"I'm Sophie, commander of the fleet, the whole fleet pays attention, the target is unknown giant beast, and I fire all bullets. Batter me that beast!"

"Boss You are going crazy, pay attention to all battle positions, all bullets are fired, the target is unknown giant beast." After receiving the communication, the captains of each battleship immediately began to scream and let their men fight back according to the order. People who know thought they had encountered pirates.

Speaking of pirates...it's all to blame on King Chuang. Not long after our guild formed a fleet, all the players from their original anti-Japanese united front joined our guild and provoked all naval affairs in our guild. Originally, there was nothing wrong with this. The key trouble was that they were born as pirates at the beginning, so the people they brought out were all pirate habits, even after the Frost Rose Alliance’s fleet made several large-scale expansions. , The result still failed to dilute this atmosphere or cultural heritage, so the navy of our guild became what it is now, and all fleet commanders are basically like pirate bosses.

Although the style is a little bit awkward, our guild system is relatively complete, so the captains did not affect the speed of issuing orders, but implemented them very quickly.

The dozen or so guild battleships that followed near the Kristina were turning their muzzles. When all the artillery was directed at the sea monsters over there, Kristina took the lead in firing. The monster's head is a round of volleys. When other battleships around saw the Kristina fire, they did not wait any longer, and began to cover fire. The monster on the opposite side was half-damaged by the Kristina just now. After all, there was such a big crack in the head. Even in terms of the life force of the monster, this is considered a very serious injury. NS. In this case, our battleship fired on fire, and the monster took all the attacks head-on with almost no evasive consciousness.

The Kristina should be facing the monster, so only the up ahead three turrets can fire. However, due to angle and position of other battleships, almost the main artillery on the entire battleship can be fired. Participating in shooting, even those battleships are not as big as the Kristina, but after all, they are all battleships or cruisers Level 1, and this firepower is by no means comparable to ordinary battleships. even more how The battleship that came out this time has been collectively replaced with the main gun of the electromagnetic railgun principle, and it uses liquefied magic crystal steam cannonballs. This formidable power is definitely startling heaven and earth, ghosts and gods weeping.

The monster that hardly resisted was submerged by many shells in an instant. The Fireball produced by the dense explosion swallowed the entire monster. People around could see a huge fireball. As for The monster inside...looks like there is no other reaction other than the scream.

The first round hit quickly. When the flames went out and the smoke dissipated, everyone saw a large group of squishy meat floating on the sea, although it was vaguely visible that this was the monster Corpse, but there are basically not many good places on it. The surrounding sea has been completely stained blue by the blood of the monster, and the surrounding air is also floating with a strange smell mixed with burnt smell.

"Isn't it? It's hanging up?" The British obviously can't accept that the thugs they hired at a high price are such an insignificant thing. They were beaten in just one confrontation. A pile of rotten meat, this is too tiger's head, snake's tail, right?

"Don't worry, Poseidon should not have done his best yet." said a leader of the British guild. He is the person responsible for negotiating with Poseidon, so he knows a little more about Poseidon's strength than the people around him, so he believes in Poseidon's strength even more.

The facts are similar to what this guy had guessed. Just when everyone looked at the still rotten meat on the sea and thought that Poseidon had died, a huge giant suddenly appeared under the sea. The black shadow came out from under the monster's corpse. When this black shadow left the corpse, it even caused the huge corpse to turn over in the sea, but now when you look at the corpse, everything below is gone. There was only an empty shell left in the corpse, and the contents inside seemed to have been eaten by something, and nothing was left at all.

Faced with such a strange phenomenon, we are not too surprised, because something did come out from under the corpse just now, but the thing that came out is not as wide as the corpse of the monster. , But it is very long.

After leaving the corpse, the newly-appearing creature began to circle around the Kristina, and the surrounding battleship was also constantly changing its course to avoid this huge shadow, it’s just this thing. The speed under the water is strange, and it is also very strange that the speed can be maintained without forming noticeable waves on the sea surface.

"The underwater listening device. Did you find anything?" The shadow was so big that Sophie had certainly seen it too. At this time, she was asking loudly whether the members operating the underwater listening device found something different. shape.

