Chapter 380 Successful Abduction

When I mentioned the contract again, Blood Crystal Flower naturally took out the contract and looked at it. It took advantage of this time to directly let Asuka fall in front of the guild headquarters building in front of Isengard's mobile fortress. Of course, there is a reason why Asuka is allowed to land here.

Although there is a generally speaking no-fly zone above the Isengard Mobile Fortress, the no-fly does not mean that nothing can fly, but that players cannot fly privately. Special permission is required. As the president of the Frost Rose League, I certainly don’t want this permission, so I am one of the few people who can fly freely over the mobile fortress of Isengard.

I originally landed directly in the Guild Headquarters Conference Hall in the center of Isengard Mobile Fortress with my identity. There is no problem at all, but the problem is that I don’t want to take Blood Crystal Flower directly to the Guild Headquarters. , But to use Isinger to move the fortress to the east

west to frighten her, so I did not land there, but directly landed on the square in front of the total building.

This small square is actually divided into two floors. The bottom layer is a square like a depression. The front of this square leads to the main road, and the other side is the guild building. However, if you go up from the steps on both sides of the square, you can reach the top of the headquarters building. On the roof of this headquarters building, you can see the main building of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, which is the Divine Race Temple of Chaos and Order. Of course, this temple is not the main temple of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, but

is a temporary residence during the battle. This place is only available when the mobile fortress of Isengard leaves the Twin Cities of Isengard. Open, and normally this place is closed, only a few people maintain basic operations inside.

The real chaos and order. The headquarters of the Divine Race is located in the Sky City of Isengard Twin Cities. I will definitely take Blood Crystal Flower to take a look, because that thing is right Most players have lethal damage.

Don't think that this thing in the temple has nothing to do with the player. "Zero" is a game no matter what, everything here is prepared for the players, how can there be anything that doesn't matter? Besides, even if there is something that has nothing to do with ordinary players, it is absolutely impossible to be temples all over the world.

It can be said that after the players leave the Novice Village, the first thing they come into contact with is the career center, which is commonly known as the career agency, and when they reach the 200th level, the second thing they need The contact is the temple. Since then, many system services that players run in the game are basically completed by the local offices of the temples of various countries. Therefore, the shrine is actually acting as the system function.

Because the importance of the temple is unquestionable, I take the Blood Crystal Flower to visit the Divine Race temple of chaos and order, and it will definitely give her a more exciting and shocking effect than anything else. As you can imagine, since the temple is the representative of the system function, how much power can they have? It's like two people are playing in the ring, but the referee is a tough guy with you. What do you say will happen? Even if people dare not cheat for you blatantly because of the audience’s problems, as long as

lean towards you a little bit within the scope permitted by the rules, that is also a great benefit for you. Because of this, this temple must be visited, and must let Blood Crystal Flower and Vina meet. Of course, now I am

not to go to the temple, but to take Blood Crystal Flower to another very important place-the command center of the god of war.

Blood Crystal Flower has been looking at the contract I gave her while I was leading the way. The things written on it are very detailed. It records a lot of her obligations and our team’s benefits. But compared with the actual experience, the contract

is just words after all, so it doesn’t feel so affinity. However, Blood Crystal Flower still spoke before we walked to the command center: "I basically have no reason to refuse this agreement, but your request is a bit embarrassing for me." Blood Crystal Flower pointed to Next one of the items.

I have known that Blood Crystal Flower will definitely be embarrassed for a long time, because the content of this project is that the actual Blood Crystal Flower itself needs to immigrate to China. This is the most powerful way to control Blood Crystal Flower I can think of. As a player, Blood Crystal

Hua can change her character, as long as she is willing, anything can be discarded, so no matter how I treat her in the game, it is impossible Control her absolutely 100%. However, as a natural person, there is only one body in reality, so Blood Crystal Flower is impossible to give up his body anyway. So, as long as she really comes to our side in China, and then lives in the house we gave

like the girls from the Sakura Club and Masaga Matsumoto, then we will be in complete control. Lived the person Blood Crystal Flower. When the time comes, even if there is any huge profit temptation in the game, she is absolutely impossible to betray us.

In fact, I didn’t tell Blood Crystal Flower that if she agreed to our agreement, it would be a great thing for her. We must know that the end of the world is now already not far. All countries are busy preparing for immigration. The problem now is that no country can truly include all its citizens. In the immigration plan, there will inevitably be many people who will be abandoned.

Blood Crystal Flower is just an ordinary player in Russia. She will work in the game because she does not have a job, which shows that she is actually a member of the bottom of society and does not have much social resources. If people like her want to get on the immigration ship in Russia, although not

It means that there is absolutely no hope, but at least it is not 100%, and the proportion will not be too high. However, it would be different if she came to our side.

Although China cannot take all its citizens away, the country is a country, and we are us. Longyuan Group has its own immigration plan, and Dragon Clan has a dedicated immigration ship. Moreover, unlike the national immigration ship, our Longyuan’s

immigration ship has ample space. We can take away all the relatives, friends and related personnel connected to our Longyuan Group, so if the Blood Crystal Flower arrives When the time comes

After the start of the immigration plan, I can be sure that I will definitely bring her and the girls from the Sakura Club. of. Therefore, her agreement to this plan is basically equivalent to buying insurance for her life, and it is absolute insurance. Of course, this

is a secret in a secret that is even greater than Matsumoto's identity, and I can never tell her.

