The effect of having internal personnel’s first-hand information is different. With the help of the former Siberian Divine Race personnel manager, we quickly recovered from those who were hesitant A small number of personnel were persuaded to be demoted, and even those who were going crazy were persuaded to demote two or three. But the rest of the staff is more troublesome. According to the information given by this person, the remaining people either have no special preferences, or are the faithful dogs of the former leader of the Siberian Divine Race.

For this kind of people, the only thing we can do is martial power.

Although martial power does not need to move your mouth, it also needs to be treated differently. Because the game "Zero" uses a cyclic interaction system similar to animal chess, in addition to the fully developed type like me, most players will have one or two things that are particularly afraid of attributes or battle methods. Of course, NPC also applies this rule. So we asked the new Divine Race member of Chaos and Order who is a professional sales teammate in advance, and then figured out the general direction of the attributes and weaknesses of those guys, and then began to implement arrest operations.

A member of the Siberian Divine Race was flying randomly in the maze. He suddenly noticed a black shadow flashing past his eyes. Then he immediately turned around, and suddenly hit a magic missile behind him. Although it was only the lowest magic, this magic missile started him because it was actually a rare poison missile.

Magic missiles are not magic missiles. As the lowest enlightenment magic, magic missiles are actually a manifestation of magical energy compression. Simply put, the magic missile is a magic ball of light. When it is launched, it will look a bit like a comet, but the tail is much shorter, not as exaggerated as a comet. According to the different basic elements that make up magic missiles, magic missiles can be divided into various types, such as bright magic missiles, Fire Element magic missiles, and Water Element magic missiles. Anyway, apart from space-based magic elements, they can’t form magic missiles. Almost all the magic elements of the series can correspond to a kind of magic missile.

This poison missile is a magic missile composed of magic elements of the poison system.

Poisoning in "Zero" is not a chemical substance, but a magic element. There is indeed an element called toxin element in the magic system here. This element is said to be a composite element, and its basic nature should be a complex element composed of dark element, Fire Element, Earth Element, Metal Element, and Water Element. But the magic theory involved in that thing is too esoteric, and it doesn't make much sense to the average player. Most players can use it as long as they know that there is such an element, so there is no need to care about how it is composed.

Although the elemental magic of the toxin system does exist, there is a serious flaw in this system, that is, it seems that the resistance of the toxin system is particularly proliferation. Among the various elemental resistances, the equipment, skills and innate talents with anti-poison attributes are the most. Not only are they very effective, but they are also easy to obtain. Players with very low levels will often get very high poison resistance. , So this toxin system has never had a big effect. After all, with the skills that everyone can resist, what can you do if you can?

Just as market demand determines upstream production capacity, the resistance of players also determines the attacker's choice of attack. Because the resistance of the poison system is so widespread, most players will not choose the magic of this system. After all, the weakness of the toxin system is too obvious. Firstly, physical contact must occur to poison the target. Secondly, this skill is better than lethality. Not only is the lethality low, but the effect is not sudden, but slow. kick in. This method determines that most players will not consider this ability. After all, after you poison the enemy, the opponent will definitely notice you, but you will not poison him for a while. During this period, you have to find a way to escape, try your best Cannot be caught by the opponent. You said, who would like to use this busy skill? Of course, toxin type skills also have a good ability to control the field, because poisoning can cause various problems with the enemy’s combat capability, such as paralysis, sluggishness, dizziness, loss of strength, etc., which are all symptoms that may be caused by toxins. But the problem is that compared with the toxins that require direct contact to take effect, the curse type that can be cast silently in the air is obviously more effective, and whether it is the concealment of the sorcerer or the effect of the magic itself, the toxin type is obviously inferior to the curse. Tie.

Under such an environment, it can be said that almost no one will use poison magic, even those who can use it will have one or two auxiliary class toxins due to some special reasons. Magic, people who really rely on toxins to fight are just like endangered animals.

Because there are few people using toxin magic, this guy who was attacked would be so surprised. Of course, there is another reason why he is so surprised, that is, his weakness happens to be that the poison resistance is almost zero.