The member in charge of operating the hydrophone continued to monitor and said: "The propulsion sound is very slight, it should be a large Sea Beast. The other party is very fast and cannot capture the sound source for a long time."< /p>

"Large Sea Beast?" Sophie thought for a while and said: "Use depth bombs to predict the trajectory range."


Several armor plates on the side of the Kristina suddenly unfolded, and then one by one, something like a revolver magazine stretched out. This thing is actually a depth charge launcher. There are a total of eight launch pipes on the turntable-shaped magazine, and each pipe will be pre-installed with three rounds of ammunition, which means that this one can be thrown out for two at a time. Fourteen depth charges. Moreover, considering that depth charges almost exclusively rely on shock waves to produce damage, the depth charges of our guild do not use explosives to detonate, but a magical array.

In fact, there is simply no explosive in this kind of depth bomb. If this thing is placed on land, it will not produce any explosive power even if it is directly activated, because its principle of action is quite special. The inside of this bomb is actually a fixed magic array, this magic array will be burned after activation, and its function is to make all the water within a radius of ten meters all turn into water vapor in an instant.

Everyone knows that the steam engine of the past actually uses the power of water vapor to operate, so it can be seen that the volume of water will increase many times when it becomes steam. The water within a radius of ten meters all turned into a gas state in an instant. Everyone can calculate how much this volume will increase. However, the huge volume that suddenly appeared was constrained in such a narrow range, and the result was naturally The only way to release this force is to explode outwards, and then the explosion occurs.

Although this kind of depth charge is not very lethal to the organism, it still has a certain damage ability after all, and this kind of depth charge has several advantages. One is that it is small in size and can even be thrown directly with human hands. The second is that the cost of this depth charge is very low. The magic array is directly burned with the special printing technology of the magic array. The starting magic unit is a broken magic crystal fragment. The outer shell is just finished steel mined from the steel city. It is not even forged, it is just shaped. Anyway, all materials are cheap, and the price of a bomb is not even as high as the price of special ammunition used by some professional Musketeer players. Third, this bomb is super safe. Because there is no chain reaction as long as it does not touch the water, so as long as it is not directly dropped into the pool in the activated state, mere dampness will not affect its safety at all, let alone collisions.

Such a useful and cheap thing, even if the formidable power is a little bit worse, it’s nothing at worst, so the depth bombs equipped on our guild’s battleship all use this kind of multi-tube launcher. Yes, and it cannot be launched in a single shot. At least eight pieces are fired at a time. And because of the specially designed bullet nest structure, the eight ammunition will form a ring-shaped dispersion area just after they fly out, which can be maximized. Increase the explosive power coverage.

Because the Sophie ordered this time to cover the attack, the bullet nest on the Kristina shot out twenty-four depth charges in one go, on the opposite joint fleet with a fast launch speed. All of the staff were breathing air-conditioning. Thanks to this is an anti-submarine weapon, if the naval gun also has this speed, then they don't have to live, just open the bottom of the ship's inlet valve to sink.

Although a launcher can only project twenty-four ammunition at a time, because the size of this launcher is only the same size as the actual individual grenade gun, it is for battleship. The volume of the gadget is almost negligible. Well, since this thing is so small, we are naturally impossible to install only one or two launchers. Suddenly, a dozen or so openings were opened under the side deck of the Kristina, followed by a large depth bomb that fell in the direction of the underwater shadow like dumplings.

Although our attack here is quite sharp, the monster's ability is obviously not bad. Almost when the depth bomb on our side had just entered the water, the monster made a sharp turn, then rounded off to the side, and in a short while, distanced itself from the Kristina.

Looking at all the depth charges launched by her side, Sophie immediately ordered: "Don't use small firecrackers. Use guided tracking bombs."

"But that... …" The first officer wanted to say something.

Sophie's direct look caused the first officer to swallow all the words that followed, and she turned around and gave orders to start execution.

As the order was communicated, a secondary gun in the middle of the Kristina suddenly began to lift up, and then shot a huge shell upwards with a nearly vertical firing angle.

