"Will we have a lot of equipment?" Blood Crystal Flower heard that I was going to take her to choose equipment, and immediately started asking all sorts of questions with excitement, but I just simply After explaining a few words to her, he began to take her to the direction of the teleportation hall.

When I first arrived at the teleportation hall of Isengard Mobile Fortress, Blood Crystal Flower was stunned by the huge scale and fantastic architectural style here. Although the teleportation hall of Isengard Mobile Fortress is smaller in scale than the two teleportation halls of Isengard Twin Cities, they are exactly the same in architectural style. After all, Isengard Mobile Fortress is Isengard, and Isengard Twin Cities are also Isengard, and they all belong to Isengard as a whole.

The teleportation hall inside Isengard Mobile Fortress uses the same multi-story structure as Isengard Twin Cities, but the interior is not divided into floors like traditional buildings. The outer shell of Isinger's Teleportation Hall is a huge crystal dome with irregular structure, and inside it is a stretched structure like plant leaves. The entrance of the teleportation hall is connected to the main trunk of a big tree. There will be countless branches along this trunk. These branches will split at Level 1, and finally connect to those structures that look like leaves. It is Transmission Formation. These branch-like road structures are not only the supporting beams of the entire building, but they also play a guiding role. According to the different areas that users want to go to, the corresponding Transmission Formation can be easily found by following certain branch splitting rules. This structure allows most people to quickly and accurately find the target Transmission Formation they need without being affected. The huge teleportation hall fainted.

As the president of the Frost Rose League, I have become accustomed to the teleportation hall, but Blood Crystal Flower is the first time I have seen the real Isengard teleportation hall with my own eyes. She excitedly jumped on the crystal passage at the gate and shouted: "Didn't expect this is actually true! I thought your teleportation hall used the Camouflage Technique! I saw your architectural photos on the forum before. I thought it was processed by others. Didn’t expect your building is really like this! It’s so handsome! It’s like Princess’s Water Crystal Palace! It’s so beautiful!"

" Beautiful is not our design goal, but I have to admit that the designer here is a very difficult to deal with designer."

Blood Crystal Flower suddenly said: "I can see this designer in the future. Is it?"

"Of course." This is not a major event anyway, so I agreed with one bite.

Next, in the exclamation of Blood Crystal Flower, I took her to the correct Transmission Formation, and then directly transmitted to the ground city teleportation hall in the twin cities of Isengard. Our side just appeared in the Transmission Formation, and Blood Crystal Flower was cry out in surprise immediately, making everyone around us looked towards us.

Isinger’s Twin Cities are not like Isinger’s Mobile Fortress, Isinger’s Mobile Fortress is a military building exclusively for the guild. There are usually no people in the guild. Only in wartime will the guild fight People are stationed, and the Twin Cities of Isengard are open to the outside world, especially the ground cities. The Sky City of Isinger Twin Cities can only be accessed by guild members who have established a certain relationship with our guild, while the ground city is open to everyone, as long as it is not our hostile guild members, anyone can enter. Feel free to enter and exit the ground city of Isengard Twin Cities. Of course, although the ground city is open, the area that can actually be reached is only part of it. Many special areas are still closed, and laymen are not allowed to enter.

Although some areas of the ground city of the Isengard Twin Cities are closed to the laymen, the teleportation hall is public. After all, for the cities in "Zero", the teleportation hall this thing is equivalent to a collection of bus stations and railway stations plus airports and piers. The flow of people is unimaginable. If such a place is closed to the outside world, then the city is not open to the outside world. It’s as if you say that a city is open to the outside world, but the airport, railway station, bus station and wharf are blocked, and only people are allowed to enter on foot. Urban area, can this kind of city be called open?

Because the teleportation hall is an open area, the number of people here is very large. The Isinger Twin Cities are originally an international metropolis, because we also have transnational Transmission Formation in other countries, so it's like opening international flights with other countries. How can there be less people flow in such a place? Blood Crystal Flower just called so, everyone around was taken aback and looked towards us together, which made me almost pretend not to know her.

Blood Crystal Flower knew that I was embarrassed when I saw the eyes of the people around me. I quickly closed my mouth and followed me out of the Transmission Formation, and the people around didn’t pay much attention to this matter, because they soon discovered My existence. After seeing me, most people nodded or raised their hand to indicate to me, but I can only raise my hand to nodded to respond to these people.

Actually, I don’t know any of these people, but I can’t help it. I don’t know other people and their families give up on me. It’s like those movie stars. They are impossible to know each of their fans, but people who know them. It's piles of piles. Even if they don't know each other, since they take the initiative to greet me, I can only respond politely. After all, this place is the site of our Frost Rose League. I am a real landlord here. Of course, I have to look like a master.

