"No, I can't let them get what they want." Sophie said decisively: "We need other means of attack."

"The only means of attack that can be used now is Only use mobile angels and those steel claws for ships!" Kristina said.

Sophie lowered her head and thought for a while and said: "Our fleet has a speed advantage, as long as we don't get surrounded by it."

"But the captain..." The first officer suddenly Said: "From our current speed and position, the fleet has actually entered a closed encirclement. If we turn at this distance, we must disrupt the formation, and then even if we can run out a few ships, the remaining battleship It will definitely be set on fire, even for the defensive power of our Kristina, being attacked by so many battleships will soon sink. Moreover, if we turn, we will expose the weaker defense to the rear. Within the enemy’s range, wouldn’t it be easier to be destroyed?"

The first officer's words made Sophie stunned for a moment, and then looked at the location of enemy ships around him, and then compared them on the chart. A moment, the frowned helpless in the end: "Are you going to use flying ability here? In this case, our secret is..."

"Sophie, if you dare to use flying ability, I'll take you right away. Throw it back to the captain's training school!" I almost didn't jump up after hearing Sophie's words in the communicator.

Sophie actually knows how important the secret is that our fleet can fly, so she just said casually, she didn’t really want to do this, but she said it embarrassingly after being scolded by me. "President, isn’t there no way I can do it? I admit that I had misdirected before, but I didn’t expect that the other party could be so shameless, actually using my own battleship to consume our shells!"

"Okay, I didn't blame you. To talk about responsibility, I was also responsible for letting you go directly through the opponent's fleet. To be honest, I didn't expect the opponent to use this war of attrition instead of running away. , This is really beyond my expectation!"

"Then what should we do now?"

"What else can we do? Of course what should we do. But what should we do? From now on, there is no way to test the battle data. Put away the mentality of playing before and start the official battle!"

Sophie nodded said: "I understand the guild leader. But if it is to put away and play Do you want to make a fuss?"

I nodded and said: "Of course, don't you think I will look at you by the side and be unlucky?"

"Hehe, I knew you wouldn't be the president." Sophie immediately started filming flattery.

I ignored Sophie’s flattery at all, and directly shouted in the communication: "Christina, don’t stay on the boat. I can’t watch the show now. Come out and join the war."

"Okay, I happen to be a little dizzy here!" Kristina said and ran out of the boat. Although she is just a player, "Zero" is after all a game that attaches great importance to personal martial power, so high-level players like ours can completely defeat the battleship single-player. Although this situation sounds exaggerated, it is the truth.

After watching Christina go out, Sophie also sat in her seat and looked straight, and said to the others in Cambridge: "Okay, we have to take it seriously now. Order, each ship to abandon the experimental plan, while the opponent’s formation has not been completed, look for opportunities to knock out the opponent’s large battleship with liquefied magic crystal steam shells. In addition, each ship launches all mobile angel forces to maneuver against the ship. The angel enters the combat position, and prioritizes the attack on the opponent's large battleship, and ignores the small ones first."

"Understand." The chief officer immediately began to communicate after receiving the order, and the crew on each ship began to get busy.

"That... Sophie elder sister, what is a mobile angel against the ship?" A child's voice suddenly appeared behind Sophie's seat and she was startled.

"Damn, how can I forget you!" Sophie didn't remember until this time that there was still a large group of children standing behind her, and then she suddenly wanted to come to the conversation with me just now. Mentioned the fact that the battleship of our guild could fly, but now this is equivalent to leaking secrets.

Some flustered Sophie hadn't thought of how to solve it. The head of the aunt next to her immediately guessed Sophie's thoughts. Although I don't know much about the battleship of us, the aunt is there after all, and she must be more skilled than the youngster. While Sophie was stunned, she had already thought that those meanings in my previous conversation with Sophie must be kept secret. Moreover, although she doesn't understand the battleships, since I would rather put the fleet in danger before revealing the ability of battleships to fly, of course she can think of the significance of this thing being known by them.

At this time, the sophisticated aunt immediately whispered to Sophie: "Don't worry. We are still waiting to join the Frost Rose League. The matter of our own guild should be protected! "

Aunt's words can be said that on the one hand, they are comforting Sophie that they will not leak secrets. On the other hand, it is actually equivalent to using this as a method to force us to let them join, although this may make us a little bit Not happy, but first she didn't say it directly, and secondly, we did it by ourselves. They just happened to hear it, so there won't be too much suspicion.

Sophie calmed down a lot immediately after hearing what she said, thinking that I mentioned that these people might be joining the guild, her mood immediately improved a lot, but she still warned repeatedly: "You must keep this matter absolutely confidential."

