Above the British flagship, a very luxurious room above the battleship was suddenly kicked open. There is not much in this room. The space above the battleship is limited. Even if the design in the game is different from reality, the so-called deluxe room is impossible to compare with those luxury hotels in reality. This room is only forty square meters in total. Although the area is not large, it is already very good on the ship.

The furnishings in the room are very simple, a single bed, a table, a chair, and a couch. At this moment, there was a handsome man wearing a leather armor leaning on the sofa, holding a book in his hand, and he seemed to be fascinated, but he did not respond to the door being kicked open.

"Poseidon, it's time for you to play." The person who kicked the door went into the room and said in a rather bad tone. There are four guards standing behind him, all seeming to be NPCs.

The man lying on the sofa did not look at the guy who entered the room, but continued to flip through his book and said, "Why? You can't hold on so soon?"


"humph." There was no answer, but coldly snorted.

The man lying on the sofa suddenly put the book together at this time, then sat up, and said with a smile, "Don't be so angry. Anyway, we are also considered a cooperative relationship, right? Okay, looking at your face, I won’t be joking with you. Let’s talk something serious. Since I am asked to appear, then...Is my appearance fee ready?"

Coldly come here again snorted, then flashed aside. Two guards came in in the corridor outside the door, and they carried a box the size of three main computer boxes in their hands. This box seemed very weighty, and when it was placed on the ground by the guards, it made a muffled sound.

"hehe, is that right." The handsome young man walked over with a smile and lifted the lid of the box. His face was dyed into a multi-colored state immediately. Look again The box was actually filled with multi-colored gems.

"We have already obtained the amount you want. It's time for you to fulfill your obligations."

"It's easy to talk about it. I am still very professional. Should I do something for you if I receive your money." The guy said that he closed the box on the ground again, then opened a channel entrance and threw the box in. After doing all this, the guy immediately walked out the door, and when passing by the guard, he deliberately bumped the talking guy. The person who was hit wanted to go crazy, but after thinking about it, he had no urge.

Poseidon was just a provocation, not really wanting to do anything to him, so after hitting the guy, he didn't care about him anymore, but went straight out.

Poseidon, who quickly came to the deck along the aisle, did not act immediately, but looked up at the sea. Now is the time when the sun is the strongest in the afternoon, the sun is very good, and there is nothing on the sea to block the line of sight, so the battle situation can be described as obvious at a glance.

After looking around, the guy suddenly stepped on the railing, then jumped off the battleship and plunged into the sea. Just after he entered the water, a swelling wave suddenly appeared under the sea and went straight towards the Coristina in the center of the battlefield.

The shape of this bulging wave is quite strange. It is not the same as a normal wave. It feels like something is traveling under the water at high speed, so that the sea surface is lifted up. The speed is also very fast. In the blink of an eye, they passed the outer joint fleet ships, and the waves caused during the period even made the battleships on both sides start to shake.

Be aware that battleships are not ordinary boats. These big guys of at least a few thousand tons can not be shaken by any waves. After all, large battleships can go through even in a storm. However, this wave shook the surrounding battleship, which shows how powerful this wave is.

Just as the wave moved towards the Kristina straight away, the observers on the Kristina also noticed the huge black shadow underwater. The observers immediately reported, and Sophie also dropped the steel claw forces to intercept. As a result, as soon as the two sides touched, a huge wave was set off underwater, as if someone was experimenting with depth charges under the water. Along with the tumbling waves, a large number of bubbles continuously gush out from under the sea surface. A few seconds later, there was a sudden explosion of water on the sea surface, and at the same time a black shadow was seen flying out of the sea.

At first, everyone thought it was the underwater thing that came out of water, but after the seawater that was brought up by that thing peeled off, what was exposed was a steel claw without a head.

Our people here haven’t been relieved from the shock, and suddenly discovered that a few water jets erupted on the sea surface one after another, and all the ones that flew up were all of the steel claws. Dead body.

"There are powerful creatures underwater, and steel claws can't stop them." The tactical commander quickly reported.

Sophie immediately ordered without the slightest hesitation: "Notify the ships to turn off the underwater listening devices, and use sonic cannons to force them out of the water."

"Yes, all departments pay attention , The sonic cannon is ready to be launched, and all ships pay attention to turning off the pickup equipment."

As the order was issued, a section of the bottom of the Kristina suddenly rose up. If you look carefully, this The thing is clearly a fort, but it has been embedded in the bottom of the hull before, so it can't be seen at all.

After the sudden appearance of this protrusion, the front part suddenly split and spread out to both sides, and then two crystal tubes were seen protruding from the middle, and then the roots of the crystal tubes suddenly began to glow. When the rays of After the light reached its extreme state, the aperture suddenly moved forward along the two crystal tubes, and finally extinguished when it reached the tip of the crystal tube. However, even though the rays of light were extinguished, an invisible underwater shock wave was suddenly ejected, instantly opening a straight vacuum area underwater, and all the seawater in this area was instantly shaken away.

ao wu ... a huge and dull roar suddenly came out from underwater. Almost all personnel on the battlefield heard this roar, and its volume was even higher than that of the bomb explosion. sound.

"Damn, what did we hit?" The operators in the sonic cannon operating room were all dizzy by the sound. Don't even think about it and know that it must be the result of that shot just now. .

Just after the complaints of a few people here, I heard the sonar yelled: "A large object is approaching at a high speed in the direction of nine o'clock."

"Full rudder left, start emergency boost , The bow vibrating blade is charged and ready to fight a heavy blow."

