“It’s actually very easy to see that giant dragon.” The queen looked at us very seriously, and then waited for a while before continuing, “You just have to walk to the gate, Then just knock on the door."

When this answer was said, Kristina and I were in a completely sluggish state, because...we, grandfather, were actually fooled.

"You mean...that dragon was not sealed at all?" Kristina thought she had made a mistake, so she asked again.

The queen said very politely: "no no no, he is indeed sealed, but the role of the seal is only to limit his ability to move, and it cannot really block others from approaching him, so If you want to see him, just go and knock on the door."

"Then what did we do before?" Kristina asked in a slightly angry voice.

The queen's face is really not comparable to ordinary people. She said nonchalantly: "I just said that you will help us complete the repair of the magic array, and then I will tell you how to see that dragon. Now you I fulfilled the requirements, and I fulfilled my promise. Isn’t it perfect?"

"I..." Kristina seemed to say something, but I just yelled a word. Hold it down.

"Go and see the dragon to complete the task first. Nothing else is important. We are in a hurry!"

In fact, I am very angry with this kind of thing, because We were very anxious and were in a hurry, but the other party used this reason to deceive us and let us bye bye waste so much time helping them repair this magic array. Although it is indeed pitiful for their citizens to be cursed or something, we must not help because they are pitiful? Besides, even if we really play the emotional card, we should decide whether we want to promote the spirit of friendship after telling us what we really want, rather than doing vain work after being deceived. However, I turned angry. Now that the situation is like this, we can't do anything, and time is tight, I don't have time to care about them, so I just took Christina to get things done first and leave quickly. Anyway, the latter part of this mission needs to come to this island again, so if there is really any hatred, it is not too late to come again when the time comes. The so-called monks who run away can't run to the temple, because people's countries are all here, can they still be moved collectively?

Looking at Kristina being dragged away by me, the queen didn't say a word wisely. At this time, the more she said, the more angry we became, so she simply didn't explain anything. Kristina and I took the children to meet the dragon angrily. Fortunately, the children were not by our side when the queen told about the giant dragon's situation, otherwise it must be noisy now.

"Do you know how to see that dragon?" As soon as Christina and I left the magical array, the head of the group came up and asked.

Christina originally wanted to tell the truth, but I was held back by me. At this time, it is better to do more than to do less. After the simple nodded, I took Kristina and ran to the entrance of the cave first. The head aunt saw that our expressions were wrong, and she stunned her head and ran forward thinking that this giant dragon’s interview method was more difficult. So she is not good to say anything, she can only tell the children to keep up quickly, don't make a lot of noise, and try to reduce our burden.

When everyone rushed to the entrance of the cave over there, they just saw a huge stone gate standing at the entrance of the cave over there, but there was neither a keyhole nor any magic on the door. Array is just a simple stone gate. What's worse is that there are no cracks in the door. Obviously, it is a block gate.

It’s a troublesome thing to knock on this kind of door. Fortunately, there are more large monsters here. Summon went out of the tank and knocked twice. After waiting for a few seconds, I found out. no response. The tank looked at me and didn't know whether to continue knocking, but Kristina said directly: "Keep knocking."

I know Kristina is holding fire in her stomach, so this kind of thing is not easy to talk about. What, I can only let Kristina vent. Fortunately, the tank just knocked twice and heard a metal crash. Following the gate, it began to slowly rise, quickly opening a spacious passage. However, even though the door was open, the inside was very bright, not as dark as imagined, but there was no sound inside, and we didn't know whether we should go in directly.

After hesitating for a while at the door, I decided to go straight in. As a result, the little crocodile, which had always made me suspect that it was very weak, jumped out at this time. Because he didn’t tell us in advance that we were tricked by the queen, so now Kristina and I are very skeptical about the role of this guy. Although he did help us a little bit, the problem is this. For serious matters, he didn't disclose any news to us, so we are now starting to treat him coldly, that is, completely ignore him.

