"Is this the devil beast lair you mentioned?" Blood Crystal Flower asked in astonishment as he looked at the giant gate of more than a hundred meters in front of him.

I nodded and said: "The devil beast nest is actually built in a separate and different space. What you see now is just an entrance."

"Yours It means that the devil beast lair is actually a hyperspace?"

"Yes. Although the devil beast lair was built inside Isengard, its interior is used for our guardian beasts. A place where thriving and thriving, of course, cannot be made into the interior of the city. It must be a more complicated natural environment to allow them to live."

Blood Crystal Flower is nodded, and then looked towards the huge in front of you. The door asked: "But how are we going to get in now? This door weighs dozens of tons, right? Can we two push it?"

"Of course, we don't have to bother ourselves." As I said, I walked towards the gate over there first. Although Blood Crystal Flower didn't understand what I was going to do, it had to keep up with me as I walked over.

Just as I walked to the gate of the devil beast's lair over there, there was a muffled noise from the huge gate of the devil beast's lair, and then it began to automatically slide to the sides. As the two-meter-thick stone gate moved to both sides, we could even feel the ground trembling with the thunder under our feet, it felt like an earthquake.

"How heavy is this thing? It's so scary!"

"This is a special building given to us by the system, not built by ourselves. Just prepare the materials and then Choose a location and click to build. It will be automatically generated. Simply without any construction process, I am not very clear about your question."

Blood Crystal Flower is just casual anyway. Asked, since I didn't know her, I didn't ask more, and her attention quickly disappeared. As we entered the gate of the huge devil beast lair, the sight in front of us immediately surprised Blood Crystal Flower and almost dislocated her jaw.

After experiencing the huge and prohibitively terrifying architectural style of Isinger Twin Cities, he suddenly entered the devil beast lair. The surrounding primordial and dreamy natural environment can be said to be the same as Isinger’s The architectural style is out of place, this huge environmental contrast has produced a stronger visual impact, making Blood Crystal Flower stupid.

The inside of the gate of the devil beast's lair is not a plain river, on the contrary, this is a world with extremely complicated terrain. At the entrance, that is, at the gate behind us, it was completely entered into another world. Although we entered here through a huge gate that is consistent with Isinger's overall style, what we walked out after passing through the gate is not the back of the gate, but a cave.

This cave is only a few meters deep, the exit of the cave is the devil beast nest, and the inside of the cave is the stone gate.

This cave is not located on the ground, but at a relatively high position. Outside the entrance of the cave is a flat ground, and the area is not small enough to be used as a small airport. However, this place is not the Yimapingchuan like a sports ground, but a lot of plants grow, and it is basically occupied by plants except for the roads.

Two broad ramps extend from both sides of this platform. Although they are quite flat, it can be seen that they are naturally formed rather than artificially constructed. Both sides of the ramp are still covered with plants of various colors like the platform, but there is nothing in the way on the central ground except for the grass that hasn’t reached the foot. At first glance, the green and smooth grass gives people a desire to run on it. The urge to come and go.

I didn't let Blood Crystal Flower go down the ramps on both sides, but took her to the edge of the platform. Looking out from here, you can see a huge valley. The mountain range extending from the mountains on both sides of the mountain we are on completely surrounds the valley, with only one opening in the distance. Below the platform is a lush and green primitive forest. Even from the top of the towering giant trees, the distance from the platform is at least 100 meters.

Not far in front of the primitive forest is a winding river, but after a short distance, the river merges into a large lake. The Amber is covered with forest on three sides, and one side is leaning against the mountain on the right front. On the mountain, you can see a waterfall hanging down from it, which looks like the water flow is not small.

There is a triangular alluvial plain farther away from the lake. Of course, it is limited by the valley. The area of ​​this place is small, but the grass on it looks like a huge green carpet. Very gratifying.

After passing through the alluvial plain, the meandering river turned into the exit of the distant mountain col. Because the line of sight was blocked by the distant mountains, it was impossible to see the situation there.

The huge valley in front of me gives Blood Crystal Flower an urge to settle here. Although the steel jungle of modern society has its own beauty, humans always like what they don't have. People living in big cities often yearn for that kind of rural life in a mountain village. What's more, this is simply a hidden land of peace and prosperity in front of an Immortal Realm?

