"Your current firepower is obviously beyond expectations. The other party is impossible to insist on such a high damage ratio. This is a combined fleet and not a sole proprietorship, so they will definitely be able to bear enough The damage begins to disintegrate. If we want to test the weapon, we must quickly rush into the enemy line to start the hunting test while their confidence has not disappeared. Otherwise, let alone the command system, we may not be able to test anything."< /p>

"That makes a little sense." Sophie nodded ordered the fleet to begin to ignore the enemy's interception, just rush over at full speed.

The Kristina and the surrounding battleships are all flying ships. Although the flying devices are not activated for the sake of secrecy, the flying ships are flying ships. In terms of speed, they are far from comparable to those surface ships. Our battleship has absolute advantages in terms of acceleration and top speed.

When the fleet on the opposite side realized that Kristina suddenly started to accelerate, they immediately understood our intentions. They were just beaten up before. It’s not that these people are really stupid. They are seeing us here. The battleship on the side actually rushed forward regardless of the light, and immediately realized that our fleet simply didn't take them seriously. In other words, their battleship does not really pose a threat to us.

After thinking of this probability, the cunning Haggs directly ordered the fleet to make adjustments.

"Strange. What are they doing?" Because the distance is close enough, our battleship can see the entire battle, so the opponent's formation adjustment was immediately discovered by us. Sophie was surprised at the other party's adjustment intentions. Ordinarily, there are actually only two correct choices for the enemy fleet at this time. One is to resist resolutely and try to see if we can defeat our fleet, and the other is to retreat decisively. However, this huge mixed fleet has adopted a very strange way to adjust their battle sequence.

Some of the large and medium battleships in this fleet are all slowly moving toward the periphery of the battlefield, while the other battleships are accelerating forward and soon form a C-shaped structure. Ordinarily, this structure is not too strange. After all, under the premise of a quantitative advantage, the opponent can form a C-shaped fleet formation that can completely surround our battleship, and then use their firepower advantage to attack us in a concentrated manner. However, if they really want this, why did they move all the heavy battleships outside?

The trajectories of the naval guns are relatively straight. Now the distance between the two sides is quite close. With naked eye, you can directly see the small black dot silhouette on the enemy battleship on the sea. At this distance, As far as the naval gun is concerned, it can almost be regarded as firing against people's forehead. In this state, the battleship located on the periphery cannot actually cross-fire, that is, there is no way to attack us through our own battleship. Then, in the face of this kind of this, of course, the battleship with the strongest firepower should be put in the front, because in this way, the firepower advantage can be used to fight to the death. However, the opponent's tactic is to put the small and weak battleship in front of the large battleship, which blocks the shooting angle of the large battleship of one's own side. On the other hand, it is equivalent to pushing the small battleship to a dead end.

"What are they doing?" Sophie asked suspiciously.

"That's right!" Although Kristina is not a naval fighter, she still has basic common sense. Looking at the enemy’s layout on the sea, he said strangely: "Do they want to use small battleships as cannon fodder to consume our ammunition?" She felt that this kind of thing was not very probable, but she suddenly hesitated after seeing the colorful flags flying on the opponent's fleet.

Of course, the normal fleet commander is impossible to use his own battleship to consume enemy shells, but this fleet is...not good!

Battleship is different from soldiers. Although on the surface everyone says that life is so important and will not sacrifice any soldier, there is actually a country where the army can do it without sacrificing soldiers. Life? No, no, all soldiers are weights in the hands of officers, chess pieces in the game, just like those chess pieces on the chessboard, there is no difference. If one pawn is captured, one of the opponent’s guns or even the old man can be killed. Which chess player will give up this exchange? The answer is no. Any chess player at this moment will consider giving up his pawns to exchange for important pieces such as the opponent's carts, horses, and guns. Of course, not to mention the old man, it's worthwhile to trade with carts and horses.

In reality, soldiers are in the same situation. For the victory of the battle and the overall advantage, the choices that commanders need to make are often to sacrifice some of the soldiers' lives to save more. This kind of thing is logical. Although it is quite unfair to the sacrificed, this is the rule and the reality. The inventing of the word cannon fodder shows that it has existed for a long time, so it is normal to be sacrificed.

However, in the fleet, this situation is slightly different.