Although the devil beasts, players and NPCs outside are generally very resistant to poison, this does not mean that everyone is not afraid of toxins. In fact, there are people with zero anti-drug ability, but they are as rare as those who rely solely on toxin attacks. What's very unlucky is that this guy happens to be such an unlucky person with almost zero poison resistance, and he just discovered that some people on our side actually use toxin magic. Although it is only the lowest magic missile, considering that his magic resistance is almost zero, even the lowest poison type magic is actually quite lethal to him.

"Huh? Actually, there is really no poison!" Just when the guy was surprised, Kristina was also looking at the result of her attack and exclaimed in surprise. "I didn't expect to encounter Divine Race with no poison resistance. Some of them are playing now. Okay, you all retreat. Toxin magic has no friendly exemption. I don't want to pit you with you."

Hearing Kristina’s reminder, the people in her group quickly stepped back, and Kristina quickly completed a magic wand pointed forward. Then I saw a large group of green clouds flying out from the tip of the staff.

After becoming an elemental wizard, Kristina has acquired a very abnormal ability, that is, mastery of magic. The description of this ability is for Kristina to learn all kinds of magic, but in fact, not all magic is really available. There is some knowledge about magic that everyone can touch and some high level magic that everyone can touch in the future, but there is no rare or special kind of magic. However, even without those rare or special types of magic, Kristina suddenly learned hundreds of thousands of types of magic because of this attribute. Of course, considering that the magic in "Zero" is proficient in level existence, only by practicing a level of magic, the lethality of this magic will gradually be revealed, so Kristina did not impossible to put these hundreds of thousands of magic Use them all. For one thing, I can't remember it, and secondly, I can't show the effect. In fact, Kristina just selected some more practical or unilaterally outstanding magics and summarized them and made a separate list of skills. The skills in this list have all reached the full level, but the skills above are not in this list. She generally doesn't use it.

The green cloud-like magic that Kristina used just now is not in her skill list, which means that she has never used this magic before, but considering Kristina Na is now the Queen of Elements. When all the magic is released, the formidable power is automatically doubled, and the damage is fixed and maximized, so even if she uses ordinary magic, she will not go anywhere. Moreover, the equipment on Kristina's body is not ordinary. Many of the equipment in that set are equipped with magic skill levels, so all the basic levels of Kristina's magic are not level zero, but Level 7. In other words, she has just learned a magic, and she already has Level 7 proficiency when she first releases it, and because the added skill proficiency of equipment and attributes does not affect the upper limit of her cultivation skill proficiency, so Chris Dina's magic can be restricted by breakthrough Level 20. Others can't get up to Level 20. Although she still can't get up to Level 20, but because of the additional equipment, the actual skill level is often as high as 30 or even 4 to 5 Level 10. Of course, the most abnormal one is the magic missile released by Kristina, because this is her housekeeping skill, so many of her equipment are specially strengthened for this skill, so that Kristina's magic missile is proficient. The level has now reached the seventh 15th level. The highest level of other people is 20, and her magic missile proficiency is 7 15th level. Thinking about it, I feel abnormal.

The green cloud that Kristina threw out just now is the high level magic of the toxin system-the highly toxic cloud. It should be regarded as a field-controlling magic, but now it can be used on this guy. Basically become an ultimate weapon. The non-toxic guy started screaming as soon as he came into contact with this thing, and then he began to blisters on a large area, and he continued to shed pus and blood. It looked as if the whole person had been splashed with sulfuric acid, as if everyone wanted it. Melted away.

Seeing such terrifying skills, the people around and Kristina's group all took a few steps back, but Kristina didn't respond. She happily threw this toxin cloud one by one, until the guy’s limbs and eyes were corroded away, but when it was made like this, no one dared to touch that guy in the end, and she was not afraid of two. The mobile angel of poison went up and carried this guy back to our side to let Vina draw Divine Soul.

According to other former Siberian Divine Races who surrendered, this corroded messy guy should be considered a very powerful character. He should also be considered a first-line expert in the Siberian Divine Race, but it’s a pity. The toxin-type magic basically stopped cooking, and even the resistance was completely dealt with without much resistance. This is the effect of attribute suppression, which can be said to be very scary. That's why I dare not specialize in a certain attribute, because I'm afraid that if I run into a guy who suppresses me and gets abused, I won't be able to fight back.

