Of course, places like the temple are impossible without guards. Besides, this place has been abandoned for so many years. Even if it was originally unguarded, it should become a monster’s lair now. So this place is very I don't believe in safety.

Sure enough, we just stood at the door for two minutes, and we saw a faint ripple of water in the low-lying puddle in the center of the hall gradually leaning toward us. . The hall we are in is located inside the mountain, and from our perception, there is no vent in this place, so there is no wind in the hall. In the absence of wind, ripples appeared in a closed puddle. Needless to say, there is something underneath!

As we guessed, the water ripples suddenly disappeared close to the gate after a few seconds, and then we saw a big puddle in front of us suddenly rising slowly It's a lot bigger head. This head can be determined to be some kind of monster's head, because there is no such creature in reality, and the head of this creature is a rather weird type even in the game.

The shape of the head of this creature is very similar to that of a cross-shaped anchor. The tip of the anchor is the tip of the head, and the up ahead of the two horizontally spread skeletons has two pieces. Although the black area seems to be a fixed structure that cannot be rotated, it can be roughly judged that it should be a pair of eyes.

In addition to the strange shapes of the eyes and head, this creature's neck is also very distinctive. Its neck does not grow into a long tube like most living things, but like the spine of an animal, covered with an outer skeleton, and each section has protruding bone spurs, which looks very hideous.

Except for the head and neck, we can’t see other parts of this thing for the time being, because most of the places are under the surface of the water, and the color of the water in this place is muddy, so even if it’s close to We can't see the structure of the underwater part even on the surface.

The actual size of the creature in front of us may be slightly smaller than the size of a large dog, and slightly larger than the size of a medium-sized dog. However, considering that we are currently only two inches tall. The situation, in our eyes, this thing is still quite huge.

The creature has been staring at us since it emerged from the turbid water with its head swaying slightly from side to side. It seems to have a certain rhythm, but we don’t understand this. The characteristics of creatures, so I'm not sure if this meant a warning.

"Do you know what to do with this thing?" I stared at the monster over there to prevent it from suddenly attacking and asked Zombie what to do with the creature in front of me.

Zombie girl is very refreshing, she directly replied: "Do you still need to ask about this kind of thing? Just go straight to it."

"What you said is easy, and you don't need to do it. "I said this in my mouth, but I didn't stop at all, and I walked over with Eternal.

My actions have shown a very clear offensive intent. The creature clearly understood the purpose of my actions, so there was no pause. As soon as I stretched my head forward and opened my mouth, I bite it.

It was originally a common attack method for monsters to stretch their mouths and bite. This is not surprising. What is really strange is that the creatures in front of them move too fast. I almost saw that guy's head move and found that its head had reached me. The sudden enlargement of the head made me realize the speed of this creature is extremely fast, but at this time the opponent's head has already reached the front, even if I realize it, I can't avoid it. I didn't think much about it in a hurry, and I simply took a step forward and stepped directly into the puddle.

This place was originally a temple, even if the middle part is relatively low-lying and some rainwater is accumulated, it should not be too deep. I just step forward to enter the opponent’s blind area, and then I can Avoided the opponent's attack. As a result, although my goal was achieved, the way it was achieved was not the way I wanted it.

As soon as I stepped forward, I immediately felt that I didn't feel the ground under my feet. Although this place is covered by water, I originally thought that the puddle was only ten centimeters deep at most. As for why that strange creature can hide in such shallow water, I think it is because of the other person’s body. It's relatively flat. However, the actual situation and my imagination are actually quite different. That creature is actually not flat, and the reason why it can hide in this puddle without being found is because this puddle... it is actually very deep.

Normally speaking, even if there is water in the hall of a temple, the depth will certainly not be too deep. It is already quite an exaggeration to have no feet. However, the temple in front of me has not been maintained for many years, and the floor of its ground hall has actually been powdered and disintegrated in a long time. But under this huge hall is not real land, but a basement. So, the current situation is that the floor of the hall is completely gone, and the puddle in front of you is actually extending up from the basement. Therefore, the depth of this puddle is not only a little deep as imagined, but at least one floor above the depth. After all, we still don’t know how many basements there are.