Battleship is not a soldier. The construction cycle of a battleship is often as long as several months or even several years. To make the ship really have battle strength, it is necessary for the soldiers on it to gradually become familiar with the ship’s performance and truly master the operating technology, and this process It often takes longer than building this ship. Of course, Impossible in the game really takes months to build a ship, and Impossible allows you to familiarize yourself with a ship in a few years, where everything is accelerated. However, even so, it is normal for a ship to have a construction period of up to one week, and the speed of the crew familiar with a ship is usually not shorter than this time.

Although the time has been greatly shortened, the battleship in the game is not in vain. It also costs money to build them, and not one or two crystal coins, but piles up like a mountain. In exchange for the crystal coins.

Because the battleship has a long construction period and is expensive, even a fleet commander is not willing to easily lose even the smallest tonnage battleship. Under such circumstances, the battleships in the fleet are generally in a state of being quite stable and cherished. Unless a small battleship is used to block shells for a large battleship, or there is really no way, the commander of the fleet is impossible to deliberately. Sacrificing one's own battleship, and using one's own battleship to consume the opponent's shells is even more a matter without thinking about it.

However, the above situation is only under normal conditions, and the problem is that the fleet in front of us is simply abnormal.

As I said before, we have heard the other party’s plan, and with some appropriate inferences, we have grasped the general situation of the other party. It can be said that this entire fleet is a tool for the British guild to make money, and is simply not a fleet in the true sense.

If the battleship in this fleet is lost, it is not the interests of the British guild that is lost. On the contrary, if the owner of the ship intends to rebuild the battleship, then the British guild will instead. Get an order again. Under such circumstances, how do you think the opponent can cherish the battleship? Even if it weren’t for competing with our Frost Rose League for the benefit of the Asian region, they might even take the initiative to find opportunities to pit all the accompanying battleships, because this means that they will quickly get a huge battleship order, and among them The battleship will go out with them again, and there may even be a third order.

There is such a thought that the commander of the opposing party as it should be by rights will not take the loss of the small battleship in the fleet seriously, because this small battleship is basically someone else’s Orders, and the large battleship is the battleship of their own guild.

Using this kind of thinking to infer, the decision of using battleship to consume the enemy's shells, which was originally done only when the head is flooded, becomes reasonable and reasonable.

After confirming this idea, Sophie immediately understood that the other party might really have such an idea.

"It looks like our situation is a bit bad." Sophie said.

Kristina asked suspiciously: "Even if the other party intends to consume our cannonballs, there should be nothing wrong? Why should we say bad? Can they really consume our cannonballs? "

Originally, Kristina thought Sophie would give other reasons. Who knew that Sophie had nodded and said directly: "That's what I mean."

"Ah "This time I changed Kristina and was not calm. She was surprised and asked: "What did you say? The other party really consumes our shells?"

"Of course." Sophie explained: "Our guild stipulates that the regular fleet is in non-cruise missions. In the state, only the standard number of shells will be stocked."

"Are our standard numbers small?" Kristina asked.

"That's not the case." Sophie shook her head and said: "Our standard quantity is not a lot, but the problem is that this is for conventional shells, and our battleship main gun uses Liquefied Magic Crystal steam cannonballs. According to the guild’s safety regulations, all liquefied magic crystal steam ammunition needs to be managed in a unified manner. They are all concentrated on a dedicated liquefied magic crystal steam transport ship, and will be distributed to combat ships only before encountering a battle. The advantage of this is to avoid the danger of explosion caused by improper management of the liquefied magic crystal steam, but the disadvantage is that once it encounters a sudden According to the situation, our fleet only has one base number of liquefied magic crystal steam ammunition."

"Is one base number not enough?" Kristina asked.

"Usually it is enough, but the problem is that we only have half of the fleet here, and when we came out we only brought very little ammunition, not even the rated standard. What I told you before was just The restriction requirement is not our actual carrying amount. Our carrying amount is not even half of the limit amount."

"No? Then you were solemnly vowed before and said that you would fall into the enemy’s encirclement and come to the enemy. A melee?"

"If it’s really a melee, we won’t be afraid!" Sophie explained: "First of all, we only need to use liquefied magic crystal steam cannonballs to kill those large battleships, and then the rest can be used. Conventional artillery shells. Our battleship is also equipped with conventional weapons. In addition, as a senior member of the guild, you should know that the battleship of our guild is not only powerful with artillery, right?"

"I I have forgotten this."

The forgotten thing Kristina said was actually the underwater and air combat units of our guild. The guild's fleet is not a mere gunboat. The fact that two battleships are close to a certain distance and bombarded with cannons is rarely seen in our guild fleet. After all, as long as they enter a melee, they will inevitably be shot. Even our Frost Rose League battleships are all equipped with miniaturization. The magical defense system, but this does not guarantee that the battleship will not be damaged, so we usually do not actually engage in close combat with each other for safety.

