Without the support of Power of Faith, the leader of the Siberian Divine Race is just a little better than the ordinary Divine Race and it is difficult. There are so many people here, and all of them are dedicated to Divine. For the special combatants of Race, we used to press down on that guy almost the whole time. In less than five minutes before and after, that guy was already covered in cuts and bruises, and was forced into a blind spot by a large group of people on our side. It was basically impossible to move. .

"Give you one last chance, surrender, or die. You choose."

"If you want me to surrender, you can dream." The guy wiped the corner of his mouth. After the blood stain, he stared at me fiercely with the eyes of a trapped beast, but his trembling corners of eyes revealed his true emotions. At this time, the leader of the Siberian Divine Race was actually very scared. In the five minutes of battle I have been letting others contain him, and all the wounds on his body were actually caused by me.

I am responsible for all the attacks. This is mainly because my attribute doubles the effect of Divine Race. My divine-killing ability can make Divine Race's divine force's tenfold suppression effect on nearby players disappear, but it can't give other players the same ability as mine to double the damage to Divine Race. Therefore, all the attacks in the battle are done by me, because this can make full use of every attack opportunity to give the guy the most damage. Of course, it is precisely because I continue to cause serious damage to this guy, so his eyes are already very jealous when he looks at me.

Before the battle started, the leader of the Siberian Divine Race had always regarded me as an ordinary person who was only able to fight, but it was not until I really hurt him that he finally realized that the previous Russian Divine Race was How it was destroyed.

Divine Race has ten times the zodiac suppression for ordinary person, so there is a clear gap between them and ordinary person. Therefore, Divine Race will not adjust itself for ordinary person. The attribute distribution. So, how are the attributes of Divine Race allocated? The answer is obvious, and that is to rely on personal understanding.

Divine Race is almost invincible to ordinary persons, and because of the border restrictions between Divine Races, it is very difficult to fight, or contact is very difficult, so Divine Race is really surprised by the battle Not much. Because of the lack of combat experience in these Divine Races, most of their attribute assignments are based on guesswork, and the result of this is that most people’s attribute assignments actually ignore a very important attribute-life value.

Whether it is a man or a god, even an animal, their thoughts will instinctively avoid the situation of being harmed by themselves. This is a joint effect produced by the instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, not character or A kind of reaction produced by acquired consciousness, but as long as the creatures who know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages will have one attribute. It is precisely because of this attribute that, without actual inspection, most people will subconsciously avoid self-harm. So, when the cultivation upgrades its own attributes, these Divine Races will directly concentrate their abilities on speed, attack power, or defense based on their own guesses. These three attributes cannot be said to be meaningless, on the contrary they are very significant, because these attributes are directly related to the lethality of the enemy. However, when you think about how to kill the enemy, you often forget that you yourself will also be attacked by the enemy. Although some people will consider strengthening defense or something, they will instinctively avoid the issue of health, because when you think The HP will think of being injured, and then will instinctively avoid the matter, and then gradually ignore the issue of HP.

For the above reasons, most of Divine Race's health points are actually not high. Contrary to those high level BOSSs in the wild, Divine Race is often high attack, high sensitivity, and high magic, but the defensive power is only average, and the health value is significantly lower. Of course, the low level I'm talking about is relative to their creatures of this level. If you are an ordinary player, the health bars of these Divine Races are still as long as a marathon track.

The leader of the Siberian Divine Race is obviously also a more orthodox Divine Race, so his defensive power is average, and his health bar is relatively short. The result is that my sharp double damage is very fast. The blood volume is in a hurry.

The leader of the Siberian Divine Race, who is basically empty-blooded, looked at my terrifying damage output device. How could he not be afraid at all? The reason why he pretended not to be afraid was that he didn't want to lose face.

"It looks like you are going to be martyred." I said, holding the eternal state of the hook and sickle with both hands, and then twisted it hard, and the eternal hook and sickle was directly broken into two pieces, and then It quickly deformed into a liquid form in my hand and climbed up my claws and the tips of my fingers along my arm.

The previous many persuasion to surrender have proved that this guy is really going to die, so I have no interest in continuing to play with him. Attaching eternity to the fingers and claws will slightly reduce the attack power, but it can greatly increase my attack speed, and the guy in front of me seems to be weaker than me in terms of speed, so if this is the case, I will Take advantage to the extreme.

Just after the eternity was covered and completely hardened, I suddenly started from the same spot and shot towards the leader of the Siberian Divine Race. The other party kept staring at my movements, and when I saw my sudden action, I did it immediately. There was a defensive action, but he underestimated my extreme speed too much.

