Chapter 379

Ms. Wizard doesn't seem to care about what we are going to do. For her, she just needs to give money. Although professional players sometimes only recognize money, you have to admit that dealing with them is much easier.

"Then I will give you an agreement now, and you can see if it works." I said, I just asked to write an agreement on the spot, but I have not had time to get started with the guide. The young lady took the initiative to stop.

"I think it would be better for us to change the place, after all, this kind of place is not a long-term place!" The wizard suggested.

I just thought about how to prevent leaks, so I suddenly forgot that this is not a place to stay for a long time. Since the Miss Guide mentioned it, of course I did. Hurry up and summon out Emiennes, first added an illusion

to all of us here, and then started to leave this place.

Since there was no explosion or collapse in the underground part, after the alarm went off, everyone evacuated the place, and the owner of this place began to send special operations personnel back. I want to investigate what it is

What triggered the big retreat alarm.

Thanks to my foresight, we ran into these search teams when we went to the underground second layer to investigate the situation, but because the other party’s search staff only added a simple anti-invisibility magic to the body, Therefore, we did not find our group of personnel with high level phantoms.

After passing by the search team, we succeeded in getting to the ground, and then we carefully left the nearby densely populated area before removing the phantoms and boarding their respective guardian long spear, chasing after Ai Xin The grid mobile fortress flew over. Of course, August

The three of Xun and the others did not guard the long spear. After all, they have an independent guild in Japan, although the guild is actually a subordinate organization of the guild, and from the very At the beginning, it was set up as a spy guild, but the spy guild itself does not support guild guarding.

Guardian beast coverage. That is to say, even though the guild of August Xun and their guild is recognized by the system as a lower-level guild of the Frost Rose Alliance, the guild benefits of the Frost Rose Alliance cannot be extended to August Xun and their guild. Of course, this situation is limited to when they are in the spy mode. When their spy mode is cancelled, they will automatically revert to the Frost Rose League members and receive all the guild benefits simultaneously.

In addition to the three of them, the guide lady does not have a long spear mount, but my Asuka can bring one more person, so of course the guide lady is with me, and August smokes They flew with Kristina and the others

to move the fortress to Isengard.

Although we delayed a lot of time underground, the normal movement speed of Isengard Mobile Fortress was actually not very fast. With the speed of Asuka and long spear, we quickly caught up with Isengard. Mobile fortress.

I started to prepare a contract for the guide lady while I was flying on the road, but it was not until I started drafting this contract that I remembered that I haven’t asked anyone’s name yet, so I had to ask about it temporarily. For a moment.

Ms. Wizard didn’t mind, she replied cheerfully: "My name is Siberian Blood Crystal Flower."

This Siberian Blood Crystal Flower is obviously a translated name. Her original name was used. It should be Russian. Player names in "Zero" are sometimes automatically translated in the translation system, and sometimes they are transliterated. This translation or non-translation is not determined by the player, but automatically determined by the system. This judgment mechanism uses a very high-end intelligent analysis, mainly to see if you choose the name because the pronunciation of the name or the meaning of the name. If

you get the meaning of what the name represents, then the name will be automatically translated in the translation system, and the thing will be expressed in the language of the other country, and if the name itself is not Translated special name or user

If you just like the pronunciation, then the name will usually be transliterated.

Siberian Blood Crystal Flower is a plant in the game, and it is obvious that the one in front of me is to use the meaning of this plant instead of the name, so system is automatically translated into Chinese name instead of transliteration.

"It's a good name." While I was talking, I wrote and painted on the contract and checked various items. The basic contract given by the system already has a lot of ready-made things, so I don't need to write it word by word, just check the content that needs

. After all, the fair contract of the system is charged, so since the fee is charged, the service must be in place.

"That..." Miss Siberian Blood Crystal Flower suddenly looked towards me and asked: "I have always heard that the Frost Rose League is a very, very powerful guild, and your guild welfare is also very good. , I want to know, do you need to pay a lot of

membership fees?"