The tactics used by the guild's fleet are very simple. Once the enemy was discovered, we immediately sent a pilot ship to conduct super-long-distance fire guidance, and then we began to bombard the enemy's battleship indiscriminately with our powerful firepower and range advantages. This process is usually enough to destroy more than half of the opponent's battleship, and if the remaining battleship does not retreat, then we will enter the mid-range battlefield with the enemy. Although this distance is defined by us as a medium distance, it is still quite far away. At this distance, the opponent's artillery usually has just reached its limit range.

We all know that the naval gun itself is not too accurate due to the influence of the waves on the battleship, and this situation becomes more obvious when the distance becomes longer. When the naval gun enters the extreme range, the accuracy of its artillery will become very bad, and because the ammunition of the traditional artillery has a long flight time, at this distance, it actually takes more than ten or twenty seconds from the firing to the hit. Yes, during this time battleship can make a certain amount of maneuvering, which will greatly reduce the opponent's hit rate. Therefore, at this mid-range distance, although the opponent can start to fight back, the hit rate is definitely the same as winning the lottery, and the miniature shield used on the battleship cannot be as invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable as the city-level shield. But at least it can block the first round of attacks. With this hit rate, unless the opponent can step on the shit and bump into the same ship many times in a row, it is basically impossible to penetrate our protective shield.

After entering the middle distance, the enemy's counterattack will still be a dispensable state, and our battleship will activate the second attack force-the mobile angel force.

The large battleships of our guild are usually equipped with six or even hundreds of mobile angels, most of which are air combat mobile angels, mainly responsible for protecting the safety of our battleship. After all There are many flying devil beasts in the game, and there are also many flying players, so the air defense force is definitely indispensable. However, in addition to these anti-aircraft, there will definitely be at least two anti-ship mobile angels on our battleship.

This kind of anti-ship type mobile angel is a kind of large mobile angel. Their height is often more than three meters, and they are quite huge. These guys usually have underwater combat capabilities, and they also have the ability to fly for a while. But we generally don't let the anti-ship-type mobile angels fly. Their thrusters are not used to fly, but to make them jump.

Usually after entering a mid-range battle, our battleship will use a special gun to launch the mobile angel against the ship directly. The caliber of this special gun is very large. It can directly squeeze the anti-ship mobile angel into the gun tube and then go into the air at several hundred meters to let it launch its own propulsion system to find the target and then glide and land. Of course, we can also launch the opposing ship-type mobile angel directly onto the opponent’s battleship deck like a mortar, but this method puts a heavy burden on the ship-type mobile angel itself, and it is likely to cause the opposing ship-type mobile angel. It is stuck in the launch bay and cannot get out, so unless we encounter a battleship that has a particularly strong anti-aircraft firepower and cannot directly glide close to it, we generally will not let the opposing ship-type mobile angel directly land on the enemy ship.

The huge body of these anti-ship-type mobile angels determines their amazing power, and their weapons are the standard ship-cutting knives. This huge chain saw blade uses a design similar to a chainsaw. The huge volume itself means that a larger power source can be prepared. Therefore, the lethality of this weapon is actually very terrifying, and it can easily cut a few meters thick battleship. Armor. It is also because of the huge might of this sword that it is called the sword. The anti-ship mobile angels using this weapon can destroy the opponent’s battleship armor directly on the sea, or destroy the exposed battleship weapons. The success of the ship-type mobile angel pedaling usually means that the battleship is over.

In addition, the ship-type mobile angel does not mean that it will be fine to kill a battleship. After all, they are mobile angels rather than cannonballs, not one-off. After paralyzing their first goal, the thrusters behind them can be used. At this time, the anti-ship-type mobile angel can use the thruster to boost the jump, and then like a flea, it will land from a battleship directly across the distance of several hundred meters to another battleship. This method is enough to easily shift the target in naval battles. Moreover, if the opponent's battleship is separated by a longer distance, you can also use hang gliding wings to increase the flying distance. Anyway, as long as the naked eye can see the target, it is usually impossible to avoid them.

Of course, considering that there are indeed some guild battleships equipped with strong anti-air firepower, it is very difficult to approach the battleship from the air, so our anti-ship mobile angels also have an underwater operation system.