I don’t know if this place belongs to his mission, or he intends to do a good job. Anyway, the little crocodile jumped out again at this time, and then stood in front of us and said: "This passage is called Road of No Return, you should be able to understand the literal meaning. To enter this passage, you must pay attention to two things. First, after you enter this passage, you will see a doorway at the end of the passage, which is the end. Before going through the doorway, you can’t go back in any way. You can only move forward, or stop in place, or move left and right, but absolutely can’t go back. Once you go back more than a brick distance, then the person who goes back will immediately Was completely wiped out by the laws in this passage. According to your adventurer, Level 10 is dropped at one time, and the next resurrection requires an interval of twenty-four hours."

"What a heavy punishment!" I said Then he asked: "So what about the second precaution?"

"The second precaution is that when walking through this passage, there will be many creatures appearing here, and those are actually illusions. , Don’t worry about them. Their purpose is to force you to retreat. In fact, these guys do not have the slightest offensive ability and will not cause any kind of harm to you. You have nothing."

I nodded and said: "These are these two, are they?"

The little crocodile nodded and said: "Yes, it is these two. But in your actions I'll go ahead and show you something."

Obviously, the little crocodile is trying to atone for the scam that he didn’t tell us before. After all, he is only a guide, not an engineer, so things like Tang Lei shouldn’t He did it. Therefore, he is able to do this now obviously for atonement. However, since he did keep silent in the previous deception, the atonement for this sin was justified, so we did not stop him.

After speaking, the little crocodile jumped directly into the passage, and then moved forward.

In fact, this passage is not very long, no more than two hundred meters at most. The width of the passage is about ten meters, and the height may be slightly smaller, but there is always seven or eight meters.

The walls, floor and ceiling in the passage are all made of white stone. The difference is that all the floor tiles on the ground are all 60% of the size of the floor tiles, that is, the floor tiles with a side length of 60 cm. , While the walls and ceiling are made of whole pieces or spliced ​​stones, anyway, there are no gaps or the like.

In fact, this passage is not only wide, but also very beautiful. There are pillars at intervals on the walls on both sides of the passage, and the ceiling is not flat, but an arched dome. Not only is there a lot of beautiful pictures embossed on it, but also painted with color paint, which looks very beautiful gorgeous. If it weren't for the lines drawn with golden lacquer lines, it would be exactly the same as the imperial palace-style decoration popular in Europe. Of course, even if golden is not used, the color reliefs alone are already exaggerated.

Originally, this kind of passage can almost be regarded as a national welcome passage, but after listening to the little crocodile, none of us think there is anything beautiful in this place. The road that can be called Road of No Return, no matter how beautiful it is, few people are willing to walk on it, right?

Because the white stone is used to build the passage, and there are a lot of magic crystal lights in the passage, the light is very sufficient. The little crocodile stood at this end of the tunnel, took a breath and suddenly rushed forward.

Originally, we thought it would be in danger in the middle of the passage. Who knew it would immediately touch the organ just as it entered. Almost as soon as the little crocodile stepped on the floor of the corridor, a large number of grotesquely shaped creatures emerged from the doorway opposite. Some of these creatures are very long and huge, and they can give people a kind of horror as long as they stand there. The oppression force. Some are very small, but the number is too large. The densely packed ones make people feel scalp tingling at first glance. There are also creatures that look extremely disgusting, making people feel instinctively that they don't want these things to touch. In short, the creatures here are all kinds of strange things, as long as you can think of shapes that make you afraid or disgusting, you can almost find them here.

So many creatures appear together, the scene is indeed very spectacular, but when you see a creature that almost fills the entire passage, looks a bit like a rhino, lower its head, and use When the hoofs planed the ground, and then rushed forward, most people might turn around and run instinctively, right? What's even worse is that this channel is actually like a 5D movie theater. It not only allows you to see a three-dimensional illusion, but also the sound, airflow, and vibration are simulated. When the huge monster, weighing more than ten tons, was whizzing at a glance, even standing outside the passage, we could feel that the ground was indeed shaking with every step of the other party. The shock that shocked the soul made people want to turn around and run away.

Amidst the exclamation of the children on our side, the little crocodile rushed up to the thing without evading it, and then when the two met, In fact, nothing happened. Just like the little crocodile said, all creatures are illusions. Although the rhinoceros-like thing has a heavy and imposing manner, it is really an illusion. As long as you ignore it, there is no problem.

"If it weren't for the little crocodile wading thunder in front, I would definitely turn around and run." A child said with lingering fear as he watched the little crocodile passing through the illusion without incident.