The diameter of this shell is nearly three hundred millimeters and the length is close to seven hundred millimeters. It is definitely a big one among the naval shells. Except for the Kristina’s own main gun, few other guilds have such big shells. After all, the caliber of 300 mm is already the existence of the battleship's main gun Level 1, and in other guilds, battleships are basically the absolute main force, so the number is impossible.

Because of its relatively large size, even the secondary gun has a caliber of more than 300 millimeters. This type of ammunition with a caliber close to three hundred millimeters can easily occur after the use of special sealing rings.

The huge shell is obviously different from ordinary shells. It can be directly caught with naked eye when it flies out of the muzzle. It can be seen that the muzzle velocity of this thing is very low, and Just ascended less than three hundred meters before reaching the limit and starting to fall.

Originally, people from the United Fleet across the board were a little strange when they saw this shell, but when the thing started to fall, they realized that this thing is not simple, because this thing starts to run out of inertia. When falling, a small parachute suddenly popped out from behind, which immediately reduced the speed of the projectile falling. After the parachute was opened, the shell immediately broke into two pieces. A round lid pulled by the parachute continued to slowly descend, while the front warhead suddenly emitted three flames from the side, and then the warhead followed. Boosted by these three inclined flames, it began to spin while accelerating and diving.

The warhead part of the projectile immediately became like a high-speed falling drill after it started the process of rotation. Not only was the speed extremely fast, but also very stable. Everyone noticed that the warhead was constantly changing. Modify the flight path, because the monstrous below it has almost noticed the falling cannonball, so the monster has been constantly changing its direction in an attempt to get rid of the tracking of this thing, but it’s a pity that this thing is always staring at it as if it has eyes. No matter how it turns, the warhead always flies directly towards it.

I found that the useless monster immediately disappeared on the surface of the sea and began to accelerate its dive, but unfortunately the speed of the warhead falling too fast, it just dived a few meters, and the warhead also entered the water. And because of the cone shape of the warhead, there is almost no resistance. It breaks through the sea water and continues to sink. The speed is many times faster than that of the monster's diving speed.

The underwater chase situation simply couldn’t be seen by the people above, but the shell didn’t make everyone wait long, because it only took a few seconds to catch up with the monster, and it was catching up with the monster. It exploded suddenly at the moment.

Along with a loud explosion sound, within a 50-meter radius around the point where the shells entered the water, the entire sea surface was instantly lifted up to several hundred meters high, while huge white waves scattered all over the place. It looks like a daffodil in full bloom. Along with the tumbling white splash, there were some blue liquid and some pieces of Unknown Creature meat. It was obvious that the thing below had been blown to pieces. Such a powerful attack, its lethality is simply frenzied, and what made the opposing group even more afraid is that this thing actually happened by the secondary artillery.

In fact, the people in the joint fleet on the opposite side were too worried. The reason why the formidable power of this ammunition is so large is not because of the problem of the launcher, but because the explosives inside it are more terrifying than the liquefied magic crystal vapor. This thing is actually derived from magic crystal, but it is not extracted with white magic crystal, but with red magic crystal. Because it uses advanced magic crystal, the production cost is exaggerated. This kind of bomb produced by our bank is only used as an experimental ammunition, and it is only allocated to the flagships of the fleets. Even the main battleships may not carry this ammunition.

Of course, although the cost is so high that even our Frost Rose Alliance can’t afford it, the so-called price is what you pay for. Although this bomb is super expensive, the formidable power is also super large, and Because its unit cost is too high, in order to prevent missed firing, we also specially equipped this shell with a lower artificial soul. In other words, this kind of bomb is actually capable of thinking. It is a kind of smart bomb, and its tracking ability is far from comparable to that of the Guiding Arrow Demon array. However, considering that the artificial soul itself is also a very expensive thing, we used a design where the projectile body and the control center are separated, which is the disc that everyone sees with the small parachute. That thing is the center, and the dropped warhead only has a control module and explosives.

A special round of ammunition was used to bombard the second monster, but the mood of everyone on our side did not improve at all, because there was the monster corpse that was killed without even breaking his head. As it slowly surfaced, two rare beasts suddenly appeared under the surface of the sea without warning.

