As our battleship is fully fired, the surrounding combined fleet is unlucky. It can be said that the mobile angels for ships are like Wuzhi who specializes in tanks. For battleship, this thing is basically a kind of natural enemy. The super high mobility and super destructive power determine that the battleship is facing right When using a mobile angel on a ship, it is often in a state that cannot be stopped or stopped, and as long as it is close, it is basically a direct kill. There is no hope of survival at all, and unless the mobile angel is used on the ship Self-destruct directly as soon as you land on the ship, otherwise even if you want to play the trick of perish together, you basically have no hope.

"Master Haggs, our fleet has lost too much, do we change our tactics and let our battleship go down first?" A small guild leader suddenly pushed open the bridge door and rushed in Shouted hurriedly.

Haggs said without even turning his head: "This is our tactic. If you can't stand the current wave of attacks, what victory will you talk about? The firepower of the Frost Rose Alliance is not wrong. Knowing that this kind of loss is inevitable. As long as we can win the final victory, our effort is worth it. Don’t forget that several cities in Indonesia have recently discovered several magic crystal mining areas, as long as we defeat the Frost Rose League This fleet can successfully enter their city, when the time comes, even if it’s just mining for three or five days, it’s enough for you to recover the cost. What do you think you are worried about?"

The president After thinking about it, clenched the teeth turned around and rushed out. In the battleship of the other guilds, although the captains made a hurried turn, they did not intend to break the formation at all. When they drove out from Europe, these captains all signed a joint interest agreement with the British guild. In the battle, everyone’s losses were guaranteed, but in the final distribution of benefits, all the benefits gained from the colonies They are all divided according to everyone's shares, so these captains know that if you win, you won't lose, even if the battleship sinks it's worth. However, if the battle fails, it will be a real loss. Even if the battleship goes back, the fuel and labor costs will have to be paid for.

Because of this kind of interest link connecting these traders, the captains of these small battleships, even if they knew they were being used as cannon fodder, did not dare to sabotage the formation and retreat without authorization. They were not stupid. , To figure out how to get the most benefit.

Under such circumstances, the battle gradually entered a white-hot state. As time passed, the battleship of the joint fleet finally approached the best range with huge casualties and completed the battle against our fleet. Surrounded. Haggs slapped the podium triumphantly and yelled: "Just now, fire and fire, all battleships are free to shoot, and they have sunk those damn battleships for me! I don't believe that the battleship of the Frost Rose League is unsinkable!" /p>

As the order was issued, the battleships of the combined fleet immediately entered a state of artillery battle. In an instant, a large piece of artillery shells moved towards our guild battleship was covered. The children inside the bridge of the Kristina were so scared to hide behind when they saw a large flash of red light projectiles flying from the opposite side, but Sophie shouted at a moderate pace: "Open up." Shield, anti-impact preparation."

"Shield open, shock preparation." The operator repeated the command loudly.

As the operation command was activated, a slightly protruding device on the back of the Kristina island suddenly unfolded to both sides to reveal a device that looked like a satellite antenna, followed by this thing for a while. The arc flashed, and countless blue mist-like substances like water vapor quickly began to gather toward the center, and then the gathered blue substance suddenly flashed, and a thick beam of at least five or six meters in diameter shot directly into the sky and suddenly seemed to rise after more than ten meters. As if hitting something, a semi-circular light film spread out and dropped a semicircular light film to surround the entire battleship.

"Damn, what is that stuff?" The people on the opponent's battleship all noticed the sudden appearance of the light film. Some people even got up from their seats nervously, but all this has been That's too late.

As soon as the light film fell, the opponent’s first round shells had arrived. The light film just completed was hit by a series of shells immediately, followed by a continuous explosion, which shocked the whole The light film flashed randomly, but in the end it carried all the shelling intact and did not let any shells hit the battleship itself.