Kristina said next to him: "I guess I will use magic to blast off the entire passage!"

"Don't talk, just pay attention to the actions of the little crocodile guide , Pay attention to what else needs to be taken care of." I interrupted the discussion between the children and Kristina, and focused everyone's attention on the little crocodile. The way this guy is now makes me feel that this channel may not be that simple. Firstly, the name Road of No Return is too overbearing. Secondly, if it’s just a phantom, the little crocodile doesn’t have to be so serious. After all, we only need to know the situation after seeing him through the phantom. At worst, a monster will rush up. Just close your eyes at the time. However, the little crocodile needs to be emphasized once more, so there must be something to pay attention to.

Sure enough, just after I finished talking, everyone’s attention was focused on the little crocodile. The rhinoceros in the passage in front had disappeared, but suddenly there was something popped up on the ground. The saw wheel is two meters high. This fast-rotating saw wheel is like a sawing machine for woodworking. The ground of the passage is the bed board of the sawing machine, and the saw wheel is the electric saw for cutting. Of course, if you just pop out a chainsaw wheel from the ground, of course there is nothing at worst. Just be careful not to hit it anyway. However, the key problem is that when this thing rose from the ground, it suddenly rushed forward after it turned.

Seeing that the saw wheel was shot at high speed, the little crocodile immediately jumped to the side, and the saw wheel rushed past its side with a slight difference, barely cutting off its tail.

After seeing this situation, I finally understand. Whether there are phantom creatures or organs in this channel. Those creatures are all illusions, but the organs are real. On the one hand, you must be careful not to be scared back by the illusion, and on the other hand, you must also pay attention to avoiding these organs, because although the illusion can't directly harm you, the organs can.

After the little crocodile successfully evaded the first saw wheel, this saw wheel appeared on the ground one after another several times, but Kristina and I had very poisonous eyes. Soon I discovered that the saw wheels are actually moving forward along the straight line along the gaps in the floor tiles, which means that when the saw wheel appears, it is no problem to leave the straight line in front of it. Although these things are fast, they don't turn around by themselves, so they are not a big problem.

In fact, these things don't really hurt anyone. Their main function is obviously to disturb the line of sight. In addition to these things, as the little crocodile moved forward, a huge blade that swayed like a pendulum appeared in the passage. This blade was several meters long, and its head was like an anchor. Your slight carelessness is the result of blood splattering on the spot.

Along with these huge pendulums swinging back and forth with the whistling wind wu wu, the cutting saw wheel on the ground still appears indiscriminately, and what’s more terrible is that the nearby ground is still From time to time, there are flaps. If these flaps are not stepped on, there is no problem with No. 4, but as soon as they are touched, they will collapse immediately. The bottom is either a flame or a sinkhole. Anyway, if they fall, there will be no good results. And with the appearance of these flaps, there will be more The more terrible flamethrowers, long spear arrays, flying spike channels and other organs, and these organs are not simply placed there one by one, but appear in random coordination with each other, making you can't guard against it, accidentally will be hit. What's more terrible is that in the process of these agencies desperately trying to cheat you, those nasty illusions are still with you, and they don't give you the slightest chance. As long as you are not paying attention, you will be interfered by them and missed. An agency.

"Damn, can the children go through this passage?" Kristina asked in astonishment as she looked at the little crocodile who had safely arrived at the end of the same passage ahead. In fact, I now have the same idea as Kristina. Let alone children for this kind of channel, I've been here by another ordinary player. I'm thankful that ten of them can pass by two. However, this channel is mainly not afraid to retreat. If you accidentally step on the mechanism and be killed, it will only die once, but once you retreat, you will be obliterated by the rules and drop Level 10 directly. Therefore, I would rather die than retreat.

Although I also think that 80% of the children can't make it through, but this task is to ask everyone to pass, so I am here to think about how to get through this channel.

Because the little crocodile has reached the opposite side and we have not entered the channel, there is currently no target in the channel, and those agencies will obviously detect whether anyone has passed by, so now everything has been closed and recovered In the wall or floor, ceiling, anyway, the passage now looks as beautiful as before. No one can imagine that this was a death passage a few seconds ago.

