"Damn! Why is there a robot skeleton inside the mobile angel?"

"It's the core system!" A player who fought on land before loudly shouted. This player was not in the sponge before. He once participated in a battle with our guild on land. In that battle, a robot skeleton emerged from the inside after several mobile angels were destroyed. So this guy later investigated this matter specifically, and found on the forum that the Frost Rose League of our guild also has a core system, and this system itself also has battle strength.

The robot skeletons that popped out from the mobile angels on the opposing ship are not real Undead Race skeleton soldiers, and of course they are not called robot skeletons. The real name of this thing should be called the angel core, which is the core component of the mobile angel. This part includes a set of the most basic moving parts. In addition, the artificial soul of the mobile angel and the moving core are located in the core of this angel. Therefore, it can be said that this core is actually the body of the mobile angel. As for the things outside, in fact, All can be counted as plug-ins, and can be thrown away if necessary.

This angel core rushed towards the nearest enemy immediately after it landed. The player immediately raised his sword to attack after seeing the angel core’s reaction. How could I know this angel? The core suddenly jumped forward while running, and then changed into a running posture like an ape, and started running forward with all four limbs. If it is a human being in this posture, it will definitely not run fast, but the problem is that the core of the angel is not a human at all. Although his structure is not much different from a human skeleton, the thinking mode of this thing is different from that of a human, so even the limbs Using them together will not slow down the speed, but will greatly increase the running speed.

In fact, if the speed becomes faster, the angel core is not terrifying. The key is that the battle method of the angel core in the non-human form is too unstable.

The mobile angel has a huge external armor system. Although it provides super defensive power and extremely exaggerated power, because the internal structure is already quite complicated, the external structure can only be as simple as possible. The result is that the range of movement of the mobile angel is actually very limited, and it is already at the limit to be able to fully simulate human movements.

However, without the plug-in, although the angel core has been significantly lower than the mobile angel in terms of defensive power and power output, its flexibility has been qualitatively improved, not only the speed is super Fast, and the battle method is very weird. Simply is no longer a body refinement used by humans, but a ten out of ten from the fighting habits of wild animals.

The angel core in the charging state suddenly bounced from the ground just before the player came into contact with it. The player immediately smashed the opponent with a sword. Who knew the angel core? He actually jumped onto the outer wall of the island, his sharp fingers inserted into the hull like butter, and then climbed directly along the wall on the side of the island with the help of the power of the fingers.

The player who was waiting to fight the angel core found that the angel core suddenly started climbing the wall and wanted to chase it up, only to find that his speed was not the opponent at all. The angel core quickly climbed down the wall like a gecko to the underside of the bridge, then climbed upside down over the reverse protrusion under the bridge and climbed under the outer corridor of the bridge. At this position, even an ordinary person is estimated to be able to climb up, even more how is the core of the angel. The angel core directly grabbed the railing with one hand, and then suddenly shook his body and climbed the circular corridor outside the bridge, and then rushed into the bridge through the observation window outside the bridge.

"What's the kidding?" The players below were really panicked. They all reacted. The stairs climbing the stairs and the wall climbing walls rushed towards the bridge together. However, they had just climbed halfway before they saw another piece of the glass window of the upper bridge shattered, and then a guy in a navy uniform flew out of it and fell directly into the sea.

The combatants didn’t have time to take care of the corpse that was thrown out. Instead, they continued to move upwards, but in the upper window, people were thrown out from time to time, while the people below were in a hurry. Can't help at all.

The person in the front finally rushed to the escalator outside the bridge, and then this guy rushed all the way up the corridor outside the bridge, but he just held the handle of the bridge door. With his feet shaking, the battleship suddenly made a sharp turn. If he hadn't just grabbed the handle at the time, he would have been threw away. However, the people below who are climbing the wall are not as lucky as him. Originally, crawling on the bare outer wall of the ship island was more difficult, not to mention that the battleship suddenly made a sharp turn. The people lying on the outside of the ship island naturally had to bear a very large centrifugal force. As a result, many people were thrown out at once.