"Why do you have such an idea?" I looked at the Siberian Blood over there in surprise Crystal Flower asked: "Our guilds are free of membership fees. Don’t you know about this?"

Siberian Blood Crystal Flower shook the head: "I really don’t know about this. I heard about you before. The guild seems to be the kind of guild that can only be attended by the rich."

"Is the evaluation of our business outsiders like this?" I looked at the Siberian Blood Crystal Flower in surprise and asked. Said: "Where did you hear these things before?"

"It's on the job introduction forum."

"The job introduction forum?"

"It’s a forum dedicated to introducing jobs to professional players. It will show some tasks posted by guilds or individuals, but there is no specific way to accept them. If you are sure to do it, you must apply to them and then Will check

whether your strength is enough to accept such a task, then once you are sure to accept and meet the requirements, the other party will sign an agreement with you, and then tell you where you can receive this task, you just Go and collect the task and complete it.

If the task is completed, you need to pay a certain fee to the forum for them. If the task fails, you don’t have to pay. But if your task fails, it’s in their place Bian’s credit rating will drop, and if your credit is too low, there are many good tasks you can’t get."

"I rely on this forum to listen to Why does it seem to be a player’s employment agency?"

"In fact, it is!"

I thought about it and suddenly changed the subject and asked: "Then Siberian Blood Crystal Flower …Eh, is there an abbreviation for your name?"

"Just call me Blood Crystal Flower."

"Good Blood Crystal Flower. Your previous income level is OK It's not very high, so do you have any expectations about your income after joining our Frost Rose League in the future?"

"Expectations?" Blood Crystal Flower looked at me in surprise and asked. : "Do you mean how much income I can decide by myself?"

"Of course not to leave you alone To design your income level, but I can make adjustments based on the expectations you give, at least can I know your approximate hopes. "

Blood Crystal Flower hesitated a little when he heard what I said, and then asked: "Is it possible that you will also accept if I offer a high price?" "

When I heard this, I slightly smiled and said, "Although it is true in theory, but if your request is too outrageous, you should know that it will not do you any good. "

Blood Crystal Flower suddenly smiled and said: "I knew that you Big Boss are cheapskate." Don't worry, for the mercenaries who have been outside for so long, I still know how much money I can get. My expectations are not high. As long as you can guarantee that my income will exceed two thousand two hundred crystal coins every month, I will be satisfied. At fifteen thousand. "

"That's it. "

The Blood Crystal Flower on my side just opened my mouth and immediately looked at me nervously and asked, "What's wrong?" Is my price too high? "

"That's not true. "I suddenly said with a smile: "It's just that you didn't expect your expectations so low, I thought you would directly ask me for tens of thousands of crystal coins from Lion's big mouth!" "

"Tens of thousands? "Blood Crystal Flower asked in surprise: "That kind of income level may not be available to some frontline mercenaries, right?" "

I shook my head and said: "You didn't know that the high price might be because the agency you are in is a low-end employment agency. If you have been to an intercontinental career The introduction center will understand that the gap between the rich and the poor

in that kind of place is very large. Some players can earn more than 20,000 or 30,000 crystal coins per month, and some can only earn three to five hundred crystal coins a month. That's it. "

"I've seen people with a monthly income of three to five hundred, but three to fifty thousand..."

"Don’t be so surprised. For some high-end players, each As long as you have one or two missions a month, help a guild or this one or two kill high level BOSS, and then burst out something, you can basically achieve this kind of income. "

"When you said that, I suddenly felt that I had failed before. "

"This is not your problem, but your agency's problem. "I said suddenly: "That's right. It happens that there is nothing wrong for the time being, I will arrive at Isengard Mobile Fortress in a while, I will give you a way to arm it, right? "

"What does it mean to find a way to arm it?" "

"That means I will find you some high level equipment and replace all your broken body. "

"Tattered? "Blood Crystal Flower said in surprise: "My body is all high-level goods, how can it be said to be tattered?" In order to get this set of equipment, I had to eat convenience food for three months in a row before I scraped together enough money to buy it! "

