The words of the second captain who left were not very touching, but his words were the most real. This fleet is not actually a fleet of a certain guild, or it is simply not a fleet of a certain country, but a task force.

This so-called task force is not a task force composed of an aircraft carrier with a bunch of small battleships, but a special mixed fleet composed of countless guild battleships. The battleships in this fleet come from more than a dozen countries in Europe, including the German fleet. Although the Iron Crusade has a very good relationship with our guild, and they have become the dominant guild in Germany, not all players in the German region are supporters of the Iron Crusade.

The Iron Crusaders do have extremely strong control in the German area, and their sphere of influence covers almost the entire Germany. In Germany, it can be said that all guilds are either vassals of the Iron Crusade or miniature guilds that are not on the stage at all. This position seems to be very powerful, but in fact it is not all of Germany.

A hundred people have a hundred thoughts, and it is difficult for everyone's will to be unified. Even if the Iron Crusade is doing better in China, they can only say that they control the mainstream trend of players, and it is impossible to control everyone. If in reality they can still refer to the set of things from World War II, but the problem is that this is a game, no one will be willing to be oppressed here, their resistance will be very far away, even if they die, they will not hesitate. After all, death in the game is actually not unacceptable.

Because the situation in the game is so complicated, the Iron Crusade cannot really control every German player. What they can do is to prevent any guild against the Iron Crusade from appearing in On the land of Germany. Of course, this is only on the surface and on the scale. If there are only dozens of players forming an ultra-micro guild, even if that guild publicly yells to resist the Iron Crusade, it is estimated that no one will care about them, right?

However, although the Iron Crusade can control the local resistance forces, it cannot control the foreign resistance forces. After all, the relationship between Germans and French has not been so good. Even in the game, these two countries are struggling each other in three days. Since the Iron Crusade has become the overlord guild in the German region, they have to bear certain obligations while enjoying their rights, and this obligation is to lead German players to resist the French invasion.

Because the Iron Crusade needs to fight against the French on a regular basis, the German players who resisted the Iron Crusade gradually went to France, because here the Iron Crusade has no way to deal with them. What did you do. These German players who arrived in France spontaneously combined with the funding of some French people, and soon formed guilds. These guilds are essentially German guilds. Although they are registered in France, they are indeed made up of German players.

These German players know that our Frost Rose League is a firm ally of the Iron Crusade. They also know very well that if they want to shake the Iron Crusade’s strong position in Germany, it is not enough to deal with the Iron Crusade. Our guild and the Iron Crusade have now formed a relatively stable community of interests. Therefore, if the Iron Crusade is hit by the bones and bones, our Frost Rose Alliance will definitely join the war and directly support the Iron Crusade to defend our common ground. Interests.

Because we have such a relationship with the Iron Crusade, these guilds realized that to deal with the Iron Crusade, we must first deal with us Frost Rose, so some of them started to develop the navy. , I hope I can come to Asia to compete with our Frost Rose Alliance.

Of course, these Germans are not the only anti-Frost Rose League forces. The so-called gunshots, as long as you stand on the pinnacle of the world, many people will see you as unpleasant. Even if you do nothing, this status alone can bring you countless hatred.

Almost all of the guilds in this fleet hate our Frost Rose League for various reasons, and we simply don’t know the existence of these guilds. It's not that there is a problem with our intelligence, but that most of these businesses are small and medium-sized guilds, and there is really no way to investigate, otherwise the collected information can annoy us to death.

Although these small guilds are usually unremarkable, the so-called number of people is great. This time I didn’t know what was going on. A British guild suddenly began to walk around Europe on the Frost Rose League threat theory, so the guild began to recruit those supporters to participate in the formation of a joint fleet. This large-scale British guild produced technology and productivity, and then used cost prices to help surrounding guilds willing to participate in the Anti-Frost Rose League to start building large-scale battleships. If a guild does not have enough funds, several guilds that they are familiar with can also jointly fund the construction of a battleship.

This method is equivalent to turning the fleet into a joint-stock company, everyone can participate in shares, and then the money is used to buy the battleship, and then you will be in the fleet based on your equity Status.

Let’s not say whether this plan can defeat our Frost Rose League, but for the purchase of battleship, the British guild that launched the plan has actually won. Of course, what I said about winning is not that they have won our Frost Rose League, but that they have already won in terms of their goals.

