"Suspected soldiers?"

Everyone is obviously confused about my answer.

"If this is also a suspicious soldier, where is the real main force?" Hong Yue asked.

"The real main force may be anywhere, but roughly there are only two possibilities." I said: "First probability is that there is such an elite main force, with a small number of people, but super strong battle strength. A super force that is much more sophisticated than the team of more than 1,000 people. They may now be lurking in any position in the country, and may be approaching their destination, ready to launch a sudden blow at any time. "

"So, what about another kind of probability?" Hong Yue asked again.

"The reality is the imaginary, the imaginary and the reality."

"You mean that the main force operating on the border is actually the real main force?" Hong Yue Not stupid, I just clicked twice and she reacted.

Compared to Hong Yue, Rose’s intelligence is obviously higher, so when I said at first that this was a suspicious soldier, she was already thinking about the relevant probability, but she didn’t say anything. Now, when I said this judgment, Rose confirmed: "I agree with Purple Moon's opinion. This so-called elite group of more than 1,000 people should be a suspicious soldier, otherwise they are impossible to waste so much elite power. Our country is running around. Moreover, I think Purple Moon's statement is not comprehensive, some of which should be able to diverge thinking."

I turned to Rose in confusion and asked: "Where else do I have Did you miss it?"

Rose directly said: "As I just said, the elite force of more than 1,000 people is not a force that can be wasted casually. If such a large lineup is used as a suspect If this is the case, this investment would be too much."

"So what?"

"So I think this suspect is indeed a suspect, but they are not without a mission. Go shopping."

After hearing Rose’s analysis, I immediately asked the military gods: "Military god, give me a map of the whole country." The communicator's screen immediately showed a complete picture of China in the game. map. "Now mark the movement route of the opponent's suspected soldier with a red line on the map." With my voice, a winding line appeared on the map immediately. Although it looks messy, you will find it if you look closely. In fact, the scope of activity has always been fixed within a certain range. "Military god, show on the map all cities or supply points with Transmission Formation within a certain range around the opponent's line of action." There were a lot of red dots immediately on the map this time, but the range of these red dots was messy. And that route map does not seem to constitute any identifiable information.

Christina looked at the map by my side and said, "There seems to be nothing special in this way, right?"

The rose is the appraisal to support me and said: "No, There must be something we haven’t noticed. The other party’s scope of activity is obviously regional, and such actions should be purposeful."

I nodded again and said to the military god: "Bring the nearby road And the water network line is also marked up."

After the new screen appeared, I compared it with it, and there was still nothing more obvious. So many of us looked at the map together and thought about it. In the end, didn't expect the eagle who said little said: "Remove all the roads and the water element lines on the surface. Mark the underground Water Element with a blue line, and use red. Thin lines mark the lava channels. Use black lines to mark Underground World."

"Vice-President, our guild’s information about this is incomplete!"

"It’s okay, mark it up. "I loudly said.

When the military god heard what I said, he immediately began to change the map. However, when the new image appeared, all of us were dumbfounded.

"The opponent has been moving along the intersection of the Underground World, the underground water network and the lava channel. This is indeed premeditated." Kristina said first.

Hong Yue frowned said: "But even if we know that the other party is moving along these lines, we don’t know what their ultimate purpose is!"

"If you know these In terms of things, the purpose can still be inferred.” Woma said: “There must be a weak fault at the junction of the lava pipeline and the water network, and the existence of an underground passage means that the fault is weaker, and such a place can make the other party very simple. Intrude into and do some tricks."

"What can they do?" Hong Yue asked.

Woma thought for a while and said: "If it was me, I would consider finding some weak points in the fault and installing a directional blasting device. After that, I only need to set up the blasting device continuously at multiple nodes and grasp the explosion sequence. With the interval time, lava can collide with groundwater to form an underground high-pressure zone to pressurize the lava pipeline. If multiple explosion points are linked, an artificial volcano should be created at the point of pressure convergence. Of course, this is a matter of course. The technical difficulty is very high, and most people should not be able to do it. First of all, we must have maps of our country and maps of lava, water network, and Underground World. Second, we must have accurate calculation capabilities to calculate each explosion. Point time. If the explosion is too early, the pressure will be released in the reverse direction. The final result is that the entire explosion propulsion mode will be blocked. If the explosion is too late, the pressure of the lava will drop, which will eventually be absorbed and digested by the surface tension and cannot be triggered. Volcanic eruption."

"It sounds complicated, but the problem is that the Russians are not weak in technology, and they should be able to do it." After I finished speaking, I continued: "But this More than a thousand people are impossible just to set up an active volcano. Their purpose may not be that simple."

At this time, Rose suddenly said: "I think I can roughly understand the other side's thinking. "

"Let’s talk about it."