Without those organs, there is no illusion, and the stone wall in the channel has a good echo ability, so we and the little crocodile can communicate with each other more easily. I stood here thinking for a long time and still asked: "Hey, if the mechanism in this passage is broken, won't be punished by the rules?"

"Huh? Broken?"

Normal people are worried that they will not be hurt by these things. I am probably the first one to worry about whether these organs will be broken, so the little crocodile on the opposite side spoke after a while. "It doesn't matter. It's okay to break the mechanism. As long as you don't get hurt by them, don't back up, you can come over anyway."

"Oh, that's easy!" Kristina listened To such an answer, she smiled and stepped into the passage without me speaking, but because she hadn't entered the organ area yet, none of these things were turned on.

Originally, Kristina’s purpose was to go forward and destroy these things, but I took it back after only two steps. "Why are you a mage rushing forward? Stay behind, I will take care of this."

The battle strength of those children is obviously weaker than ordinary players, such as the game "Zero" and those who click the mouse The game is not the same. It’s not that you’ll have a strong battle strength if you react quickly, so children are a little bit at a disadvantage when playing this game. Normally, only after the age of fourteen can they play the game to play their normal battle strength. As for the ones before the age of fourteen ……Unless you are born tall or have some special innate talents as a child prodigy, you basically don’t expect capable adults. Therefore, the children behind me in these institutions can't get through, so the only way I can choose is to use violence to smash the entire passage. As long as all the institutions and equipment are scrapped and only the phantom is left, there is no problem.

After I pulled Christina back, I immediately entered the passage, and then strode across. When I first entered the passage, the illusion appeared immediately, and then it was the same as before. The rhinoceros-like thing took the lead in charging.

Standing outside before and now standing inside to face the impact of this creature, it feels completely different. Although standing behind we also felt the deterrence of assaults the senses, but now that we stand here by ourselves, the feeling has completely changed a taste, which is a feeling that will die in the next second. . The other party's heavy steps on the ground seemed to be all stepping on my heart, and it shook my heart following its steps.

As the phantom rhino got closer and closer, I suddenly felt something was wrong. Although the previous phantom rhino is indeed very realistic, various sound and light effects, including vibrations, have been simulated to deceive people, but now I don’t know why, I always feel that this thing has become more than just now. There is an imposing manner.

Actually, I was not the only one who found the problem. Kristina also noticed the subtle changes in this thing, but she hadn’t had time to remind me that this thing was almost in front of me. As the thing kept getting closer, the sense of crisis in my heart became more and more serious, and the moment the thing rushed in front of me, I finally discovered the problem. Almost at the crucial moment, I suddenly stretched out my hands and slammed against the single horn of the rhinoceros-like creature's nose, and at the same time, my legs suddenly tightened behind me.

Along with a loud explosion sound, I only felt my arms sank, and at the same time the floor tiles under my feet suddenly cracked, and my legs plunged directly into the ground more than an inch deep, and it was just like that with the huge force. Forcibly pushed me back and glide all the way until I was forcibly pushed to the gate and it was completely stopped.

When the smoke dissipated, Kristina and the children around him were almost dumbfounded by looking at the huge creatures close at hand and the two large plowed ditches on the ground. The current situation has fully explained the fact-this thing is not an illusion.

Illusions are impossible. They really pushed me so far. They couldn't even blow my hair, but the thing in front of me forcibly pushed me back, so this thing is definitely not an illusion, at least Not an ordinary illusion.

"Huh, fortunately, I found out in time!" Just as I was speaking, the huge rhinoceros creature in front suddenly collapsed like a hill, and then hit the ground and re-excited. There was a cloud of smoke and dust. However, what made Kristina and the others even more surprised was the ghost worm crawling out of the creature's eyes, ears, and mouth. In fact, this big guy was killed by me after hitting me, and the reason why he was able to push me all the way here was mostly because of inertia. In fact, I released the ghost worms the moment we contacted, and took advantage of the chance that I was with that thing and let them get in from this guy’s mouth, and then directly gnawed away the brain of this thing, so this The big guy directly turned into a pile of dead flesh, and when the inertia was exhausted, he fell straight down.

"Isn't this an illusion?" The head aunt asked in surprise looking at the creature in front of her.