Although the guy who grabbed the doorknob was swayed, because he was still holding the doorknob, he quickly stabilized his figure and unscrewed the door and rushed into the bridge.

When the guy entered the bridge, what he saw was basically a scene of Asura hell. The entire bridge was full of red blood. All the people on the bridge and the control chair were killed. The crew of, there are still a lot of blood stains on the ground, all have gathered into a large area.

Although the battleship in the game will also have battles, it is not very common after all, and there are dedicated deck combatants on the battleship, and it is not necessary for everyone on the ship to have a combat capability, so In fact, in most guild battleships, except for deck combatants, most are players without battle strength.

This ship obviously belongs to the kind of normal battleship, so the pilots are all clerical personnel without the strength to hold the chicken. They had no problems operating the battleship, but once someone broke into the bridge, these people were basically helpless to fight back.

The combatant speaking of which entered the bridge ten seconds later than the previous angel core. Didn’t expect such a time difference, and the entire bridge was killed. , And the angel core actually started the battleship idea.

When the player came in, he just saw the angel core over there turning the steering wheel of the battleship, which is why the battleship suddenly turned. After the player entered the cabin, the angel core immediately looked back at him, and then suddenly grasped the steering wheel with both hands and suddenly pulled it down, only to hear a click, the steering wheel unexpectedly pulled the guy off the bridge.

After destroying the steering wheel, the angel core did not stop there. Instead, it suddenly grasped the speed controller next to it, and then pushed all the switches to the top one at a time, and then continued to exert force, forcibly all the The speed controllers are all pulled off. If you want to re-control the navigation of the battleship, you can only go to the engine room below to use manual control. At least the bridge side has completely lost the control ability.

The purpose of the angel core is actually like this. After destroying the controller here, the angel core did not fight with the person who rushed in at all. Instead, it started from another moment when it completed its work. The window on one side jumped out.

After flying out of the bridge, the angel core grabbed a hand on the outer railing with one hand to slow down the outward force, followed the body straight down, and hit the other side of the deck with a crash After that, the guy immediately found the nearest hatch and opened it and got in.

The angel core that entered the ship's body ran across the ship directly, and when he saw the downward stairs, he ran down and kept moving to the stern of the ship. Occasionally, some people in the ship were killed directly. , These all are battleship maintainers, equivalent to technical arms, basically do not have much battle strength.

Under the condition that there is no problem in the general direction, the angel core of course successfully found the engine room behind the hull, and then went directly into it, killing all the operators and destroying the manual control. system, and then left the engine room. From now on, the ship can’t do anything at all except spinning at sea, because its steering wheel is stuck in the direction of the maximum turning angle, and all possible control methods are destroyed, except for cutting off the power to stop the ship. There is simply no other way to stop the ship from spinning.

However, this is after all the battlefield of naval battles instead of ordinary Sea Territory, especially under this kind of encirclement tactics, the distance between battleships is very small. If it is normal, the distance of several hundred meters is enough for these battleships to maneuver, but the problem is that the ship is spinning now, so it as it should be by rights invaded other people's waterways. The surrounding battleship had to maneuver to evade it, and the movement of a ship forced the nearby battleship to follow. As a result, a large area of ​​the nearby battleship broke away from the encirclement and entered a state of chaos.

The angel core didn't leave after doing all this, but started to run up again. Finally reached the deck again. Because there are many passages in the battleship, and they extend in all directions, it is very difficult to find a person. There were not many deck combatants. In this case, they were naturally scattered everywhere. When the angel core returned to the deck, there were only a few people left here, and most of them were chasing after the angel core. It descended into the cabin, and who knew that this guy turned back again.

Because of the extreme sensitivity of the angel core, it can be said to be very cheap when fighting with ordinary players. There is an imposing manner on the ship. If it’s a land battle, the opponent’s staffing is usually relatively complete. As long as the warriors can withstand a period of time, the mages’ large-scale magic can easily hit the angel core, and the defensive power of these angel cores can be said to be very bad. , Once hit, there is basically no resistance. However, the situation is slightly different when at sea.