"Don't worry, these children are more reliable than you think."

Sophie and the aunt are here to talk about confidential matters. At that time, the first officer had already issued the order in the fleet, and the children did not actually understand what their captain mother was talking to Sophie, so their sights had been turned by the main turret in front of them. Was attracted to the past.

I saw the three main turrets on the front deck of the Kristina pointed in three different directions, and then each began to charge. With one after another arc flying, the distance immediately rose. Six groups of flames erupted, followed by a huge explosion of heaven shaking, earth shattering, and the battleship hit was instantly blasted into flying fragments. Although the formidable power of the liquefied magic crystal steam shells will not change due to the range, after all, it is much easier to aim at a short distance. Therefore, the naval guns on each ship began to fire frequently, and from time to time a battleship in the opposing fleet was sunk. , And this speed is still very fast.

"The opponent is cleaning up our large battleship!" said an officer in the British flagship.

"It seems that the other party has discovered our intention." After Haggs finished speaking, he suddenly smiled proudly: "But what? We have so many battleships. They can kill a few ships before the encirclement is completed. When our tactical formation is closed, unless they can grow wings and fly, even if the sea god comes, they have to go to seabed to stay."

Haggs didn’t know that he was already Speaking of the real situation, but unfortunately, he would not realize this, and we did not plan to let the battleship fly here. To put it bluntly, even if the Kristina sinks here, we must not expose the fact that our guild’s battleship can fly because of this incident.

speaking of which our guild’s flying battleship has actually been running around the world. Many people have seen our guild’s dedicated air battleship, so what is the point of hiding these flying battleships? Woolen cloth?

The answer is actually very simple. Because we want to mislead the enemy.

Yes, we do have a lot of flying battleships, which means that everyone knows that we will have the technology to make battleships fly. However, the cost of this technology, the difficulty of production and the output, except for some of our own guild's technical staff, even many high-level players in this guild do not know the specifics.

Although our flying battleship has begun to be built in large numbers, the total number is not very large, at least compared to the guild’s sea fleet. This number is actually very small. One advantage of this is that it will make people mistakenly believe that the cost of flying a battleship is so high that our guilds are completely unable to build them in large quantities, so they will reduce their vigilance towards us.

In fact, the power core of flying battleship, that is, the construction cost of the solar furnace is indeed very high, but the cost of this thing is not so high that our guild can not afford it. So, we can actually equip a large number of flying battleships. And we have an advanced weapon that can be equipped in large quantities. Naturally, we don’t want it to be completely exposed to the enemy’s sight. So we thought of a plan to replace all our naval battleships with flying battleships and let them continue to float at sea. NS. The advantage of this is to confuse the audience, so that the enemy does not know that we actually have a lot of flying battleships, thinking that we only have so few flying battleships. After all, our navy battleship is very different from those dedicated flying ships in appearance, and most people simply don't associate it with one another.

So, the secrecy of our flight battleship is actually meaningful and significant. Imagine that at a critical moment, our fleet is approaching the enemy’s important stronghold, and the other side thinks that we can’t get on the shore and they won’t be able to threaten them. But our fleet suddenly lifts into the air and then attacks this stronghold from the air. What kind of effect?

Just when the British on Haggs thought that their plan had succeeded, our second line of defense was finally ready to be completed.

In the bridge of the Kristina, the group of children were gathered in front of the Xuan window to look at the situation outside, and suddenly they found that there was a part of the ship island a little bit under the bridge. Separate to both sides. The child who first discovered this phenomenon immediately yelled as if offering a treasure, and the other children surrounded him.

In the eyes of the children, the metal armor plate with a thickness of 1.5 meters began to move slowly to the sides, and then exposed a huge revolver-like thing in the center of the protection. . This thing is actually our special gun, a thing specially used to launch angels. Of course, this thing is mainly used in battleships. For example, those special mobile angel motherships use catapults instead of special guns. After all, there is not much space on the battleship, so this special gun is relatively simple. The structure is favored, and the dedicated mothership has a large deck, so this thing is not needed to assist the mobile angel to take off.

As the armored shields spread out to both sides, the huge launcher began to slowly rise, and finally rose to a height of only a few meters from the porthole of the bridge, and the muzzle was almost flush with the windows.

After it was fully raised, the transmitter immediately turned 30 degrees to one side, and then lowered the angle slightly downwards, and then I heard a muffled peng sound, a huge black The object rushed straight into the sky with a stream of white smoke, and the children by the window were all excitedly screaming and looking up at the rising black object.

