"Do you know what the members of our guild have to say?" The old man NPC who gave us the thing before saw Blood Crystal Flower reluctantly and took the initiative to speak Said: "The members of our guild will tell me every time they come back how much they appreciate the little things I prepared for them. Although it seems that they may be meaningless bauble, when you need it, You will immediately understand how cute they are. So, stop your complaining, put all of them in place, and make sure you understand how to use each item, and then you can leave."

Listening to the words of the old man NPC, Blood Crystal Flower looked at me in surprise and asked: "He arranged these things?"

I nodded and said: "Forgot to introduce you . Standing in front of you is a 4S-Rank combat assistant expert, and the only NPC expert with such a title in the game."

"Uh... interrupt! Excuse me. What does the combat assistant expert do?"

"Oh my Goddess!" The old man covered his face and collapsed, even I looked at the Blood Crystal Flower in amazement.

"My Heavenly God! Did you come from the fire star?" I looked at Blood Crystal Flower in surprise and asked: "Even if Russian players don’t pay much attention to this aspect, you will never Never go to international forums, right?"

"Does this assistant teacher have anything to do with that international forum?"

"God! I served it! Actually there is such a thing. Player!" I helplessly signaled the old man to hold on and don’t faint, and then said to Blood Crystal Flower: "The combat assistant expert is a kind of special profession. This profession is transferred from non-combat players, commonly known as life players. Yes. Of course, NPC also has such a profession, because as long as it is a profession that the player can learn, there will be an NPC of that profession. After all, an instructor is needed to transfer, so NPC will definitely take priority over the player to obtain various professions."< /p>

Blood Crystal Flower interrupted me and said: "I know that is a profession, I just don't know what this profession is for!"

"The combat assistant expert is a kind of expert who specializes in helping players do Combat support profession."

"Shouldn’t it be a part-time profession for priests or some special mages?"

"no no no, what you said is In the battle, the auxiliary players who give the previous warrior players the status or blood supplement should be called teamwork, and they are also considered as one of the combatants. It is like the ground crew on the aircraft carrier should also be considered as combatants. But they do not directly attack the enemy. The kind of support personnel you mentioned are also considered combat players, they are not true support personnel. Combat support experts are truly pure support personnel, and they will not appear on the battlefield. It will only be in the rear and give you some support during non-combat time."

"So what can this class support?"

"There are many things that can be supported. "I explained: "Since you have never been in contact with this class before, the attribute value should be easier for you to understand. The combat assistant expert can add auxiliary attributes to the player, such as allowing you to regenerate blood faster and attack power. Higher and other attributes. Each combat assistant expert has its own assistant attribute, as long as you get the guidance of a combat assistant expert, his assistant attribute will be added to your attribute column, and as long as he is still alive , And the relationship with you has not changed. This auxiliary attribute is non-dispellable and permanent."

"I rely on it, isn't that equivalent to a small body that does not take up space in the backpack protection symbol? It can be superimposed according to what you mean? "

I nodded and said: "In fact, there is no way to stack, because each attribute can only produce one additional effect. This effect depends on the attribute value of the guy with the highest attribute among the combat assistant experts who instruct you. . Of course, if the directions of the two combat assistance experts are not the same, their attributes can exist at the same time. For example, for the combat assistant expert standing in front of you, his additional items include life regeneration speed, life limit, mana regeneration speed, mana limit, dodge success rate, attack speed, attack accuracy, skill cooling time, etc. Eight items. "

"My God! Can he assist so many projects alone? "Blood Crystal Flower now looks at the expression of the old man NPC.