This time the two rare beasts appeared very abruptly. There was no sign around, but suddenly two monsters appeared out of thin air on the sea. These two monsters were floating when they appeared, so we directly saw most of the shapes of these two creatures.

This is a kind of creature that looks a bit like a crocodile, but it feels that its body proportions are more round than that of a crocodile, rather than a flat structure like a crocodile. In addition, the head of this creature does not look like a crocodile, but a bit like a dinosaur called a celosia. In fact, when you hear this name, you should be able to think that there is a raised structure on the top of the cockscomb on the head of a cockscomb, but in my opinion, the thing is not so much a cockscomb, but rather an axe on the head. Suitable. The head of this thing is simply the shape of a big axe. There is a zigzag crack in the center of the axe. That is the monster’s mouth. The monster’s eyes are on the back of the head, obviously to ensure that It will not hurt your eyes during the impact.

In fact, in addition to the axe-like head, this creature also has a hacksaw-like dorsal fin on its back. The jagged structure of this thing looks very sharp, obviously not just decoration or The tool that assists in swimming should also be a weapon.

The body length of the two monsters is about six to seven hundred meters. Although it is not as big as the Kristina, and not even as large as other battleships in our fleet, this size has exceeded the size of the combined fleet. The size of any battleship.

The length of the largest battleship in the opponent's combined fleet is only less than 500 meters, which is only 490 meters long. But these two monsters are actually six to seven hundred meters long. Without the two to three hundred meters long tail, the remaining body and head are still very huge, and the tail of this thing is not that thin structure, but It is quite sturdy, so it can be judged that most of this tail is also very powerful.

After the monsters appeared, they rushed directly towards the Kristina without making any stops. In the process of advancing, the two monsters also gradually dived into the water several meters deep. Although you can see the waves they set off, in this case, if you use naval guns to attack, the damage will not be too high.

Monsters obviously learned the lessons from before, knowing that our weapons are too powerful, and it doesn't make any sense to go in circles with us, so this time they came up and rushed up at full speed, hoping to do it quickly. To be honest, this kind of judgment is actually the most correct. The first rare beast before was just too unlucky. Didn't expect the Kristina to turn so fast, and it hit the bow collision angle. So It will be so miserable. As for the second rare beast, it was mostly because of the wrong judgment made by the first monster and intended to fight guerrillas with us. As a result, Sophie didn’t expect a smart bomb and got it done in an instant. NS.

The two monsters that came out this time are already considered as third wave attacks. They learned the lessons of the previous two monsters. This time their attacks are finally back on track, not only cleanly, but also to the point.

"Block the shooting, don't let them come close."

Battleship is not a combat robot. Once it is posted by the enemy, there is basically no power to fight back. Although there are as many artillery pieces on the battleship as a hedgehog, once the monster is posted, we are also impossible to fire against the monster, right?

After receiving the order, there was a cloud of smoke rising around the Kristina. All the cannons with firing angles began to intercept and fire, but the result was useless. The monster is moving at high speed under the surface of the water. The waves that are set off above them are not static sea water, but are moving at high speed, just like artificial waves. If it was just a few meters of still sea water, any artillery in our guild would be enough to penetrate it, but the problem is that the sea water is flowing at high speed, and they will continue to wash backwards. As a result, all the shells that enter the water will be destroyed. The direction was immediately deflected, and as a result, the impact fuze could not be triggered, and the shells naturally became dumb guns.

"No, ordinary ammunition is useless!" the fire control officer shouted.

"Use the magic light cannon."

"The cooling has not been completed yet!"

"Damn!" Sophie kicked angrily on the console On the floor below, but venting his anger is not helpful to the situation. They could only watch the monster on the opposite side rushing straight forward. However, Sophie had practiced on a pilot ship after all, and she had a very strong psychological quality. After just a second or two of resentment, she immediately calmed down and ordered: "All artillery should stop firing and load one armor-piercing bullet to target the monster. Don’t launch in the direction. When the opponent approaches us, he will definitely come out. Grab the moment and hit me fiercely."


Tactical command one After the release, the running positions immediately stopped shooting and prepared the shells and waited for the opponent to collide. The monsters on the opposite side didn't notice that the gunfire suddenly stopped, or they noticed but didn't care. The two monsters, one from the left and the other, made a bend from both sides, and then rushed towards the Kristina at an angle of sixty degrees. After a few seconds, they approached the battleship less than a hundred meters away. .