Even if individual battles between players occur in naval battles, they are basically fighting on the deck, so what is under their feet is not ordinary land, but battleship. In this case, if the wizard uses magic attacks, as long as he can't hit the target, he will probably hit the battleship. As a defender, he wants to prevent the battleship from being damaged. How can he take the initiative to destroy the battleship? Therefore, most of the combatants deployed on the battleship are actually warriors, and there are very few wizards. After all, the destructive power of the mages is too great. If there is no battle in the battleship, it is better to ignore the enemy.

Because most of the battleships in naval battles are warrior-type defensive personnel, no one can attack magic on a large scale. In this case, the angel core naturally takes advantage of it. The angel core relied on its strong flexibility to easily bypass the players, and then rushed straight to the second turret, and then opened the turret door and got in before those people rushed up.

Of course, the combat players outside know that the personnel inside the turret can’t handle this angel core. After all, they are not combat players who operate the turret. Although they can use cannons to cause damage, they don’t do it directly by themselves. Can't compare with the angel core.

Because they knew that the artillery was not the opponent of the angel core, these people outside rushed up anxiously, but unfortunately the speed of the angel core was too fast, and the people inside were too weak, waiting for them to rush into the turret. But I was surprised to find that all the people inside were dead. What is even more annoying is that the angel core is actually running out from the opposite hatch.

Originally, everyone planned to continue chasing after seeing this situation, but the autoloader next to it suddenly rang. This sudden sound made everyone stunned, and instinctively looked towards the loader, but it didn't matter if you didn't look at it, it almost didn't scare the soul away. I saw a cannonball without a front fairing on the loader being stuffed into the barrel. What's more terrible was that there was already a cannonball in the barrel.

Under normal circumstances, even if you hit the ground with a cannonball, it will not detonate because there is a fairing outside the detonator of the cannonball. This thing can keep the shells stable during flight and reduce wind resistance. At the same time it is also a safety insurance. This thing has a certain degree of hardness, and ordinary collisions will not cause it to deform. As long as the fairing is not deformed, the fuze inside will not be triggered, so the shell will not explode. Therefore, normal shells are still very safe, even if they accidentally fall to the ground during handling, there will be no big problem. However, the shell that was being pushed into the barrel now had no fairing, and it was a crystal trigger directly in front of it. This thing is not the same as the fairing. It has a strong sense of inscription. Although it is not afraid of vibration, it is afraid of impact. As long as the collision force is greater than 5kg, it can be triggered. The push force of the autoloader is far more than that. After all, how can it be possible to send a few hundred kilograms of shells into the barrel without any strength?

Everyone who saw this felt that their hair stood up for an instant, and the person who reacted the fastest immediately rushed to stop the cannonball from advancing. Unfortunately, the loader is too powerful. One or two people couldn't stop it from pushing forward. Fortunately, the people behind didn't react slowly. They immediately stepped forward to help lift the warhead and let the shells that were lying on the track stand up.

With a sound, the erected shell was pushed into the tail section of the barrel. Of course, it was stuck and couldn't be pushed in. After the loader feels huge resistance, it will automatically give up and continue to move forward and start to pull. This is a protective device. Once the shell jam occurs, this thing can ensure that the problematic shell will be pulled out instead of being stupid. Continue to press in desperately.

Although the tail section of the side impact gun made a loud collision, it did not explode because the trigger fuze did not touch anything, and everyone was finally relaxed at this time. You have to know that there are still several shells piled inside the turret at this time. If it explodes, the formidable power can definitely lift all of the ship's front deck.

However, just as everyone was relieved, they saw that the door where the angel core left was actually opened again. Under everyone's puzzled eyes, a bauble about the size of a mooncake was thrown in, and then the gate was closed again. The little thing bounced on the ground and landed in the center of the turret. In the next second, a small protrusion suddenly rose from the center of this thing, and then the protrusion turned ninety degrees, and then fell back suddenly. As a blue light flashed, the people inside the turret didn't know anything.

Although the people inside the turret failed to witness the effect of this thing, everyone outside saw it. The second turret at the front of the Sapphire suddenly exploded. At the same time, the front part of the battleship jumped upwards, followed by crashing to the sea, but the bow suddenly broke and began to sink.

