"It's now. Fire!" The captain of the fin whale himself yelled to the communicator.

The three front main battery turrets on the fin whale erupted at the same time. The sudden explosion of smoke made the first half of the entire battleship surrounded by smoke. The fin whale itself swayed due to the huge reaction force.

"hmph, it's up to you whether you are dead this time!" The captain on the fin whale said triumphantly after the shelling was over.

A total of nine main artillery shells swept across the sea with violent force and shot directly at the fore deck of the White Lily. At this time, the mobile angel of the counter-ship just hit the fore deck of the White Lily and made it. The squat action can offset the impact of falling on the one hand and prepare for the second take-off on the other hand. But... this time he has no chance to take off again.

Boom...the second-accurate bombardment accurately hit the deck near him at the turning point when the mobile angel turned from falling to rising. One of the shells hit the deck directly. The mobile angel’s chest used the mobile angel’s chest to smash all the armor on its chest. Along with the scattered metal fragments, this mobile angel exploded violently and even destroyed the entire front half of the Shirolily. It blows up, as if it was suddenly bitten by an invisible giant beast.

"Damn...this formidable power..." The people on the nearby battleships all saw what happened on the Shiri-lily, although they all knew that the mobile angels used on the ship would probably happen if they were hit. It was smashed, but I never thought that formidable power would be so big.

The people on board the Fin Whale were also stunned by the scene in front of them. They had predicted that the shelling would damage the White Lily, but they didn't expect the damage to be so severe. This is no longer a wound, but a direct sink. Lost the entire front half of the ship, Bailily began to sink quickly, at an amazing speed. Less than one minute before and after, only half of the stern was left on the sea, and the surrounding sea was abandoned. No one who escaped can see it.

"Captain, an anti-ship mobile angel was destroyed." Sophie got the report almost the moment the anti-ship mobile angel was destroyed.

Sophie turned her head and looked towards the player who was specifically responsible for commanding mobile angels, and then asked: "Do you know what's going on?"

"It seems that the enemy used the opponent The mobile angel landed at the critical point on the battleship and made a pre-judged shot, so it failed to escape. The mobile angel was hit head-on by a projectile with a caliber of more than 300 mm and instantly lost all its functions. The self-destruct device detonated the unit. All the explosives on the mobile angel, confirm that there will be no valuable parts."

Sophie nodded said: "Okay, I understand. Tell the other angels to be careful."



Despite the destruction of a mobile angel against ships, there are still a lot of mobile angels on our side. They jump and rush between battleship groups. He quickly rushed to the vicinity of the large battleship that was moving toward the inner circle, followed by these mobile angels on the ship suddenly lifted into the air, and then each chose their own targets and dived.

Although the fin whale killed a mobile angel against the ship, it was regarded as a dangerous target because it could destroy the mobile angel. The mobile angel command center on the Kristina temporarily gave up the attack of a peripheral medium-scale battleship, but instead vacated a mobile angel against the ship and rushed directly at the fin whale.

The command room of the fin whale was in chaos, and the captain was almost insane as he watched the opposing ship smash down the front deck with a mobile angel. So far, no battleship that has been successfully posted on the ship’s mobile angels can be spared. All the records of the ship’s mobile angels being destroyed before entering the battleship. Once you come into contact with the battleship, you can at least pull back. of. So, no matter what the result of this mobile angel against the ship, the fin whale is absolutely hopeless.

Sure enough, the opposing ship stood up immediately after landing on the deck with a mobile angel, and then drew the ship-cutting knife from behind to hit the front main turret with a single blow. Accompanied by a few metal crashes, the three gun barrels and half of the turret smashed down the deck. Following the mobile angel on the ship, the remaining half of the turret immediately crossed the border to the front of the second main turret, but at this time the third main turret The turret suddenly moved, and the barrel pointed at the mobile angel for the ship.

When the captain saw the reaction of the third turret, he knew that the other party wanted to perish together. The previous explosion only took less than two minutes. Of course, they remembered the time when the mobile angel self-destruct was used on the ship. Directly blasted off half of the battleship. Although the Finnish Whale is a standard-tonnage battleship, it is not in the same class as a fast cruiser like Shirayuri, but it can blow up half a cruiser at a time and sink a battleship is definitely not a problem. Therefore, after seeing the action of the third turret, everyone in the bridge here closed their eyes and chose to wait silently for death.

Boom...the explosion sounded as expected, but the people on the bridge were surprised to find that they were all right. When I opened my eyes, I found that the mobile angel for the opposing ship was actually holding a one-handed movement against the barrel, with the head turned sideways. The cannonball had obviously passed by just now.