As Blood Crystal Flower looked at the beauty in the distance and sighed constantly, suddenly I felt something passed under my feet. As soon as she lowered her head, she saw a white fur ball jumped over her feet, and then disappeared into the bushes next to her. Before she could realize what was happening, she saw more of that kind of hairballs popping out of the grass on the other side. These hairballs seemed to be completely fearless, and they rushed past her feet, as if It's chasing the one in front.

"What is this?" Blood Crystal Flower is not afraid of these little things. After all, these creatures are furry and look very cute.

I didn't answer her question immediately, but directly grabbed one from the grass beside it and handed it to her.

"This is one of the guardian beasts of our guild. It's named fur ball, and you will get one later."

"This is the guardian beast?" Blood Crystal Flower took the hair ball I handed over in surprise and teased with joy.

Speaking of which creatures like hairballs are really deceptive. Their lovely appearance makes it difficult for people to associate these things with devil beasts, but in fact these guys are authentic Dao’s devil beast, and the level is not low. The specialty of these little things is that they can swallow anything, whether it is alive or inanimate, as long as the other party has no resistance or does not resist, they can swallow it in one mouthful, and then slowly digest it. Their belly is basically a different-dimensional space, so don't forget to come out if anything goes in. Of course, because they have no way to swallow the object of resistance, they basically cannot be used in combat. However, even though they can't fight, these guys have good support abilities. For example, sometimes you need to destroy the corpse and evidence. These guys are the best tools. Moreover, if the enemy throws a bomb at you or something, you can also let them swallow that bomb. As long as the bomb does not explode before it enters its stomach, it will be useless no matter how it explodes afterwards. The belly of these guys will never be broken.

"How is it? Isn’t it cute?"

Blood Crystal Flower nodded and said while stroking the furry little fellow’s ears: "This is just alive Plush toy! It’s so loveable!"

"Well, if you like, I'll get one for you in a while. Put that one down first, we still have things to do. "

"Will this one work?" Blood Crystal Flower asked a little bit unwillingly.

I shook my head and explained: "The one in your hand is not yet an adult. Do you like baby soldiers?"

"Baby soldiers?" Blood Crystal Flower froze for a moment. Then he asked: "This furball is a combat creature?"

"Although not exactly, they are at least a kind of devil beast, and they do have combat capability. After all, this is a guild guardian beast. It’s not an ornamental pet. How could it be useless at all?"

Blood Crystal Flower, I just remembered that the creatures in it should be our guild guardian beasts, and the guild guardian beasts themselves should be It's only right if you have the ability to fight or support.

"I really didn't expect such a cute thing to be a devil beast that can fight! By the way, the president, what can this furball do?"

I greeted Blood. Crystal Flower followed me away here and explained to her the purpose of this hair ball. She quickly figured out that the hair ball turned out to be a different-dimensional trash can. Anything you don't want can be thrown in, and then no one can do it anymore. See that thing.

"Putting it that way, is this hair ball from the auxiliary system?" Blood Crystal Flower asked me.

I nodded and said: "It should be said that it is an auxiliary plus defense system, after all, it can also help you swallow bombs. Okay, we are at the place. Come in quickly." Blood Crystal Flower has been listening to me before. Explain the purpose of the hair ball, didn't expect to get there so soon.

In fact, the place we are now is directly below the platform we just stood on, so we arrived so soon. This place is a building built on the cliff wall. It has only one door on the whole side, and its internal space is the space taken out inside the cliff. Of course, because the interior has been renovated, it looks like a normal building after entering it, and I won’t notice that it should be regarded as a cave.

The interior space of this building is as tall as the gate of the devil beast’s lair. The reason why we have to build it so big is mainly because the devil beast’s lair also has the life of the giant dragon of our guild. In order to ensure that they can enter and exit normally, the interior space of this building is relatively large.

The first thing we saw after entering the interior of this building was a lobby, but it was almost empty now, except for the counter at the end of the lobby.

