"Fuck me, flash!" The sudden appearance of the halo made everyone on our side scared, because this is not just a skill released by Divine Race, but a The leader of Divine Race burns the skills released by the Power of Faith. Needless to say, the formidable power of this thing is untouchable, so I didn't hesitate to call everyone back and rushed up by myself.

I took the initiative to rush the leader of the Siberian Divine Race, not because I wanted to commit suicide, but because I wanted to limit his Power of Faith usage status, and use Power of Faith uncontrollably like this guy, Although they will soon burn out their little Power of Faith in the emerging Siberian Divine Race, the problem is that before he burns that thing out, the first unlucky one must be us, so I can’t let him be so casual. Use Power of Faith indiscriminately.

Speaking of which, thanks to the blessing of the silly chakra Power of Faith last time, our industry has been doing special research on the burning of Power of Faith recently. Of course, another key factor that can do this kind of research is that we have a Power of Faith collector. You must know that Power of Faith is very precious to any Divine Race, so the general Divine Race is impossible to have extra Power of Faith to burn for fun. If you can’t burn Power of Faith from time to time, then naturally you can’t study it. Therefore, in general Divine Races, including the old Divine Races like Celestial Court, their understanding of Power of Faith is actually still half-understood.

Compared with those guys, the advantages of our guild are more obvious. The supply of Power of Faith in our guild is super sufficient, so as long as we are not in front of other Divine Races, we can burn Power of Faith unlimitedly. Although we are not just wasting Power of Faith casually, we did make Vina burn a lot of Power of Faith consciously to test various skills and make some analysis of the burning process.

According to our analysis, the process of Power of Faith burning not only needs the supply of Power of Faith, but also requires the Lord God who burns Power of Faith to use his Divine Soul to continuously control and stabilize the Power of Faith. Faith, otherwise, the combustion process of this Power of Faith will become an extremely unstable state. This instability is manifested by the fact that the combustion formidable power of Power of Faith fluctuates, sometimes extinguished, and sometimes deflagration occurs. In this case, the main god definitely has no way to control his own magic, because his own energy output is unstable. You have to rely on an unstable energy supply mode to complete a magic whose magic energy must be unified. It is an impossible thing in itself.

Of course, it is not so easy to interfere with the soul fluctuation of a main god. Fortunately, there are many capable people here. Many of the Hades and the underworld are experts in playing souls, plus our guild's deep Dark Element background, so we finally came up with something that can interfere with the fluctuation of Divine Race soul in a short time. However, although the things are made out, it is a little troublesome to use them.

Although this interference device can interfere with Divine Race’s soul fluctuation, its range is only 30 cm. That is to say, unless you hang this thing on the opponent, it simply won’t work. Even if I took this thing with myself, the distance between us during the battle was impossible to maintain within 30 centimeters. You must know that the distance of thirty centimeters is too close. Unless the other party is willing to dance the face dance with me, don't expect this thing on me to interfere with the other party.

In view of this relatively fucking situation, the gang of great people in our guild made improvements to this thing, so they made this thing into an adsorption structure, that is, as long as they touch the target It will stick to it, and it will never get off before the end of the action time.

In view of the new features of this thing, when using it, you need a particularly powerful person to take this thing directly to the opponent, and then shoot this thing on the opponent. This basically means that equivalent to is an effective supply effect. Of course, normally an effective attack is actually very simple, but the problem is that our goal is Divine Race, and it is the most powerhouse in Divine Race-the main god of Divine Race , So no one can do this kind of thing except I guess.

Although the leader of the Siberian Divine Race just burned his own Power of Faith and detonated a super big move, but in order to prevent him from continuing to burn Power of Faith one after another, I can only brace oneself hard top.

Put that little band-aid-like thing on the tip of eternity, and I rushed up against the guy's attack. Because I was held in front of me, the eternal tip first took that thing through the shock wave. At this time, the eternal tip immediately separated and released the thing that was protecting it. At the same time, the eternal sword began to use its energy. Extend the extreme speed that he can do, and accurately poke his tip on the body of the leader of the Siberian Divine Race. Although the leader of the Siberian Divine Race burned the Power of Faith, it took him at least one second to relax after he released a big move, but Eternity accurately hit him at this critical moment, and then the little thing automatically adsorbed to his And began to miraculous effect.

As soon as the rescuer sucked up that thing, the shock wave finally spread across the entire blade and reached me in front of me. I had to throw away the Eternal Activation Absolute Barrier and wrap myself up.

Absolute barrier is a skill given by the system, so it does not consume mana, but unfortunately it has a cooldown and can only be used once a day. However, although the number of uses is limited, it must be said that this absolute barrier is not just in name only, but also in reality, because it will never be penetrated. The last time I was attacked by the elemental fusion bomb, if I had time to activate this absolute barrier, I could safely escape the attack, but unfortunately, the explosion happened so suddenly that I didn’t even realize it. Was killed, and ended up hanging up for nothing.

Wrapped by an absolute barrier, I was pushed far away by the shock wave, but I did not suffer any harm. Kristina and the others did not lose much because they flashed so fast, but the buildings on the ground were all affected by the shock wave baptism. Again. Fortunately, the architectural style of Isinger Mobile Fortress is the same as Isinger’s. They are all huge pure stone buildings. All houses are sturdy like bunkers. In addition to destroying some decorations on the exterior walls of the building, the shock wave I'm afraid the only achievement is to shatter a lot of windows!

The leader of the Siberian Divine Race who was thrown out of a big move was immediately annoyed when he found that there were no casualties on our side, but when he was going to continue to burn his Power of Faith and come up with another big move. , But suddenly his mouth opened wide in surprise, almost staring out his eyes. Because he suddenly found that his Power of Faith could not be controlled.

"Damn, what did you do to me?" The Siberian Divine Race leader obviously thought of my sword just now, so he looked at me and roared angrily.

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