Although mobile angels are a bit slow when dealing with action plans, they often seem dazed. Every time they encounter something, they have to think about it before they can start acting. But that's because their logical computing ability is very bad, so it is slower to think about the problem, but once faced with combat data such as a sudden attack, the reaction of the mobile angel is completely other extreme. Just like human instinctive reaction, commands such as avoidance and block in battle are pre-stored, so mobile angels do not need to waste their limited computing power for this, so their reaction speed in the face of attack is not only Very fast, and so fast that the average player simply can't keep up with the rhythm.

After successfully flashing a cannonball, the mobile angel against the ship squatted directly, holding the ship-cutting knife in front of the collision with both hands, accompanied by a harsh metal friction sound, the ship-cutting knife directly It penetrated the turret shield and entered the interior of the turret, and followed this mobile angel with the ship to speak forcefully upwards, and the ship-cutting knife also cut through the turret armor steadily and slowly, as if cutting raw meat. With the last loud noise, the one third on the right side of the third turret rolled directly from the base, and the internal structure of the turret was completely exposed to the outside.

Without continuing to cut this turret, the mobile angel on the ship directly raised its hand with a liquefied magic crystal steam missile that bombarded the remaining 2/3/2021 turret and moved its arm to the bridge. , But unfortunately, it was interrupted before launch.

Along with a loud explosion sound, the mobile angel on the ship suddenly disappeared laterally from the battleship deck, and then only a loud sound was heard, a battleship ship two hundred meters away. There was a sudden violent impact from the side of the island, and a human-shaped depression appeared on the shell of the battleship.

"Damn, what's the situation?" The people on the fin whale's bridge felt that their hearts were about to stand up. This kind of frightened and flustered thing is really a test of psychological quality. I thought I was dead in the first second, but suddenly I was saved the next second. This psychological contrast is even more exciting than riding a roller coaster.

When everyone on the Finnish Whale was fortunate to have recovered their lives, in their left hand direction, the deck combatants on the Sapphire were surprised to find that their island was actually embedded in it. A mobile angel was used on the ship, and this guy seemed to be stuck.

In fact, it was another battleship on the right side of the fin whale that just saved the fin whale. Because the battleship is very close, I saw that the ship’s mobile angel was preparing for a missile. Action, so he directly used the main gun against the mobile angel against the ship and made a shot. Their original idea was that if the fin whale was hit by the liquefied magic crystal steam missile, it would be useless. It would be better to directly destroy the mobile angel against the ship. Although this may lead to the blast and sinking of the fin whale, it is correct. For the fin whale, the result hasn't changed much, and it can also be buried with a mobile angel on the opposing ship.

The original idea was this, but our mobile angels for ship-to-ships are not crispy, not that they can explode if they want to explode. Because of the location problem at the time, the front and rear main guns did not have enough angles, so they used a much smaller caliber secondary gun, and they used rushing grenades instead of armor-piercing shells. The result was this anti-ship use. Although the mobile angel was lifted off, it was not scrapped on the spot.

"It is reported that AS1029 was damaged to the ship mobile angel."

"How is the situation?" Sophie turned her head and asked.

"The external armor is deformed, the magic neutralization magic array is damaged, the external heat dissipation system is damaged,...,...the core test results are basically normal, but the energy core is shocked and the output is unstable."

"How much battle strength is there?"

"About 80%."

"Then unlock it."

"Understand." The mobile angel commander shouted directly to the communicator: "AS1029, order you to unlock the external system and enter the core mode."

"AS1029 understands."

At this time Not only was the emergence on the Sapphire, many people were paying attention to the mobile angel that did not explode. However, as they watched, the mobile angel that appeared to have been severely deformed actually reacted again.

Only hearing a series of small explosions, the external armor of the mobile angel on the ship fell off, and then a mobile angel that was significantly smaller came from one of the blasted armors. It fell off, and then hit the deck with a loud boom. However, what made these people feel a little relieved was that the mobile angel that fell out did not respond. However, this situation only lasted for two seconds before it was broken, because the armor plate on the chest of the mobile angel that was a little smaller actually burst open, and then I saw a block connected to a metal skull from the mobile angel. The torso was shot out. This thing immediately spread its opponent's foot in the air after it bounced, and then hit the deck with a bang. At this time, people were surprised to find that this was actually a metal skeleton with silver light.

"Damn! Why is there a robot skeleton inside the mobile angel?"

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