Rose directly said: "In fact, the opponent simply has no suspects, or all three are suspects."

"Ah. "Everyone on our side was taken aback.

Rose did not care about our stupefaction, but self-confessed: “On the surface, the Russians launched a large-scale invasion in the border area with large forces to attract our main force, but in fact they sent a More than a thousand people rushed into the hinterland of our country and scurrying around. This is the opposing party’s 1st move ambush. On the one hand, the opposing party’s more than 1,000 people is a jamming signal, and on the other hand, it is also a force with a real mission. They have to be in advance. An explosive device was set up inside our country to detonate an underground lava pipe to create an active volcano."

"Then why do you say that there are no suspects or all of them are suspects? And there are still three?" Hong Yue asked.

"The answer is very simple." Rose explained: "Although these thousands of people have a purpose of action, the process of creating active volcanoes on the one hand is a suspicious strategy, on the other hand, it is not completely consistent with Their strength. If we have such a strong team, do you think you will send them to create a volcanic eruption? Even if this eruption can destroy a city of the other party, it is just a city. During the national war It’s really normal to lose a few cities, and it’s hard to scare people. So if you just do something like this, the value of more than a thousand people will be wasted. So, the other party must still have it. The third unit, an extremely powerful special operations squad. This team must not have too many personnel, no more than double digits, otherwise it will be impossible to hide. Their purpose must be important to us. The hub implements a surprise attack, and once we are in chaos, the special force of more than one thousand people can respond to the internal chaos to further amplify the chaos, and then once we are strategically inclined due to this kind of thing, we start to shift. The frontline troops returned to the rear to fight the fire, then the opponent’s real killing move should be taken. As for the last killing move... I think it should be the main force on the border. Those troops are obviously not doing their best to launch an attack. , On the one hand, it is attracting firepower, on the other hand, it is preserving strength. The so-called most dangerous place is the safest. Who would have thought that the opponent’s feint troops are actually the real main force? When the time comes, we are in a mess in the rear. When the frontline troops move a little bit, they can immediately seize the opportunity to provoke an attack. By then, our line of defense will fall apart, and there will simply be no so-called line of defense."

After listening to Rose’s analysis, we are here. All of the people fell silent, because if things were really like what Rose said, then the challenges we have to face in this one are too exaggerated.

"If Rose's guess is correct, what shall we do?" Hawk asked.

Hong Yue said directly: "Regardless of the actual situation, let's get rid of the 1,000-man team first."

"Since we already know that the opponent’s border troops are the real ones. The main force, then we might as well directly launch a fierce attack on this unit, crippling their main force, and see how arrogant they are." Kristina suggested.

"No way, no way, such a brutal intervention, the opponent will definitely have a fierce response, and since the invading troops have been mixed in, once that happens, it is impossible to guarantee that it will not become the consequences of both sides suffer." Rose said .

"This is not okay, that is not okay, we can't just watch it, right?" Gold coin said.

I thought for a while and said: "Actually, I have a way."

"The president, please speak up!" Kristina urged.

"The method is a bit troublesome, I have to go back."

"But we are doing a task!" Kristina said.

"That's why I said trouble!"

"Now that the national disaster is at stake, I have to stop any task!" Zhenhong yelled.

"It’s not as exaggerated as you said, right?" Gold coin first said to Zhenhong, then turned to us and said: "Your mission will speed up. On our side, I Going up with Hezhenhong should be able to achieve a certain effect, right?"

"It's useless for you two to go up, because you have your mission." After I finished, I said, "Yes, it can be done like this. . Vina, you send some gods of the Divine Race of chaos and order to cooperate."

"Let us go?" Vina asked in surprise: "Are you not afraid of dead people? We gods? After you hang up, you don’t have a resurrection."

"I’m afraid I have to use it! You can’t let the soldiers go to the front because you’re afraid of sacrifice, right? But I won’t let you die. , When you are dispatched, bring some mobile angels to accompany you, as well as some players. You are responsible for supporting during the battle. If you find anything that threatens your safety, you can immediately put the mobile angels and players on top. You only care about the firepower. Just output. Anyway, your mission is to keep your life first."

"If this is the case, of course there is no problem, but what are we going to do?"

"Yours The task is very simple, that is, first remove the explosives that the opponent set in the lava pipe."

"What? Let's dismantle the bomb?"

"no no no , Your task is not to dismantle the bomb, but to cover professionals to dismantle the bomb. You are responsible for dealing with the obstacles encountered on the way. I think, since we don’t know the other party’s plan, then just don’t guess. They do. Their plan, if we blindly follow their plan to plug the loopholes, we will only fall into the rhythm of the other party and be trapped in the end, so we have to find another way and recreate our own path. To sit like this, 1st What Step needs to do is to remove the opponent’s foreshadowing first. Although we don’t know what the consequences of this volcanic eruption will cause, since it’s what the enemy wants to do, we’ll be right if we do it the other way around. In addition, this Action also allows us to understand how we should act next."