Just before we touched, that guy had crossed his hands to protect him, but I didn’t hit his arms hard, but squeezed his wrists with both hands and pressed down. , Followed the whole person over from the top of his head, stepped on his waist accurately after falling with both feet, loosened his arms with both hands and grabbed his neck. The guy reacted quickly. He fell to the ground with an iron bridge directly behind him, his head directly on my stomach, and because his waist was bent forward, my feet lost support and fell down, and the whole person went straight. Separated from him and was pushed out. But this is in midair, not the ground. As soon as I flew out, I flapped my wings and adjusted my body shape. A real red sound came from behind. I immediately flattened my body and pointed my head at the leader of the Siberian Divine Race, with my feet facing away. Really red direction.

True Red is right behind me at this time, she doesn’t talk nonsense after seeing me posing, standing on top of the golden Divine Dragon’s head, lunges with her feet, twisting her right fist Received the extreme, and then suddenly sent a punch forward. As her fists moved forward, one could clearly see a circle of shock waves like white water ripples surging in the air, while the real red fists rushed through before the shock waves burst. A punch hit the sole of my foot that happened to fly over.

As soon as I touched the real red fist under my feet, I kicked my leg fiercely. With the help of the real red fist and my own strength, my whole body shot forward in an instant. , The leader of the Siberian Divine Race over there just pushed me open, and before my waist straightened up, he felt a dangerous aura quickly approaching behind him. In the panic, he didn't have time to react. I was behind him. Both hands and claws popped out around his shoulders and suddenly inserted into the gap above his collarbone. In an instant, six blood holes were opened in his shoulder socket. . But this is not over yet. Because I was smashed by Zhen Hong with a fist, so the kinetic energy was very huge. How could the knowledge that pierced his shoulder with the claw just now could offset such a large kinetic energy? So, my body began to fly over his head and flip forward, and the six claws were because of my turning like a cutting machine, cutting out six incisions from his shoulder forcibly, and then breaking the body from behind. Out. His arm ligaments and collarbones were all severed, his shoulders almost fell off his body, and his lungs were cut into a mess, and blood spurted like a bursting water pipe.

This attack on anyone is not a damage that can be ignored, not to mention that I also have a double damage bonus to Divine Race. That guy immediately lost the ability to fly and fell to the ground. Go down. But in this case, we won't let him land safely.

The two advanced technology-proven mobile angels of the guild, the Queen of Blades and the Ghost, swooped down instantly. When they were about to catch up with the guy, the ghost launched a folding net directly in the air. Wrapped the guy up, and then pulled the net rope up again.

The attack just now obviously made the Siberian Divine Race leader, who has been seriously injured, into a near-death state. Even if he was forcibly arrested, he showed no signs of resistance, and he waited a long time ago. Vina immediately flew up at this time.

Although we are doing the combat mission, we still need Wiener to complete the processing work after catching the target.

Vina, who is already experienced in this regard, flew up directly and pressed her hand on the guy’s forehead, and then pulled back forcefully, and she saw a white translucent figure without any effort. Was pulled out of the body of the leader of the Siberian Divine Race. As soon as this humanoid structure was pulled out, it shrank into a light ball, and then broke free of Vina's palm and flew into the distance. Unfortunately, it only flew less than ten meters and was pinched by Kristina's hand. .

The Soul Body of Divine Race is much stronger than the ordinary person, but if it weren’t the kind of ghost fairy similar to Celestial Court, it was originally a Spirit Physique type. The general Divine Race would have strength after the fleshy body was lost. It will drop drastically, especially in the few hours just after leaving. It is basically the same as a toddler. Because of the many discomforts with their own characteristics, their ability to move will degenerate to the point where they are almost non-existent. The leader of the Siberian Divine Race at that time was basically indistinguishable from the waste.

When Kristina held the ball of light and returned to this side, Vina was already holding a metal can and waiting there. Kristina threw the Divine Soul into it directly. Na immediately closed the tank and tightened the pressure valve. On the other side, all the Siberian Divine Races on the front battlefield of Isinger Mobile Fortress stopped at the same time, because just as Vina closed the tank, they all felt themselves. The link to the divine force core suddenly became loose. This situation usually only represents one situation, that is-the death of the main Divine Formation.

The Siberian Divine Race that had reacted was all stunned there for a while. To be honest, the battle has only lasted more than ten minutes, and they haven't encountered any decent attacks since they entered this mist. They still feel that the battle is not fierce. However, even in this slow-paced battle, they suddenly found that their main god had died. Can you say they are not surprised?

In fact, this group of Siberian Divine Race felt that the battle was not fierce for a reason. Because we are going to encircle the leader of the Siberian Divine Race, the order I gave Hades who is in charge of this battle is to contain these guys, so Hades simply didn’t let our people go up and fight with those guys. It depends on which enemy may have to enter the range of the city wall before sending a few people to attract firepower, and as long as the opponent pulls out of the city, Hades will let the people who go out to throw away the opponent and come back from the outside of the city. Under such circumstances, the Siberian Divine Race certainly didn't feel how intense the battle was, but their boss didn't think so at all. The leader of the Siberian Divine Race who has just been besieged by us and has now been stuffed into the soul cage is estimated to know that his subordinates thought the battle was easy, and the Divine Soul might burst directly into anger, right?