The other battleships in the guild around the Kristina are similar to those of Kristina. The light film that suddenly unfolded blocked all the shells, except for one of the battleships because it was a bit late to deploy. All of the shells that had missed the two shells were successfully intercepted, but even the shells that passed through in advance failed to hit the target. One of the shells flew directly into the sea due to ballistic problems and missed at all. The other one seemed to be able to hit, but just before the shell was about to touch the battleship, it suddenly came from the top of the third turret on the bow of the battleship. Fired a red light that accurately hit the cannonball, and then the cannonball disappeared silently.

"Damn! Teleport the beam? This is okay?" Because the light film is transparent, the people in the combined fleet stared at the two cannonballs that successfully penetrated the shield. Who knows the last cannonball It would be directly lost by a beam of light. This result is even more amazing than the light film that just blocked the shell.

In fact, this kind of battlefield shield is not a new thing. The system city in the game already had a city shield when the players first came out of the novice village, although the players had no chance at the time. I saw this thing, but later as the player’s level increased, guild battles became more frequent, and everyone gradually discovered that system cities had protective shields. Later, even the cities established by the player’s guilds began to gradually popularize urban protective shields. This thing is even less rare.

In fact, in addition to the city shield, the large mobile shield on the battlefield is not unused. As early as when everyone was only level 700 or 800, a British guild used a strategic magic-level Legion shield on the battlefield to directly overtake the enemy’s magic bombardment, and then used the opponent’s magic cooling time to launch a counterattack. The opposing team was beaten up and down. At that time, this battle example was also posted by many players on the forums, and there were many kinds of protective shields for various props or joint magic levels. As for the protective shields for single players, let alone. The magic shield of the mages is the most basic magic shield, and that magic can be learned as long as 200 levels.

Of course, although there are many different versions of protective shields on the battlefield, there are not many who install protective shields for battleships. There are several reasons for this situation, the most important of which is the issue of cost performance.

Although a battleship is not cheap, the problem is that the protective cover is more expensive, and you can’t use a protective cover to protect all your battleships at sea, which means that each ship must have its own The cost of this kind of protective cover is really high and too scary. If you have that money, it is better to build an extra battleship. Two-on-one can also increase the firepower delivery ability, which is much more cost-effective than getting a protective cover.

Because of this reason, even our guild’s battleship did not equip a protective cover before. After all, we will settle the accounts. Who will do things that obviously have no effect on spending more money? As for why we need to install a protective cover now... the reason is very simple, that is, our protective cover technology breakthrough.

The protective shield just deployed on the Kristina is called the Active Energy Barrier System. The advantages of this thing are obvious, one of which is cheap. Although the technical difficulty itself is rather exaggerated, the manufacturing materials are ordinary things, so although the cost of research and development is high, the cost of equipment is very low, so we hurriedly equipped all the battleships with this stuff as soon as we got it out.

Secondly, the energy consumption of this kind of protective cover is relatively normal. Although it is quite expensive, it is still within the receiving range. If it is only launched in battle, it can be used for a long time. How much pressure it will cause to our guild capital chain is a relatively economical protective shield.

Thirdly, this kind of shield has a one-way protection feature, that is, it does not hinder our own counterattack while blocking external attacks.

Fourthly, the protective power of this thing is pretty good. For example, the salvo of shells just now is actually a very exaggerated blow method, but our protective shield was shaken and shaken. The flashes lasted but eventually stabilized.

In fact, the other group of people don’t know that this kind of protective cover is not afraid of intensive attacks. Its working principle is slightly different. It is meaningless to rely on most weapons to focus on attacks in a short time. The energy consumption of this protective cover has nothing to do with the attack it suffers. What really affects its working state is a device called a magic converter. This thing is a bit similar to the magic version of the transformer, so this thing will emit a lot of heat when it is working, and it is not a normal high temperature. Although we have used all imaginable ways to cool this thing, its working time is still only a dozen minutes, even if it is continuously cooled with sea water, it is useless.

Because the high temperature of this thing is too exaggerated, we had to design a part like the rotating magazine of a revolver, and then put twelve magic converters in this thing at once. , Whenever one of the converters is overheated, the turntable will automatically drop to make the converter out of contact. After that, the turntable rotates 30 degrees and rises again to push the second converter into the connection slot and turn it on again, while the previous converter is It is to enter the forced cooling state and wait for the next access to the system.