First of all, after the launch of this plan, they will get a large sum of money to start the battleship. Although they say it is the cost price, the problem is that no one knows how the cost price is defined. So, it's simply something that nobody knows whether they have money from the guilds.

Secondly, even if these battleships are really produced at a cost price, would it not be good for them? You can ask other shipyards, wouldn’t it be beneficial if the ships are produced at a cost price? The answer is definitely no. They are not without benefits, but there are not many benefits.

First of all, the cost price of the shipyard must include personnel wages, so this cost price has actually won a considerable amount of labor fees for the shipyard. Secondly, shipbuilding requires the purchase of materials, which has a lot to say. Even if you don't consider the gray income part, even if it is a serious transaction, wouldn't it be possible that large-scale purchases will not produce collateral benefits?

Which of the guilds that own shipyards really only has one shipyard? Do they have iron ore? Is there a magic crystal mining area? Are there other sources of construction materials? Even if the battleship is sold at a fair price without making money, the resources produced are impossible, right? Therefore, there must be some problems with making money. However, considering that there are so many battleships raised by the guild, that means that the transaction volume inside is actually very large, so even if their interests are very thin, the total income is definitely not low.

So no matter what the battle is going on, this British guild has already reaped enough benefits anyway.

In fact, in addition to these benefits that the British guild directly reaped, they also have many other hidden benefits.

First of all, they assembled such a fleet, speaking of which is a shareholding system, and everyone has different command powers by virtue of their share capital, but is that really the case? As the planners of this plan, do you believe that they have the most command in this fleet? I don't believe it anyway. So, it's like those listed companies, although they have issued a large number of stocks, in fact the managers of the companies are still those people, and there is simply not much change. The same is true for this fleet. Don’t look at so many people here controlling the fleet shares. In fact, this fleet is the guild’s own fleet. As long as they don’t do too much, the entire fleet is actually their toy. .

The above is still the first benefit, then the second benefit is the joint effect after mastering a fleet. This British guild holds such a powerful naval force under its hands. Do you think it is possible for their status to be the same as before? I don’t think so anyway.

After this British guild has gained such power, its position in the domestic guild in the United Kingdom must be as the tide rises, the boat floats. You know that Britain is actually an island country, and its main force is the navy. So if you don't have a decent navy in your hands in the British guild, then you simply can't say it is a big guild. Now that this British guild not only masters naval power, but also holds such a large naval power, their status will inevitably be unprecedentedly improved. After that, many of their behaviors will slowly reflect this increase in status. The potential benefits brought, although these benefits are not the kind of tangible benefits, but you can not deny their existence.

Because of the existence of this kind of interest, the guild has already benefited a lot from the fund-raising fleet before it even started operations, so they can be said to have been implemented in this plan. It was already won at that moment.

Of course, this victory is not where all their interests lie, because the greed of this guild is so unimaginable.

If they just set up this fleet and start looking around for excuses to avoid the attack on our Frost Rose League, it’s fine, but in fact, instead of doing so, they really took the fleet out of Europe anyway. Then came to Asia. This behavior shows that the other party is really planning to have a firefight with our Frost Rose League. The only question is what is their purpose afterwards, or that they simply did not expect any results.

It is not nonsense to say that they did not expect any results, because if this fleet collides with our guild fleet, then two things will happen.

First, they won, and second, they lost.

If they win, then there is nothing to say. As the first guild in the world, the Frost Rose League has numerous interests under its control, and there are a lot of interests of our Frost Rose League in this area of ​​Southeast Asia. In this case, once our guild has a naval battle here and we are defeated. Then our spheres of influence will inevitably be adjusted. Of course there will be losses in this adjustment process, but no matter how much the losses are, they, the winners, will definitely reap a considerable benefit. So, once they win, their interests will roll in.

As the initiator of this operation, this British guild is also the force with the most battleships in the fleet. Then, when distributing benefits after the war, do you think they will score less? The answer is definitely no. As the major shareholder of this fleet. This British guild will definitely get the most and best benefits after the battle, and then make a lot of money. But what if you lose the battle?

In fact, losing the battle does not mean that there is no benefit.