I just wanted to go one step further to bully the opponent’s defensive circle, and then force the opponent to be unable to initiate normal supply. As a result, I stepped directly into the big puddle with this kick, and then the whole person fell out of the top with a puff. . The monster was stunned when he missed a bite, but it is an aquatic animal after all, so I quickly found out that I was in the water. I quickly pierced it down and wanted to launch a chase, but I reacted faster than it, people. As soon as I got down, Summon Heiyan came out to help.

Woo... accompanied by a dull rumbling sound, all the water on the ground was blown up in an instant, and everyone on the ground also saw the monster that attacked me before. The water below flew out together, and many identical creatures flew out at the same time. That kind of grotesquely shaped creature is not the only one, but there are many of its kind hidden under this one. However, no matter how many they are now, they are useless.

Black Flame is definitely a well-deserved Hegemon among all my familiars. Except for the small dragon female's body shape which can barely compare with this guy, the others seem to be lucky, plague, and others. Hei Yan's side all became small. In addition, because of the negative energy attribute of Heiyan, let alone attacking it, it is very troublesome even to get close, because negative energy creatures no longer absorb the positive energy around them all the time, so as long as Heiyan is in the vicinity , Except for ourselves, the recovery speed of all enemies' magic power will be greatly reduced, and even if the magic resistance is not high enough, there will even be a situation where the magic return stops and the magic power is naturally lost.

Of course, I don’t need his negative energy attribute for summon Black Flame, but his Hegemon-like body. Because the size of the creatures on our side has shrunk to a very small level, the only thing that can come out to suppress these very huge creatures for us now is Black Flame.

Not bad. Hei Yan's appearance was quite shocking. As soon as he appeared, he immediately swept the sewage in the pool and mixed the monsters and lifted it out. Then, as the sewage returned, Hei Yan would then The big body also stood up from the pool, and pointed his huge head at the monsters that were sent ashore.

The monster, which had not seen all the features before, now looks very clear. The huge head and neck that we saw before are connected to a body that resembles a crocodile. The difference is that this guy’s limbs are not crocodile claws, but fins like the forelegs of sea lions and seals. limb. In addition, there is a longer tail behind this creature, and the tip of the tail is larger, which looks like a fan. This structure can prove that this creature is a completely aquatic creature, even fins and oar tails have evolved. Such a structure is not what terrestrial creatures should have. But... "Then what, how long do you think this temple has been abandoned?"

After hearing my question, Kristina was the first to react, and then asked in surprise: "Yes. This place is just a puddle. To evolve this kind of plesiosaur-like creature, I am afraid that even the side will not have it every tens of thousands of years? Let’s talk about a small puddle of this size, which is three or four at best. The area of ​​a standard swimming pool, even if it is connected to the basement, is relatively deep, and the total volume is not very large, right? How can such a narrow biosphere support the evolution of such a high level creature? And it is not a single one. It’s a large group. What do these things usually eat?"

Although "Zero" is just a game, most of the things in it are actually quite reliable, so the things we are talking about It may be ignored in other games, but there should be a reasonable explanation here, otherwise the system will not come up with such a weird setting.

In fact, our question was answered quickly, because the monsters rushed to the back of the temple immediately after being forced ashore. Just like sea lions and seals, although this creature has no feet, their flippers can actually walk on land for a short time, so these guys quickly turned and moved towards the temple amidst the call of one of the biggest monsters. Rushed deep.

When we chased the monsters and ran to the back of the temple, we saw a huge pool. This pool was supposed to exist in the temple, but now there is a huge one The pool, and after I let Grandma go down and investigate, I understood why those monsters appeared here.

After a long time, this huge pool is connected to the underground Water Element, and this underground Water Element is actually connected to a huge Underground World, and more importantly, this Underground World seems to have a waterway connected to the sea. . If this is the case, then the monster in this place may have come from the sea outside, so this is a better explanation. Although it is unlikely that such high-end creatures will evolve in such a small puddle, there is no problem in the sea.

After knowing the origin of this creature, we did not pursue it, anyway, these are not our mission goals. Under the guidance of sister zombie, we lifted up the stone statue in the center of the temple that we saw at the entrance of the temple, and then found a quick crystal stone under the stone statue.