"First, you may have been slaughtered. Second, the things you buy are only high-level goods in your opinion. Anyway, in my opinion, your body is only a little better than the whiteboard equipment sold in the store. "

"Are you kidding me?" Although the high level whiteboard equipment in the store has zero magic attributes, the basic attributes are actually pretty good, right? "

"True high level players never go to the store to buy equipment, because that kind of place simply won't have high level equipment. Now that I have told you, you don’t know it. I’ll see after I sign the contract. Lucky for you today, I'm so free. As the president of the Frost Rose League, I can call the guild resources for you at will. If you want something good in the future, you will have to spend money to buy it. . So today, you'd better have everything you have on your body. After you pass this village, there will be no more

this shop. "

Of course, I’m not really idle. I have to accompany the Blood Crystal Flower to get equipment. Besides, our guild’s benefits don’t include free access to high level equipment. Our guild’s After a member joins the guild, if his equipment is really bad, then he

can receive the standard equipment of the guild for free, that is, the chaos suit or the order suit. The two sets of guild equipment are not But the set is complete, and the attribute is very good, at least more practical than the equipment that most players match by themselves.

Although in the attribute of a single piece of equipment, no one has made this suit by themselves. Things are great, but because our equipment is a complete set, the attribute matching must be more reasonable than that of the parts. Therefore, the actual battle strength

is actually not as general as the attribute shown. Besides, Even if we compare them according to the attribute numbers, the attributes of our two sets of guild equipment can definitely be ranked in the upper middle level of the player’s equipment.

It is precisely because of the two sets of standards of our guild. The equipment is very good, so many of the players in this guild are indeed wearing guild suits. Moreover, generally when our guild does some face engineering, everyone will also change to the guild suit

< p>Clothing, after all, the entire guild is equipped with the same equipment. It looks like an army, and it looks more prestigious. You can imagine that if the regular army were all dressed in casual clothes worn at home during the Tiananmen Square parade. What kind?

So, neat guild equipment is very improving the imposing manner.

Of course, although our guild equipment is indeed good, it is universal after all. Impossible is suitable for everyone. Therefore, if you have good equipment, of course you still have to change it, but as a transitional product, it is definitely enough.

Therefore, we need to take special care of Blood Crystal Flower. Even the guild equipment is skipped directly. She must be equipped with all the equipment when she comes up. This is entirely to tie her to our guild completely. If it weren't for the eighth Will Yuexun’s secrets

be leaked out, how could I have the spare time to accompany her to find equipment?

It’s all of a sudden when we talk. Go to Blood Crystal Flower there and point to the front and yell. "Wow, what is that? Isn't it the mobile fortress you mentioned? "

"Isinger Mobile Fortress. "I reminded.

"Yes, that's the Isinger Mobile Fortress. Is this really something from your guild? "

" After signing this agreement, it is our guild's stuff, and your copy is in it. "I've got the contract for so long, so I just handed it over.

Because this contract is not a paper contract, but something similar to an electronic file, so even on the fly It can also be watched, but like everyone who arrived at Isengard for the first time, Blood Crystal Flower now simply has no other thoughts

to see what contract. Her attention has been completely absorbed The magnified Isinger Mobile Fortress is occupied.

At first, the distance from Isinger Mobile Fortress was far away. Only a vague image was revealed in the Isinger Mobile Fortress. At that time, although he knew that he was very large, it was actually But I can’t see it clearly. After all, even if it’s a planet, when the distance is far enough, there is only one bright spot left. No matter how big Isengard Mobile Fortress is, it will be affected by the distance.


But as we approached Isinger’s mobile fortress quickly, the vague little silhouette began to magnify at a terrifying speed. It occupies all our sights.

When you are less than one kilometer away from Isinger Mobile Fortress, Isinger Mobile Fortress is like a connection to Heaven to you. and Earth’s iron wall, with the sky on top and the ground below. All the places in your line of sight are occupied by the city

wall, except for this city wall, you can’t see anything at all. .