At this time, there is only one NPC sitting and dozing off behind the long line of counters, and all other positions are empty. The NPC was awakened by the sound of our footsteps until we walked less than five meters in front of the counter. The guy who saw me here suddenly bounced off his seat as if he had been electrocuted. As a result, because he just woke up from sleep and was still not awake, he slipped out under the table without stopping. But this guy quickly climbed out, and then immediately stood up straight and saluted me and asked loudly: "What's the order of Sir President?"

I didn't blame this NPC for working hours to sleep, after all His department is not a war-ready duty unit, and there is no need to be so strict. Besides, the characteristic of their department is that it is busy when it is busy, and when it is not busy, it is almost haunted. It is no wonder that the NPC on duty falls asleep.

Push the Blood Crystal Flower directly to the counter, and then I said aloud: "This is our new member, you can help her prepare a team of guild guardian beasts."

< p>"Understand. Please wait a moment." The NPC on duty quickly turned and ran into the back room, then within five seconds he rushed out and pulled another NPC out. The guy who was pulled out obviously just woke up from sleep, and was confused, but after seeing me, the other party woke up like his companion.

Simply repeated my request with this guy, and the other party immediately nodded and then took a notebook from the companion just now and crossed the counter to lead us out of the building. After we got out of the building, we entered the primitive forest outside, but although the vegetation seems to be lush in this place, the roads are very smooth, so it is not difficult to walk.

After passing through the small piece of primitive forest, we arrived next to the lake we saw on the platform before. Because of the long distance on the platform before, I didn’t think it was until the Blood Crystal Flower beside the lake that I realized that the waterfall was much bigger than I thought. And, I don’t know if it’s because of the water mist or other reasons. Before, she didn’t realize that the cliff left by the waterfall was actually covered with caves, which made her startled to fall the chin. I can actually see giant dragons coming and going in and out of those caves from time to time.

"Nana...that is not dragon lair, right?" Blood Crystal Flower pointed to the cave above the waterfall and asked with a trembling voice.

"You read that right, it is dragon lair, but don’t get too excited. Giant dragons are just our guild ally, not guardian beasts, so don’t expect me to equip you with a dragon "Blood Crystal Flower."

Blood Crystal Flower was a little bit lost when she heard what I said, but she quickly recovered. After all, things like giant dragon guardian beasts are too scary to say. She was originally He didn't hold much hope, so even without her, he wouldn't be disappointed.

While Blood Crystal Flower was observing the dragon lair above, the NPC who led us suddenly took out something very strange from his body. At first glance, this thing looks a bit like a recorder, but it is much smaller than a normal recorder, and the material of this thing is quite different. It is actually carved from a whole piece of crystal. It looks very crystal clear and near-transparent. Beautiful.

After taking this thing out, the NPC put it to his mouth and blew it up, but Blood Crystal Flower didn't hear any sound, but looked at the other party suspiciously and didn't know what he was doing. In fact, Blood Crystal Flower can't hear it because her ears can't receive the sound of this frequency. It's like the real dog flute that can be used to call dogs, but human ears can't hear it. This crystal clarinet has a similar function, but it is more special. It can not only emit sounds that cannot be heard by human ears, but also continuously radiate a special soul fluctuation that can be sensed by most devil beasts, and Can convey a certain meaning, it can be regarded as a communication tool specifically for devil beast.

As the flute was played, Blood Crystal Flower soon discovered that a large black cloud appeared above the opening of the mountain col in the distance. As the black cloud gradually approached her, I found that it was not a dark cloud at all, but a large group of long spears covering the heavens, shielding the sun flying over.

Because they use jet power, the propulsion power of long spears is higher than that of ordinary birds, so their wingspan ratio is not as large as that of birds, but they are flying creatures after all and their wings still occupy It has a large proportion of the body, so when there are enough of them, it can still cover the heavens and shield the sun.

As soon as those long spears passed over the top of the mountain col, they began to dive, and then flew to the top of the lake where we were at lightning speed and began to hover, and soon formed a huge Rotating like a vortex structure. Of course, because long spears are jet-powered flying units, rather than flying by fanning their wings, their noise is much louder than that of birds.