The crystal stone itself is nothing special, it's just that the texture is slightly better, but that is the crystal itself, although it is nothing, but the center of it is used by people without knowing what technology to carry out. Carving. Although it is not clear what the carved objects inside are due to refraction, it can be roughly seen that it should be something similar to a magic array.

After getting this crystal stone, we returned to the outside of the cave, and then we took out a piece of gold according to sister zombie's instructions, and then started debugging with this thing against the sun. The use of this tool is a bit similar to a sextant, except that it does not require the Polaris to locate, but uses the sun to locate it, and this tool is not used to calculate latitude, but to adjust another piece of gold. of.

After we got a set of numbers using this special gold implement, we immediately started to use these numbers on another piece of gold implement and started using this number to make adjustments, and soon we saw that gold implement A very bright spot was projected in its center. After seeing this light spot, the zombie sister immediately motioned us to put the crystal that we just got on the spot. As a result, when the crystal just entered the spot in the center of the gold, it looked like It was a Microscope with a very complicated structure, and something like a Microscope actually sent out strong magic waves.

"This, this...how does this thing do it?" Because there is no disguise, the distance is so close, and the magical power of this thing fluctuates so strongly, so it has magical power at first We immediately noticed the fluctuations, but Kristina was obviously very surprised that was different from us.

In fact, it is not only Kristina who is surprised. Of course those children don't understand this, but the problem is I understand! I am actually in the same mood as Kristina, and we are all surprised that this thing can actually emit magical waves. However, the difference between me and Kristina is that I did not ask directly after being surprised, while Kristina was very surprised and directly exclaimed.

Zombie sister apparently disagrees with this and directly said: "Is it weird that the magical power fluctuates after the magic device is activated? Do you have to make a fuss about nothing like this?"

"It looks like you can only use this thing, but you don't understand its preciousness!" I said aloud.

Zombie's sister asked in a slightly unconvincing tone: "It's just a piece of magic equipment. It's normal to have magical fluctuations. What precious place can this be?"

"You actually said that this thing is not precious?" Kristina looked like she was about to go violently, but fortunately, I interrupted her in time by the side, otherwise Kristina would really go violently.

In fact, it is no wonder that Christina reacted so much, mainly because this thing is really an exaggerated existence. First of all, the magic wave this thing you can think of as electromagnetic radiation, also known as electromagnetic waves. Everything with electricity radiates electromagnetic waves, the difference is only the size. If you say that an electrical appliance does not emit electromagnetic radiation, it must not be an electrical appliance. Any electrical equipment, whether it uses electricity, transmits electricity, or produces electricity, as long as there is current flowing in this thing, it will have electromagnetic radiation, and if you can’t detect it, it can only show your detection The accuracy of the equipment is insufficient.

Magic power is very similar to electricity in this respect. In fact, I think that game designers refer to electricity to design magic power, but the electricity is presented in another form in the game. Therefore, magic equipment is the same as electric equipment. As long as there is magic power, there will be waves of magic radiating out. The difference is only the size of the radiation dose and the level of shielding ability.

The little golden item in front of me actually sent out magical power fluctuations after it was activated, which shows that this thing must have magical power, so there will be magical power fluctuations. But the problem is that the gold ware itself is just a pure gold structure, without any other parts on it, that is to say, there is no equipment that accumulates magical power. After all, even if it is a magic device that can absorb free energy in the environment, it must first have one or more magic crystal cores or other devices that can store magic power as the starting energy, although Once the energy-absorbing array is activated, it will no longer consume the starting energy, but basically this component is necessary, because the magic array does not actually consume the energy in the starter during operation. It is to keep the energy in this starter in a cycle of venting, filling, venting, and refilling. Therefore, there must be a magical energy storage structure in the energy gathering array, which means that all energy gathering arrays will emit magical fluctuations.

This gold tool did not have the slightest wave of magic power before, which shows that this thing does not have the existence of the energy-gathering magic array.