Christina said angrily: "Have you ever seen a phantom that you can touch?"

The head aunt shook the head, and then suddenly asked something as if remembering something. Said: "By the way, we were the guide before..."

"That guy is not a guide." I said flatly, "If I guess right, the little crocodile should be one of the mission levels. His task may be to accompany us and mislead us. Although he gave a lot of tips before, these things can actually be accomplished by our own efforts. It is nothing more than a matter of time, but the things it does not say are all about life and death. Said that this guy is simply a mission boss. He exists to make us die."

"But we obviously chose him before?" The head aunt still didn't understand.

Christina said angrily: "That's just a pretense. Even if we had no choice at the time, it would definitely follow up with the excuses of hidden rewards. Anyway, rewards are everything. What he said, we can only listen."

"That's not right!" said the head aunt: "He did give us a lot of rewards before, if he really came to kill us The monster, he shouldn’t improve our strength, why should we restore our strength?"

"This..." Christina didn't expect so much, so the head of the aunt She also didn't understand this question.

"In fact, it is very simple. Although this guy may be a BOSS that hinders us, but it is actually restricted by rules. There must be a real NPC for this task, but I don’t know why It was this little crocodile, but although it was doing our best to harm us, it couldn’t move things that were restricted by rules, so we ended up here and got a lot of rewards."

Kristina listened to my explanation and nodded and said: "Such words are more credible."

"But what should I do now?" The head aunt asked, pointing to the passage in front: "Those things are blocking the road, coupled with institutions or something, we simply can't make it?"

"This is not something you need to worry about, just follow us." I said to Chris Dina said: "You are responsible for helping me clean up those phantom creatures. I will deal with those organs. Keep your distance and don't get too close." Kristina nodded said: "No problem, I Make sure not to enter the danger zone."

After the decision was made, Christina and I dragged out the Roshan in front of us. After all, such a big size blocked the passage strictly. , If we don't get it out, we won't even be able to get in.

After there were no obstacles, we stood back at the passageway over there, the difference was that the little crocodile on the opposite side was already not in. That guy was a scourge in itself, and it was actually completely exposed after the real rhino monster appeared, so this guy ran away wisely, and it didn't make sense to stay anyway.

This time when we entered this passage again, the opposite gate was immediately flooded with monsters. We thought it was illusion before, but now we know that these are really monsters. The pressure is much greater. Fortunately, Kristina’s long-range magic support is quite powerful. It feels as if there is an artillery regiment behind me. Basically, the monster that rushes will be attacked as long as it leaves the entrance. Magic blow. Despite the large number of monsters over there, and fierce and unafraid of death desperately rushing forward, Kristina still relied on her powerful magical ability to create a large battlefield interception zone in the entire passage, usually entering this range All of the monsters were blasted into scum without exception, and no monster can completely rush through this range. All that can come over is part of their body, anyway, it won't come over as a whole.

Without the mess of these monsters, the rest is much simpler for me. When the first saw wheel emerged from the ground, I immediately took out the eternity. Seeing the saw wheel suddenly rushing in front of me, I turned sideways and swept away forever, only to hear the harsh metal rubbing sound, and then half of the flywheel flew out, the saw on the ground. The wheel was directly cut off by the Eternal Sword, and the remaining half was not able to return to the ground due to deformation. It was stuck there and moved back and forth, but simply didn't have any lethality.

Just after I killed the first saw wheel, the subsequent saw wheels appeared one after another. Obviously, this thing will also make some appropriate decisions based on the battle strength of the person entering here. Before adjustment, the little crocodile was either released from the water or the battle strength was relatively low, so the saw wheels were not fully activated. This time my entry made the system fully activated, and almost all the saw wheels bounced out. Then began to charge back and forth, but unfortunately because of the material problem of the saw wheel itself, after I used the eternal cheat device, all the saw wheels were tragic.

These saw wheels shuttle back and forth between the cracks of the floor tiles, so the movement channel is very narrow. When the saw wheel is intact, it doesn’t matter. But as long as the saw wheel is deformed and the saw disc is not on the axis, the saw The rotation of the wheel will be jammed by the floor tiles on the ground, and then the entire saw wheel will be scrapped. So, these things don't actually have much deterrence. They are just too many, and there are other things that cooperate with each other, so they are very dangerous. The saw wheels themselves are actually very easy to solve.

