"Xun." After accepting the order, Masaka Matsumoto immediately opened the communicator and contacted August Xun and Ying Yu Shen Hina. "The president said to cancel the operation. Our plan needs to be rescheduled. You will be withdrawn right away. The Isengard Mobile Fortress is still in this area. We can open a special Transmission Formation interface for you separately. You can use any Transmission Scroll to return directly. Here."

"I'm afraid I can't do it." August Xun has some gasping for breath replied.

Listening to the strange voice of August Kaun, Masaka Matsumoto frowned suspiciously and asked: "Can you say it again? Your voice sounds very difficult to deal with."


"I said I might not be able to do it." August Xun replied: "We have encountered a little trouble, and we are now eliminating it."

"Trouble? What do you mean?"


"It's trouble, loose this Monarch!" Chi Fire Dragon Ji's voice suddenly inserted into the newsletter and shouted: "If you haven't gone far, how about a reinforcement? We are in trouble here. It's big!"

"What's the big trouble? What's going on with you?" Masaga Matsumoto asked out loud suspiciously.

Because Matsumoto Masaka's voice is getting louder and louder, the result is that everyone on our side has heard their voices. I walked over and put Matsumoto's shoulder on the shoulders and asked, "What's the matter?"

Matsumoto covered the earphones and said to me: "Augussuki Kaoru and the others seem to be in trouble. Now they are in trouble. It seems that I’m picking up with the enemy, and I can’t get out for the time being! I heard the voices seem to be playing fiercely."

"That's bad!" I said embarrassedly: "Your identities are too special. , I can’t send people to support you, otherwise our relationship will be exposed. If it’s in Japan, I can still use the guise of special operations to get past. This is Russia. If we have anything to do with you in this situation ......"

"Actually, I think that as long as the excuse is reasonable, it will be the same everywhere." The military god suddenly shouted at me loudly on the console.

I looked back towards the military god on the console, which was at least a dozen meters away from us, and then opened the mouth and said: "Can you please eavesdrop on other people's words and not be so blatant, okay?"

"All of your communicators are transferred through me. If I don't listen to your conversations, the communicators will be useless. By the way, I seem to have heard August Kaun and Chi Fire Dragon. Ji’s dialogue, they are currently fighting with a group of magic puppets. If my guess is okay, it should be the kind of reloaded puppets you have seen before."

"What do you mean by Knight? "

"So you call them that way?" The military god said suddenly, and then suddenly he turned to the console and was busy on it for a while, and then said in a more nervous voice: "Just now It was confirmed that a psionic eruption occurred, and Isengard Mobile Fortress showed a high-energy response six degrees west of north."

"High-energy response?"

"Psionic creature, pure Energy system species, but the energy intensity is very high. At least it is at the Divine Race level."

"So many Divine Races have been killed, not bad for this one." I said to Masaga Matsumoto Said: "You wait here first. I will take someone to reinforce August Xun and the others. You are responsible for making some excuses for us."

"Isn't this a ready-made excuse?" Jun God pointed to the large monitor above his head and said: "Investigate sudden spiritual energy fluctuation. You can't think of such a good excuse?"

"That's what I said." I nodded and said: "Then Masaka Matsumoto, you are here Wait here, and I will go back. The army divine ability knows true red, gold coin, Kristina, come with me."


I After leaving the command center of the military god, summon went directly out of the bird and jumped up, and just as we took off here, we saw three more long spears in the city, carrying people from different positions and heading towards me. Gradually leaned in.

"What's the matter?" After Zhenhong caught up, she put away her long spear and jumped on my bird's back. Kristina and gold coin also jumped over. . Although the normal long spear cannot carry four people at the same time, my bird is different from the long spear. The number of people marked is two people, and because of the characteristics of the equipment, the real red has no actual weight, and the gold coin It is only two hundred catties to tie a piece with Kristina. It is not a big problem for the bird to carry the weight of the three of us, at least it is quite stable to fly.

While the three of them came up with me, I told them about the current situation. Zhen Hong finally asked me: "At that time, should we mainly rescue August Xun and the others or investigate the psionic creature?"

"Both are the main tasks, but the rescue is the main task, but Be careful not to be seen by others. Our external pretense is to investigate the psionic creature."

"Ok, we understand."

After I got the confirmation, I let Asuka a little bit Speeding up a little bit, and then it took us more than a minute to fly to the place where the spiritual energy fluctuation was detected before.