Then, if the gold object itself does not have the energy-gathering effect, then the only thing left is a crystal stone that is more likely to carry energy. However, this crystal stone was obviously taken out by us before, because it was passed through in our hands, so we really know whether there are magical fluctuations on this thing. In other words, this crystal stone itself has no magic power, it is empty, so it is impossible as the starting energy to activate another magic array. In this way, even if there is an array of energy-concentrating demon on top of this gold article, it is impossible to generate an array of energy-accumulation in the activated state when combined with this crystal stone, so there will be no magical fluctuations.

However, now this thing is not only actually emitting magical power fluctuations, but also its magical power fluctuations are constantly improving, and the speed of this improvement is still quite fast.

From this increase in magical power fluctuations, it can be determined that this thing really produces magical power, and this magical power is continuously being produced. Generally speaking, this situation can only happen when there is a shaped energy array or additional energy supply equipment, but the problem is that we simply have no redundant energy supply equipment here, and it has been proved that there is no shaped energy before. array. Then the problem is coming. How is the energy here produced?

The magic array that can automatically gather energy does seem to generate energy out of thin air, but its practical is free energy, and it has an upper limit on its absorption speed. After all, the magic in space is not very dense. So the speed of absorption is impossible too fast. This is also the reason why the energy-gathering array can absorb energy out of thin air, but the guilds have to spend money to buy magic crystal. Although the energy array can produce almost free magic power, the output power of this thing is almost equivalent to the actual AA battery. A slightly larger magic device cannot be driven, and the cost and output of a large energy array are completely ineffective. Proportionally, this is also the reason why energy arrays can clearly generate free energy but have not been popularized.

The golden object in front of you is not only producing continuously magical power, but the speed has obviously surpassed the upper limit of magical absorption speed that the energy array can provide, so there are only two explanations here.

One, there is a super-energy-concentrating array on this thing that we don’t understand its working principle, and its energy absorption efficiency is several times stronger than that of all existing energy-concentrating arrays.

Second, this thing can be supplemented with energy in some other unknown way.

No matter which one of the two guesses is, it is an incredible major event, which is why we are so surprised.

Kristina is different from me. She is a mage, and she is naturally more impressed with this thing, so she was so surprised before. The reason why I am so surprised is that I am the president of the Frost Rose League. For me, this device that can generate a lot of free energy is simply a free money printing machine!

"This thing can generate such powerful energy fluctuations, which means it has energy supply, but we can’t find any energy equipment on it, even the energy-gathering array, but it just produces energy. , In other words, it can use some unknown method to generate a large amount of energy. Isn't that amazing enough?" Kristina looked at the zombie sister and asked.

Zombie sister shook her head, and before Christina broke out, she said: "Maybe it's amazing, but I don't understand anything, so it's useless if you say it."

Kristina, who was already ready to argue with the zombie sister, was so suffocated by this sentence that she almost didn't recite it. If two evenly matched people are in everything, it's okay to argue about it, but the problem is that you let an expert in high energy physics and elementary school students debate the cutting-edge theory of high energy physics. What will happen? The expert talked about a lot of things there, and then asked the elementary student if his theory was very cutting-edge, and the result was a straightforward sentence: "I don't understand. I don't know what you are talking about." What do you say about this scientist? reaction?

Christina is almost in this state anyway. The zombie girl is obviously not a technical talent. This zombie girl seems to be a special type of NPC, and most of these NPCs do not have much knowledge other than related tasks, so this zombie girl does not understand Kristina The words are really normal.

Looking at the discouraged Kristina, I don’t know what to say except for patted her shoulders for comfort, but, didn’t expect when I was comforting Kristina, Suddenly, an unexpected situation was discovered.

Kristina was originally taken two shots by me and has eased up, but when I was about to say something, I realized that I was there, waving up and down in the air like a child. The puzzled Kristina looked at me and asked, "President, what are you doing?"

I excitedly pointed to the golden object on the ground and said, "Look at it."

< p>After hearing what I said, Kristina looked towards the gold object in doubt. She didn't see anything at first, but soon she realized what I wanted her to see, so she joined me to extend the hand and dangling there.

