"I don't ask anything else, I just want to know how is the communicator now?" I asked in a cold voice.

Matsumoto Masaka said nervously: "The things are already in the hands of Nobunaga's gang of Onitou, but someone on my side is staring. We know the location of the things, but we won’t be able to grab them for a while. Come back! Let’s..."

"Okay. I know about this. Now it’s not the time to be held accountable. It’s your dereliction of duty to be robbed, but the main responsibility is not with you. I can share it. Clearly. Before the matter is over, we will not discuss the issue of responsibility for the time being. The problem now is how to get things back as soon as possible." After I finished speaking, I immediately asked: "Is Woma online?"

Woma quickly replied : "I'm here."

"I remember that the communicators that were taken out by Masaka Matsumoto and the others were specially modified. I want to know now that these things are in the hands of the Nobunaga gang of Onitou. Will it reveal the relationship between us and Masaga Matsumoto."

Woma recalled the original transformation for a moment, and then said: "The crystal communication matrix inside the communicator is the same as the one used by our guild. This kind of equipment, so if you open it for research, you can find the correlation, but it can prove that the two are from the same technical system. However, we made improvements to this at the beginning, and the internal structure is equipped with an anti-disassembly design. Damage to the outer shell will trigger the internal fusion array, which will melt all the internal parts into a large mass of mixed waste in just a few tenths of a second. If they have any technology, don’t even think about finding common ground."

"Then why does the military god think that this device may cause our internal communication to leak and shut down all communication networks?"

"I will explain this." The military god directly inserted the call and said: "The reason why I closed the communication network before was because the device that Masaka Matsumoto and the others had had not been turned off when I was captured, which means that the device is still active and can receive signals from us synchronously without any operation. "

Woma said from the side: "The equipment that Masaka Matsumoto brought to Japan is a regional communications hub, which is considered a large-scale core equipment, so it can reversely control and monitor all low-level communications equipment. , The authority is very high. Only the core device in Isenger operated by the military god himself has a level 1 higher authority than the terminal. At that time, the device was in a power-on state, so in order to prevent the other party from operating us in reverse The other terminals in the Internet can only shut down the communication network."

Military God followed up and said: "After the communication network was closed, I started the command transmission mode separately, using the crystal communicator's way of disconnecting the device between management signals. Monitor the operation of the stolen device. Until 3 minutes ago, the device has completely stopped working. Then I dare to restore the communication network to contact you."

"Why not just do it when it was robbed Just turn off this device? Why wait three hours?"

Woma explained Said: "After the opponent took control of the communication equipment, Matsumoto Masaga and the others immediately launched a counterattack and wanted to regain the equipment. The opponent couldn't stop Matsumoto Masaka's counterattack and could only bring things to transfer, but Matsumoto Masaka brought the crystal communicator to Japan. It is a large hub and requires external energy supply. After the other party forcibly removes the external connection for transfer, the equipment switches to emergency energy, but this emergency energy can only provide three hours of operation. Now that the time has passed, the equipment has lost its function because of lack of energy, so we dare to restart the communication network. "

"In this way, the communicator does not temporarily affect the relationship between us and Matsumoto Masaka, does it? "

Woma nodded and said: "It is true in a short period of time, but after all, this thing may reveal the relationship between us and Matsumoto Masaga, so it is best if possible It would be best to be able to recover it. "

"We can't afford such a loss, so I don't think we can take the risk and let it go. "Rose directly expressed her opinion, and then asked: "Purple Moon, what do you think?" "

I pondered a little nodded and said: "Even if there is a ten-thousandth possibility, we can't let the equipment stay in the hands of Nobunaga's gang, although we have already Some equipment has been specially disguised, but there is no guarantee that that kind of thing will be reliable, so we still have to snatch the thing back or simply destroy it, and no scum can be left. "

"Will the intention of using Isinger Mobile Fortress be too obvious?" "Hawk asked aloud.

Hong Yue was also nodded and said: "Matsumoto Masakaha lost something, but we ran to wipe our buttocks. Isn't this a confession? "

Masaga Matsumoto glanced awkwardly at the screen of Hong Yue, and then said: "In fact, we can recover the communicator, but authorization is required. "

"Authorization? What authorization? "Hong Yue looked at Matsumoto in confusion and asked, "Aren't your actions always self-determining?" Do we set any restrictions for you? "

Matsumoto Masaka did not answer Hong Yue’s words but turned his gaze to my side. After seeing Matsumoto Masaka’s eyes, I knew what he was talking about, but my side But I hesitated a bit, but after a few seconds of contemplation, I still nodded and said: "In this case... let's start. I give you authorization. In the end, someone may send it over to get that guy ready. This is his first and last chance. If the performance doesn't satisfy us... Hey, he will know the consequences. "

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Why is there something I don’t know about? "Hong Yue asked emotionally. As a result, except for a few people, most people looked at things the same. Obviously, very few people knew about this.

Although I haven’t talked to Hong Yue about this before, but it’s not entirely because of the need to keep it secret, but since we have already planned to enable this pawn, there is no need to hide anything. The secret matter is just not directly related to everyone, so I have not specifically notified you. "As I said, I looked towards Vina who was attending the meeting, and then said: "Let our Goddess help explain the specific things." "

Vina nodded, and then explained: "Everyone knows that the current situation of Japan's Takatenhara Divine Race can be said to be in a semi-divided state. Amaterasu was hit hard, leaving only one remodeled Primordial Spirit. The current strength may not be as good as some of the super thugs on the Celestial Court, let alone fighting against the gang of Celestial Court. As for Buddhism on the Japanese side...To be honest, this is a very autistic Divine Race system. The internal relationship is chaotic, and it doesn’t take care of things. In addition, Japan’s two major temple forces have always been in a state of not being very prosperous. On the contrary, Demon's power is relatively strong. In this case, there is no doubt that the actual Divine Race vacuum zone has appeared in Japan, so we made a plan at that time. "

"You invaded the Japanese Divine Race system? "Hong Yue asked in surprise.