"Should I send this thing to the underworld to store it?" Vina's title jar turned around and asked me what to do.

I shook my head and said: "This does not need to be sent to the underworld. Anyway, this is also a Divine Soul of the main Divine Grade. It is too wasteful to use it as a Power of Faith storage tank. You should give it to me, turn back I sent it to the new continent floating island to make a super artificial soul."

"Also." Vina said and threw the tank directly to me.

After putting away the jar, I summoned everyone to go to the front part of the city to pull people. The Siberian Divine Race over there already knows that its boss has died, so now is the time when people's hearts are unstable, but those people did not break up directly, but were divided into several different types. Some of the diehards showed The situation was dazzled by grief and anger, and began to frantically chaos, the purpose may be to avenge their boss, but it is a pity that the confusion will not change the slightest because of their mood, so the behavior of those guys depends on their behavior. It looks like a headless fly is spinning around in place.

Except for the crazy guys, the rest are basically divided into two types. One is timid and fearful, and the other is hesitant.

The timid and fearful guys show the same characteristics as the previous lunatics. They are also running around, but their actions seem to be like running but not daring to run. In fact, they just think that the boss is dead, and they will probably be finished if they stay, so they want to leave, but because of the problem of being locked in, they don’t know how to get out, so the result is that they fly around like that group of lunatics. , The difference is that they fly a little more cautiously.

The last remaining group of people is the hesitant type. This part of the Siberian Divine Race is of a less assertive type. On the one hand, they feel that they should avenge the boss, but on the other hand, they don’t seem to know how to avenge. Some people may be thinking about running away, but again I'm afraid I will be ashamed if I run. Anyway, these people are entangled in the same place because of one reason or another.

After seeing the reactions of the remaining Siberian Divine Races, I commanded the high-level personnel who had just completed the siege mission to divide them into five echelons, and then split up and intercept those who wanted to escape. Guy.

These Siberian Divine Races did not give us any threats before, and now they are naturally not in our eyes. For such a Divine Race, I always like to stay with them all. After all, Divine Race can also be regarded as a kind of resource. How can there be any reason why you don't want to send it to your door?

Since these resources cannot be wasted, we must ensure that none of these Siberian Divine Races can escape, so we must first deal with those who want to escape. The group of people who hesitated hasn't moved at the moment, so there is no problem in a short period of time. Although the gang of lunatics who are rushing are all rushing like the gang of cowards who are going to escape, they will plunge in again even if they run outside the range of the lock, so there is no need to worry. Only the cowards, once they run out, they won't come back. So in order to save a bit of effort to chase, we still plan to leave these people behind.

In fact, there are two reasons to deal with those who run away first. One is that since these guys will run away, it means that their position is not firm, so the success rate should be very high. As for the second reason... The main hope is that the density of the nearby Siberian Divine Race can be lowered a bit first. Although the locks can obscure the line of sight, the range of activities during the battle must be very large. There are too many Siberian Divine Races here, and they are all concentrated in the front area of ​​the city. In this way, it is difficult for us to perform the battle. If other Siberian Divine Races are involved in the battle during the encirclement and suppression process, we will face the situation of dealing with multiple targets at the same time. Although the battle strength of our personnel here is more than enough to deal with more than a dozen Siberian Divine Races at the same time, but if a group of people can beat them one by one, why should we single out with them?

The interception plan for the cowards went quite smoothly. We quickly blocked several guys who were trying to escape and were not far from the locked peripheral zone. As I guessed, since these guys immediately chose to escape, it means that their sense of belonging to the Siberian Divine Race is actually not strong. It is very easy for such guys to persuade them to surrender, especially in our hands. When killing power.

The Siberian Divine Race that one third intended to escape was intercepted by our people in less than twenty minutes. Among them, except for a few, I didn’t know why they refused to surrender and did desperate resistance. In addition, most of them were successfully taken down, and they joined the Divine Race of Chaos and Order directly on the spot. The main reason for this smoothness is that the Siberian Divine Race itself is the newly established Divine Race, which has no background at all. Everyone is just pieced together, and there is no sense of belonging at all. Now that even the boss has been killed, the divine force core's binding force on them, the gods of the Siberian Divine Race, is almost no more. In this case, of course, they found a good opportunity and immediately chose to quit. Anyway, Divine Race is not the same as our players. These Divine Races do not have any national awareness. It is normal for them to run from one Divine Race to another Divine Race, as if we were changing jobs. , Nothing at all. But among players, if you jump from one guild to another, especially from your home country to the enemy country, you will be considered a traitor and will be cast aside by others. Therefore, Divine Race is not very resistant to such things as surrender.