Zombie sister and the surrounding children looked at us there and didn't know what we were doing, so they asked. Kristina’s original depressed mood was wiped out at this time, and when she heard the question, she said with a smile: "haha, we finally found the source of energy for this thing."

"found it. Is it?" A child curiously asked: "What kind of energy is it? Listening to your previous conversations, there should be no energy generation, right?" This child obviously also understands this aspect, so the question is asked. It is also more in-depth.

Kristina just discovered the new continent, so she naturally wanted to find someone to tell her, so she immediately said, "Dense is there." She said and pointed to the sky, and then she didn’t wait for the other party to guess. Said: "It's the sun! This thing can convert the energy in the sun into magic energy."

"What? Isn't that the same as a solar panel?"

Di Na squinted nodded and said: "Yes, not bad, this is a magical solar cell."

"There is this thing?" The child knows something about this, so instead More surprised than the average person.

Of course I can understand the surprise of that child, because I discovered this situation by accident before. Just now when I stretched out my hand to pat Christina’s shoulder to comfort her, the shadow produced by the palm of the hand just blocked the sunlight on the gold object. As a result, the magic wave of that thing was immediately weakened. As a result, as soon as I removed my hand, That thing immediately returned to its magical ascending state. After several experiments back and forth, I understood the principle. This is why I just waved under the mountain. In fact, I was constantly trying to block and restore sunlight.

Although I understand the function of this thing, I also understand that if this thing can be brought back for us to study in the guild and apply it to other magic arrays of our guild, our guild will definitely be again You can make a big announcement, but this thing can only be an idea at the moment. Let's not say whether this thing can be taken away, just whether the technology in this can be cracked is a problem. After all, we have never heard of a device that can convert solar energy into magic energy.

Seeing the excitement of our discussion here, the zombie sister asked anxiously: "I said you can stop discussing the magic array and energy? We are still being sealed. !"

Originally, I was so excited that Kristina and I calmed down after hearing this. Although we discovered a new technology that may become a cash cow, the problem is that we now need What we care about is our task, so it makes sense for the zombie sister to remind me.

Knowing the wrong can make a lot of improvements. Christina and I quickly apologized, and then asked: "Okay, let's not talk about it. What do you want to do next?"

"The next step is very simple." The zombie sister pointed out The thing on the ground said: "Now let me tell you to operate it. That thing will emit a special kind of magic wave, I can't touch it, or it will instantly burn to ashes, so you have to be careful."

I nodded standing next to that thing and asked: "You said I will do it."

Zombie sister didn’t say anything, she just started to command: "In order to gain your trust, I decided to lift the seal for you first, and then unblock ourselves. First, you have to pick up this thing on the ground."

I directly picked up this careful gold object. In fact, this thing is about the same size as a ring. Of course, this is a ring worn by a normal person, but with our current body shape, this thing is basically a circle larger than a hula hoop, so we need to be careful to get it. stand up.

After seeing that I picked up the thing, the zombie sister continued: "Now lay it flat, so that the crystal stone on the top is aimed at the person to be unblocked, and then just point it to the gold Just enter a small amount of magic power to activate it."

This operation couldn't be easier, so I directly pointed it at the head of the group and used it, and the next second a beam of light shot The head aunt, and then saw her quickly start to grow bigger, and it took almost a few seconds to become the size of a normal person. Of course, in our opinion, she is simply a giant.

Now that we have a successful experience, the rest is simple. The head aunt brought this ring to enlarge us one by one, and finally used it again against the remaining gold objects, restoring those gold objects to their original size. In fact, we only now know that the size of these gold objects is also abnormal.

After making us all bigger, all that's left is to make the zombie sister and her sister bigger together. But this job finally fell on me, because the head aunt was worried that there would be a battle afterwards, and felt that this thing was better for me.

According to the zombie girl’s operation guide, I directly aimed at this zombie girl first to use the understanding beam, and then this zombie girl immediately began to enlarge in front of our eyes, and soon expanded to a normal size, despite the height It is still much lower than us, but at least the proportion of normal people. As for the issue of being relatively short...I was originally a loli. Have you ever seen a loli who is 1.8 meters tall?