This method can ensure that our protective cover can work continuously, but the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the protective cover will be interrupted for seven or eight seconds during the replacement of the converter. This is not possible. There is no way to ignore the problem of avoidance. Fortunately, the time of seven or eight seconds is not long, and the time left for the enemy is not too much. Besides, our protection system is not just this.

One of the two shells that just penetrated the shield was directly obscured by a beam of light, and that beam is the newly developed teleportation ray defense system developed by our guild.

This kind of teleportation ray is actually not an attack skill, but a kind of auxiliary magic, which is basically used by the mages of the space system. The feature of this magic is that it can be launched remotely and then teleport the object hit by the beam. Of course, this thing cannot transmit living creatures with a sense of resistance, so there is no way to transmit the enemy away. It can only transmit one's own people or inanimate objects. Of course, it can also be used if the enemy faints.

The characteristic of this kind of transmission ray is that the transmission speed is very fast, and the transmission is completed in an instant, and it can be transmitted away at the moment of hit, without delay. However, this teleportation technique is not used to allow you to move in space, because it is non-directional, which means that the object that is hit can be teleported to, and there is no law at all. Fortunately, the distance of this teleportation will not be too far, and it will usually appear in a certain position within 500 meters around the starting position of the teleportation, so this kind of magic is generally used to save people on the battlefield. For example, if someone on your side is injured or surrounded by an enemy, the outside space mage can use teleportation rays to irradiate your own person, and then remove it. Although it may not bring the person to your side, it is better than being surrounded by the enemy. Are you okay?

In fact, a long time ago, players realized that this kind of ray can be used as a short-range defense system, because once a space mage used this trick to intercept the long-range attack of the shooter player, and success The rate is quite high. After all, the teleportation ray is almost instantaneous, and the speed of the beam is so fast that it can't be dodged, so the hit rate is quite high. As long as it is hit, the bow and arrow fired by the opponent will be teleported to any position within 500 meters. Although it is not ruled out that the bow and arrow after the teleportation is still aimed at its own probability, the probability is actually not high, so it is successful. The probability of interception is still very high.

So, since this thing has an application example, and the success rate is so high, why has no one used it on battleship before? Even if the teleportation ray magic array can't do it, won't it be possible to find a space mage to stand on the battleship?

In fact, this situation is easy to explain. It's not that everyone doesn't use it, but it doesn't work. Bows and arrows have short range and slow speed, and human naked eyes can be captured. Therefore, it is relatively easy to intercept, but the problem is that all naval battles use artillery shells. These artillery shells move at several times the speed of sound. They simply cannot be aimed with human response power. Even if they can be tracked, they still cannot be intercepted, because the magic consumption of this kind of transmission ray is not fixed, but is based on the quality of the transmission target. And the relative speed is calculated.

To put it simply, the lighter the thing, the lower the transmission wear, and the slower the thing, the lower the wear. In ordinary battles, the space mage uses teleportation to pull a person or something but only one or two hundred kg, but the shells of the battleship are usually more than this weight. Most of the main artillery shells of the battleship are more than two hundred kg. With such a large mass, the abrasion must not be low. Moreover, even if your own players are not stationary, how fast can they move? Can there be 20 meters per second? Certainly not. Bows and arrows have that speed, but how much weight is an arrow? It's strange that this mana consumption is high. But the problem is that shells not only have a mass of hundreds of kilograms, but also often have speeds of several times the speed of sound. With such a high speed and quality, the magic energy consumes a normal wizard. Simply can’t stand it. It can handle a shell even if it’s magic power. The upper limit is high enough, so letting the space system mage stand on the battleship as a defense system is pure nonsense.

To intercept shells with teleportation rays, three problems must be solved. The first is to be able to make teleportation ray magic arrays, because players can’t support such a consumption, so they can only change the magic skills into a formation diagram, and then It is possible to use magic crystal to supply energy, so there is no need to worry about energy consumption.