In fact, the bauble just now is a grenade-like device. It is part of the self-destructing device that comes with the angel core. Of course, it can also be used as a grenade when necessary. The small explosive device thrown in by the angel core just now directly detonated several rounds of standby ammunition that were not fired in the turret, and then further detonated and detonated the ammunition depot under the turret. The result was that the entire front of the Sapphire was destroyed. It is directly blown up, and the remaining part is estimated to last for long. You must know that the speed of this battleship has been driven to the maximum, and the control system has failed. In this case, there is no bow, but it is rushing forward, which is strange if it is not sinking.

After the explosion, the battleship on this side was basically High Level so it was not saved, and the angel core immediately jumped into the sea after throwing a small bomb. Because it is in the form of a skeleton, there is no way to maintain buoyancy after entering the water. The angel's core quickly began to sink, but when it sank to a depth of more than a hundred meters, the guy's back suddenly opened two small thrusters. This kind of small propeller is small in size and not fast, but it can guarantee that the angel core will not sink. Relying on the help of these two small thrusters, the angel core began to quickly move closer to our battleship, after which it would find the nearest battleship of its own and climb up to recover it. After all, although the angel core has a certain battle strength, it is not used to directly participate in the battle. This mode is just an emergency mode. Mobile angels in this state tend to be cautious and self-preserving in their behavior, and offensive is not strong.

So far, although our mobile angel against the ship has basically lost its battle strength, it has already killed at least one battleship, and it has also damaged another one, which is not a loss. However, even so, the fin whale still cannot be let go. Because of this ship, we already have two mobile angels against ships that have had problems. One was directly destroyed, and the other was forced to return to its core form and returned to the fleet. This means that two mobile angels have lost their combat capability. For us to pay such a price, of course this fin whale cannot be kept.

"Very tenacious!" I have noticed that the Sophie of this special battleship has no scruples after seeing her own angel nuclear heartbeat water. The previous angel core is still growing. On the Sapphire next to the Baleen Whale, So in order to avoid accidental injury, Sophie has not dared to let this side open fire, but now she doesn't need it. "Prepare for the Magic Light Cannon. Target the battleship that destroyed our two mobile angels. Sink it for me."

Following Sophie’s order, a hemisphere on the top of the Kristina The armored protective shield suddenly unfolded, and then something that looked a bit like a satellite antenna and a laser drill rig came out from it. Immediately after unfolding, this gadget locked onto the fin whale over there, and at the same time it began to emit a large amount of white steam from behind, and circles of energy waves of the same substance rippled with it as the center.

"Be careful, that ship is going to make a big move!" The other personnel who knows Moguang Cannon immediately screamed after seeing the changes on our side. Unfortunately, it is too late to say anything at this time. NS.

"Launch." Following Sophie's final order, a thick blue and white beam immediately straddled the fin whale over a distance of more than ten kilometers. There were two battleships that blocked the way. The two halves did not play any blocking role, and the fin whale itself, like the previous battleship, failed to persist even for a second. It was instantly penetrated through the island, and then the beam was extinguished. The entire battleship started to catch fire and started from the center. Fractured into two parts, the front and the back rolled and sank into the sea.

"The launch is complete, close the protective shield." Following the command of the chief officer, the Magic Light Cannon began to slowly descend, and the outer protective shield was automatically closed. Although this thing has a large formidable power, it is basically impossible to mention defensive power when compared with ordinary artillery. In fact, because of the material and structure of the Magic Cannon, its ability to resist attacks is basically similar to that of porcelain. Not to mention a direct hit, even if a formidable power shell explodes in the vicinity, it may be destroyed directly. If our shield had a special structure that could absorb impact, we would not have been able to carry weapons such as the Magic Light Cannon on the battleship.

Of course, the above-mentioned knowledge is for the large magic light cannon. In fact, the defensive power of the magic light gun will be greatly improved as the volume shrinks, but because this thing generates a lot of heat, the formidable power drops after the size is small, it is very difficult to deal with, after all, too small is not conducive to heat dissipation. , There is no other way but to reduce the power.

