Although Mislock is very powerful, it is also impossible to restrict enemies permanently by a function similar to the Misty Array. Besides, those Siberian Divine Races themselves are not ordinary enemies. Their battle strength It is very strong, impossible is limited by such a simple thing. However, this is not a problem, because what we need is to temporarily block them.

"Are you all ready?" I asked when I looked at Vader who had just arrived by my side.

"Most of the personnel are already in place, that is, there are a few adventurers on the Sino-Russian front line, and they are temporarily unable to come back. Hong Yue Vice-President said that they should not be called."

I said little by little: "If you don't bark, don't bark. Anyway, these people should be almost enough. By the way, where are the Queen of Blades and Ghosts?"

"I'm already waiting, As long as we are ready here, we can start."

"Then start preparing."

The action I am arranging now is not a plan to wipe out the Siberian Divine Race. Of course, it is not a simple deportation plan, otherwise, it is enough to attack directly, and there is no need to arrange these people to carry out any complicated actions. The reason I want everyone to prepare is because I plan to catch a few Divine Races and go back.

In other words, the existence of Divine Race is actually quite useful. It is very good whether it is captured as a preliminary member of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order for transformational education, or directly killed and extracted Divine Soul. choose. Moreover, our guild’s newly completed special version of the mobile angel must also have an artificial soul transformed from the soul of Divine Race to exert maximum battle strength. Therefore, Divine Race has turned from an enemy to a kind of nature for us. Resources.

As a resource, naturally it cannot be wasted. Since these second fool-like Siberian Divine Race dared to rush into the locked area of ​​Isengard's mobile fortress, there is no need to go out. Even if we can't keep all of these Siberian Divine Races, we still have to keep more than half, so that it will not be in vain for Isinger Mobile Fortress to go all the way to Russia to make a circle.

After confirming that all the personnel on our side were ready, I immediately issued an action order.

The personnel from all over the place who received the instruction immediately began to act. The first thing to work was the various long-range weapons of our guild. The defensive power of the Divine Race is very strong, and the battle strength is also terrifying. If you go directly to the capture, serious casualties will inevitably occur in this process, regardless of whether the Siberian Divine Race has died or our people have died. Yes, that's all very bad. Although we may need to kill some Siberian Divine Races to extract Divine Soul, we must first put them on a dedicated soul extractor. Although it is not impossible to extract souls on the battlefield, it is obviously not easy to proceed before the battle is over. Besides, extracting the soul of Divine Race itself is actually a taboo. Once this matter is spread out, even if other Divine Races are not mentioned, the guard against our guilds will rise sharply. Therefore, there is no certainty of the premise. Next, we will not let other Divine Race know that we have the ability to extract the soul of Divine Race and take advantage of this.

As a fortress, Isengard’s mobile fortress is equipped with unprecedented firepower. The Siberian Divine Race on the opposite side is still within the range of the lock, so we can’t see our attack at all. I can only vaguely feel that there is a magic wave appearing, but I can't feel the specific situation at all. Not to mention what these magical fluctuations represent, they can't even feel the approximate location of the magical fluctuations.

The leader of the Siberian Divine Race who led the team is looking around cautiously, hoping to see the source of the magical fluctuations that just appeared, but the dense fog around ten meters away makes nothing visible. All his efforts were wasted. However, just as he was paying attention to his surroundings nervously, a cone-shaped object suddenly emerged from the fog in the direction behind his back.

When it actually senses this thing, its straight-line distance from the leader of the Siberian Divine Race is only ten meters, and as a shell, ten meters is really not a distance, so That guy was just about to turn his head back, and was hit directly without actually making any moves. This shell directly hit the back of the guy's head, and then it burst. The hapless guy was directly blown out by the impact of the explosion, and the whole person turned upside down in the sky, I don't know how many somersaults were considered to be restored to balance.

This guy just regained his balance when he noticed the appearance of his surrounding companions one after another. These people were all lifted off by the explosion, but because of their different strengths, these guys did not stop by his side. , But passed by in a flash and flew to a farther position.

The leader of the Siberian Divine Race here found that he had been continuously attacked and immediately began to rush in angrily in the direction where the shells had just flown. He didn't know the real function of the Misty Lock, thinking it was just a kind of fog that could not be dispelled, it could only obscure the line of sight. What he didn't know was that this mystery had the ability to eliminate the sense of direction.