Secondly, in order to use the transmission ray to intercept the shells, a dynamic capture device is required to allow the rays to accurately hit the high-speed flying shells in the air. After all, even if the speed of the transmission ray is the speed of light, there is no need to calculate the advance , It is not so simple to intercept shells flying at the speed of sound.

Third, there must be a way to influence the drop point, which is the position where the target object appears after the transfer is completed. Because the teleportation ray teleports objects at random, it is entirely possible that you will hit a cannonball 500 meter away from you, and the cannonball will appear in front of you one meter away in the next second. Although this kind of result does not happen often, it is indeed possible. After all, this is a random transmission, and the ghost knows where it will come from. In addition to not overlapping with the existing material, this kind of transmission simply jumps randomly, so it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of Oolong incidents, otherwise it will not be a big problem for a shell to hit the armor of the ship's hull. As a result, How can you send the shells into your ammunition depot with a teleportation beam? Isn't this courting death? Therefore, it is very important to control the landing point. Even if it is not guaranteed that it will not hit the hull again, at least it cannot be transmitted to the battleship, right?

For this kind of problem, the method our guild adopts is an auxiliary magic called spatial refraction. The principle of action is very complicated, but the result is very simple. With the cooperation of this auxiliary space refraction magic, the teleportation effect produced when the ray hits the object will be a conical area with an angle of about sixty degrees with the contact point as the center and the original flight direction of the ray as the central axis, and The range of this area will be equal to the original transmission range, that is, the total volume of the total refraction possible area will not change, but the shape has changed from a sphere to a cone.

Because the apex of the cone range is located at the contact point, it can be determined that the range of the teleportation area will definitely not overlap with the battleship, so that at least the teleported target will not appear inside the battleship. Of course, this still cannot be said that it will definitely not be hit by the teleportation target, because the teleportation only changes the position of the target, and its movement speed and direction will not change. Therefore, if the reappearing shell does not deviate from the original ghost question, even After being teleported back for a certain distance, it is still possible to hit the battleship. Of course, this probability is actually very low. Generally speaking, this kind of thing will not happen.

"Is the Frost Rose League formed by aliens?" The personnel in the combined fleet couldn't help complaining after seeing all the shells missed the target. "This is too shameless, right? The protective cover is fine, there is a short-range defense system, and it is still a space spell! Does this make people live?"

The group of people in the fleet, the players on our side did not have much reaction. As a battleship operator, of course, we will tell them something on our new battleship. After all, the functions that even the operator doesn’t have are useless. So, except for the group of children who took the battleship along the way, Others are relatively calm.

"Wow... that's amazing!" After a while, the children in the bridge suddenly yelled. They are so excited. I just saw the opponent’s battleship mingled with thousands of cannons and thought that I was going to be killed. In the end, not only was it not killed, but even one shell was not successfully hit. This contrast is so amazing that the child They couldn't help screaming.

"Okay, well, don't disturb the big brother elder sisters sailing, let's be quiet." Seeing that the children are arguing too much, the head aunt finally speaks out to maintain order. The children were more obedient, and immediately calmed down after the aunt reminded them, but they were still talking about the matter in a low voice.

After just a round of shelling, the enemy's battleships are all carrying out secondary reloading. Although the battleships of all guilds now generally have automatic or semi-automatic loader, naval guns are not submachine guns. , How can tú tú be sent one after another? Although the interval will not be too long, there must be a time of seven or eight seconds.

When the enemy is busy loading ammunition, our battleship here is not idle, so we don’t need any command at such a close distance. Each turret finds its own targets and sees one to get one. Anyway, our naval gun is big enough, no matter which one it hits, it will be fatal, so our side is much easier than the enemy. If they can't focus their firepower on a ship, it will be impossible to cause damage, and we don't care about kg or ah, a ship is sunk by one shot.

We took advantage of the opportunity of the enemy to reload, and we fired two rounds of cannons. Correspondingly, dozens of battleships sank or lost their battle strength on the joint fleet. As far as the opponent's fleet is concerned, recklessness does not constitute much of an impact, because the total number of the opponent's fleet has already exceeded 1,000, and this loss has little effect.