Feeling that the distance was finally enough, the two monsters immediately jumped from the surface of the water one after the other and pounced on the Kristina.

"It's now!" When the first monster jumped out of the water, exposing the white belly, the two front main battery turrets of the Christina fired at the same time. , The surrounding secondary artillery also rang together, and the sea monster was submerged by artillery fire in an instant, but the real threat to it was the four artillery shells from the two main turrets.

One of the four armor-piercing projectiles filled with liquefied magic crystal steam was off-track. After hitting the monster’s left forelimb, the tilt angle with the scales was too large. The scale was directly shattered, but the shell flew out without exploding. However, the second shell accurately hit the monster's chest. The bullet hit the shield-shaped scale armor and immediately smashed it, then penetrated directly into the monster's body, and opened a channel in the flesh and flew directly into the monster. Chest cavity.

A few minutes after the second shell entered the monster’s body, the two shells fired from the second turret also hit the monster’s right chest and right shoulder. Both shells successfully penetrated The monster inside, then disintegrated instantly.

The spreading liquefied magic crystal steam instantly filled the void in the monster's body cavity. The next second, an explosion suddenly occurred. Everyone saw that the monster that jumped in midair was suddenly blown from the chest. Two breaks, the first half flew directly over the top of the Kristina and fell into the sea on the other side, while the remaining half was blocked by the thrust of the explosion and fell into the sea on the spot.

This result was pretty good, but the huge waves caused by the fall of the second half of the body in the sea just caused the Kristina to sway, and the second monster that took off was just later than the first. After three to five seconds, when it flew up, the Kristina just missed the angle of fire because of its violent shaking. Although the gunner fired shells urgently, one of them flew directly over the monster’s forehead without touching anything. The other one also slid across the monster’s scales and failed to penetrate into the monster’s body, but was nearby. His small-caliber artillery made a few shots, but unfortunately the formidable power was too small to have much effect at all.

The naval battles in the game are similar to those of Early-Stage in World War II. The battle is the quantity, accuracy, range and formidable power of heavy artillery. A battleship equipped with all-heavy guns is far more powerful than a hybrid gunship, even if the tonnage of that hybrid gunship is much larger than that of a battleship.

These large sea monsters in front of you are like battleships. Skin is rough, flesh is thick. No amount of small artillery can be used unless it can cover the opponent’s eyes, ears, nose, etc. The location of the weakness, otherwise it is basically tickling the enemy.

Two consecutive misses, the opponent has rushed to the head of the Kristina, at this time the main guns behind Kristina have no firing angle at all, and the front main guns have been fired. There is no time to reload. At this time, I can barely watch the opponent pounce on him.

However, we are lucky this time, because we are not only one ship. Although we don't have as many joint fleets as the other side, we also have a dozen battleships.

The formidable power of the liquefied magic crystal steam cannonball is too large, and other captains are worried that even the Kristina will be sunk, so the main gun dare not load the liquefied magic crystal steam cannonball at all, but even if it is not liquefied The magic crystal steam cannonball, with a caliber of 1.6 meters, is definitely not something that can be ignored.

Several battleships around with sufficient angles used their front main guns to fire armor-piercing incendiary bombs with ordinary charges, causing large areas of damage to the monster’s internal tissues, but it was impossible to directly kill them in a short period of time. The monster was dead, so the guy still hit the front deck of the Kristina heavily.

With a loud explosion sound, the entire bow of the Kristina sank down, and the stern suddenly tilted up and high. Many people thought that the battleship would turn over, but The Kristina was very uplifting. Just as it was about to turn over, it suddenly reached its equilibrium point, and then the stern began to fall back, and finally crashed into the sea with a bang, although it hit other battleships around it. The players in this guild were scared to death, but in the end they held on. However, the crisis will not end there.

The monster that successfully landed on the ship did not die there. Although there were more than a dozen armor-piercing incendiary bombs in his body, this guy was destined to not survive, but its life would not disappear so quickly.