Because he didn’t know, he mistakenly thought that he would be able to find the fort where the shells came by rushing in the direction where the shells came, but what he didn’t know was that he had just been bombed. He had lost his way during the flight. The direction in which he thought the shells flew was actually the wrong direction. Although he was indeed flying towards Isengard's mobile fortress, he was not coming in a straight line, but in an oblique direction. If Isinger Mobile Fortress retreats a little bit at this time, he will wipe the city wall and fly over, without touching Isinger Mobile Fortress at all. Of course, the size of Isinger Mobile Fortress is impossible to use its own movement to dodge attacks. The battle method of the mobile fortress is to use super firepower to cover the enemy, and when the enemy fights back, he needs to rely on his own protective cover and shell to carry it hard. After all, war fortress can't be regarded as a mobile weapon. This is flexibility. Words have no meaning to it.

According to the current situation, the leader of the Siberian Divine Race could touch the edge of the city wall and enter the city, but unfortunately he suffered a second attack during the flight and then directly It was blown off by the explosion. Being shot twice in a row made this guy completely mad. He roared and threw magic attacks around, but he was actually hit several times. However, it is a pity that because of the influence of the lock, although his attack hits, there is not much formidable power left, and there is no damage to the city wall at all. Moreover, because the Mizuo's ability to block the line of sight was too strong, he didn't even know that he had hit it, because the magic hit location was too far away from him, and he simply couldn't see the effect of the explosion after the hit.

Just when the guy was venting his anger madly but couldn't find the target, a vague black figure suddenly flashed in front of him. The black shadow was almost at a distance of ten meters to eleven meters from him at the time. Within the lock, anything at this distance can only look like a faint phantom that seems to be nothing, even Yu's eyesight was a little too close to noticing this almost non-existent shadow. However, the leader of the Siberian Divine Race is one of the most powerful guys in the Siberian Divine Race, so he not only saw it, but also reacted quickly.

The guy was angry that he couldn't find the target before, but now he finally found a target, and you said how could he let it go. As a result, this guy just caught up without thinking about it.

Because the black shadow appeared suddenly and only swiped across the edge of his realization range, he would have lost the target when he chased it out. Normally, if our people don’t want to be discovered by him, it’s actually very easy, because the lock is only aimed at the enemy, and for our guild personnel, it’s just a faint mist that seems to be nothing. The shielding effect on the line of sight is almost nothing, so although the Siberian Divine Race leader can’t see our people, our people can see his position, so as long as ours makes you want to run, he is simply impossible to chase him. superior.

However, this time we didn't ran to run. In fact, the shadow he saw just now was a decoy, and the goal was to pull him away.

Although in the eyes of the leader of the Siberian Divine Race, there is a white mist around him, and no one can see him except himself, but in our opinion, there are many Siberians near him. Divine Race, but the distance is more than ten meters, so they can't see each other. But invisible, invisible, this distance cannot be changed. At such a close distance, if we were to fight, we would inevitably be spotted by the nearby Siberian Divine Race. In that case, we would most likely lead the opponent into the battle circle in the end, so it would be quite difficult for us to deal with multiple targets at the same time. And our goal is to separate the leader of the Siberian Divine Race from the crowd of the Siberian Divine Race, and then use the remote martial power of the Isenger Mobile Fortress to contain them on the one hand, and on the other hand to concentrate the superior forces on them. The leader of the Siberian Divine Race was encircled and annihilated, so that he would not miss his hand.

Because of the need to pull this guy out of the crowd alone, not only can our bait not disappear, but we must also let him see so that he can catch up, so he feels that he might When the target was lost, our decoy deliberately approached him within ten meters to let him find the target again.

The leader of the Siberian Divine Race was also taken aback when he discovered our decoy again, because the opponent did not appear in front of him, but flew side by side with him on his side. When our decoy saw him, he pretended to be surprised and immediately maneuvered in the opposite direction to evade, but the Siberian Divine Race leader who had entered the chase mode would not make any more low-level mistakes. He immediately followed a turn and chased him. , And then firmly bit the tail of the target he thought.