Generally speaking spiritual energy fluctuation this thing is only for undead creatures, because construct creatures are usually soulless, so they don’t emit spiritual energy fluctuation. Although most ordinary creatures have souls, the problem is that creatures with fleshy bodies will confine their soul fluctuations. Therefore, unless they are specialized psionic wizards, ordinary creatures will not directly emit spiritual energy fluctuations. . In this respect, undead creatures can be regarded as a kind of special existence. The subject of undead creatures is soul, so undead creatures must have spiritual energy fluctuation, which is the same as those living creatures. However, the undead creatures either have no living tissue, or they don’t even have a body at all, and are directly a Soul Body, such as Nether Soul. Therefore, the bodies of undead creatures do not have living tissues that cover the soul fluctuations, so their soul fluctuations will always be emitted. Of course, powerful undead can actively control their own spiritual energy fluctuations. However, no matter how they are restrained, spiritual energy fluctuations will always exist, and it is as if ordinary people can control their abdominal muscles to reduce their abdomen or deliberately It sounds like your stomach, but who will keep that state for a long time? The same reason. Although undead creatures can also restrain their own spiritual energy fluctuations, usually they will not continue to maintain this state. Unless it is a covert action, their spiritual energy fluctuations will always be open. Therefore, undead creatures usually have relatively powerful spiritual energy fluctuation leakage.

However, although undead creatures often leak a large amount of spiritual energy fluctuations, the intensity of the fluctuations just told us by the military god is obviously beyond the normal range. Not to mention ordinary undead creatures, even Nether Soul Level 1 pure energy form undestructed creatures self-destruct, their spiritual energy fluctuations emitted at the instant of self-destruct will not be so strong. Just now, the military god also said that the detected spiritual energy fluctuation intensity is quasi-Divine Grade, which means that there is at least a ghost like Celestial Court in front of it.

Since it is an energy creature, it may not have an actual form, so the four of us immediately separated after arriving at the scene. I directly summoned the night shadow and stepped on it. Real Red also instantly called out her golden Divine Dragon, gold coin is riding her white Heavenly Fox, and Kristina is floating in midair by herself. , Surrounded by a large group of elemental elves.

"Have you sensed something?" I asked aloud.

"There is no induction at the moment." Christina said, pointing in one direction and said: "However, there is a wave of seemingly nonexistent fluctuations in that direction not far from us."< /p>

"Let's take a look." After I finished speaking, Ye Ying drove the first to run over, and Zhen Hong and the others immediately followed. However, we just started moving, and suddenly we felt a magic wave burst out immediately below us, and then we saw a shining colorful ball of light rising from the ground below. The ball of light rose slowly like a flare, and suddenly exploded after reaching our height.

Originally, we thought this thing came at us, but who knew it would explode on its own, and it didn’t seem to be lethal. However, although we were not hurt by this thing, we were immediately frowned because we finally found out what this thing was for.

"Damn it, forbidden domain!" Kristina frowned said: "The thing just now has the effect of expelling magic elements, and there is a hole in the surrounding magic net."

"It's useless to me anyway." Zhen Hong squeezed his wrist and said indifferently.

"Hey, are you taking care of your companion's emotions?" Kristina said to Zhenhong.

True red smiled slightly, and said: "Okay, you come to my side, I will let my dragon fly with you, lest you fall."

"Hey , Am I that weak?" Kristina waved her small fist pretentiously, but the person still flew to Zhen Hong and landed on top of her Divine Dragon.

While Zhenhong was joking with Kristina, there was mutation protruding on the ground below us. I saw that the originally normal ground suddenly opened dozens of covers, and then a large group of players and NPCs rushed out of it. When these people first came out, I thought they had designed an ambush circle and waited for us to jump in. Now they came out just to collect the net. However, after they ran out, I realized that these people were simply not coming at us, because they were obviously not coming up to besiege us, but running for their lives.

"Who can tell me what's going on now?" Gold coin asked in astonishment as he looked at the chaotic crowd below.

Zhen Hong also grabbed his head and said, "I am also confused. They should be ready to attack when they release the Forbidden Domain. Why did they run by themselves? Isn't the Forbidden Domain just for us? Prepared?"

"not quite clear." Kristina shrugged and said: "Anyway, I will rely on you when I fight for a while. I am a pure mage, unless I activate the elemental transformation, Otherwise I can't fight in the Forbidden Domain. So you guys have to work hard."

"By the way, Boss, where are August Xun and the others? Are you down here?" Gold coin suddenly asked.

I shook my head and said: "I don't know for now. I'll try to contact again."

When I connected to Communication again, the voice I heard was unexpectedly from the military god. , And the military god also directly told me that the communicators on August Xun and the three of them were all scrapped.

"Are you sure all three of their communicators are scrapped?" I asked in surprise.

Military god nodded and said: "The communication crystal itself is not easy to be destroyed. They are very sturdy, and they are not as easily damaged as real electronic products. But just now, the three of them All of the communicators suddenly lost contact at the same time. So I’m sure, if they didn’t enter some kind of shielded environment, then their communication crystal was destroyed by something. This should not be an ordinary weapon, and It is an energy explosion. The energy structure of the communication crystal is much weaker than its physical structure."

