According to the little crocodile guide, we need white mud to enter the cave where the Epic Grade giant dragon is sealed. The repair of this magic array must have white mud, so the problem came back.

"What should I do now?" Kristina asked, looking at the little crocodile.

I also stared at him and asked: "You said that your guide will make us feel good value for money, but now I think it is very worthless! What do you think of this advice you gave? It’s just an endless loop. Knowing it in advance and discovering this secret after a while seems to be the same, right?"

"Hehe, don’t you guys get angry. Although this white clay is not easy to handle, but I’m a guide It's really not a free move. Since you feel that I am not strong enough, then I will give you a strong answer. White mud is an indispensable repair material, but the premise is that you intend to completely repair this magic array."

Kristina and I are both human beings, and as soon as I heard the other's words, I immediately understood the overtones in his words. "Your consciousness can be replaced with other things, but will it affect the operation of the magic array?"

Little crocodile nodded and said: "The main function of the white clay is to seal the material of the magic array and hinder the outside. Magic interference, but if you don’t have this white mud, you can use other things to block it. It’s just that the material that is completely magic resistant is not easy to find. The white mud can completely isolate the transmission of magic power. Magical superconductors such as silver are all difficult to deal with. But...if you just make do with it temporarily, you can actually use inert metal instead. Of course, because there is no good blocking effect of white clay, the magic array is in operation. The release of magic power in the game may be unstable, and the consumption of magic power will be relatively large."

"Understand, we only need to use this thing to temporarily satisfy the requirements of the zombie girls, and then let them tell us how to open that The seal lock of the Epic Grade giant dragon. After we see the Epic Grade giant dragon, we can bring out the white clay to complete the repair of the magic array."


"Then there is no need to delay. Let's act quickly." As I said, I opened the Phoenix Dragon space directly, and then dug out a black mud-like substance from the inside. This thing is actually not soil. Although it does not look much different from ordinary soil, anyone who knows how to make magic arrays must know, because this black substance is the famous black gold. This so-called black tan gold is actually a kind of metal. Although it looks like mud and exhibits a very loose shape, it is only on the premise that it has not come into contact with a specific substance. As long as this black Tanjin is mixed with a small amount of poison ivy sap, it can solidify into a firm solid within a few minutes. This process is similar to the change process after cement powder comes into contact with water, but the speed is faster, and the coagulated material is not comparable to cement. The material formed after the hardening of the black gold will have a hardness that exceeds that of steel, and its magic resistance is as high as 97%, almost almost 100% of the white clay. Originally, this kind of material can be regarded as a very good material for making armor. After all, it has high hardness, low density and high magic resistance, which almost meets all the attribute requirements of magic equipment. Unfortunately, although this thing looks good, they have a serious flaw, that is, they are afraid of water.

Although the hardness of this kind of black gold is amazing after solidification, as long as it comes into contact with water, it will be restored to the same state as the previous powder within a few seconds. Therefore, although this thing itself is very hard, it does not have any probability as a construction or equipment material. After all, the characteristic of being afraid of water is really terrible.

Although this thing is extremely afraid of water, we are only here to temporarily close the surface magic circuit of the magic array, and this place itself is in the city center, although The above is open air, but this space does not look like it will change in weather. Besides, let’s just improvise, so it won’t be so unlucky, right? It’s really not possible. I let Xiaochun stand here with a protective Formation. It’s always okay to keep out the rain here, right?

After the plan was made, Christina and I started to act, but the so-called action was actually mainly because Christina was moving, and I was mainly in charge of directing. Of course, Christina is not actually fighting alone, because Ling, Xiaochun and the small dragon girl are all helping.

Repairing magic arrays is a very professional job. Although I am also a professional wizard, I know how to use magic arrays but I can’t do it. It’s okay if you let me make a temporary cameo and make a simple shaped energy array or something. As for this super large magic array, don't count on it. Professionals still have to be handled by professionals.

Fortunately, Kristina’s technical level is beyond doubt. Ling and Xiaochun are also experts in this area, so this magic array was quickly completed with the efforts of four people. NS. During this period, the children have been in the vicinity to give us tea and water, which is regarded as a fight, but in my opinion, they are purely making trouble. Without their help, the speed can be faster.

It took more than an hour to get the magic array and we started to input the magic power. After the trial operation was completed, with Kristina inputting a lot of magic power, the magic array finally became fully operational. Almost at the moment when the magic array was fully operational, the whole city remembered the violent screams. This sudden situation shocked us and thought that something was wrong with the magic array. Fortunately, this scream was heard quickly, and the results of the children going out to inquire also proved that this is just a normal reaction in the process of expelling the negative effects of the magic array after the activation of the magic array and turning zombie into a human being.

With the completion of the magic array, we immediately took everyone to discuss the issue of Epic Grade giant dragon with the beautiful Royal Family of the four previous zombie girls.

Because it has returned to normal, this time of course it was the queen who came to talk to us. The queen standing in front of us observed the magic array and immediately said to us: "Very good, you repaired it perfectly."

Although we used substitutes, one is 100 % Isolation, one is 97%, the difference is actually not very big, so the queen, who is not a professional mage at all, simply cannot be distinguished. As for the auxiliary staff such as the mages that should exist next to the queen...please, people's country has just woken up, how can the entourage react so quickly? It takes time to adapt to the current situation, right?

"We have done your request. Now should we tell us how to see that Epic Grade giant dragon?" I looked at the queen and asked.

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