In fact, the bait being chased was not a player, but a Divine Race of Chaos and Order. This chaos and order Divine Race is a little god under Hades, and his strength is not very good, but this guy has an alternative innate talent outside of combat. He has a skill that can be blessed on his mounts, and his ability does not limit the types of mounts, whether it is a living creature or a mechanical creation, even if he is riding a player, as long as the opponent can run, he The skills can be activated. After this skill is activated, there is no other use, it is just a function-acceleration.

What is the most important thing for a mount? Of course it is speed. Mounts are used for transportation, so speed is the most important attribute of the mount. This skill of this Divine Race can not only double the speed of the mount, but also increase the agility of the mount simultaneously, which means it has been blessed by him. The mount will scare people fast, whether it is running in a straight line or dodge left and right, it is very fast.

This ability is really not very useful in battle, but it is very useful before the start of the battle, because his ability is especially suitable for attracting monsters after increasing the speed. Especially when he was equipped with a "long spear" such a super fast mount that flew by itself, his speed was so terrible that he could shuttle back and forth in the army without being touched by anyone. This terrifying speed advantage determines that he can pull any target we need from the enemy line alone. As long as that target will run with him, then no matter how deep he hides, he can be successfully drawn out.

Now the leader of the Siberian Divine Race is the poor target. He didn’t know that he was chasing a target he could never catch up, and because that target deliberately suppressed the speed, he thought I am gradually shortening the distance between myself and the other party.

"It looks like your subordinates are doing a good job, and the target is already in the set." Watching the leader of Divine Race in Siberia chasing the fake target, flew over the mobile fortress of Isengard and flew all the way to Issing Behind the grid mobile fortress, I satisfactorily said to Hades beside me.

Now the leader of the Siberian Divine Race has been behind the Isinger Mobile Fortress, and all the Siberian Divine Races except him are still outside the front city wall of the Isinger Mobile Fortress, which is It is said that he and his subordinates are separated by the entire Isengard Mobile Fortress. Even if he is caught by us, chopped and shredded for such a large distance, someone will find it impossible. Of course, if the main god dies, the core of the divine force will react, so those Siberian Divine Races can definitely feel the death of this guy, but as long as this guy is not dead, they are all impossible to discover what is happening here.

After complimenting Hades, I handed over all the tasks here to Hades and their chaos and order Divine Race. As for me, I took the guild with me. The Divine Race captured the squad and flew to the back of the city near the area where the leader of the Siberian Divine Race was located.

Under normal circumstances, unless necessary, I try not to let the guild Divine Race participate in the battle against other Divine Races. The main reason for doing this is still for safety reasons. After all, damage is inevitable in battle. If the player hangs up, it just takes time to re-train. However, these Divine Races are all NPCs. . I don't want so many Divine Races that I have worked so hard to solicit to hang up one by one, especially when we still have the initiative. So, as long as I have a choice, I will not let the guild Divine Race participate in this kind of battle that may cause the death of Divine Race. Of course, I will not hide them all because I want to protect the guild Divine Race. I will still let them contribute when they are needed, but I will try not to use them if there are alternatives.

"Everyone is in place, right?" Standing on the roof of the airport shipyard of Isengard Mobile Fortress, I said to the group of people around me.

The circle around me now is the strongest gang of Wanjia in our guild. In addition, there are a large group of mobile angels as support. As for the NPC, only Vina is standing next to it. The reason why Vina can participate in the mission is mainly because she is the main god. Before the Power of Faith in the core of divine force is exhausted, the main god in Divine Race is almost invincible. So if the two main gods of Divine Race are in a fight, then in the absence of foreign aid, it will usually end up in a war of attrition, which is purely fighting whose Power of Faith is consumed first. Whoever consumes the Power of Faith first is the loser, and vice versa will win.

Our chaos and order Divine Race has been in a state of surplus of Power of Faith since the Power of Faith collectors built by Hades, and how to increase Power in other Divine Races of Faith When a headache, Divine Race of chaos and order is too much Power of Faith to digest. Precisely because of this, the current Vina has actually become an invincible existence. As long as others can't kill her in one hit, she can recover infinitely, and can burn Power of Faith to use super ults. Other Divine Race leaders are reluctant to use them, or do not have enough power of Faith to use those ultimatums, but Vina can throw it as a normal attack. In this state, I believe that even the Celestial Court in the peak state will win against the three giants Vina.