"Huh! It's finally back to normal size!" The zombie girl who turned back took a look at her body, and then she was relaxed, but I was very surprised by this, because she was surprised by the zombie girl. It's getting bigger, but the problem is... this looks like a zombie!

"Why are you still zombie?" I was wondering, and a little child called out straightforwardly.

The zombie girl over there didn’t respond much, instead, she asked in confusion: "Why can’t I be a zombie?"

"Didn’t you say that the four of your sisters were hit The curse, and then became a zombie, is it still reduced to such a small size? Now that the curse has been lifted, why are you still a zombie? Although it looks closer to a normal human appearance than before, how do you look? They are still corpses!" Kristina directly said our doubts.

Sister Zombie said after hearing our question: "I mean we are cursed, but I didn't say that our curse is to make us zombie! Yes, we are indeed humans. Princess, but before we were cursed, we were already infected with the corpse poison. The sealing process also sealed the corpse poison in our body. As a result, our strength was lost and the body became a dwarf, but because of this, the body poison in our body The zombie toxin was also suppressed and coexisted with us for a long time. In the end, although we became a zombie, we also preserved our mentality. However, it can’t be said that all the mentality is preserved! I think I have retained more, elder sister They don’t have that many, but as long as they can lift the seal on their bodies, after their power returns, they can exert a certain amount of power to suppress the zombie toxin, and then they should be able to return to their normal mind."

I nodded and did not pursue it any more, but directly used the understanding of the ray for the remaining three zombie girls, and then saw that the three zombie girls who had been posing there suddenly changed back to normal size. And they all stopped their previous actions, and began to look around and observe the surrounding situation.

"Little sister? We are not..." The eldest sister who recently replied looked at her younger sister in surprise, then looked at her hands, and finally looked at the people on our side. But after a brief pause, she turned her attention back to the little girl. "What happened to us before? This is... the seal is lifted?"

It is worthy of being the largest of the sisters, and it is said that she was a queen before, so intellectually, it can be said to be almost impeccable. The previous sane zombie sister briefly introduced the previous things, and the other party immediately understood the status quo, and then took the other sisters to thank us.

"I am the Queen of the Sky Kingdom Hastanas, thank you for doing something for us, and my people and I will thank you for your contribution."

"That ...Your thanks, just wait a moment, we just want to know what we are going to do next." Kristina asked.

At this time, the little crocodile guide who hadn’t spoken for a long time came out again, and said loudly: "Actually, your task now is very simple. It is to reopen the sky with the help of the four of them. Kingdom, then you will be able to see the biggest Guardian on this island and the biggest prisoner.”

I immediately understood that after hearing this, this so-called last Guardian should be our mission The target is the dragon. However, judging from the energy fluctuations here, this is definitely not a simple dragon, at least not lucky for them at this level. As the Dragon King, the strength of luck is already very exaggerated in Dragon Clan, but the fluctuations in the magic power of this target are actually more exaggerated than luck and plague, so it is certain that this is by no means an ordinary dragon.

Christina was similar to my guess, and she asked directly before I asked it. "If we guessed correctly, this last Guardian should be an epic giant dragon, right?"

There is a kind of existence in Dragon Clan called Epic Grade giant dragon, this kind of Epic Grade giant dragon is not a kind of Position, but a title. The so-called Epic Grade giant dragon must first be a hero-level giant dragon, and a hero-level giant dragon is a well-known figure among the giant dragons. Only one or two existences will be born in each generation of giant dragons.

Don't think that one or two generations are enough in one generation. You must know that Dragon Clan's lifespan is abnormally long, so the number of hero-level giant dragons can be imagined. The Epic Grade giant dragon, which is more perverted than the hero-level giant dragon, is a more exaggerated existence. Only after a dragon becomes a hero-level giant dragon can it be authorized by the Dragon King to go to the birthplace of Dragon Clan, a place that is even more exaggerated than Dragon Tomb. The giant dragon will go through some trials there, and the passed giant dragon will become the Epic Grade giant dragon reserve. This type of giant dragon is actually a hero-level giant dragon, but they already have the potential to become an Epic Grade giant dragon. . Only after they have done something for the giant dragon family that all Dragon Clan recognize

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