After the first round shelling ended, the joint fleet finally realized that there was a problem with the tactics they had used before.

Although their previous plan was to consume our battleship ammunition, at the same time they also counted on those small battleships to damage or sink a few of our battleships first. The British guild means to let allies go to death, drain our cannonballs and leave our battleship in a state of moderate or severe damage, so that they can use their large battleships to encircle us and win easily. . However, it now seems that the plan is different from what they imagined. Our battleship has a two-layer protection system, so that the small battleship’s guns can’t hurt our battleship at all. If this is the case, although our ammunition can still be consumed, in the end, when they only have the large battleship, our The battleship is still intact.

Although when the time comes our battleship will be in a state of lack of ammunition, but the problem is that the British are not sure that we will be able to win a one-on-one decisive battle, even if we lack shells. Same. After all, our guild’s battleship attack methods are more diverse, and shells are only one of the attack methods. Even if our battleship really has no shells left, it is not completely without battle strength. After all, our mobile angels on ships are not pretty.

The British captains who realized the problem immediately responded to the problem. As the commander of the fleet, Haggs, the chairman of the British guild, knew that he might not be able to win this way, and even if it was a victory. If they do, they may not be able to reap the benefits.

The other party is not a fool. They planned it before they came to Asia. First of all, they know that we have only basic defense forces in those cities in Indonesia. The main defense battle strength is all these battleships on the sea. Therefore, as long as our fleet is defeated, the port will lose most of its defensive ability. However, losing most of the defensive power does not mean that there is no defensive power, so even if their fleet defeats our fleet, they must retain at least a hundred battleships, otherwise there is no way to complete the port suppression.

Of course, the opponent can send reinforcements from the local area. But the question is, will our guild wait? Not all of our fleet is in Indonesia. The fleet here is just a sub-squadron. Our Frost Rose League’s communication capabilities are well known to everyone. Once our fleet is attacked, the guild headquarters will know immediately, and then we will definitely mobilize fleets from Isengard or Japan to reinforce it.

Compared with the European fleet that ran over half an Earth, we must have arrived first because of our geographical advantage. If they occupy the city immediately after defeating our squadron, they can still use the city defense to deal with us, and if they can’t defeat the city, when our reinforcements arrive, when the time comes, they will be attacked completely. Hopeless.

Because of this, Haggs and the others knew that they couldn't let the fleet lose too much, at least their own guild fleet had to retain half of the number, otherwise this battle would lose any hope.

Although they thought very well, it was a pity that their wish was destined to be unfulfilled, because until now they have not even figured out the specific situation of the fleet in front of them.

The British also made a lot of intelligence preparations before gathering those small European guilds against us. According to the information they collected, our guild has only one squadron in Indonesia. This fleet will occasionally circle between the ports of our guild in Indonesia. As long as they intercept and defeat this fleet, they can basically destroy our guild’s actual presence in Indonesia, and then how to divide our interests in Indonesia is their own business.

Originally, this information and plan were fine, but these guys were rather unlucky. We didn’t expect our guild to upgrade the weapon at this time, and the result was that Kristina suddenly appeared. The defensive fleet led by the USS. In other words, they think that our fleet is the squadron responsible for guarding the Indonesian region, and they don’t know that the squadron is actually there. Even if they can kill the Kristina and other battleships here, Looking back, there will be a complete squadron. Therefore, no matter what the result is, it is impossible for them to try to interfere with our interests in India. Besides, they are basically impossible to defeat the fleet led by the Kristina.

Don’t look at our guild’s battleship. Their battleship hits one ship like a fly. In fact, it’s all because our attack methods are too exaggerated. Let alone the attacks of mobile angels, the liquefied magic crystal steam shells used by the magic modified electromagnetic railguns equipped on large battleships are even more BUG-rank weapons. This thing attacking a battleship is basically one shot at a time, there is no suspense at all.