Of course, although this situation is true, we can't easily use it, and I don't dare to let Vina throw those super big moves that burn Power of Faith. Those Divine Races in the sky are not fools. Vina has how many catties and how many taels. They all know that, of course, her strength is impossible Throw it, people will definitely know that she burned Power of Faith to do all this. At that time, those Divine Races will know that there must be a lot of Power of Faith in our guild, and they will immediately come to ask us the source of these Power of Faith. Although with the help of my identity as a trustee of the Ring of Discipline, and my three-inch tongue, I believe that I can handle this kind of thing, but this process will inevitably be accompanied by a large number of transfers of interests and debts. Therefore, we will not do this kind of obvious disadvantage. Vina is very strong now. We only need to know this. We usually keep the town house. It can be used to make a comeback at critical moments, but we can't just go out to show off, otherwise we will only cause trouble for ourselves.

After we were all ready here, I thought about the chaos and order in the sky, Divine Race, which sent a signal. The other party saw the signal and immediately speeded up and got rid of the Siberian Divine Race leader’s pursuit. The leader of Divine Race in Siberia can only go around in the vicinity in vain after losing his target. Because no one leads him, he can only keep turning around because the sense of direction disappears. It is estimated that if there are a few hours, he might turn to the ground. Go up or fly out of the range of my lock, but he is impossible to do it in a short time.

After confirming that our people have evacuated from this area, we started the formal action. I first let go of the suppression of the earth's own power, and then the guy in the sky immediately turned his head to my side. I am a Divine Race killer and possess Divine Attribute, so once I let go of this attribute, it will make the divine force of the hostile Divine Race within a certain range near me lose its suppressive effect. This is not to say that Divine Race’s divine force attribute will drop, but that Divine Race’s tenfold attribute effect on ordinary players disappears, so that everyone can really fight for their strength, otherwise Divine Race will always drive ten times the attribute amplifier. , It’s really hard to find someone who can play two tricks with them.

Although my attribute can suppress the tenfold effect of Divine Race’s divine force on the player, this attribute also has a downside, that is, once I suppress a Divine Race, The other party will immediately know where I am, even if it is protected by a stray lock. So, after I turned on this attribute, the Siberian Divine Race leader in the sky immediately noticed my existence and looked towards me.

However, although he noticed my existence, he actually didn't see me. He just can feel my position now. The leader of the Siberian Divine Race just lost his goal, and now he feels that my position is of course immediately and he rushed over. When I activated this ability, I was about to take the battle. I needed this ability to suppress that guy's ability. That is to make him fly towards me.

Since we have designed to ambush him here, how can we not prepare a large number of long-range weapons to give him a saturation attack first? But the problem is that the deceiving effect of the lock on the enemy is uncontrollable, and we don't know what kind of influence the guy has been. Even though he can't fly out in this way, we can't aim if we attack him. Therefore, I turned on this suppression effect to let him see the target flying towards me.

Because of the target, the guy's flight trajectory becomes a straight line, and as long as he flies in a straight line, our long-range weapons can accurately hit him by calculating the advance amount.

The leader of the Siberian Divine Race face looks sinister in the dive, losing the target twice in a row, he is almost mad. It was hard to find that my immobile target, of course, sprinted with all his strength, but when he was falling, he suddenly felt a tingling all over his body, and then before he realized what it meant, he immediately I saw a tunnel of light flying towards me. Of course, the speed of light is very fast, so when he sees it, he has been recruited.

The leader of the Siberian Divine Race realized that it was not good after being enveloped by the tunnel of light, but what he can do now is to concentrate all his energy in front of him to form a shield and try to block it. That attack. This kind of terrifying beam attack formidable power makes him feel scared witless in this Divine Race. What he doesn't know is that we are actually afraid of this beam, because this is the kind of beam emitted by the guardian mother tree. You know, this thing didn’t recognize the Master. Before, we had trouble getting close to it. If it hadn’t been for a large group of Divine Races to form the Energy Shield like playing a train, we almost couldn’t get close to it. .