While this guy here is being abused by Kristina, a Siberian Divine Race on the other side is also being ravaged by real red. This guy's battle strength is actually very strong, but because the news leaked, he also tragically ran into his nemesis.

The battle method this guy is good at is launching a short steel cone. The attack power is very terrifying, and it can attack remotely. It can be said to be a very strong ability. However, this guy's shortcomings are as obvious as his strengths, that is, he actually has no defensive power. This guy’s attacks are of long-range type, and he has high agility, so he hides out of the enemy’s attack range in battle, and then uses powerful long-range attacks to press the enemy in a certain area. Kill.

This kind of battle method was originally good, but it's a pity that this guy is really red.

What are the fighting characteristics of True Red? That is the incomparable attack power, coupled with asymmetric flexibility. Generally speaking, people with too high agility usually have certain limitations. This feature is very obvious for warrior players. However, the attribute feature of the True Martial suit on True Red is to ignore the weight of the equipment, because True Red has every punch The attack power is calculated in tons, but in fact her agility is high and scary. In addition, True Red also has a Divine Dragon as a familiar, so her mobility is almost the same as that of assassin. Playing Agile in front of such an opponent is purely courting death, so that guy is a tragedy.

As soon as the hapless guy saw Zhen Hong rush out of the mist, he started attacking with his steel cone, but Zhen Hong directly punched him at a distance of seven or eight meters. The shock wave produced by that punch directly flew the steel cone he launched, and he actually threw this guy directly at a distance of seven or eight meters. When he finally stabilized his figure, he realized that Zhen Hong had actually rushed in front of him. Then, unlike what he thought, Zhen Hong did not open two fists to attack him, but stretched out first. He squeezed his shoulder with one hand, and then the other hand began to fist and violently attack.

Because one of the shoulders was pinched, this guy simply couldn't get away from the real red, and when he was close, he would do damage faster than anyone else. No one can do this kind of thing except I guess. arrive. So the guy was unfortunately beaten into a pig head after more than a hundred punches after ten seconds.

Things like this continue to happen on the surrounding battlefields. Because the information was leaked in advance, under our targeted attacks, these Siberian Divine Races were not cheap at all, but they were everywhere. Suppressed and beaten by us. What they are good at staying on our side will not work, because the people they suppress have been transferred to deal with others. And their own defensive ability has become a decoration, because we are all fighting combinations specifically for their weaknesses, all of them what one fears is what comes to pass.

Of course, there are still relatively few types of dead ends like Kristina and Zhenhong encountered. Most of them are only slightly partial, and then we are Grasping this loophole to expand the results a little bit, and finally cut all these people under the horse.

"Huh, how many are there?" Vina asked after wiping the non-existent sweat on her head.

"I'll count." I turned around and looked at the pile of bottles beside me, then said: "There are already thirty-three."

"That's it?" Vina was surprised and said: "How do I feel like I have drawn more than a hundred Divine Souls?"

"Is this less?" I said in surprise: "Please, this is Divine Soul. It’s not Chinese cabbage. I think we worked hard for one or two Divine Souls at the beginning, and now we can earn more than 30 Divine Souls at once. What can we complain about?"

"Unfortunately, the quality is not good. High!" Vina said.

"This is actually good." Hades said with Divine Soul, the leader of the Siberian Divine Race.

"The one I plan to send to make an artificial soul later, don't make a mistake." Seeing Hades holding the Divine Soul, I quickly reminded Hades to pay attention.

Hades nodded put the Divine Soul aside, and then asked me: "What about these Divine Souls? Can't all be made into Power of Faith storage tanks, right?"

"What do we need so many storage tanks for?" I said directly: "You can use a few to make storage tanks. I want to use all of the extra to produce artificial souls. Now our guild's technology is very difficult to deal. With, many researchers have told me that they want to see what a Divine Grade mobile angel made with Divine Soul as the basis would look like."

"Divine Soul are we using?" The Queen of Blades and the Ghost did not know when they also landed beside us and said.