Blood Crystal Flower followed me, watching me nodded all the way, waved away from the teleportation hall, couldn’t help but hurried a few steps to stand side by side with me and asked: "Do you always come back like this?"


"In most cases, this is the case. After all, too many people know me. But sometimes I will directly use the Transmission Formation inside the guild. The Transmission Formation is different from the Transmission Formation here. There are fewer people."

Blood Crystal Flower was nodded, who seemed to understand, and then asked: "Since there are many people here, why should we go here?"

"Because we are going there." I said, raising my hand.

"Oh oh..." Blood Crystal Flower had been observing the situation in the teleportation hall before. After she came out, she hadn't encountered the unexpected situation. As a result, when I said that, she remembered to look up and observe the surrounding situation. . It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, as soon as she saw it, she immediately sent out cry out in surprise again. The architectural style of Isinger’s Twin Cities is actually the same as Isinger’s Mobile Fortress, but Isinger’s Mobile Fortress feels more like a miniature version of Isinger’s twin cities. Singh Mobile Fortress is a military fortress, so there are no civilian buildings inside, and it looks denser and more regular. However, Isinger Twin Cities is different. The Twin Cities of Isengard are truly super metropolises, and all the buildings here are as huge as those of the Kingdom of Giants. Especially near the teleportation hall.

For the convenience of members, most of the foundation establishments of the guild are concentrated in the vicinity of the teleportation hall, so that members can do it as soon as they leave the teleportation hall. What you want to do, instead of running around in Isengard. You have to know that Isinger's area is really too big. If we separate all the functional buildings, then a player may have to run in the city for a whole day just to apply for a career change. This is obviously unreasonable, so we have concentrated all the functional buildings in one area.

Because these functional buildings are guild offices, they are all very tall. Looking at these huge seventy-eighty-meter-high buildings in front of me, Blood Crystal Flower has no idea what to say. She was already surprised when she saw those 60-meter-high buildings in Isinger Mobile Fortress before. Didn’t expect that the 60-meter-high buildings here are only medium-height, and all the slightly more outstanding buildings are in seventy. -eighty meters above, and occasionally you can see super buildings above 100 meters. Moreover, although these buildings are very tall, they are not like those high-rise residential buildings in reality, one by one repaired straight into the sky like chopsticks. On the contrary, except for the most conspicuous tower in the center of the city, the buildings here all give a sense of solidity and stability. Their width is basically larger than their height, or at least they are flat. So although the buildings look tall, they don't think they are thin.

The building I pointed out to Blood Crystal Flower just now is actually the guild office of the guild. This place is mainly responsible for the guild personnel's material claim work. When members need to deal with some trade or handover of guild materials, they need to come here.

Because the utilization rate of this building is very high, we placed it directly on the opposite side of the teleportation hall, so that it will be much more convenient for players in our guild to handle affairs.

This huge building has a two-story foundation like all large buildings in Isengard. You must run up the wide steps from the front to reach the lobby on the first floor of the building. After we went up from here, Blood Crystal Flower felt that her eyes were not enough, because she saw a whole team of mobile angels here, and they were not general types of mobile angels, but specifically used for urban warfare. Angel. The mobile angels of this model are slightly different from the general mobile angels. Their job is similar to that of the city guards, which is the same duty as the police, so the weapons they are equipped with are not all lethal weapons, and because they are laymen The first window of our guild is observed by the players, so the appearance design of these riot-suppressing mobile angels is much more exaggerated than the general mobile angels.

Since ordinary mobile angels are used for combat, although they have also made certain appearance beautifications, the beautification is actually very simple. It just makes the mobile angels look more powerful and does not feel It's ugly. However, the overall appearance of this type of violence-suppressing mobile angels is extremely gorgeous. Not only do they look very sturdy at first glance, but they also feel that these mobile angels are very majestic. This shape is said to help them enforce the city regulations of our guild, so I did not interrupt at the beginning, and adopted this shape directly on the advice of professionals.

To be honest, the appearance of the anti-violence mobile angel is really very masculine. With a height of two meters and thirty meters, coupled with the appearance of the upper body of the inverted triangle structure, it looks like the statue of a muscular man in ancient Greece, and the whole body reveals a sense of fitness. Of course, because this is a violence-suppressing mobile angel rather than a massacre, their body surface is only covered with a shiny steel armor covered with exquisite patterns, and they are not covered with external weapons like ordinary models.

Under my leadership, Blood Crystal Flower followed me all the way to the door of the office. The two rows of mobile angels who were standing by the door in straddle posture suddenly stood at attention when I passed by. The long spear in his hand slammed to the ground with a dull sound. It can be heard from the sound alone that the long spear in their hands is not light.

