Chapter 378 Buying

"Why do you suddenly remember to ask this?" Miss Wizard looked at me questioningly and asked, "You shouldn't Do you want to be a professional player too? I'm afraid no one can afford to be a player like you!"

"I don't want to be a professional player."

"No ? Then why do you ask me how much I earn?"

"Just ask. Why? Is your income level confidential?"

"That's not the case." Miss Wizard thought After thinking about it: "Our business is different from ordinary company employees or workers. We are equivalent to freelance, so our income is very unstable, and there are classifications for professional players. Like me I am a full-time mercenary, and my income is a little more stable. Generally speaking, I charge on a working day, and a working day is eight hours. If you want me to serve 24 hours a day, that day will count. Three working days. My charge for each working day is 67 crystal coins. However, because I am not hired all the time, the actual income is not high. I barely make ends meet."

"67 crystal coins a working day? That's not too high? Based on this income, don't you need 201 crystal coins a day? Don't you earn more than 6,000 crystal coins a month? That's more than 60,000 renminbi! Even if you are Russia The price level is higher than ours, the income is not low, right?"

"I have said that I am not always invited. Let’s talk about it. There is no one. Work 24 hours a day, 30 days a month without rest? Actually, my monthly income is more than two thousand crystal coins. Normally, my monthly income is actually only one thousand five to one. It’s only between a thousand and eight hundred crystal coins."

"That’s it." I thought for a while and asked: "Have you considered going abroad for work?"

"Going abroad "The guide lady was obviously quite surprised at my question, but she quickly reacted and asked: "Why should I go abroad?"

"For example, a foreign guild hires you?"

"Foreign guilds?" The wizard was obviously taken aback, then suddenly looked at me and asked: "Aren't you trying to tell me you want to hire me?"

It looks like a wizard The young lady is not stupid, at least she has guessed my intention. Anyway, sooner or later this matter has to be explained, so I simply admitted: "Yes, I hope to invite you to join our guild. What do you think?"

"Join the Frost Rose League? What do you mean? Did you make me a member of the Frost Rose League, and then you paid me?" The wizard was stunned for a long time before asking: "Are you sure what you mean is what I understand?"

I nodded said: "Yes. I will pay and hire you to join our Frost Rose League."

After hearing I admit it, she suddenly took two steps back on the chest protector with both hands and looked guarded. Then I asked: "You don't want me... you want me to provide that kind of service, do you?"

"That kind of service?" I was completely stunned by what the other party said. Do I look like a pervert? Why does she think of that kind of thing? Although the game "Zero" can indeed have sex in the game, there is indeed an ancient profession that sells its own flesh, and in some areas, this profession is still a legalized profession recognized by the system. However, Russia and China are indeed not included in this list. This kind of industry is absolutely illegal in both of our countries.

"hahahahaha..." Gold coin and Zhenhong who stood next to me upon hearing the other party's words suddenly laughed together.

I slapped the gold coin around me angrily, and said, "Don't laugh. I'm doing business." After I said that, I turned to the guide lady and asked: "Why do you have this? Kind of thought?"

The wizard lady knew from our reaction just now that she must have misunderstood something before, so she cautiously said: "If this is not the case, why are you paying for me? Although I am not very concerned about the dynamics of various countries, but I still know a little bit about the basic situation. Your Frost Rose League is now known as the most popular guild in the world, and the two most famous features of your guild are the super strict membership screening and the The club benefits are super exaggerated. It can be said that as long as the Frost Rose Alliance speaks to recruit people, thousands of people will immediately flock to break their heads and want to join. But you can invite me to join. A little bit of strength, it’s not an exaggeration that you invite me. But when you invite me to join, you still have to give me money. You have to say that you have no special intentions..."

"Shape, I understand That's it!" After a long time, I was too eager, and it scared Miss Guide. But speaking of which is also true. The benefits of our guild are notoriously good. In this case, as long as we ask for someone, basically no one will refuse. Unless it is the kind of enemy who has been in a state of mortal enemy with us before, or the kind of unconventional individual, under normal circumstances, most people cannot refuse the powerful welfare system of our guild. So, if I talk about income, everyone will understand, but if I spend money to hire people, this is a bit too exaggerated.

The wizard lady saw that I understood and asked, "But seeing your performance just now seems to be due to other reasons. May I know why you want me to join so eagerly? "

The question asked by Miss Wizard is very reasonable, but the question is how should I answer it? We can't tell her clearly that there is a problem with our relationship with August Xun and the others. Can't we expose something? Isn't that the same as not making self-inflicts and taking the initiative to provoke one's own bottoms?

"About this question..." I thought about it for a long time and didn't know how to answer it. I just got stuck there and didn't know how to go on.

Kristina saw that I hadn’t reacted for a long time and she rushed forward and said, "We also have a little bit of unspeakable concealment, but you have to believe that we are not malicious. Besides, even if we have any purpose, it is for you. It should also be irrelevant. We will definitely pay you, and you will get all the benefits of our guild. This is no different from your previous job, which should only benefit you. In addition, the most important One thing is that the amount of remuneration we will give will definitely not be comparable to your previous income. Do you think this reason is sufficient?"

"Enough, absolutely enough." Guide The lady smiled at Kristina and I and hehe replied: "As long as you give the money, I don't care what you want me to do. But I have to sign an agreement first."

"No problem."


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