"hey hey hey, after listening to the plan, do you have any suggestions?"

"Isn't this kind of thing suitable for me to interrupt?" Sophie said, " This should be regarded as a matter of grand strategy. I am only the temporary commander of a squadron. After our fleet merges with the main fleet, I will only be the captain of the Christina. This is a matter of guild decision-making. It’s up to you great characters to decide?"

"Is it as exaggerated as you said?" After I finished speaking, I asked directly: "So Christina, what is your opinion?"


"Use the name of our guild to make a fortune, but we have to charge an image fee." Kristina said with a smile, but the tone was gnashing teeth.

"OK, I think I understand what you mean. Then, before that, have you solved the following fleet first before talking?"

"I am here OK." Sophie finished speaking and directly ordered the following first officer: "The fleet accelerates forward and starts free artillery after approaching the enemy's range. It should be possible to aim and shoot directly at this distance?"


After this kind of order is passed on, it is actually equivalent to letting a battleship play freely. Of course, Sophie is not planning to use the advantage of battleship performance to engage in a melee. Her purpose is to test the performance of battleship. Therefore, she intends to let the fleet play freely, and then start command and dispatch after our battleship is surrounded. Fully tested the emergency reaction ability of the new fleet under combat conditions.

Although Sophie’s intention was to allow the ships to play freely to facilitate subsequent tests, we soon discovered that the situation was wrong.

As Sophie’s order was conveyed, the main guns of the ships began to load ammunition, followed by a burst of arc flashes. A dozen battleships in the opposing fleet were hit by the first round. It blasted into metal fragments flying around, and what was worse was that the subsequent attacks did not stop at all. The main guns on the battleship began to call the enemy battleships next to each other.

The formidable power of the liquefied magic crystal steam cannonballs equipped on our battleship is too large. As long as the opponent's battleship is hit by a shot, it will almost sink. Even if it resists an attack, the general battleship will still Lost combat capability becomes a living coffin floating on the sea. Our plan was to put the battleships on both sides into a melee to test the command system. As a result, the battleship on our side was too fierce. At this speed, it was not our battleships that were mixed together, but that our fleet would directly wear it. Open a passage through the opponent's fleet. After all, with such firepower, the opponent simply can't block or divide our battleship.

"Damn, isn't the firepower a bit too strong?" Seeing the enemy battleship exploding and sinking ahead, Sophie was shocked. Although I have seen various performance data on battleship before, the problem is that the data and intuitive results are often different. Only when you directly see the effect of the bombardment will you realize the result of the combination of the formidable power of the liquefied magic crystal steam cannonball and the rate of fire of the electromagnetic cannon. This is no longer a naval battle, but a massacre.

The explosion effect of the liquefied magic crystal steam cannonball is similar to the cloud explosion bomb. At the moment of explosion, it will generate an ultra-high pressure to squeeze the target. Because the squeezing force produced by the liquefied magic crystal steam cannonball is very powerful, when the liquefied magic crystal steam cannonball hits an enemy ship, the effect will be like the opponent’s battleship was suddenly squeezed by an invisible big hand. Same. If it’s the kind of battleship with super thick armor, it’s better. At most, the superstructure is squashed, like a group of twisted abstract metal sculptures towering above the ship, and if it’s a battleship of other levels, it will often be squashed once. Sexually squeezed into a solid metal block.

We all know that metal itself cannot float on water. The reason why a battleship made of metal can float is because it is hollow inside. The detonation effect produced by the liquefied magic crystal steam shell is ultimately to compress the hollow metal battleship into a solid metal block. In this state, how do you think the battleship floats on the sea?

Modern battleships are equipped with watertight compartments inside. Once the battleship is damaged, as long as the compartments are closed to ensure that the battleship will not sink, because seawater will only penetrate into the leaking compartments, and the others The cabin will not have any problems. This design is similar to fixing a lot of empty cans together to make a ship. Even if you shoot them with a submachine gun and penetrate a part of the cans, the ship will not sink because there is still Many other cans still provide buoyancy. However, the pressure effect of the cloud explosive bomb is not to penetrate these cans, but to make all the cans into solid metal pancakes like a compressor. In this state, the cans are simply impossible to provide buoyancy, so the sinking becomes The inevitable result.

Although the fleet ahead was used by the British to defraud the dumb guild for money, they also wanted to try to see if they could get some benefits from our guild, so their battleship In fact, it is not mixed with water, but the high level battleship of the genuine. These battleships are not only in a leading position in Europe, but also designed watertight compartments with reference to battleships in reality. This design could have guaranteed that even if they were penetrated by a few large holes by ordinary artillery, they would not sink immediately. But now, all of this has become a meaningless design. There are only two situations for the watertight cabin to face the cloud blast bomb. Either the pressure generated by the cloud blast bomb is not enough and the hull is undamaged, or it is like what is happening now, the battleship is directly squeezed into a discus, and then within a few seconds Sank instantly.

"This firepower is too abnormal, right?" Kristina looked at the sinking battleship ahead and asked Sophie next to him: "Are we going to reduce the firing speed a bit? Wait at this speed. Before the battleships of our two parties are mixed up, the other party will run away?"

"Actually, I am also worried about this problem, but our battleship has maintained this firepower for some time, and we suddenly lower it now. The density of firepower will scare the opponent away, right?"

"This..." After all, Kristina is not a naval fighter, and she doesn't know this thing very well. She only shook her head helplessly to suggest Sophie. Ask my opinion.

"My opinion is very simple, don't stop the shelling, just go straight through." After hearing their questions, I directly replied.

"Why?" Sophie did not understand my decision.

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