Although it was a lot of effort to get this defensive mother tree at the beginning, it seems that the initial effort is still very worthwhile. Just look at the expression of the leader of the Siberian Divine Race in the sky to know his current state. I guess if we let the defense mother tree keep attacking, he might have no other way but to escape. After all, the attack power of this thing almost made the big guys in the Divine Race of Chaos and Order almost unable to resist it!

"No matter how many times I watch it, the attack power of the defensive mother tree is still so scary!" Kristina said while looking at the Siberian Divine Race leader struggling in the beam.

I laughed and said: "Fortunately it is ours now. Okay, who should be next, hurry up and prepare, the beam attack is about to end soon. Isengard Mobile Fortress is now in flight. , The defensive mother tree consumes the energy in the power core, and we can’t shoot continuously."

"Boss, don’t worry, we’ll see us later." King Chuang took the communicator and shouted after he finished speaking," The battleship group is prepared, the main weapon is charged, and the attack of the defense mother tree is over 100 million. You can go up and don’t have an attack fault."


Hanging in Siberia at this time. The dozens of main weapons on the spaceship of the guild not far from the leader of Divine Race all shining, but because the distance is beyond several hundred meters, the leader of the Siberian Divine Race simply cannot sense the energy generated by these weapons. Huge energy fluctuations. If you are in other places, the opponent can feel this huge energy fluctuation within more than ten kilometers to decide whether to evade or attack to destroy these things in advance, but here, because of the effect of the lock, the opposite Siberian Divine Race leader Simply don't know that our weapon has been charged, just wait for the beam over there to connect it immediately. So, this is the advantage of the home game, and the significance of Isinger Mobile Fortress in a home that can run around the world is so significant.

Just a few seconds after we issued the order, the attack on the defensive mother tree just ended, and the main weapons on the flying battleship were indeed immediately connected. The leader of the Siberian Divine Race just felt the burning sensation on his body disappeared. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a dozen energy beams from different directions hit his body indiscriminately. Under the circumstances, he can only support a spherical protective cover to protect himself. However, unlike the previous situation, the main weapon on the battleship is still weaker than the defense mother tree in terms of outputting formidable power. Therefore, the leader of the Siberian Divine Race can still fly towards me with a protective cover, but The speed is much slower.

"It seems that the weapons on the battleship are still not suitable for Divine Race." I looked at the guy who was still moving and said.

Vina looked at the side for a while and said: "No, it's not that our battleship weapon has insufficient formidable power. That guy is burning Power of Faith."

"Huh?" I I was stunned, because I didn’t expect that the other party would start using Power of Faith so early. After all, Power of Faith is a very precious thing for any Divine Race. In theory, no one would just use Power of Faith. wasteful. This guy has just been attacked by our weapons a few times, and started burning Power of Faith so early, which is obviously a wasteful behavior. However, it is not surprising to think about it from another angle. These Siberian Divine Races are all new Divine Races. They don't have the hardships of the old Divine Race, so they don't cherish Power of Faith. It's like the youngster's and the elderly's concept of consumption. Youngsters also like money, but they tend to spend much more generously than older people. These Siberian Divine Races are like newborn babies in the Divine Race. They have a desire for Power of Faith, but they don’t know how to use Power of Faith frugally. Therefore, in order to maximize the battle strength, they can completely do it without them. When you enter the realm of life and death, you can directly turn on the Power of Faith burning mode. Although this kind of behavior is wasteful, it is also one of the reasons why the emerging Divine Race is not easy to deal with. These guys actually have more battle strength than the old Divine Race before losing the family property.

Since that guy is starting to burn Power of Faith, then I have no choice but to let everyone enter the fighting state in advance. After all, the battleship weapons over there can’t completely stop him from moving, and if I and that guy fight on the ground of Isengard Mobile Fortress, it will affect the safety of Isengard Mobile Fortress. After all, the attack power of Divine Race is very high. terrifying. It’s okay to have a lock to absorb damage when the distance is far, but once we fight on the ground, there is no distance limit, the attack of the leader of the Siberian Divine Race will inevitably cause significant damage to the building of Isinger Mobile Fortress. Aren’t we making such a plan to get this guy out of harm’s way? Wouldn't we be in vain if he destroys Isinger's mobile fortress?