No matter how humans evolve, they are still animals. We also have animal instincts, and they are very strong. Animals in nature will instinctively judge the strength of a thing from its size, and larger things usually The stronger. So,

When a person stands in front of Isengard Mobile Fortress, even if you know that this is just a building, you will still feel unconscious heartbeat acceleration and adrenaline secretion surge. .

At first, the Blood Crystal Flower was still there constantly exclaiming, when we approached the Isengard Mobile Fortress less than two kilometers, she only had a gasp. At this time, she was already obvious. Excited, I don’t know what to say, although she is not our enemy

person, she won’t feel that Mount Tai is suffocating when Isengard’s mobile fortress appears on top of her head. oppression, but even if there is no fear factor in her mood, the powerful oppression of Isengard Mobile Fortress still makes her feel

breathing difficulties.

The Blood Crystal Flower was completely stunned. I waved to Kristina and the others who were following me. Listina was nodded to me, and then took August Xun and the others away from me.

First flew towards the center of Isinger Mobile Fortress. Blood Crystal Flower was so focused on the magnificence of Isengard Mobile Fortress that we did not notice at all that we were actually not flying towards Isengard Mobile Fortress in the direction of the center, but along Isengard's moving fortress.

< p> Grid moves around the periphery of the fortress.

In fact, I just want to use everything our guild has to conquer her, let her understand that only by joining our Frost Rose League can get the best treatment, and if she betrays us, it will only let her Fall into hell.

Under this thought, I did not fly directly into Isinger Mobile Fortress with the Blood Crystal Flower, but let the flying bird slow down and let us start flying around Isinger Mobile Fortress, and , In order to stimulate the Blood Crystal Flower to the greatest extent, I also secretly

use the communicator to contact the military god and make arrangements without hesitation.

Just as we flew a half circle around Isengard Mobile Fortress and flew from the front of Isengard Mobile Fortress to the back area, a huge building in this area suddenly blasted It moved with a sound. I saw this huge polygonal structure

The building broke apart from the middle, and then moved to the sides. Under the separated roof and wall, a huge object with a shape like science fiction but with obvious magical colors gradually revealed.

Because she has already flown half a circle around the city, Blood Crystal Flower has a very clear understanding of the city’s architecture, so she suddenly heard a loud noise and saw the huge thing start to move, she Immediately moved his attention to the past. After

I confirmed that she focused her attention on that thing, I secretly sent a signal, and then the fixed arms connected around the object in the huge building over there began to brave white The steam shrinks to both sides, and the object that was originally locked by a large number of fixed frames blew a ring of smoke in a low sound, and then slowly rose off the ground .

"Oh my god...what is that? A spaceship? You have a spaceship? It will not be a hot air balloon with a shell?"

"Of course not, What you see now is our guild’s main aerial battleship, which is an aerial battleship with powerful firepower and maneuverability. Her power system uses the latest type of solar furnace, which can produce a very stable reaction

The gravitational position offsets the gravity of the spaceship, and then only a small amount of power is needed to allow her to fly freely in the air like a bird."

"Is there really a spaceship?"< /p>

"Don't you believe it? We'll just go and visit in a while."

"Can I visit this?" Blood Crystal Flower asked excitedly.

I nodded and said: "Of course. As long as you sign that agreement, you will be a member of our Frost Rose League, which is considered to be something of your own guild. Of course, if you visit it, there will be no The problem. And, as long as you work hard to do things for the guild

, you can also let these aerial battleships help you complete the task."

"Help me complete the task?"

"Yes. You will know this later anyway, so I will tell you first. Players in our guild do not usually need to pay dues, but the guild will release some basic tasks every month to complete these characters. The equivalent to is the membership fee. No

The number of these basic tasks is very small, and they are all very simple, so our guild members will have a lot of free time after completing the guild tasks. You can arrange this time by yourself, and some members will consider taking advantage of this time

to receive some guild tasks in between. This kind of tasks other than the obligatory tasks that must be completed are all paid."< /p>

"It's like we were mercenaries before?" Blood Crystal Flower asked.