Without the interference of these things, the giant battle axes in the form of pendulums that appeared after that were much simpler. I directly turned Eternal into a long 7-shaped long spear, and then cut the roots of these swinging pendulums directly with the horizontal blade. After the pendulum broke, these giant axes immediately lost their support, and then flung them out along the inertia, slammed into the wall with a bang, and then completely fell down and lost any deterrent.

Although these things have fallen down, I have no intention of giving up these things because I cut them off. Originally, if you just need to destroy the deterrence of these things, you can just cut off the knife edge below them, or break the bearing above, as long as it does not rotate, there will be no danger. However, I did not choose a simple method, but directly cut off the root of the thick pendulum above, which is all useful.

My purpose is actually very simple, nothing more than waste utilization, using these huge pendulums as bridge materials. There are many flaps under the channel of the pendulum, and they are changing positions of indefinite time. In some places, people can stand in one second, and they will fall when stepped on the next second, while in other places, something has just fallen off. You will be fine again later. Therefore, the ground in this place is very dangerous, and we must find a way to get out of it. In order to increase the inertia when swinging, these pendulums are made to be very thick and heavy. The swing arm itself is a long strip of metal with a width of nearly one meter and a thickness of at least seven or eight centimeters. This thing is wider than the stone slab bridges erected on the canals in many villages, and children can walk across it.

With these things, I can easily build a long bridge, and then there is no danger in these replicas. Although the floor supporting the bridge itself can also be opened and turned into a flap, the problem is that this thing is seven or eight meters long and one meter wide. Therefore, to make this thing fall completely, it must have a large area of ​​floor tiles at the same time. It can be done only by opening, and this is absolutely impossible. So these bridges are very safe.

With these bridges, all that remains is the projectile weapons. The exit of the flamethrower was directly squashed by me with Eternal, and then there might be an explosion inside. Anyway, I saw some cracks in the wall with smoke and flames coming out, but anyway, the passage is very wide. The igniting sprout does not pose any danger.

The equipment after the flamethrower is also not bad. I directly used Eternal to smash the launch ports of these things to deform them, and then the things in the spray ports could not be ejected. Without these launchers, there would be no nails and so on.

However, although these launchers were destroyed, I finally encountered a Breaking Dragon Stone at the end of the tunnel. This is a passage with a section length of ten meters. The ceiling of the passage is a whole piece of rock. When I reached the center point here, the rock fell directly. Because this thing fell suddenly without any buffer, I had no time to dodge it. After all, this thing is ten meters long. Even if I stand at the center point, it is obviously unrealistic to run a distance of more than five meters before it falls. Besides, this passage said that it is not allowed to retreat. Although I don’t know if it was made up by Little Crocodile, I would rather believe that it is untrustworthy, so I still dare not retreat. As for rushing forward... the situation is unknown. Charge ahead may not be safe.

Because of hesitation, it was too late when I wanted to move. Anyway, I am not afraid of this thing. I simply squat down, turning eternity into a cone shape and enveloping myself in it. The falling stone was immediately destroyed when it hit Eternal, and then directly gave up a conical space for me and Eternal to stand between the stones. After the stone stabilized, I used Eternity to dig a tunnel inside and ran to the opposite side of the stone. As for the direction behind, I didn’t care about it. When I was digging a hole, Christina had already cut through the back half. NS.

In fact, when I passed from the stone side to the opposite side, there were already a lot of monsters gathered there. When the Breaking Dragon Stone came down, not only did the stone smash me down, but the stone sealed the entire passage. Kristina couldn’t get past the stone to attack the monster on the opposite side, so the monster over there was no longer suppressed, and it was all of a sudden. aisle. However, the passage here is actually only a section less than ten meters long, so after I came over, I gave Ling Ling out to summon directly. A big move cleared the ten-meter-long passage, and then asked Ling and the king to cooperate to block the entrance. Then I checked the wall and confirmed that there was no new mechanism before walking with Ling to the opposite of the entrance of the passage.

I don’t know if it’s what we guessed. Although the little crocodile is harmful to us, it is also restricted by the rules, so when we pass through the gate, it

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