"Damn, damn, damn..." At this time, there was a curse in the British fleet. The large battleships they just sent out attempting to enter the inner defensive line to attack us are either catching fire or sinking. The battle strength of the mobile angels for ships used by our guild is really exaggerated. As long as they cannot be intercepted in the air, once they are close, the battleship basically has no ability to fight them.

The defensive power of these terrifying fighters is amazing. The deck combatants can't intercept the sabotage of the battleship by the mobile angels on the ship. Most of the weapons on the battleship are used to deal with other battleships, so The speed is so slow that it can't keep up with the moving speed of the mobile angel on the ship. It can be said that in this case, the mobile angel against the ship is basically out of invincibility, and the opponent can occasionally encounter one or two mobile angels against the ship to destroy or wound it, and there is basically no actual result.

Of course, if you just don’t know how to use mobile angels on ships, it’s fine. At any rate, relying on the number advantage, it will take a long time for those mobile angels on ships to manage their entire fleet, but the point is that they can’t deal with mobile angels on ships, and even our battleships are not even true.

Don’t talk about the Kristina. The surrounding battleships that look a size smaller have the same performance. All battleships have two sets of protection systems, the outer layer of protection. The defensive power of the hood is amazing. Even when it is set by fire, it rarely penetrates, and a few shots of a fish that escaped the net will be intercepted by the transmission beam, and most of the intercepted shells will not hit the target. NS.

Faced with this one-sided situation, even now they still have an absolute advantage in terms of numbers, but whether it is the British or the people in the small guilds who followed them, they have already Begin to lose confidence. Not to mention sinking, even if it is a battleship that can damage us, they will have some confidence, but the problem is that until now, their shells have not even fallen on our battleship shell. It was truly unscathed. People in this state will be discouraged.

"What should we do? Were we sunk by all of them like this, or fled in embarrassment?" Some representatives of medium and large guilds who followed the British guild ran to the United Kingdom at this time. Among the people's fleet, began to ask what to do. The plan made before is obviously impossible to achieve, so they now need to act decisively, either evacuate immediately or stick to it. Indecision will only make things worse.

Looking at the gazes of the guild leaders around them looking towards their own, the captains of the British guild began to hesitate, and then all their gazes focused on the commander of the fleet.

Haggs looked around in embarrassment, and finally said: "In fact, we are really prepared this time, but didn't expect the battleship of the Frost Rose League to be so tough. Degree, but you can rest assured that we will not be defeated here, because we still have secret weapons in our hands that have not been revealed."

"Secret weapons? Why haven't you heard them before? "A guild president asked.

"Since it is called a secret weapon, of course it must be hidden secretly. If we see people and say, what secrets are there?"

"So now you can always Tell us what this secret is, right?"

Haggs hesitated for a while and felt that the fleet might collapse if he didn’t say it now, so he decided to say it after thinking about it again and again. It came out well. "In fact, this secret weapon is a player we have hidden for a long time. He has a very powerful ability. As long as he is at sea, he can basically be said to be invincible."

"Invincible at sea? And that ice It's the same as Banshee? Special environment-adapted player?" A guild leader immediately thought of the ice-bound Banshee, who claims to be able to compete with me head-on as long as he is within the Arctic Circle.

Haggs nodded and said: "It's similar people, but our member’s specialty is not ice attribute, but transformation and summon."

"and Purple Moon is a department?" There is a president who immediately frowned: "If you fight for a familiar, no one can do Purple Moon?"

"Hehe, you are different." Haggs said: " The summon system used by this member of ours is the orthodox summon system, not the summon system with magic pets like Purple Moon."

The so-called orthodox summon system is a kind brought out from previous games. Opinions were not formed in "Zero". According to the players’ perception, the regular summon system should not be the mode in which a large group of familiars are captured and then battled in "Zero", because the familiars have always existed around the players, especially the cancellation of the familiar space After that, because of the lack of space equipment, there are fewer space equipment that can carry lifeforms, so most of the players' familiars follow them. Although this kind of familiar is also considered as a summon creature, in fact, it doesn't need summon at all at ordinary times, and it can be used as a comrade-in-arms to cooperate in battle.