"It can't be considered an invasion either! It's just a foreshadowing. "Wei Na explained: "The Divine Race power situation in Japan is a bit special. Although there is a vacuum zone, it is strange that the number of powers and the number of units of Divine Race is actually very large. It can be said that the Japanese region The density of Divine Race is still very large. However, because of the elbows between these forces, there are some gaps in the middle, and we just used this gap to make a little article. "

"What the hell are you doing?" "Zhen Hong Qiang asked loudly in front of Hong Yue.

"We bought the Dark God Palace forces in Japan and made some small-scale adjustments to it. After that, we recruited a large number of Demons in Japan to join this practice. The Divine Race power that has become another guild Divine Race power in our guild. "

Hong Yue said in surprise when he heard this: "What do you mean... Matsumoto Masaga and the others actually have a guild Divine Race in Japan, and the strength of this guild Divine Race is actually very good. Is powerful? But listening to you, why does that power seem to be pinched to death by you? "

Vina coughed and cleared her throat, and then said, "About this question... It's actually like this." When the Dark God Palace joined us, it was not entirely voluntary. There was a little disharmony in the middle, but in the end it was forced into harmony by the advanced Divine Race that our guild passed by. And then the leader of this dark Divine Race has always been in a state of house arrest, and their divine force core has also been transported to Isengard, and now it is sealed in a specially built secret warehouse. So, everything about the other party is actually in our hands, and this time is an opportunity for them. If they perform well, they can officially become a real subsidiary of our guild. If they do not well... Then this is their last action. "

"It sounds dangerous. "Hong Yue asked: "What if the other party makes trouble in the action?" Even if we can pinch them to death at any time, how can we guarantee that it will not affect our overall strategy? After all, our secret relationship with Masaka Matsumoto has too much influence. What if..."

I said aloud: "I have also considered the middle things, but the problem is really not very big. . First of all, our management of this Japanese Dark God Palace is not completely a brutal rule. Don’t forget that our guild’s Power of Faith is too much to digest. If the other party is willing to sincerely resign, we can naturally throw out a lot of it. The carrot allows them to eat, and the stick in our hands is thick enough, deterrence is not a problem. As long as the other party has no problem with his head, think of either the fish dies or the net splits, then Danger Land is not a problem. As for what happens in case of a sudden situation, such as the other party's sudden completion of half of the task and suddenly his head shorts out...In fact, we still have a double insurance. All of the opponent’s high-level bodies have been sealed. If they have any changes, Vina can instantly lose all of their power with a single thought and become soft-footed shrimps like free NPCs. As for how to knead afterwards, it all depends on how to knead them. The accompanying supervisor's. Anyway, it is impossible for us to let them act alone. "

"If this is the case, I have no other opinion. "Hong Yue acquiesced in our method this time. After all, we have already thought of all aspects. As long as there is no serial accident, we can basically guarantee that we don't have to worry about the other party's sudden backwater.

Matsumoto Zheng He heard this and immediately said: "If you have agreed, then I will contact each other, and I will follow the action with August Xun and the others. With the Divine Race here, we should be The communicator can be recovered or destroyed in a raid within a period of time. "

"If this is the case, then act as soon as possible. "After I finished speaking, I said to Rose: "You can deal with the licensing agreement. In addition, a high level person is needed to follow up this matter. Who of you will go? "

"Let me come. Ying said: "It's easier for me to take over this kind of thing to coordinate the relationship between the various units. After all, I have sufficient authority. Although Hong Yue is also fine, she has a lot of work to do, and she can't tell her origin. "

"So be it. Once I can leave this mission area, I will return to see the situation as soon as possible. By the way, what happened to the Russian invasion? Although communication equipment matters are important, homeland defense is not a joke. "

"Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you. "Hong Yue said: "This Russian invasion feels very strange. "

"Strange? What's weird? "

"The scale of their invasion this time was very large, but in the end they only played a positional battle with us on the border, and it felt like they were trying to pin all of our people on the line of defense. We returned to the defense, but they created a special team with almost one or two thousand people, all of whom are first-line players. The battle strength is amazing. Although our average elite team also has their battle strength, the problem is that there are too many people. Our elite power alone is purely courting death, but most of them have to block the line of defense. There is no way to draw so many experts. Carry out a large-scale encirclement and annihilation. "

"Is it an elite assault group composed of high level players?" "I hesitated a little and asked: "Did they bring any supplies?" Eh...No, if this kind of action is really about doing something, they would definitely be able to get enough space and equipment, so they shouldn't be able to see any materials. So, can their direction of action predict their destination? "

"This is the problem. These guys seem to be acting completely irregular. For a while, they are carrying our chasing troops around the world, and I don’t know where they are. What are you going to do! "

"That's it! "I frowned repeatedly thinking about the possible reasons for this situation, and found that it seems that the reason is not unexpected, but too much probability. I don't know the specific reason why the other party did it. However, although I am not sure, I I probably thought of two relatively large probabilities. "I think they should have other purposes. This may still be a suspicious soldier. "

"Suspected soldiers? "

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