In turn, the opponent’s battleship is equipped with only conventional shells. Although the formidable power is still good, the problem is that our fleet is all big guys above the cruiser level, and the armor thickness is measured in meters. Even if these battleships do not have a defense system, they can carry them for a long time by relying on their own armor. Considering the speed advantage of our battleship, we really want to find that the situation is unfavorable. As long as Sophie orders to run at full speed, these battleships will basically not sink, and all of them can charge ahead. After all, the design goal of battleships and cruisers is to be able to withstand the enemy's firepower. They are not like destroyers or frigates with thin skin and crisp flesh. These guys are basically tortoises with very hard shells.

Although the British plan actually has no hope, they still don't know it at this time. After discussing with several people in his own guild, Haggs changed his strategy and began to order some large battleships in his guild and other guilds in the combined fleet to move inward, preparing to take advantage of the firepower of the large battleship. Try to see if we can cause serious damage to our battleship.

Although we are destined to fail in this naval battle, Sophie's psychological pressure is very high now. It's not because of her poor psychological quality. None of the pilot ships came out with bad mental qualities, even if they were bad before, they have been trained now. The reason why she was nervous was completely because she had planned to test the weapon before, and as a result, her unfathomable mystery became the current virtue. It can be said that this is all her previous decision-making mistakes. Therefore, for her, victory does not count as defeating the opponent and then taking the fleet away. For her, the so-called victory must be that her own battleship is not injured. There can be at most a few lightly injured ships, but there must be no serious injuries. Her battleship, otherwise it would be her failure. After all, if she didn't let the fleet test its weapons and command system, but according to the guild's usual battle method, it would be possible to sink the opponent's battleship completely outside the enemy's range. So, for her now, let alone the sinking of the battleship, as long as any battleship is injured, it is her failure.

"Captain, the opponent's battle formation has changed." The observer at the observation room immediately noticed that the layout of the combined fleet had changed, and then shouted directly at the bottom. Anyway, the battleship was driving. The tactical control center is just below the observation room, and there is a patio in the middle, which can be regarded as a room.

Sophie immediately asked after hearing the above reminder: "What's the situation now?"

"A part of the opponent's outer circle area's large battleship began to leave the formation and move closer to the inner circle. , The battleships in the inner circle seem to give these battleships an attack position."

"Finally realize that our defenses are too strong?" Sophie muttered to herself, and then Suddenly he commanded loudly: "Contact the mobile angels and leave the small battleships alone. Go and knock out the heavy battleships that sneak into the battlefield. You don't need to sink them, just let them lose their battle strength."

< p>"Understood." The first officer quickly communicated the order, and the mobile angels on the ship who were wrecking havoc in the battleship group on the opposite side suddenly stopped collectively.

Several French players are besieging a mobile angel for the opposing ship. As a result, the mobile angel for the opposing ship kicked over a player when it was about to make a kick but it seemed to be pressed Suddenly it freezes like the pause button.

Though the surrounding French players didn’t know why the mobile angel stopped moving suddenly, they all knew it was an opportunity, so a group of people rushed forward and prepared to dismantle the mobile angel. It's a pity that only the fastest two of them rushed to the mobile angel's side, and they were caught before the attack. The mobile angel that seemed to have paused suddenly resumed action at the moment when it was about to be attacked, and as soon as it raised its head, it directly held the head of the player who rushed in front, and followed the ship-cutting knife in his right hand. With a wave, other players who were about to get close were forced back. The left hand directly lifted the guy whose head was pinched, and the opponent's hands pressed firmly against the mobile angel's fingers to try to get his head out, but no matter how hard it was, it was a waste of effort. Mobile angels use mechanical power, which is simply not the same level as human power. There are indeed many first-line players who can easily handle mobile angels than battle strength, but if it is pure strength... It seems that except for real red and a few players with particularly high power attributes, most of them are soft-footed shrimps. Three or five people's attributes plus one piece may not be comparable to the power of a mobile angel.

After lifting the guy up, the mobile angel directly pressed his fingers and pu' sound, the guy’s head was squeezed directly by bare hands, and the red and white all spewed out from the fingers, disgusting The players around hurriedly covered their noses and mouths to prevent themselves from vomiting.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of those players retreating due to excessive b

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