This thing is still climbing. Didn’t expect that the transmitter below just turned a little angle and then it turned into peng sound again. The second smoke plume rose into the sky, and then it shot every three or four seconds. , This thing shot out twelve black objects in one go.

As these black objects lifted into the air, the special guns also began to slowly descend, and the armor plates on both sides closed again to the center to close the launch port.

The children did not look at the transmitter, but focused all their attention on the white object above. The first thing that happened among those launched had reached the apex position in the air and started to fall, but after only falling a little bit, this thing suddenly exploded in the air.

Seeing that thing suddenly exploded, the children couldn’t help but exclaimed, but what they saw was a whole body shining blue from the white steam that the thing exploded. Painted humanoid objects. Although this object is very far away from the battleship, it can still be easily identified. On the one hand, it is because the color of the object is brighter. On the other hand, it shows that the object is very large in size.

The humanoid object flying in the air immediately opened a pair of metal wings, which were not too big, after rushing out of the smoke. At the same time, four blue flames were sprayed from behind to an enemy. The party battleship swooped away.

"Enemy attack!" Above the targeted battleship, a large group of European players screamed in panic, and then they saw all kinds of weapons on the deck that can be used for air defense fired, but more It's the magic bullet that happened to the players. Because there are not many flying units in the game, the anti-aircraft firepower on the battleship is usually not as abnormal as it is in reality. Instead of wasting a small amount of deck space to equip a large amount of air defense firepower, it is better to give up the position to deploy some sea firepower to enhance the combat capability of the battleship. As for air defense missions, magician is enough. Of course, the above is only aimed at ordinary enemies. If we intercept the air units of our guild, this kind of firepower is obviously not enough.

The mobile angel flying in the air rushed directly to the battleship at an angle of 45 degrees, and then forcibly hit the opponent's deck against the opponent's air defense firepower. Several magicians who could not evade were directly trampled into meatloaf by mobile angels on the ship.

"Damn it, it's the mobile angel of the Frost Rose League. All the combatants are on the deck." The captain who saw the situation on the deck from the window immediately yelled, but it was a pity that the order was issued a little late. NS.

The mobile angel for the ship that landed on the deck slowly stood up from the sunken deck, and then looked left and right regardless of the attacks of the surrounding wizards, and then pulled the big hand like a fan to the side. He swept a group of mages down into the sea, followed this opposing ship with a mobile angel, and stepped directly to the front of the battleship's main battery in two steps. Suddenly, he pulled out the ship-cutting knife behind and slashed directly into the center of the battery.

Boom. I don't know if it happened to hit the shell, the turret was smashed, and it was directly blown into a huge hole, and the mobile angel for the ship was just thrown into a big somersault by the shock wave.

The mobile angel against the ship stood up from the flat cannon, then immediately walked to the front of the other turret, and then went down again. This time the turret did not explode, but the half-drawn turret was cut off, and the barrel fell directly into the sea. Seeing this situation, the surrounding wizards could only fight desperately against the mobile angel on the ship. Unfortunately, they were equipped with ultra-miniature protective magic shields, and ordinary attacks had little effect on them.

Strictly speaking mobile angels. This thing is a siege weapon. Its defensive power is at the same level as that of the city wall, and the attack power of the player’s magic and other attacks is to cause damage to the fleshy body, although The number is very high, but as soon as you encounter these things that have no health and only durability, they will not work immediately.

After killing the two turrets, the mobile angel on the ship reincarnated and looked towards the bridge, and the captain located inside the bridge immediately shouted after seeing the mobile angel on the ship. Say "fuck", then turned around and ran. Facts proved that his actions were very correct, because the mobile angel against the ship stood directly on the ruins of the No. 1 turret after looking at it, raised his left arm and pointed it at the bridge. A small device bounced from his arm, and with two sou sou sounds, two pen-like liquefied magic crystal steam missiles flew into the bridge one by one, followed by a loud With the explosion sound, the entire bridge of the battleship, as well as the upper observation cabin and the communication flagpole were all gone. Only a pile of twisted metal is still hanging there.

"Damn, it's too cruel, isn't it? How can you fight this?" A group of combat players who had just rushed onto the deck looked at the blasted bridge and said helplessly.

"Don't be discouraged, even if we die, we have to pull this mobile angel against the ship to die together. The price of this thing is not much cheaper than our battleship, and you won’t lose if you kill one!" someone shouted In order to inspire morale, in the next second, he was slapped into minced meat by the mobile angel who suddenly rushed over.

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