"What's the allusion to this?" Hong Yue asked suspiciously.

Rose heard what I meant, so she helped explain: "Aren’t we guessing that this Thousand Man Squad is a suspect? Then this action can prove their purpose. If the other party is really just Suspect soldiers, then they simply won’t pay attention to our dismantling of the bomb, and if they fight back, it proves that their main task is to arrange this explosive to cause a volcanic eruption."

Hong Yue finished listening to Rose’s The explanation was nodded and said: "I understand, as long as the other party keeps running and does not react at all to the explosives we dismantled, it means that they must have other tasks on their bodies, so they should keep the battle strength of the troops and don’t want to fight. We clashed ahead of time. And if the other party counterattacks immediately, it proves that the volcano is their real purpose."

Hong Yue said that the rest of the people also understood the key, so they all nodded. Expressed support for this proposal.

After everyone agreed, the proposal was passed directly. After a brief explanation with Vina, I asked Rose to find the think tank to arrange the next step. As for Kristina and I, of course It's about getting this damn task done first. Although we have now returned to the size of a normal person, the problem is that we can't leave the island for the time being, so we must find a way to get the task here first.

We were not in a hurry when we were doing tasks before, so we didn't take any risks. Everything was done in a steady and steady way. But now the situation has changed, and we naturally have to change our tactics.

After greeting the children's group led by the zombie sisters and the head aunt, we quickly found the entrance to the sky kingdom under the leadership of the zombie sister. This place is said to be a kingdom, but in fact it should be regarded as an independent demiplane. The loss is simply a Transmission Formation. After entering, I feel that there are many things in the internal space that are different from the outside world. At least the rules of the game here are not. Same. All the magic formidable power in this place has been increased several times. I feel that the activity of magic elements in this space is super high, and many things in this place have magical energy. Even the stones on the roadside almost have magic crystal. energy of.

Of course, although this place may seem beautiful, it is not. Although the energy index of the rocks here is super high, they can't bring out this space at all.

Magic elements gather together to form magical energy, and this thing of magical energy is similar to electric energy. When it is released at a high speed, it often produces some side effects, and these side effects generally include high temperature and strong light radiation. To put it simply, the magic energy will explode if it is released too quickly, which is why the magic crystal can detonate.

However, although magic crystal can explode, it needs certain excitation conditions. Normally, a piece of magic crystal is properly placed there, it will not play self-destruct as unfathomable mystery. Although magic crystal has high energy storage, it itself is a stable combination produced under normal magic strength, so it can be said to adapt to the low magic environment, even if it is taken out and moved around, there will be no problem. .

However, the concentration of magic elements in this sky kingdom is simply unimaginable. If the concentration of magic elements is compared with the atmospheric density, it can be said that the density of magic elements in the sky kingdom is dozens of times higher than outside. If a stone of the kingdom of the sky is moved from the world inside the kingdom of the sky to the world outside, then the equivalent to is a balloon filled with air that suddenly enters the normal atmospheric pressure outside from a high-pressure air chamber. In the hyperbaric chamber before, because the air pressure inside and outside the balloon was basically balanced, the balloon was just blown up a little bigger, and there was no problem. However, when it suddenly entered the normal pressure zone, the air pressure outside the balloon suddenly disappeared by more than half, but the air pressure inside the balloon did not. Change, then the air pressure will push the balloon to inflate, and in the end it can only be bang to burst the balloon.

The same goes for the stones in the kingdom of the sky. Once this thing comes out of the realm of the kingdom of the sky, its internal magic cannot continue to maintain a stable state like a magic crystal, but will leak out quickly. In this process, high temperatures will be generated, and the high temperatures will be reversed. Xiang activated the entire magic system, so screaming, a very common stone in the kingdom of the sky will immediately turn into a bomb when it goes outside.

In fact, the magical power of the sky is not only the stone. Many things in this place have strong magical fluctuations. After all, the concentration of magical elements in the air is too high, even if it is an item with a high magic resistance. In this environment, some magic will be penetrated. What's more, things with really high magic resistance are actually rare. The magic resistance of most things is in a relatively moderate range, which is neither high nor low.

After entering this sky country, Kristina has always been very excited because of the strength of the magic power here. If it weren’t for the zombie sisters watching in the vicinity, she would have almost used other people’s cities. Experiment with large-scale destructive magic. Fortunately, this kind of impulse has always stayed at the impulse stage and has not been implemented.

"Well, we have entered your kingdom of the sky, what should we do next?" After entering this kingdom, I asked aloud.