The old man proudly said with his head held up like a proud rooster: "That's why I am the only 4S-Rank battle. Assistant expert. "

I followed: "Usually ordinary combat support experts can only provide two to three support attributes, and eighteen are unique numbers. Moreover, his auxiliary supplementary ratio is very exaggerated, basically between 3% and 5%, while other combat auxiliary experts are generally only a few thousandths, only one-tenth of his. "

"very awesome! Why have I never heard of such a combat support expert before? "

"I am also surprised about this. Although this profession is relatively rare, it seems that there are only more than 30 combat support experts in the whole world. This is the result of counting players and NPCs together, and one of the third is in our guild. However, although there are not many professionals, they are very hot on the forum, and you actually said that you don't know. I really doubt whether you ever visited the forum before! "

"In fact, I don't go to forums very much. I usually do tasks to make money when I have time. I don't have that time. "

"That's no wonder. But it's okay, just know it now. "I said and emphasized: "Pay attention, the ability of the combat assistance expert is actually not just the assistance given to you on the attribute. Although this is the most intuitive embodiment, the actual situation is far from simple. The combat support experts are actually a group of very knowledgeable people. They are proficient in various combat theories and understand equipment attributes and skill combinations, so you can come to them from time to time to help you recommend which skills should be used for combat combinations, as well as your future equipment and skills development direction, you can ask ask them. Although the advice they give you may not be the best, it is definitely the best for you. Compared with randomly adding attributes to your own skills, the combination they give will definitely allow you to get the greatest battle strength with the least skill points. The same goes for equipment, spend less money and get more battle strength. "

"So you are so awesome? "Blood Crystal Flower looked at the old man and said admiringly.

The old man didn’t get a few words of compliment and he went out of his head. On the contrary, he said very calmly: “Now that he understands our importance, Then you need to take these things seriously. Although these things may seem useless, trust me, when you use them, you will understand how important our suggestions are. "

"Okay. Since the most powerful players in the world are full of praise for your profession, I think it definitely makes sense. "

The old man's indifferent expression to the Blood Crystal Flower directly began to introduce her to the use of that bunch of things. Although there are many of these things, in fact, most of them are disposable consumables. After the completion, it needs to be supplemented, and it does not include the main equipment, which means that there are no armors, weapons, and magic jewelry.

After all the things are handed over, the old man gave Blood Crystal Flower a crystal card. Blood Crystal Flower looked at this crystal clear and near-transparent card with the guild's logo in the middle, and asked: "What is this? credit card? We Frost Rose Alliance have internal credit cards? "

She was just joking, but didn't expect the old man to nodded and said: "You are right, this is your credit card. The guild contribution points you get in the guild are all recorded here. You can use it to use the guild contribution points to redeem guild services or purchase equipment. Of course, you can also use this card directly with other members. Conduct contribution point transactions. The operation method is very simple, as long as you pinch any position of the card with your own hand, and then get closer to other people’s cards within ten centimeters, then use your thoughts to enter the amount and mark it as paying or accepting. After the other party also enters it, the two are in The transaction cards will be locked to each other. At this time, you can confirm if there are any errors in the input. If there is no problem, directly confirm with your mind to complete the payment. How about it? Isn't it simple? "

"This thing is simply a mobile trading system! "Blood Crystal Flower said in surprise.

I shrugged and said: "It was originally designed according to that, but unfortunately there is no mobile phone in the game, but we still use magic technology to achieve this function. In addition, although this card is mainly used to deliver the contribution point of the guild, if you deposit money in the bank’s own bank, you can also use this card to manage your capital account together, and this card is tied The account of your game must not be lost or traded. It will be useless if others get it, and it will not be lost at all. "

"Good cow! "

"Okay, here's the stuff here. I pack it up and I will take you to the devil beast's lair. "

"The devil beast's lair?" "Blood Crystal Flower looked at me in surprise again. She felt that the stimulation she received today was more than the one she had in her previous life. "You won't take me to leveling so soon, will you?" Although I really hope that your high level players of this level will take me to upgrade, but I still don't even get the equipment! Are you not afraid of me hanging up? "

"The devil beast lair is a special building in our guild, not a leveling point! "I asked helplessly: "We have guardian beasts in our guild, do you always know?" "

Blood Crystal Flower nodded and said: "I know. Your guardian long spear arrow is so cool, everyone is talking about it. "

I nodded and said: "Our guardian beast is not just a long spear, and besides the guardian beast that the player wears, we also have a large group at the guild headquarters, that is, Isengard. . These shoe guardian beasts are special devil beasts, and they also need a place to live, so we built a special space building in the city for all guardian beasts to live in. This building is called devil beast. "

"Oh, I got it. Then let's go there quickly? I can not wait any more! "

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