The plan of this British guild is very vicious. The vicious thing is to use other people's money to fight wars. If this naval battle is defeated, then they will lead the remnant fleet of these guilds back to the country and clamor for the Frost Rose League threat theory again, and then continue to recruit those enthusiastic fools to join this super mass grave, and then they will go. The association can continue to control those guilds while earning the cost of shipbuilding, and enhance their actual presence in Europe. Moreover, even if those guilds no longer have the courage to buy the second batch of battleships to participate in the battle after the battle is defeated, what loss will this have for them? The answer is no. The money for the battleship is paid by others. Even if it is lost, no compensation is required. Of course, they also have a battleship to participate in the battle, and it is the largest number. However, since they are the commander-in-chief, wouldn't they be slick and put all their battleships in a safe position during the battle? Therefore, unless they are defeated and wiped out, if there is a battleship that can successfully run away, they will definitely have the most battleships in their guilds.

Furthermore, even if the situation was extremely bad, none of the ships in this fleet ran away. Their battleship was wiped out. so what? Want to benefit, don’t you plan to give something? When other guilds built battleships before, they actually made a lot of money. In this case, even if their fleet's money can't be recovered, it shouldn't be much worse, right? The little cost of the loss is not proportional to the benefits they would get if they succeeded. If this kind of lucrative thing is not daring to start, they can just go to death.

Because of the above reasons, I said that the abacus of this guild can be said to be very precise, no matter what the calculation is, they will not suffer.

However, they actually missed one point, that is, the enemy they chose was not an ordinary guild, but our Frost Rose League. The biggest feature of our Frost Rose League different from ordinary guilds is that there is such a strong battle strength as me, so I can investigate a lot of news that ordinary people can't get. As for the above things, how did I know. Just look at the ghost worm on the wall behind the guy named Haggs.

I have been hovering above this fleet for so long, how could I just watch them sailing here? The speed of battleship is actually not very fast, even the fastest battleship in the world, its speed is actually much slower than the car on the ground. Moreover, the distance on the sea is often farther away than on the ground, so the rhythm of naval battles is actually not as fast as land battles. Although this task force and our guild's fleet are facing each other, the distance between the two parties is actually very far away.

At the speed of battleship, the time it takes to travel this distance is actually not short, and I am a person who can’t be idle, so I took advantage of this time to throw a lot of ghost worms down.

The ghost worm itself can fly, but the flying ability is not very prominent. But I dropped them from a high altitude. They only need to glide and land on the target battleship. This is still very simple for ghost worms.

The battleship where the guy named Haggs is, as the flagship of the fleet, is the largest battleship in itself. Of course, I want to take care of this goal, so I threw this ship several times. Only ghost worms, didn't expect a few ghost worms eavesdropped on several players from the British guild bragging about their plans this time.

Because the battle is about to begin, now the captains in the task force have returned to their own battleships. Therefore, only their own people are left on the British battleship. This is also the main reason why their behavior has become unscrupulous. Otherwise, even those British people are absolutely impossible to take this secret out as a joke.

When I first heard about this secret, even I was taken aback. Someone could come up with this method to make a profit. This is not only an enemy of our Frost Rose Alliance, but also the guild of those who have participated in the fleet. Although these guilds do not say that they will never benefit from it, the only way they can benefit is to defeat our guild fleet and then share some benefits from our guild’s Southeast Asian sphere of influence. This is the difference between Heaven and Earth, and the situation of the guild that Haggs belongs to is the drought and flood guaranteeing income!

"What? There are such shameless people?" Sophie cried out in surprise after hearing the situation I had conveyed. Even Kristina, who is a European, is itchy with anger.

Although she is a European, Christina does not have much nostalgia for these countries such as Britain, France and Germany. This is mainly related to the concept of Europeans. In fact, strong national concepts such as Asians are very rare in Europe. Europeans’ national changes were very frequent at the beginning of the feudal period. Often a region was divided into several groups with the death of an old king. Prince became a lot of countries, and then a certain Princess married another Prince, and then took part of the land to that country as a dowry, and even the whole country was merged into it.

Because of the frequent changes in countries such as marriage and inheritance division in Europe, Europeans are not so serious about the concept of the country from in the bones. Although this situation in modern times has been changed to a certain extent, it seems that even in the 21st century, the Chinese cannot change many of the habits left over from the feudal period. Many European habits cannot be changed, of which the most important ones are. One point is the perception of the country. It can be said that Europeans also have a strong sense of loyalty, but their loyalty is not simply to a certain country, but to the object of their own service. In other words, if a person works for the Germans, he is loyal to the Germans, and if he works for the British, he is loyal to the British. Anyway, it is not stable. Kristina is such a type, she is now a member of the Frost Rose League, so she is not more loyal to Europeans than the Frost Rose League.

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