Since it is an anti-ship mobile angel, diving is naturally a basic ability. The special design of these big guys allows their underwater speed to be no less than that of ordinary fish, so they can easily catch up with the enemy battleship, then dive directly outside the local air defense fire range, and then approach the enemy from underwater. The ship directly climbed onto the deck and began to destroy it. Of course, it is also a good way to cut the bottom of the ship directly, but it is usually not necessary, because efficiency is required in naval battles. It takes a long time to cut the bottom of a ship and sink a ship. It’s better to jump on the deck to give all the turrets a knife, and then cut off the bridge to transfer directly. Anyway, without a turret and command center, the battleship is useless even if it can run. .

When this mid-range attack occurs, our battleship’s shelling will not stop there, because our ship-type mobile angels have special contact equipment, so we can accurately know The position of each of our anti-ship-type mobile angels so that there will be no accidental injury. Therefore, our battleship can continue to shell enemy ships while attacking the ship-type mobile angels to increase the casualties of the opponent.

Usually more than half of the fleet that was wiped out at long distances suffered such severe damage at mid-range, even if it didn't collapse, there should not be much battleship left. The last two or three battleships are basically targets, even if they can get close to our fleet, and pose no threat at all. Of course, if the enemy’s battleship is stronger and the speed is fast enough, we can use the kite-flying tactics to play the game of chasing and chasing with the opponent to deliberately prolong the battle time at medium and long distances. Even if the opponent’s fleet is relatively large, There were also no more ships left when it rushed to us.

However, although this is rare, there are still some guilds that can build a high-speed battleship that is faster than our guild’s battleship. Therefore, once we encounter this kind of battleship, our speed advantage will be lost. In this case, the kite-flying tactic can increase the casualties of the enemy. Eventually, the two sides will still come into contact. When a large number of battleships are approaching, our close-range combat system can begin to participate in the battle.

The so-called close combat system of our guild is not a naval gun, nor a mobile angel, but a steel claw.

As the guardian beast of our guild, steel claws are somewhat different from the general guardian beasts. They will also be concentrated on certain battleships while accompanying the players in a large number of battles.

As a kind of underwater combat creatures, steel claws are actually very fast underwater, although due to endurance issues, they can’t do harm to the enemy fleet at long distances. But after the distance is tightened to within a few kilometers, the situation is completely different.

The flexible and fast underwater movement ability of the Steel Claws ensures that they can quickly approach the enemy battleship, and then they can use our special bombs for the Steel Claws to destroy the enemy ship. The size of this kind of bomb is quite large. A steel claw can only carry five to six such bombs without affecting the movement. However, the formidable power of this thing is absolutely terrifying. As long as the sticking position is right, one You can get any kind of large-scale battleship, and directly destroy the main keel so that the battleship breaks into two instantly. This horrible formidable power is enough to pose a fatal threat to most battleships, and the number of steel claws in our guild is also very large. If two or three steel claws concentrate on attacking a battleship in a close battle, there is basically no miss. probability.

Of course, we know that the enemy is not a fool to use the devil beast in the sea to carry out a surprise attack. Although the technological products in the game require a certain amount of strength to be developed by the research institute, devil beast this thing is everywhere in the game, so the general fleet will have a large group of devil beasts in the sea to protect its fleet and The enemy battleship attacked. However, there is a problem.

Although there are many things about devil beasts, devil beasts are not a puppy either. It's not that you give two bones and touch its fur and it will follow you. The devil beasts have very strong battle strengths, and most of them are very offensive. These things are not gentle animals that let you knead at will, let alone training. Therefore, there are only a few ways to get the devil beast of escort.

First, like us, we have a guild guardian beast that can fight in the water. This method is the most practical and effective, because the number of guild guards is large enough, and it can be supplemented slowly without fear of loss.

Secondly, use devil beast to guard.

There is a hidden attribute in the attribute list of battleship that can recruit devil beast guards. This is a task and is open to all ships, whether it is a battleship or a civilian ship. Just as the ship is about to be built, you can drive to any elderly sailor in the port to receive this kind of task. As long as you just chat for a few words and deliberately bring the topic to this aspect, the other party will tell you about it. Then you can do the task according to the other party's narrative. Of course, the tasks of each port are different. After all, the map of "Zero" is the world map. It is impossible for all the ships in the ports to go to one place to do the task. Otherwise, would the ships on the opposite side of Earth be exhausted? ? But not all battleships can play around Earth.