"Will it be the psychic explosion just now?"

"No, I still have news about them after that, it should be after that."

"Okay, I understand. I will go down to see the situation."

Since the military god didn’t get any useful information, we had to go down and see it personally. Fortunately, the previous psionic explosion gave us an excuse to come and investigate, otherwise we don’t know how to explain our coming here. The reason is up.

The exits on the ground are not small, so many exits go out at the same time, of course, the speed is very fast, but the number of people below seems to be quite large, since the first person ran out to now There is no slight reduction in personnel, and the surrounding wasteland is already full of people who are running desperately. The player still has the Transmission Scroll, which is directly teleported after coming out, but the NPC is not so lucky and can only run on his own legs.

"Come on, let's go down and take a look."

"But those people...?"

"They are busy running and won't care about us "As I said, I took away the night shadow, and the whole person fell to the ground in a free fall. The red helpless sighed picked up Kristina and jumped off the top of her dragon, and the dragon immediately followed her and swooped down after she jumped, but his body was It flew smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a miniature Divine Dragon as long as a small snake with only two chopsticks connected. It was wrapped around the true red right arm and turned into a golden relief of Divine Dragon.

On the edge of one of the exits on the ground, a large group of players and NPCs mixed together and swarmed out from unknown buildings under the ground. Because there was a large wasteland outside, the crowd immediately dispersed as soon as they left the exit. Come. However, just when a few Russian players rushed out of the underground exit and took out the Transmission Scroll to prepare for transfer, they suddenly felt a dark shadow in front of them, followed by a muffled sound, feeling the ground under their feet. There was a shaking, and at the same time a cold wind assaults the senses, which shook several people back and almost didn't fall.

After the sudden cold wind and dust flew past, several people put down their arms in front of them and looked towards the front, but they saw a man with black and gold armor all over half of the time. Standing in a kneeling posture less than five meters away in front of them, under the person's feet are a circle of radially distributed cracks extending to their feet.

A few people here were looking at me in a daze, and suddenly there was another flash next to me. With a boom, Zhen Hong directly hugged Kristina and hit the ground like me, but Zhen Hong obviously used her ability to slow down the impact, so it was not as exaggerated as I was, and the ground was crushed.

The few Russian players just saw the real red that fell and Kristina who was hugged by her, suddenly felt that a huge white silhouette fell lightly in front of them. In front of them. This huge silhouette is obviously an animal, standing there on all fours is more than three meters high. Behind the huge body are nine big fluffy tails that spread out like a peacock. Although there is no Nine-tailed Fox this thing in the Russian myth, it does not prevent the people in front of them from recognizing this thing. The tailed Fox, the Heavenly Fox with the imposing manner gold coin, is already a kind of signature existence, so the few people on the opposite side immediately recognized this white creature that is often active on the Sino-Russian battlefield.

"Can't you two be gentler?" Gold coin complained and jumped off his demon's back, and the people on the opposite side didn't find this creature's back until this time. There is still a man sitting. Of course, this is not the reason for their poor eyesight, but because the fur on the Heavenly Fox from gold coin is very good. This guy is covered with fine white hairs over a meter long, and although these hairs are soft to the touch, they don’t hang down like human hair at all, but as if they are not affected by gravity. The wind is blowing. Therefore, when the gold coin rides on its back, basically the whole person is wrapped in the hair, not paying attention to simply invisible.

I didn't pick up the gold coin at all, so she just complained casually anyway. Looking at the few Russian players who were frightened and stupefied before me, I walked over and took out a thin card and shook it in front of them and said: "One hundred crystal coins, who wants to be a prisoner?"

Some people didn't know if they didn't want it or didn't react, they all turned their eyes to me and looked at me stupidly. I just took out another one without saying a word. "Two hundred crystal coins."

"Me." A young and tall female player responded super fast, grabbing the crystal card in my hand and saying, "Anyway, I was only hired to help. If you need to ask anything, just ask."

"Where is this place? What's going on below? Why are everyone running away? And do you know that there was a sudden burst of super spiritual energy fluctuation just now? What's the matter?"

"Wow, slow down and cool!" The tall Russian girl thought for a while and said, "I only know part of the questions you asked. This place is a I don’t know the name of the guild to build a research institute, I was hired here as one of the guards. Everyone is running away because the alarm has sounded, but I don’t know why the alarm has sounded. As for what spiritual energy you are talking about I don’t know what’s going on with fluctuation."

After listening to this, I suddenly smiled at the girl and then took out two cards and asked: "Do you want to earn more than 200 crystal coins? ?"

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