"Okay, now it's time for us to play." Zhenhong yelled to the players around him, and then jumped out from the edge of the roof of the airport, but She didn't just fall off, because a golden light glittering Divine Dragon just rose from her feet and caught her accurately. Zhenhong stood on the dragon head without holding the dragon horn in both hands. He just stood directly on it and stepped on the dragon head all the way up, and quickly entered the sight of the leader of the Siberian Divine Race above, and the surrounding battleship The firepower is also extinguished at this time at the same time.

The sudden end of the surrounding attack made the Siberian Divine Race leader stunned for a moment, but the sudden goal was to make him immediately divert his attention, but he was ready to attack. At that moment, he suddenly put away his attack and quickly dodged to the side. The reason for this reaction is not that the guy was cramped, but because I suddenly moved from the ground to behind him.

In fact, after True Red took off, all the players around me flew up, and I didn't do anything, just didn't rush into the air. When they took off, I had summoned out Ye Ying and rode on it, and at the moment when Zhen Hong and that guy were about to contact, I directly let Ye Ying take me a dream jump from the ground and ran behind him for an instant. .

Because of the influence of Mizuo, he can't see or feel the situation ten meters away, but he can feel my position. This contrast between nothingness and reality makes me like a beacon in the night, which has been attracting most of his attention, and my beacon has just suddenly ran behind him from a place far away from him up ahead, you How would he react?

In fact, this guy's reaction did not exceed our expectations at all, so Zhenhong's unbiased punch that was already ready to strike hit the guy who was trying to dodge. With only a bang, the guy hurriedly raised the position where the real red arm and the real red fist were blocked, and a shock wave swayed around, while the leader of the Siberian Divine Race was punched directly like a cannonball.

"Don't want to run." Gold coin watched that guy was knocked into the air, and immediately summon sword array formed a huge Flying Sword net above him. The guy stopped as soon as he saw this thing. Down, did not go hard. Although he is a bit of a second fool character, he is not stupid. At least he knows that since we ambush him here, the attacks we prepare must be things that can cause great harm to him, so he didn't try to force such attacks. The reason why the previous two attacks came down hard was because it was a beam attack, and the speed was too fast for him to dodge. Of course, he wouldn't bump up with this kind of obviously evasive attack.

"Really good reaction ability, but unfortunately you are doomed to fail from the very beginning." My voice suddenly appeared on the side of this guy, he hurriedly turned around to intercept my attack, and turned around What I saw behind his head was a mist. After a tight heart, the Siberian Divine Race leader suddenly turned around and punched behind him without looking at him. He wanted to come to someone who didn't see me just now, so that sentence must have deliberately attracted his attention. So he guessed that the real me must be hiding behind him to prepare for a sneak attack, so he turned around and punched it without even thinking about it.

But it is a pity that he immediately realized that the trouble was big after he punched it out, because he didn't feel anything under this fist's head. And just as he slammed a punch, I also appeared from the void behind him, and the eternal silk ruthless face in my hand was a sword.

After all, that guy is the leader of the Siberian Divine Race, and the reaction was good. He reacted as soon as he felt the attack behind his back, but unfortunately his reaction was wrong. The leader of the Siberian Divine Race knew that he couldn't escape when he felt the attack and his body, so he activated the protective shield hoping to jam my attack weapon so that the damage could be reduced. However, what he didn't know was that eternity was a law weapon that could cut anything, so his protective shield was cut open along with his armor and skin without any effect.

"How? How do you feel? Does it hurt?" I drew away and backed away as soon as I finished the sword, and at the same time I spoke loudly to attract his attention.

The leader of the Siberian Divine Race is fairly clever. He didn’t pick me up right away, but dodged right down. It’s a pity that his dodge direction happened to be unlucky, which happened to be Kristina’s defensive direction. .

Just after the body sank less than two meters, the leader of the Siberian Divine Race felt that he had entered a powerful energy field, and his heart suddenly became tight, because this energy field was not What ordinary magic, but the realm.

The legal system of Divine Race has domains. Although there are domains that are not necessarily Divine Race, Divine Race does not have domains for all of them, but I have to say that as a necessary skill of the legal system of Divine Race One, the domain is indeed a very powerful ability. In the field of legal combatants, there are many additional attributes, one of which is the must. In other words, a mage with a domain releases magic in his domain, and unless his goal can escape the domain, the magic

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