The right side of the bow of the Kristina suddenly opened up a dozen orifices in one breath, and the blue propelling flame suddenly spewed out twenty Many meters long, and at the same time the left side of the battleship tail section also opened a row of boost ports to start jetting to assist in steering. The Kristina almost made an in-situ turn on the sea in an instant. At the same time, the sharp bow of the battleship suddenly began to turn red. At the same time, the surrounding sea seemed to encounter some resistance, and it automatically avoided the ship. The bow part forms a small vacuum zone.

As soon as the steering was completed, Sophie shouted: "The thruster is at full speed, and the auxiliary reinforcement mechanism is closed."

The thruster of the Kristina tail section suddenly sprayed A huge splash more than a hundred meters long came out, and at the same time several auxiliary propellers on the side of the hull were fully opened, the battleship suddenly jumped forward, and inside the battleship, there are some places that are usually invisible, and many are hidden. The metal connecting rods or the gates are all stretched out in an instant to lock and buckle each other. If someone can do a tomographic scan of the Kristina at this time, you will find that there are suddenly countless support beams inside the Kristina at this time. At this time, the strength of the battleship is equivalent to suddenly rising. More than doubled.

Almost at the same time that the Kristina was getting ready, the surface of the sea suddenly bulged up a large chunk, and at the same time a huge head with a faint blue blue rushed out of the sea. Then it hit the bow part of the Kristina. Accompanied by a sharp roar of detecting eardrums, the bow of the Kristina suddenly cut into the huge head like a sharp axe, but the Kristina was naturally hit all of a sudden. Bouncing backwards, the tail section of the battleship was completely out of the water at that moment, and even the bow and hull almost flew out of the sea. This shows how huge the impact force is.

The Kristina, which had already started to accelerate forward, changed from advancing to flying backwards at the moment of impact, and all the people on board were thrown forward. It’s better for people with seat belts. Many people who didn’t wear seat belts were thrown away from their seats, turning over obstacles in front of them and flying to the front of the cabin before being blocked by the walls. That’s pretty light. Many people just hugged something because they didn’t sit in their positions, so they couldn’t resist such an impact. They just flew out and stuck it on the wall in front of the cabin like a meatloaf. , Those who are already dead can't die anymore.


There is a mess inside the bridge of the Kristina, the overhead lights have been extinguished by more than half, and there are still two or three small light sources and ghost fire like, which are bright and dark, many The cable fell off the hidden mezzanine and dropped directly to the ground without sparks. There was blood on the bridge, and the helmsman was gone. From the big hole in the front window, it can be guessed that it was thrown out from the front at the moment of the impact. It is estimated that it should have been hung up by now.

Sophie rubbed her neck and sat up straight. She loosened her seat belt and rushed to the front of the bridge. While holding the steering wheel, she yelled: "First officer, first officer... and people Are you alive?"

"Captain, I'm not dead yet!" A man got up from a pile of pipes in front of him. Although he was covered in blood, he was obviously alive.

I had something to say, but the sudden crying shocked them. Sophie followed the voice and looked at it, only to see a few children crying around the dead leader and aunt, and then she remembered that there were guests on her battleship. As Captain Sophie on the battlefield is very busy, so she has no extra attention to paying attention to these free-riders, and she didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Only seven or eight of the child who came with this regimental aunt are still alive, and the rest are either missing or dead. The windows of the bridge burst open, mixed with strangeness. The smell of the sea breeze poured into the cabin from the window, causing the survivors to burst into gastric juice.

"Report the damage, is anyone okay?"

The personnel in the operating position are basically fine. Because their positions are fixed, they not only have seats, Moreover, they are all equipped with cross-stabilizing seat belts. Compared with other people, they are obviously more resistant to the general situation of traffic accidents.

The damage manager immediately reported: "The bow UHF cutting blade was damaged, the main structure of the hull was intact, some reinforcements were deformed to varying degrees, the main body of the hull was slightly damaged, and the main functions were operating normally. , The power room is slightly overloaded, and the power drops by 30% within 15 minutes. The casualties are temporarily unavailable. Captain, we can still fight."

"Fuck..." Sophie was emotional I was too excited, and part of what I said was directly blocked. "Is there anyone living in the firing room of the former main gun, give me focus on the firepower to kill the thing in front." , A huge monster not much smaller than the Kristina was tumbling and neighing in the sea. It was just this guy who used his own head to directly contact the bow of the Christina, but it didn’t expect that the battleship of the Christina actually has a design of collision angle, which is even more exaggerated. It is that this collision angle is not a simple steel structure, but a magic weapon. Of course, because of the wrong estimation of the battle strength of the Kristina, this guy is also a tragedy.

It was originally from the left side of the Kristina, the original goal was to hit the side of the hull, but because Kristina turned too fast, it not only hit the bow of the ship. He also suffered additional damage from the magic weapon. Now this guy’s entire head has one third cut open. A large amount of light blue unidentified matter spewed out from the big crack in this guy’s skull, and it was scattered everywhere as it struggled, some of which even contaminated the battleship of the combined fleet several kilometers away. However, it seems that this liquid is not lethal, it just smells a bit unpleasant.

"What's the kidding? Is the battleship of the Frost Rose League an alien man-made? Actually even Poseidon just fights both sides suffer?" The British saw the Kristina. After the result of the battle with rare beast, they all fell from ear to ear in surprise. They all knew how powerful the rare beast that the guy named Poseidon made was, and because of that, they were so surprised when they saw Christina and the rare beast evenly matched. However, what really surprised them was yet to come.

Sophie stood in front of the console, holding the steering wheel in one hand and the communicator in the other hand shouting: "I am the commander of the fleet, Sophie, the whole fleet, the target is unknown, the giant beast, all shots are fired. Here it is. I smashed that beast!"

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