This kind of task varies from port to port. Each port has a dedicated task location. Usually it will not be too far away from the port, and of course it is certainly not close.

As long as you receive the task, you can participate in the task trial, but the premise is that you can't be together. This kind of task can only be picked up by the captain or chief mate, and then only one ship must go out. You can't team up with people on the road, otherwise the task will definitely not be completed. The content of this kind of mission is usually different. Some missions require you to attack some Sea Beast, and then this kind of Sea Beast's hostile Sea Beast will join your battleship and become your battleship's guard, and some are needed. People go ashore to complete it, which is usually an island, and then you can go up to do the task, and the devil beast will join your battleship to become a guard after the task is completed.

This kind of marine devil beast escort can be said to be a very good way to defend the battleship, but our fleet has not adopted this method. The first is that our guild will have its own guardian beast steel claws, so there is no urgent need for such a guardian creature. Secondly, our battleship is a little too much. This kind of task requires each ship to do a task independently, which is quite troublesome, so it is very inconvenient to operate. When possible, we try not to use this method as much as possible. However, our guild is not without such guardian creatures. It's just that the captains of each battleship did it by themselves in their free time. Our guild has not organized such a thing. In addition, the third reason why we don't use this kind of guard Sea Beast is that this kind of Sea Beast guard is not free. Even if you complete the mission, you must provide the opponent with food consumption. Even if you don't go out to fight, Sea Beast still needs food, so keeping such a guard for a long time is actually a very expensive behavior. Considering that the battleship of our guild is basically not very useful for such close-range combat creatures, so we simply haven't thought about such creatures.

In addition to the above two methods or the Sea Beast guard, there is another way to obtain the guard of the sea devil beast is the magic pet.

Players in the fleet can carry familiars, and if such familiars can fight on or under water, they can be used as guardian creatures of the battleship. However, this method is more difficult to arrange than the previous two. The familiars in "Zero" are inherently more difficult to deal with, and they must also be of the underwater combat type. With this limitation, the range will be much smaller. It is impossible to get so many such players in a guild, and these people may not all like to mix on the battleship. Besides, even if all the crew on a ship carry the sea devil beast, how many are there? You should know that most of the sea ships in "Zero" are operated by NPCs. Except for those positions in the bridge, I rarely heard of people mixing in the lower deck. Therefore, even if the players on the battleship are different They all bring marine devil beasts, and a ship will not have many devil beasts.

Because of this reason, our guild's fleet of maritime devil beasts are particularly numerous. Now our naval gun upgrades are very difficult to deal with, plus there is a mid-section defense against ship-type mobile angels, so the steel claws are relaxed. In the old days when everyone was still using wooden sailboats to attack, we guild The steel claw battallion is famous far and wide. Especially the Japanese fleet at the time suffered a lot from this.

Sophie’s original intention was to use our guild battleship’s three-stage attack method of far, middle, and near to suppress the opponent’s fleet, and then clear the nearby enemy ships in the melee. It will begin to collapse. Under such conditions, our liquefied magic crystal steam cannonballs are actually not very useful at all, and a smaller number is nothing. However, the opponent did not use the melee method. Instead, they directly set up a C-shaped formation to consume our shells. This means that after we clean up the opponent’s internal fleet, the opponent’s outer battleship will just enter the attack range. Attack, instead of following the enemy ship as Sophie originally expected.

In the melee mode, the opponent's fleet arrangement will be loose. In this state, we can use the liquefied magic crystal steam shells to attack the enemy’s important large battleship first to kill the chicken to warn the The role of the monkey, and now the other party is ready to use the small battleship as cannon fodder, so the large battleships are all hiding behind the small battleship, we simply do not have a shooting angle.

If we use liquefied magic crystal steam cannonballs to attack these small battleships, then we will not have enough liquefied magic crystal steam cannonballs to deal with those large battleships, so we will be forced to fall into a routine with each other war. Although we are not afraid of conventional warfare, and we have an absolute advantage in firepower, who can stand in the distance with a sniper rifle, who likes to play cowboy-style face-to-face duels with each other?

Conversely, if we leave the liquefied magic crystal steam cannonball behind to deal with those large battleships, it means that we can’t reduce the opponent's personnel in a short time, and in this way, the opponent will gain confidence. Then we started to play a protracted battle with us. In this case, although we are confident that we can win, we will definitely lose in the end. Such an outcome is not what we want to see, especially when we still have a chance to avoid such things.

"No, I can't let them get what they want." Sophie said categorically.

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