Looking at the horrible long spear battallion above my head, Blood Crystal Flower had to scream in my ear to let me hear what she was saying. "Guild President, what are you doing here?"

I pointed to the long spears above and said: "Let you make a two-way choice with them. The guardian beasts of our guild and the matched players are both They choose each other. After all, can you cooperate happily if you see it pleasingly."

Blood Crystal Flower is nodded, and then asks again: "But so many of them are spinning around my head, I want How do you choose?"

The NPC next to him seemed to be prepared for a long time, and directly covered his ears and shouted at the Blood Crystal Flower loudly: "They will choose you first, and wait for them to decide. Some of them will leave. You only need to choose your favorite from the remaining long spears."

Blood Crystal Flower nodded did not speak any more, and the long spears in the sky acted quite well. Fast, fast, a large number of long spears leave this rotating formation and fly out of the circular mountain range. When it is not one minute, there are only five guardian long spears left above us, hovering there.

"I'm so bad? There are only five of thousands of long spears, but I can only look at me?" Blood Crystal Flower didn't understand the rules of long spears choosing partners, so I felt that I only left five. Only long spear is embarrassing.

I explained to her with a smile, these long spears are too numerous, so they will leave as long as they don’t particularly like it. It’s not that other long spears don’t look down on her, it’s just those Long Spear didn't think she had to be, so he didn't stay. The remaining five are especially fond of her, so they will stay in the end.

"So it's like this!" Blood Crystal Flower finally felt relieved after listening to my explanation, and then asked: "How do I choose my long spear from these five?"


"It all depends on your own hobby. Just tell us whichever you like."

Although all the guardian long spears look the same, and they are all ours Guild guardianship is basically the same in attributes, but in fact, there are certain attribute differences between long spear and long spear. According to our own statistics, the strongest long spear is about 5% stronger than the weakest long spear. Although the proportion is not large, there is still a slight gap after all.

Blood Crystal Flower doesn't know what to pay attention to when choosing to guard the long spear, so I asked it in detail, and after knowing that there was no difference, I just clicked the one that seemed to be the largest. In fact, this long spear is much worst than the other four. After all, it is a species, but you can still notice some slight differences when you look closely.

After Blood Crystal Flower selected the guardian long spear, the NPC over there played the flute again, and then the four long spears that were not selected turned around and left, and the selected one was Landed slowly. After the long spear landed, the NPC guard asked Blood Crystal Flower to get acquainted with each other’s breath with the long spear, and then handed her a small equipment specially used to house the guardian beast, and finally taught her how to Ride a long spear.

The correct posture for generally speaking long spear is to lie on the recessed structure on their backs. This can reduce wind resistance and ensure that riders will not be threw away. However, few people in our guild actually fly on the back of a long spear every time. Unless you are flying at super high speeds using assault skills, in general, our members like to stand on the back of a long spear like a surfboard. Although this action is more dangerous, I have to admit that this surfing-like pose looks very handsome when standing on the long spear, especially when many players in our guild fly together, the scene is extremely shocking.

Long spear are all flying experts. They took the Blood Crystal Flower to the sky for two laps and they flew quite smoothly. The Blood Crystal Flower also performed well. There was no fear of heights, and it was adaptable to speed. Sex is also very good. You must know that even an ordinary guardian long spear can reach a supersonic state when using the skill, which is not the speed that ordinary people can withstand. Many people vomit in a mess when flying at first, and only gradually adapt after a dozen or so times. However, Blood Crystal Flower is obviously a great person. The first time he flies, he has adapted to supersonic assaults. As for the cool posture standing on the back of the long spear... That is purely a personal behavior of the player, and the guild will not actively teach its members to use it. In this posture.

Blood Crystal Flower initially adapted to guarding the long spear and then the NPC took out the flute and played it again. Then this time there was still movement from the col over there, but this time it was not in the air. But in the water. I saw that the river that flowed into the mountain col was like a sea tide suddenly raised a wave, rolled upside down all the way into the originally calm lake, and then saw a tumbling in the lake, and then dozens of huge giants. His head gradually rose from the shallow water on the shore.

"What is this?" Blood Crystal Flower was startled when he saw those heads, and quickly stepped back for a while.

