscope. The only thing you can do is to rely on your own sense to sense, because although the eyes can see things, but in this kind of place It will only make you dizzy, so it feels better to use it.

"Kristina. Did you find the gap?" Since Kristina came first before me, I asked as soon as I came in.

Kristina said with some embarrassment: "I found three gaps, one of which can be eliminated from my receiver, and the other two don’t know which one!"

"It seems that we can only try one's luck! At worst, drive back and go one more time." Gun God said indifferently.

Christina said angrily: "You guys charge by time, of course you are not in a hurry! We are in a hurry!"

"Then you Can't we leave alone, right?" The gun god didn't care about Kristina's tone and said in a selfish manner. Although Kristina's ranking is higher than him, he is a long-range type and has a super high attack power. It can be said that Kristina's mage system is restrained, so he is not afraid of Kristina. If you really want to go heads-up, the gun god may have a higher winning rate than Kristina, but the overall ranking is lower. Of course, relatively speaking, the gun god is more afraid of me and Zhenhong, because he will definitely not kill us with one or two shots, and once he gets close... Apart from being abused, I can't think of any other probability anyway.

Kristina can only squint at the gun god’s words, then looked towards me and asked: "President? How are we half?"

"Just like the gun god Speaking of, try one's luck!" Although the gun god seems to be careless when he speaks, he is actually not an unreliable person. The current situation is really not suitable for dividing troops, so there is no way to run one more time. Besides, we don't have to be so back and we will go wrong. How to say we have a half chance of doing it at once.

"There are two now, which one shall we choose?" Kristina asked.

"Did these two openings occur at the same time as your opening?" I asked aloud.

Christina was a little unhappy at first, and she became excited when she heard what I said, because she already knew my intentions. Xhals was lost during transmission after the receiver of Kristina was opened, which means that the opening that Xals passed through should be the same as the opening of the receiver of Kristina. It was opened within a close time period, otherwise, if the two are opened at intervals, Ixalth would be impossible to send the wrong place. So, as long as you find the opening of the teleporter with Kristina and want to approach the opening of the time period, you can roughly determine which opening it is. As for how to determine this...

In fact, it is not difficult to determine the opening time of the opening. Because the speed of the space barrier repair is fixed, just look at the current closure of the gap to estimate how long it has been closed. Of course, because the opening time of the space channel is not fixed, that is, there are lengths and shorts, so we can't be sure how long the other's opening lasts before closing, so even the opening that is opened at the same time as us is also It may be a long time after we close the opening. However, the maintenance of this opening requires a lot of magical power as support. Therefore, under normal circumstances, normal births will not open this channel for a long time. Therefore, our judgment should be relatively accurate.

With my guidance, Kristina quickly selected a goal, and then I needed to open this channel in the next step. Although they are all space barriers, coming in from the outside and going out from the inside are completely two concepts.

We usually live in the main plane, which is a world with complete rules and self-operating laws, so its protective shell is relatively strong. In other words, it is very difficult for you to break through the space barrier of a main plane and leave that world. However, our current position is in the subspace, not the main plane. This subspace does not even have a complete world law, so the space barrier here is actually very weak. This is why I say that Space Crack ripper is simpler than Transmission Formation. After all, it’s not easy to get in, but get out. very easy.

Many people may be confused when they hear this. Don’t both of you enter the subspace from the main plane and return to the main plane from the main plane have to pass through the barrier of space? They are just the front and back of a wall. Why is it so hard to penetrate from the front to the back, and vice versa?

This is actually a special attribute of the space barrier. Although we often think of the space barrier as a wall, it is not. It should be said that the space barrier is more like a one-way magical protective barrier, and it is internal. That is, things on the outside can be easily entered, but things on the inside are very difficult to get out. And the strength of the barrier itself is related to the spatial level. The level of the main plane is very high, so it is difficult to leave, while the subspace is relatively simple.

Because it is relatively easy to get out of the subspace, I didn't even use Corolla, and a big hole was blown through the barrier of space with a single big move, and the situation outside was chaotic at this time.

Just ten minutes ago, in the high level summon field of a guild station in Thailand, a large group of players had prepared summon to produce a super Demon God, and then they had to use a special magic device to This Demon God uniform was then transformed into their combat attributes for use. However, although summon was successful, the result of summon was slightly beyond expectations.

When the space channel was opened, the Demon God did come out of it, and from the looks of it, it must be a very powerful existence, and it must be able to provide them with a large number of combat attribute points. However, just when the Demon God was just under the control of the array of bondage demons on the ground, they were about to start using a special ceremony to transform this guy to get the attribute points, the space channel that had begun to close slowly was actually forcibly supported. After a lap, everyone saw a weird giant dragon flipping out of the passage.

Two creatures appeared in summon at once, which has never happened before in the history of summon of this group of Thai players. However, this situation has already happened, and what's more terrible is that after the dragon flew out, it happened to hit the Great Demonic God's back.

The restraint array on the ground i

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