"On this matter, you must agree." I am very appraised and said to Blood Crystal Flower: "One of the key conditions for you to join our guild is that you must immigrate to our China. I have my own reasons for this. Only if you confirm this agreement and immigrate to China, I can explain this to you. But you can rest assured that this matter is not related to you. You don’t have to be nervous about how much it is."

"I actually guessed the reason you hired me." Blood Crystal Flower suddenly surprised me with a sentence that almost scared me. Did not hit the wall.

"Did you guess it?"

Blood Crystal Flower was very calm and nodded and said: "The three players who left with us before are the three very beautiful girls. Their identities should be the reason you want to hire me, right?" Blood Crystal Flower said that without waiting for me to respond

then took the initiative to hand over the agreement, and I found that it was actually The two words of agreement have been signed. This shows that she has completed the agreement, which means that she is now one of our members. Looking back and holding the agreement

I was in a daze there, Blood Crystal Flower said with a smile: "Go? What are you doing there, my Sir President?"

"No!..." I quickly ran two steps to catch up with Blood Crystal Flower and asked: "Why are you...?"

Blood Crystal Flower looked around like a tourist visiting an ancient building site. As he moved forward, he said: "In fact, these things are very obvious! I'm not a fool, how can I really not see it? You guys have been dangerous below

and then go down and look for me. Be a guide. This is normal, but when we went down, when you came back, you not only brought back the strange creature, but also brought back three companions, and those three were obviously Japanese players.

< p>Although I am not so clear about your relationship between China and Japan, I probably also know some of your relationship with the Japanese. According to normal circumstances, as the largest guild in China, your Frost Rose League should be in harmony with All the days

This player has a hostile relationship. You played so intensely before, I will always hear something."

I nodded and said: "So you found out Is it our purpose?"

Blood Crystal Flower nodded and said: "No matter how you took them away, it was a rescue operation, but when you came up, you were so surprised to see me. This shows that you shouldn’t have me in your original plan. Although I was also confused

for a while, but when I saw Isinger Mobile Fortress, I wanted to understand. You rescue the three A Japanese player, then brought back Isinger Mobile Fortress, and Isinger Mobile Fortress did not respond to their approach

, which shows that they should be in Isinger Mobile Fortress Have a legal identity."

"How do you know that Isengard Mobile Fortress can identify friend or foe?"

"I thought a player I knew before admired your guild very much , It is said that he also participated in the screening of your guild, but was finally brushed down."

I nodded and said: "If there is such a companion, I know that this kind of thing is really normal."< /p>

Isinger Mobile Fortress is nothing particularly secret. Although Isinger Mobile Fortress itself has many secrets, in fact, Isinger Mobile Fortress has participated in too many international operations. First blasted several cities in Germany in one breath

, and then helped the Iron Crusade to secure the top spot in the German Hegemony Guild, and then made an appearance in France and made an attack. In addition, the Isinger Mobile Fortress in Japan is also very famous. It has participated in the invasion of Japan many times, and the first large-scale invasion of Japan was actually based on Isinger’s The mobile fortress is used as the backbone and main force for penetration.

In Russia, Isinger Mobile Fortress is also a super war fortress that often appears. Although it does not have as much activity as in Japan, we recently used Isinger Mobile Fortress’ Space Jump capability in Russia. I have done several precision strikes in succession. When there was a border friction with Russia before, Isengard Mobile Fortress also participated in the war. With such frequent appearances, no one knows that Isengard Mobile Fortress is definitely impossible.

Just as the privacy of the celebrities’ lives will be dug out by those star chasers and entertainment reporters, the Isengard Mobile Fortress, as a celebrity weapon of war, has long been staring at its information. On it. These people have confirmed by the side or

that it is a joint force inference, and they have pretty close analyzed many external data of Isengard Mobile Fortress.

Because of the existence of these super fans of Isinger Mobile Fortress, the Isinger Mobile Fortress of our guild basically has no external secrets. Its current secrets are some internal structural secrets. As for the tactical performance

and the special features of Isengard Mobile Fortress, basically just find any website or forum to research our guild. You can find out by searching. Almost all of these things are public. For players, they will know if you pay attention.

Blood Crystal Flower does not pay special attention to the information of our guild, but after all our Frost Rose League is too famous, and the friend she said is actually our fan, then she knows this The data is very normal.

Blood Crystal Flower said with a smile: "As a Chinese guild, you actually have Japanese friends. It is estimated that only you people can figure it out. I suddenly saw yours This secret, so you are very worried. But

I am a player, not an NPC, you can’t kill a witness to silence them, so you thought of this method and tied me directly with benefits. Let me join your guild so that I will become a member of the Frost Rose League, and the interests of the Frost Rose League will become my interests. On the one hand, you can use the guild’s interests and The principle of common interest convinces me. On the other hand, you can entice me to shut up with huge benefits. Just think about it and you can understand it.


< p>"I have to say that you are really a smart woman."

Blood Crystal Flower said with a smile: "I am really smart, because I did not reject you."

Listen At this answer, I was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly laughed. If Blood Crystal Flower were to be humble, I might not feel relieved so quickly, but her unmodest admission would actually relieve me. Blood Crystal Flower said that she

smart because she knows that joining us is only good. It shows that she has understood our intentions and understood what is best for her. This saves our guidance and explanation, and since she signed the agreement under the prerequisite of understanding in advance, it further explains her recognition of the content of the agreement. This is a lot more reassurable than explaining to her after she signed the agreement vaguely.

"hahahaha, you are indeed a smart person. Then if so, I won't go around with you. Go, I will take your guild equipment library and choose a good set of equipment for you."


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