Neither I nor the NPC were busy explaining, but stood there waiting for them to come ashore, but Blood Crystal Flower was not stupid. Seeing that we had no reaction, we guessed it should belong to our guild. Guardian beast, because if it is a dangerous creature, we have to react somewhat.

As the water splashed, those huge heads finally rose up completely from the shore, and then the huge body rose up from under the water surface and gradually landed on the lake shore. Each of these huge creatures is about ten meters long, and the body shape is a bit like a large lizard, but their body is much more fit than a lizard. The bulging muscles can be seen on the strong limbs, and the strength is amazing at a glance. Their heads are a bit like the heads of giant dragons, but the horns above their heads point forward like inverted buffalo horns, and the pair of horns are actually not very sharp, on the contrary, they are quite stout and look even more sturdy. Suitable for bumps rather than stabs.

In addition to the head, these guys have three more distinctive things. One is that there are six pairs of twelve water-pipe-like tentacles growing on their backs. These tentacles are covered with a metal-like ring-shaped carapace. You can see that the hardness is not low, and the tips of the tentacles are The sharp spikes and the shiny cold light are enough to show that they are by no means furnishings.

The second special thing about this creature is their claws. The claws of these guys are very big, at least relative to their size, these four claws are obviously a little larger than they should be. Of course, it is not surprising if it is only relatively large. What really needs attention is the sharp and huge claws on the front of the soles of these guys. The shape of the thing is unusually hideous, and it looks like a heavy weapon. I believe that ordinary creatures will die immediately after hitting a claw. Even a devil beast may not be able to withstand the attack of this thing.

The last distinctive feature of these creatures is their tail. The first half of the tail of these creatures is relatively normal, similar to the tail of a normal lizard, but at the end, their tail splits into more than a dozen similar tentacles on their backs, and these tentacles are connected with webbed fins. structure. In fact, this structure is indeed something similar to fins, and it is indeed a tool for paddling.

"Well, this is our guild's second guardian beast——Steel Claw." That NPC introduced to Blood Crystal Flower: "They have a lot of abilities and are very adaptable. You have also seen it. , They are actually aquatic animals, so both on the surface and underwater have good performance. Moreover, although they are aquatic animals, but they actually do not need water, even in the desert environment can do it well. If you don’t have the right You can use them as mounts. Although the running speed is not as fast as those special types of professional mounts, they are definitely much faster than war horses."

"This, this...this biological energy Do you want to fight?" Blood Crystal Flower asked, looking at the dozens of steel claws in front of her with bright eyes. Prior to this, her familiar position was always blank, and she had never had any auxiliary creatures that could be commanded by her, so she suddenly learned that she was about to have such a fierce combat creature and was a little excited and uncontrollable for a while. .

I watched the excited Blood Crystal Flower succeed the NPC and explained: "Steel claws are standard combat creatures. Riding is just their extra ability. Their own battle strength is very strong. Those on the back You can see the tentacles. That thing is super easy to deal with miscellaneous soldiers. If the level difference is more than one hundred, even if the number is dozens of times, you can’t get close. In addition, the steel claws are called steel claws because of their claws. Very powerful. When fighting, they often use their claws to slam the enemy, and creatures of the same level rarely can hold their claws."

"Do they have the ability to attack?"


"Of course." I explained: "The head of the steel claw is equivalent to a siege hammer. If you have Knight-like charge skills, the steel claw can let you perform 3%. Hundreds of attack power. Frontal collision is basically a bulldozer, except for those real super devil beasts, basically few creatures can beat him in frontal collision. Also, although it doesn’t look big, it’s a steel claw The teeth are actually very sharp. These guys are carnivores. Their bite force is very pinch you, so the bite is not weak."

Blood Crystal Flower asked excitedly: "I can now Just choose one?"

The NPC over there quickly said: "This won't work, all of our guardian beasts are that they choose you first, and then you choose your partner from the ones left."< /p>

Blood Crystal Flower is very anxious to get her first combat creature, but since this is the rule in the guild, she can only wait. Fortunately, the speed of the steel claws is super Hurry up, just came up and circled around us one after another and returned to the water. Those who didn't see it left directly, and the rest was the steel claw who wanted to be her partner.