I nodded and said: "It's the same, but it's slightly different. The tasks in the guild are not entirely done by members, because we are our own guild to issue tasks to our members, so we Unlike those intermediaries who earn extra

income, and we will try our best to protect the interests of members. Therefore, in the task, we will provide as detailed information as possible, as long as our guild has the information, All can be provided to members who have accepted the task, so as to ensure that members are prepared to the greatest extent

. Moreover, if some tasks are difficult, we will give some reference suggestions, such as This task is suitable for a few people to complete, and everyone’s career matches."

Blood Crystal Flower seemed to have thought of something after hearing my words, her expression suddenly dimmed, but she immediately returned to normal. Then he said enviously: "It would be nice if we also had this kind of service before receiving tasks. We had to collect information for all the tasks we received at that time, except for those things in the task information. It is a black eye, and if we want to get more information from the intermediary, we have to spend money to buy it. In comparison, this benefit of your guild

is simply so touching! "

I said with a smile: "Of course. Yours is a profitable intermediary, how can you make money otherwise? Besides, you mercenaries have nothing to do with them, you don’t die or whatever. What does it matter to them? Of course they don’t need to provide additional information support for your life safety. Besides, as you said, those information can be sold for extra money, which is so profitable. Of course they will not let it go. But our guild is different here. Our task is to send it to our members. The loss of the members is the loss of our guild, so We will try our best to ensure the safety of our members. Not only we will analyze the task situation and give suggestions, but we also provide additional task assistance services."

"What is a task assistance service?"

"It is for you to find a helper or rent equipment."

"Is the equipment still available for rent?"

"Of course not in other places, but our bank will Yes, and it is only open to internal members."

"How exactly is this rental method?"

"According to the task content, give some in advance that may help improve the task Probability of completion equipment or support personnel. Oh, by the way, I haven’t told you this yet, do you know that there will be mobile angels in our guild?"

"Well, I have heard of this. It is said to be one It’s a robot-like thing made by a kind of magic."

I nodded and said: "It’s that kind of thing. And there are many models. Now there are quite a few in the Isengard Mobile Fortress. I can take you to see it. If you have money in the future, you can consider buying one or two with you as a bodyguard. "

"Can that thing still be sold?" "

"Only two-generation models are sold externally, and members can purchase any active-duty model. And the price is at least half cheaper than the price sold outside. "

"Then your guild is not dead?" "

I heard Blood Crystal Flower's words and pretended to be mysterious and whispered to her, "I told you, don't go out and talk nonsense." In fact, the mobile angels of our guild sell old goods that are eliminated, and not only will they not be depreciated, but the price will be

in turn, they will be sold at a price that is ten times the cost price. "

Blood Crystal Flower was surprised to hear that he covered his mouth and looked at me and said, "You can sell it like this?" "

I said with a smile: "Anyway, we are not forced to buy and sell. The prices are all marked in advance. If you think it is expensive, you can not buy it. And let me tell you that those who can actually buy these obsolete goods are actually affiliated households of our guild. Those general guilds don’t even have a place to buy them. The mobile angels of our guild will be eliminated and sold out only after new products come out. We simply will not produce new mobile angels specifically for export, so the number will not be too much. It is normal for several guilds to break the head for the purchase right of a mobile angel. "

"I feel more and more terrifying! "

"hehe, how else could our Frost Rose League become the first guild in this world?" "

Blood Crystal Flower thought for a while and said, "That's what I said. Oh, by the way, do you sell that spaceship too? And what do you mean that I can get help from them? "

"It's the task system I mentioned before. As long as you become a member of our Frost Rose League, you can accept the mission, and after completing the mission, what we give is not money, but guild contribution. "

"What is that?" "Blood Crystal Flower asked.

"The guild contribution is a kind of internal currency of our guild. You do tasks or do things in the guild as long as it is good for the guild. Will get a certain degree of guild contribution, just like internal points. Our guild also

There is also a huge Exchange System, which includes many different units. Among them are banks. You can use the guild contribution to go directly to the bank of the guild to directly exchange crystal coins, but so far I have never seen anyone who does this.


"Why? "Blood Crystal Flower asked suspiciously.