After successfully completing these escaped Siberian Divine Races, the number of remaining Siberian Divine Races is less than 2/3/2021, and because of the existence of these gangsters, we can understand To the rest of the Siberian Divine Race's strength, expertise, character and general personality.

"So this fog doesn't have any concealing effect on you?" A Siberian Divine Race that just surrendered...No, it should be called the Divine Race of Chaos and Order at this time. The new Divine Race member of Chaos and Order looked at the clear world around him, and then looked at the former companion who was walking around like headless flies.

I laughed at him, and then said: "We have many good things in the Frost Rose League. You will understand later. Oh, yes, this is for you." I said just one The small metal can was handed to this new member of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order.

The other party took the jar I handed over and looked at it in doubt, and then asked: "What is this for?"

I pointed to an opening on the jar. Then he said: "Hold this place with your mouth, and then twist the valve. Be careful not to twist too much. Try it and you will know what it is."

The guy was puzzled and started to try according to my statement. , Anyway, he is now one of us, and I will not harm him. Of course, this thing is really not used to harm people, because it contains Power of Faith.

The guy almost stared out of his eyes as soon as he opened the valve, and then he sucked sharply while looking at me with those eyes that were obviously circled earlier. The meaning of the question was very obvious. There was almost no question mark above his head.

I said with a smile: "This is a guild benefit. You should have received it at the Divine Race in Siberia before, right? Of course, I know you must have never received so much before. This I can’t tell you the specific situation. Anyway, you just need to know that the Power of Faith of Divine Race is too much to use up. So, our Power of Faith distribution method is a bit different. You used to It’s all based on your position in the Divine Race, and then according to the total amount of Power of Faith earned by the entire Divine Race, it is distributed to each of your gods in a certain proportion. But here, because the Power of Faith can’t be used up at all, we just There is no limit to the ratio. Everyone takes it at will. As long as you can absorb it and don’t be overwhelmed, you can take as much as you like."

The guy on the other side didn’t even have Power of Faith when he heard what I said. I sucked it, screwed the valve to death, then opened the can and stared at me in surprise and asked: "What you said is true?"

"Do I have to lie to you for this kind of thing? Anyway. You will know when this pot of Power of Faith is used up and fetch it yourself."

"But...but how can there be too much Power of Faith to use up? Power of Faith is not a can The stones that be seen everywhere, how can it be left open and can’t be used up?"

"I have said that the specific situation is more complicated. Looking back, you can find any Divine Race member who joined the chaos and order before. Just ask. Oh, yes, although there are many Power of Faith here you can throw away, but the container in your hand is very precious, so don’t break it. You add this kind of container every time. The members of will get one. When the Power of Faith in this is used up, you will take a can and go to the exchange office to redeem it. You need to hand in this empty bottle to give you a full bottle. If it is broken But he has to be punished."

The guy was obviously taken aback when he heard what I said, because this situation was really strange to him. It's like someone telling you that the banknotes in the bank are for you to use, as long as you take it, you can give you as much as you want, but the wallet has now become a valuable item, and if it is broken, you will go to jail. Do you think this situation is weird?

"Then what..." This guy was stunned for a long time before he continued: "If you said earlier that Divine Race is like chaos and order, you don't need to fight us at all. Just greet us and we will I just surrendered all of you, why do you still have to work so hard?"

"Can’t you understand this question? Think about how you reacted when I told you that Power of Faith opened up supply. You have already joined our Divine Race of Chaos and Order, and you still suspect that I am joking. If you are still a Siberian Divine Race, I will tell you that our guild Power of Faith will open up supply, and then ask you to surrender, you say you What do you think?"

The guy hesitated for a while and said: "I would think you are talking nonsense!"

"So! Even if this is indeed what we are here, I can’t say that? Also. Divine Race in this world is not only our chaotic and order Divine Race and the Siberian Divine Race before you. There are many powerful Divine Races around us, and the Celestial Court in China is one of them. of the very best. If I preach in public that the Power of Faith of our guild is inexhaustible, what would happen to the biggest one?"

That guy just After thinking for a while, he said: "There will probably be a lot of Divine Races coming over to snatch and ask our Power of Faith source!"

"Now you understand why I didn't use this to recruit you before?"


He was nodded immediately.

Seeing that he has understood, I continued: "Okay, now tell me about the characteristics of the guys opposite, first tell me who are more likely to persuade me to surrender, and what methods are used to persuade me to lower the success rate. Higher."

"Ok, these things are familiar. I used to be a Chief-In-Charge member who managed the Divine Race in Siberia."

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