"You two are different." I turned around and explained to both of them. "Although the artificial souls on your body are also made of Divine Soul, what you don’t know is that your artificial souls were experimental models at the time, so when they were made, many things were made by touching the stones and crossing the river. We dare not use Divine Soul Soul’s abilities are fully utilized. And another very important problem is that the Divine Soul you two use is not only the Divine Soul of the very low-level little god, but also Divine Soul is not complete. At the time, we were sneaking in the United States. The Divine Soul that came back can only be extracted with a simple extractor in the wild. The Divine Soul that is extracted from that kind of thing is directly unconscious, and the Divine Soul that Vina extracts can be brought back to life as long as it is stuffed into a body. Soul is not a level thing at all!"

"Damn, we are all defective products!" said the ghost.

"You can't say that! At least the things on your body are very expensive." I recalled the materials used on both of them. That is hundreds of millions of crystal coins! They were all smashed on these two mobile angels by those technical madmen. Of course, the performance of the Queen of Blades and the Ghost is still commendable, so the money spent is not too wrong.

We were talking about Hong Yue. Suddenly he ran over from a short distance, and then shouted: "Purple Moon, come here."

I looked at Hong suspiciously. Yue, and then it suddenly occurred to me that Hong Yue might have called me on behalf of Masaka Matsumoto. Matsumoto Masaga hadn't left during the previous battle, and he couldn't leave after the Mislock system was activated. Although Masaga Matsumoto is ours, the problem is that the thing called "Mishou" belongs to an automatic system. It cannot understand the complicated relationship between us and Masaga Matsumoto. According to the method of identification of friend or foe recognized by the system, Masaga Matsumoto should be regarded as an outright hostile person, so if Masaga Matsumoto wants to get out of Isinger Mobile Fortress in that situation, he will race with those poor Siberian Divine Races. The same became a headless fly. Of course, we can arrange for people to lead the way, but the problem is that Matsumoto's identity is too special. We don't want to let unrelated people know that Matsumoto is ours, so I plan to let him go after the battle is over. .

After I figured it out, I immediately confessed to Wei Na and the others, and then hurriedly followed Hong Yue to the command center of the God of War, where Matsumoto Masaka was still waiting. Seeing me coming, he immediately ran over and asked: "President, when will you send me out? August Xun and the others are still chasing Ghost Sou Nobunaga."

"What did you say? Nobunaga Onishe in the vicinity?"

Masaga Matsumoto nodded and said: "I just came after him. According to the feedback of a spy in the guild of Nobunaga Onishe. Information, this ghost hand Nobunaga probably came here to receive some special equipment, so we wanted to come over to sabotage his actions, and even snatch that equipment."

"It's just a nonsense. "I said angrily: "What your mission is, I told you very clearly before. I spent so much effort to get you to act in front of Nobunaga Guishou, why don't you know? You are now Tracking Nobunaga Guishou in this way, does this mean that you are hostile to him? What I need is that you pretend to be the image of the country, as long as Nobunaga Guishou understands that you are not targeting him, but just want It’s just to strengthen yourself. But you now..."

After being reprimanded by me, Masaka Matsumoto did not become depressed, but explained: "We also know what you intend to grow, but the problem is ghosts. Nobunaga has actually become completely hostile to us since the last Baqi Orochi incident. No matter how he poses in front of him, he is also impossible to regard us as passers-by again!"

Hong Yue interjected infrequently: "Purple Moon, I also think that Matsumoto's words make sense on this matter. Our previous plan did not include the eight-headed snake, but now the sudden appearance of the eight-headed snake is messing up. In addition to our entire plan, plus the current Russian players don’t seem to know where to get a bunch of magic technology, and they have formed an alliance with Guishou Shinda. Our previous strategic decisions have actually been made. It's not very suitable anymore."

Hong Yue's words made me stunned for a moment, but when I think about it, it seems to make sense. However, the players in China, Japan and Russia have changed too much recently. I am not sure for a while whether it is necessary to modify the previous plan. After all, so much has been done, and temporary modification is not so easy.

"Otherwise, we will have a meeting right away to discuss this matter again." Then I looked towards Matsumoto Masaga: "But your pursuit plan must be suspended immediately, until we finally decide After that, we will see if it needs to be executed."

"Yes, I understand." Nodded Matsumoto confirmed.

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