Experienced hunters will tell you that the most dangerous wild beast is the injured wild beast. The trapped beast is actually the most fierce, because it is desperate at this time, and you can’t use the normal situation. Estimate its battle strength. This monster is in this situation now. It knows that it is going to die, and it is basically in a state of rejuvenation, so this guy's battle strength almost instantly reached the limit state it can reach.

The monster didn’t care about the blood spurting from his body and the big fire holes everywhere, he stood up, and then hit the bridge of the Kristina with its huge head. .

As soon as Sophie saw this situation, she directly hit a button next to the console. The floor of the entire operating room opened instantly, and everyone oh la la fell all at once. Almost a few tenths of a second after everyone fell, the monster’s head rushed directly into the bridge and crushed everything inside into a pie shape, but because Sophie’s reaction was fast enough, it finally didn’t cause it again. The personnel died, but several people were injured because of a sudden fall into the cabin below.

Our guild’s battleship bridge has a special design. When the bridge may be damaged, you can use the emergency button next to the bridge to open the floor, and then the people in the bridge will directly fall to the next one. On the track placed in the room, everyone will quickly slide down the track to the backup command room below. This room is located below the deck and not on the island. Although it does not have a good view, it is at least safe enough.

Everyone here was able to escape successfully, but the monster over there twisted and tore his head in the island, and then forcibly tore off half of the upper structure of the island, of course, including that. A set of expensive oversized sighting scope system and our magic light cannon launcher.

Although the damage was severe, the main body of the Kristina was still intact. The first and third turrets of the former main gun were directly squashed by the monster, but the second turret was spared, so I took advantage of this Opportunity directly facing the monster's stomach is an armor-piercing blasting bomb.

This shell was shot directly into the monster's body and exploded, so the formidable power is very large. The monster had already had more than ten shells in it before, and now it is supporting it with a single breath. After destroying the island, its willpower began to drop, and its damage reached its limit. The shell in his stomach exploded and became the last straw. The monster finally lost its strength after supporting it twice, smashed on the front deck of the battleship and lost his life.

Although the monster finally died, the fore deck and ship island of the Kristina were almost destroyed by this guy, and because the monster’s body was on the fore deck, the battleship was out of balance. , The foredeck was almost flush with the sea, and the stern was slightly out of the sea. Fortunately, our guild’s battleship uses jet power instead of propeller propulsion, otherwise the propeller will simply be unable to sail in this state. Because our battleship uses a jet retreat machine, there will be no problem as long as the inlet of the sea water is not exposed to the surface of the water. Fortunately, the water inlet installed on our battleship is in the middle of the battleship, so it will not affect the water absorption at that time, but because the jet port at the stern is out of the water, it is very difficult to deal with the propulsion drop. After all, there is no water resistance. The reverse thrust generated by jet alone is actually very limited.

"Damn it, my lovely battleship was destroyed like this!" Sophie in the reserve command room looked depressed at the image messages sent from other battleships, from other battleships. The angle can clearly see the damage on the Kristina. Although the main structure of the battleship is still intact, in fact, the Kristina at this time has basically lost its battle strength. After all, the three front main turrets have been scrapped at this time, and there is no ship island. Observation has become a problem. If only the rear turret's own reconnaissance equipment is used for battle, how much battle strength can be retained is a problem.

However, although it was miserable, the Kristina also demonstrated its strength from another aspect. You should know that such an impact and such terrible destruction would have sunk long ago if it was replaced by a normal battleship, but the Kristina was only the outer superstructure damaged, causing the battleship to temporarily lose its battle strength. Just return to the port for repairs. Will soon be back on the battlefield. After all, the hull part of the main body of the battleship is not too damaged, at least the sailing system is still intact.

Just when the Kristina was messed up by a few monsters, Kristina and I weren’t idle.

Since we know that the opposing fleet is a combined fleet, how can we not take advantage of this? Therefore, we did not stay in the vicinity of the Kristina to fight those silly hu hu desperately. Although the battle strength of Christina and I do have the ability to single out the battleship, and no matter who we are, we can easily dismantle a battleship, but this kind of battle method can only be said to be a waste. Our strength.

After all, we are players, not mobile angels against ships. Even if our battl

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