This time the selection range is smaller than last time. Only two steel claws remained, but it was a bit beyond my expectation that these two steel claws were actually variant models.

The guardian creatures of steel claws are not the same as the general guardian beasts. The difference in their battle strength is quite obvious. The strongest steel claws are more than twice as strong as the weakest steel claws. . The two remaining steel claws in front of me are obviously the strongest, and they are basically of the same level as my own guarding steel claw. Although this kind of steel claws looks slightly larger than ordinary steel claws in appearance, the battle strength of these steel claws is much stronger than that of their companions, because all attacks of this kind of mutant steel claws carry elemental damage. It's more bullish than pure physical damage.

Because there are only two goals left, Blood Crystal Flower chose the larger one according to her preferences. I can see it now. Although Blood Crystal Flower is a female, she is really an authentic Russian, and she likes big size for everything. It seems that the characteristics of Russian industrial products are much larger than others, and Blood Crystal Flower perfectly inherits this orientation. The guardian beasts she chooses are the largest in the range of options.

After the selection is completed, it is the same as the previous long spear. Although there will be a long adaptation period in the future, the initial running-in is the most important. The actions of Steel Claws on the ground do not actually require any running-in, because they are actually very stable when they bubble up, and because the intelligence of Steel Claws is actually not low, they know how to cooperate with the partner on the back in battle. The thing that really needs to adapt is actually underwater combat. The flexibility of steel claws in the water is not at the same level as on land, just like those seals that look very clumsy on land. Once they are launched, they are like torpedoes. Not only are they extremely fast, but they also turn extremely flexible. .

Because the steel claw itself has a special layer of scales and the body structure, the underwater resistance is very small, but the player does not have such a structure. Therefore, when the steel claw moves at high speed underwater, the players often have to withstand huge resistance and pulling force, and they will be thrown off if they are not paying attention. This is even more dangerous than the long spear. Although the underwater speed of steel claws is impossible as fast as long spear in the sky, the problem is that the density of water is not comparable to that of air. Therefore, riding steel claws to move underwater is actually better than riding a long spear to play supersonic flight in the sky. more difficult.

In addition to being careful not to be thrown off, there is one more thing you need to pay attention to when riding a steel claw, that is, the breathing tube of the steel claw. This tube is located at the roots of the tentacles on the back of the steel claws. It is usually contracted inside the muscles and only stretched out when needed. This tube is not for the steel claws to breathe, but for the partner on the back. This thing is said to be prepared for small steel claws, because although steel claws are creatures that live in water, they are actually terrestrial creatures. When the young steel claws were born, they did not have the ability to breathe underwater at all, so the adult steel claws This kind of breathing tube has evolved on the back, which can temporarily be used as a respirator with a small steel claw in the mouth. However, the biggest use of this thing now is to use this tube to breathe through steel claws when the player is under water for a long time without a breathing helmet, so that he is not afraid of being drowned in the water.

However, although this pipe can supply oxygen, it is really difficult to breathe with such a thing. After all, this thing is not a human-specific respirator, so you need to adapt to ensure that you will not put water together. Inhaled into the lungs. Of course, I don’t need this kind of practice. After all, my helmet can guarantee my underwater breathing, and I don’t need this tube at all.

Blood Crystal Flower's adaptability to this thing is not bad, and I quickly learned the trick.

After Blood Crystal Flower collected the steel claws, the NPC gave her summon furball and Shusi respectively.

Maoqiu's function is a super trash can, and Shusi is an emergency nurse. When players are alone, or when they are leveling for a long time, they can use the tree division to replenish blood and magic. After all, these guys have almost no shortcomings except for the slower replenishment speed. As long as it can touch the ground, Shusi can continuously replenish the player's blood and return to the demons, which is simply a mobile gas station.

After the handover of these two auxiliary creatures, the NPC finally came to summon the most important guardian beast of our guild-the phoenix dragon. Although there is no battle strength, every player in our guild unanimously admits that the Phoenix Dragon is actually the most indispensable existence among all the guardian beasts in our guild. Who makes the space equipment in the game so scarce now!

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