The four zombie girls have now regained their sanity, and they have communicated with each other and understood the whole story when we started the video conference, so now the four of them can treat us relatively normally. The task is guided. After I asked this question, the queen said directly: "What you have to do now is to help us activate the laws of this world, and in return, we will take you to see the existence you want to see."

"The law of activation? It sounds difficult!" Kristina knew that there was nothing good when she heard the law.

The result is quite unexpected. The so-called activation law is actually to collect some magic materials, and then repair the magic array in the center of a magic building in the very center of the kingdom of the sky. The structure of this magic array is quite strange, we have never seen it before, even Ling, the knowledgeable Divine Race, can’t understand the working principle and function of this magic array.

Although I don’t know what this thing does, it’s not a problem. Now I am beginning to rejoice that I chose the little crocodile as a guide before, because with his existence, we simply don't have to bother to analyze the function of this magic array.

According to Little Crocodile’s statement, in fact, the functions and detailed blueprints of this magic array can be found in this city, but in this process we need to face zombies all over the city, and these zombies are The original citizen of the Kingdom of the Sky. According to the content of the task, after we activate the law, the zombie curse will disappear, and then the citizens will return to normal. Therefore, killing these zombies is actually killing the citizens of the sky country. Therefore, killing zombie is defaulted by the system Wrong behavior.

Of course, points are deducted for making mistakes in a task, so the more zombies we kill in the process of looking for blueprints and repairing methods in the city, the more our final task score and reward will be. Low. However, now that we have a little crocodile, we don't need that blueprint, and we don't need to understand the purpose of this thing. The little crocodile directly told us how to repair this magic array, and also explained in detail the specific functions of each magic array component.

According to the little crocodile’s explanation, this magic array is basically a super-large blessing array. It has a long-term and large-scale protection effect and can expel all negative effects such as aging and disease. As long as this magic array is activated, the citizens of the Sky Country will immediately return to normal.

After understanding the function, it is time to repair the magic array.

This magic array is seriously damaged. The 1st step we need to do is to find the missing magic materials, and Second Step is the hands-on repair.

"What materials does this thing need?" I looked towards the little crocodile and asked.

The little crocodile did not answer me, but directly handed over a few pieces of paper. As soon as I opened it, I found that it was actually a design drawing. It's strange that he said that we don't need to look for the design drawings. After a long time, he has a set of his own.

Compare this design drawing with the magic array on the ground that lacks arms and legs. The missing part is obvious at a glance. Just check the column information on the design drawing to know what is missing What material is it?

"It's actually Mithril! With such a big magic array, the missing part requires at least a ton of Mithril. What kind of task is his grandma's job?" Kristina looked at the blueprint and complained. road.

The reason why Kristina has such a big opinion is entirely because the little crocodile said, this mithril can't be collected here simply, and those who have to do the task should find a way to collect it, and then find luck. come over. Of course, in order for the player to complete this task, this task provides a communication scroll and a fixed-point Transmission Scroll, one is to facilitate contact with outsiders to prepare things, and the other is to get the Mithril over.

One ton of Mithril is not a big problem for our guild. At least 50 tons of Mithril are piled in Isinger’s warehouse, but the problem is that the value of Mithril is very exaggerated. The financial resources of the guild can only be backed up by so little, one can imagine how valuable this thing is. For such a task, a ton of Mithril has to be invested. If the reward given at the end of this task is not worth any money, wouldn't we be at a loss? Thanks to the luck of those children, I was actually brought in to help them with this task. If you change the individual, even if all the previous levels are passed, this level will definitely kill a lot of people. A ton of Mithril is not a ton of stones, that thing can't be collected by any guild.

According to the task requirements, I contacted Rose with a scroll, and then called the guild supplies. In less than ten minutes, the Mithril was directly pulled over using the fixed-point Transmission Scroll.

After the Mithril is in hand, what is left is some weird auxiliary materials. This range is very wide and there are a lot of them, but according to the little crocodile, it can be found here, but Need to collect slowly. It's a pity that we are in a hurry now, so I don't bother to look for it either. Open the Phoenix Dragon Space with Kristina directly, and immediately took out the materials she was carrying. Fortunately, although there are many types of these things, the demand for each is very small, so we two got together and it was almost the same, but there was no such thing as white clay.

"Where can I get white mud around here?" I asked directly looking at the little crocodile. His guide is a know-it-all, so you can just ask if you have anything, it's easier to use than a task guide.

"The white mud is in the cave over there, but there is a problem in it." The little crocodile pointed to a huge space door at the other end of the space, and then said: "The cave in that cave The creature is actually the Epic Grade giant dragon you want to see, and the white clay is right beside him, but you must fix this magic array before you can get in, and if you can’t get in, you won’t get the white clay. I can't fix the magic array."

"Damn, isn't this an endless loop?" Kristina and I asked in surprise together.

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