"It's very simple. Because our guild’s guild contribution is very tight and can be used to do a lot of things that Crystal Coins can’t do, so no one will exchange guild contribution. It can be said that if you want to use the guild contribution to exchange for crystal coins, it is definitely a problem with your head. Moreover, even if someone really wants to redeem this thing because of lack of money, there will be players who will be the first to redeem your guild contribution, instead of letting you go to the bank to redeem, after all, this

Things are very popular in our guild. "

"Don't tell me that spaceship can be purchased with guild contribution. "

"It's almost the same. "I explained in the surprised eyes of Blood Crystal Flower: "The guild contribution is almost a universal currency in our guild. You can use it to exchange various services and resources in the guild, and you can also go to the guild trading system. Buy some

high level equipment or consumables. In addition, some of the guild equipment of the guild that cannot be owned by the player can also be rented with guild contribution. For example, if you want to search a certain area, you can use the guild contribution to purchase the guild’s reconnaissance equipment to conduct a carpet-like investigation of this area. Also, under our Isengard Mobile Fortress, there is a radiation cannon for the city, you know, right? "

Blood Crystal Flower nodded said: "I know this. I heard that a single shot can destroy a city. "

"Yes. It is indeed possible to destroy a city with a single shot, and this sabotage cannon can also be used to exchange guild contribution for attack services. You can specify a target to move the Isengard mobile fortress of our guild to move past, and then use this cannon

A shot. Of course, although this service is strong enough, the guild contribution required is also amazing. After all, Isinger Mobile Fortress needs a lot of magic crystal to operate, and the radiation gun itself is also a money-burning ancestor. The money for a shot can basically make a rich player directly Bankrupt. Of course, as a guild weapon, its price is still acceptable. "

Blood Crystal Flower no longer knows what to say after hearing what I said. Even this ultimate weapon can be bought, and the contribution of this guild is obviously greater than she thought. It’s a lot of exaggeration. However, what she doesn’t know is that she still underestimates the terrifying contribution of this guild, because she hasn’t visited our guild’s favorite egg yet. As well as the equipment trading market, as well as our guild’s large library and skill training center, she has never been to it, so she has no way to understand how important guild contribution is for the time being.

"You said that guild contribution can be used to rent that city destruction artillery, and it can also allow Isengard Mobile Fortress to help in the battle. Does that mean that I have the opportunity to use battleship as you just said? Is it possible to use the guild contribution to rent the battle

ship to help me fight? "

I nodded and said: "That's what I mean. All large-scale equipment of our guild can be rented as long as it is not performing guild tasks. Of course, the more powerful the weapon, the more exaggerated the rental fee, so you know, saving money is necessary no matter where it is. "

"The guild contribution rate is really a good thing, but I was hired by you for money. I don't know how to get my guild contribution rate? Do you also do the same tasks as others? Wouldn't you consider my salary as payment for tasks? "

"Of course not. "If it is an ordinary person, I would definitely directly nodded, but Blood Crystal Flower is different. The purpose of letting her join our Frost Rose League is not to add one more member to our guild, but to seal the news, so we don’t

Mind to give some benefits. No matter how much Blood Crystal Flower is consumed, how much can she spend alone? On the contrary, if Matsumoto's identity is revealed, then our loss is not to say that the Blood Crystal Flower is spent. It’s tens of millions of times.

Furthermore. After Blood Crystal Flower joins our guild, it may not be a loss-making business.

Actually, Blood Crystal Flower This player’s foundation is still good. She can see that after two moves with Zhenhong, she is actually very talented for fighting, just because her equipment and attributes are relatively ordinary, and because she has been a mercenary for a long time.

Mission, I don’t have time to polish my fighting skills, so I look very general. But it’s like jade stone needs to be polished, as long as there are gems in it, polishing is simply not a problem.

"How is my reward calculated? "Blood Crystal Flower asked.

"Your remuneration is clearly written in the contract, you just have to look at it. "I pointed to the crystal ball that I gave her before. That thing is the carrier of the contract. As long as she signs that thing, our secret will be kept.

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