Because this feature of magic familiars is not very compatible with summon, many players believe that orthodox summon should be one of those powerful creatures that summon cannot fully possess by using a certain skill. Kind of battle method. Many previous online games or magical content literary works have appeared in that kind of summon, and that kind of summoning technique is also recognized by more people, so this kind of summoning technique that carries magic pets has become unorthodox, and that This method of summon alien creatures is called the orthodox Summoning Technique instead.

Of course, a large part of this situation is actually due to the fact that the number of familiars in "Zero" is too small. When I first entered the game, everyone found that the amount of familiars they carried was only one to three. Many people regretted it for a long time, because before, "Zero" had announced the only one of the familiar system during the promotion stage. The limit is the amount of familiars you can carry. As long as there are spaces, you can take as many familiars as you want, as long as you can get the eggs. Therefore, when many people first entered the game, they were imagining that there would be many powerful familiars in the future, and what to do if there is no place to put them in good ones. After all, the familiars in "Zero" cannot be changed once they are selected, so this problem has plagued many players for a long time.

However, as the game progresses, players finally realize that it is not the amount you carry, but the number of eggs that limit the number of players' familiars. That's right, those three-four hundred-level Familiar Egg System stores are open for supply, and you can have as much as you want. But the question is, how many people will actually buy it? Although the price of that kind of magic pet egg is very cheap, but the place of the magic pet is limited after all. That kind of three-four hundred-level familiar not only occupies the same position as the three-four-thousand-thousand-level familiar, but what's worse is that they can hardly help in the battle.

Although low-level pet eggs are open for supply, high-level pets are another matter entirely. The players later discovered that the acquisition of the Familiar Egg was not as simple as imagined. Many people at first think that as long as you can defeat a devil beast, you can accept it as a beast, but there is only a problem with the success rate. However, everyone is surprised to find that the devil beast becomes a devil beast not only requires something called tame. The special profession of the beastmaster, and the success rate of catching demons is actually so low. It can be said that basically a thousand-level player wants to capture a five-hundred-level devil beast programming beast, and its success rate will never exceed one percent. This shows how the beast egg may come by with luck, But not by searching for it exists, and the more high level it is, the more difficult it is to deal with it.

The end result of everything is that the players find that they have been cheated. The situation they imagined with a large number of pet eggs without a place to put them has turned into carrying a lot of empty seats and can't find the pet eggs. It’s better for rich players. Although there are not many people who are willing to sell Familiar Eggs, but the world is so big, there are always some people who will sell Familiar Eggs, and some people have a high level of capturing skills like me. Will also specifically go to organize a group to catch magic pets and sell them for money. Because of the existence of this kind of people, very rich local players can occasionally buy some Familiar Eggs. As for ordinary players... In addition to praying that one day good luck will accidentally pick up a Familiar Egg. There is no other hope.

Because of the scarcity of pet eggs, most players do not have enough pets to use. Therefore, in the spirit of not eating grapes and saying grape sour, everyone agrees to use the Summoning Technique of pets. It is not called summon, only the Summoning Technique of the creature that summon creates out of thin air is called Summoning Technique.

However, although everyone says so, it is not the case in the system settings. Although the so-called orthodox Summoning Technique system does exist in "Zero", the problem is that this is not the mainstream, and related equipment and skills are difficult to obtain. The difficulty of cultivation can be imagined. Although a good profession has a great influence on the player's strength, if the level is too low, no matter how good the profession is, it is useless. Even if you can learn more than a dozen professions by yourself and become a full-time expert, you will still be abused if you have a grade difference of more than a thousand. So, the kind of orthodox summon profession that is not easy to upgrade and does not have the appropriate equipment is indeed very few people will choose.

Of course, there must be exceptions in everything, and the player Haggs said is obviously that exception.

"President Haggs, you have said so much, should you please let us see your secret weapon?" A president suggested.

After Haggs thought for a while, he nodded and said: "Since he wants to see, I will ask him to help us fix these

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