Of course, the action of the mobile angel is to salute, but Blood Crystal Flower didn't know that there would be such a thing, so he was taken aback. Fortunately, she didn't yell out this time, but didn't make a joke. But even if she called out, it was okay. There were basically no laymen's players here, and members of the guild were all nearby. Of course, they wouldn't laugh at the people I brought.

I took the somewhat stunned Blood Crystal Flower into the great hall, and then I did not go to the counter, but went straight across the hall to the back of the hall. There is a small door here. There are not only mobile angel guards on both sides, but also NPC guards. It is a relatively tight place. Of course, because I brought in the Blood Crystal Flower, I went straight through without receiving any interrogation.

Behind this small door is actually a hall, but it is not as exaggerated as the one outside. According to what Hong Yue said when he first came here, the hall outside can be used to test mortars. Anyway, at the height of a normal mortar, it should not be able to touch the roof. Moreover, the length and width of the hall basically meets the range of small-caliber mortars.

Although the small hall in the back is not as scary as the hall in front, the internal space is definitely enough for indoor sports games. It is more than enough to have at least two football matches at the same time, and even a small area can be vacated for two more practice matches.

This small hall is different from the outside hall full of service counters. This side is relatively empty. Only a few hundred doors are set up in the surrounding circle. At this time, there are at least two to three hundred. Famous NPCs ran back and forth between these gates, and some people were still pushing four-wheeled trolleys one by one, which seemed to be busier than the express distribution center after the big promotion.

"What are these all are doing?" Blood Crystal Flower looked at the people in surprise and asked.

"They are all service staff here. One third of our guild’s internal affairs is run here, so things are a bit busy. Follow me and don’t run around, there is a lot of space here. Getting lost is also a hassle."

"Oh, okay." Blood Crystal Flower nodded agreed.

I took the Blood Crystal Flower and avoided the running NPCs, went straight to a wider door at the end of the small hall, and then pushed the door directly and walked in. There is also a room inside this door, which is of course smaller than the small hall outside, but it is also enough to play a basketball game. In the center of this room is a circular desk, and seven or eight NPCs are sitting in this circle of desks. On the wall of the room is a circle of wall cabinets connected from the ground to the roof. Each of these wall cabinets is more than five meters high. The top door needs a ladder to get.

Seeing that the NPCs inside me stood up immediately, I waved them to sit down, and then took the Blood Crystal Flower and walked directly to a separate seat not far from the door. An NPC who seemed to be of a very large grade there said: "This is a new member of our guild. Find her a basic guild configuration. Oh, yes, it is equipped according to the standard of elite members."

"Yes, chairman, please wait a moment." After taking the order, the old NPC immediately stood up and called several helpers to get busy on the surrounding cabinets, and two others were assigned to go out. Blood Crystal Flower and I sat there for seven or eight minutes. Two talents gasping for breath pushed a trolley and ran back, and their trolleys were already full of things at this time.

"You won't tell me that these all are mine, are you?" Blood Crystal Flower had known before that I came to collect things for her, so the things these people went to get must be for her. Wrong, but suddenly she was shocked to see such a small mountain-like material.

"Don't react so much. These things are just basic configuration." As I said, I motioned to the old man NPC over there to get something for Blood Crystal Flower.

The old man quickly walked in front of the Blood Crystal Flower, and first took out a gem and handed it over. "This is a space gem, a special kind of space equipment that is specially used to synthesize a belt. You can make it blend with any belt-type equipment, or you can peel it off at any time. The function is to add ten cubic storage space to the belt, and this The contents inside can be used as you wish, which is much more convenient than installing in other space equipment."

Blood Crystal Flower took the gemstone with trembling fingers and asked me: "This thing is in How much does it cost to sell outside? I heard that space equipment is very expensive!"

"It's not to spend your money, so just leave it alone. Take this first, these things are temporarily You have to put it in. After I take you to receive the guardian of the guild, you can move all the medicines and the things other than the scrolls into the Fenglong space. Don’t put too many things in it, so you It’s time to get medicines quickly and accurately. This is the experience we have summed up, you better pay more attention."

"I know why our Frost Rose League is so powerful! You are absolutely Is it piled up with money?" Blood Crystal Flower exclaimed.

The old man next to it said with a smile: "At the end of the war, it's not about fighting for economic strength. If you don't have enough foundation, you will be useless even if you are brave. The enemy can kill you with medicine alone. Heap dead. Okay, now accept your item first, check if there is anything you are not used to or don’t understand, and ask now."

"But so many things...? "Blood Crystal Flower looked at the pile of equipment piled up next to him, asking for help in embarrassment.

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