Chapter 361 Siege

"Are you the Purple Moon?"

I suddenly heard this guy’s arrogant voice There is an urge to go up and give him a punch, but the current form is obviously that the enemy is strong and we are weak, so for the time being it is better not to stimulate this group of people.

"Yes, I am Purple Moon, you're looking for me?"

"Of course something is going on." The guy arrogantly said: "I heard you have a guild Very powerful, isn’t it?"

"The Frost Rose League is a relatively large guild, and we also have our own high level personnel, so the battle strength is pretty good. But I want to know you guys now. What do you want to show up here?"

I answered the other party’s question without being humble and asked my own question, but the other party didn’t seem to have heard the second half of my sentence at all. To answer what I mean.

"Since your guild is pretty good, then I can give you a chance to join my subordinates directly, so that I can give you some benefits and ensure that you will be better than now."

I looked at the guy in front of me in astonishment and asked: "You mean to be the Divine Race of our Frost Rose League?"

Immediately after hearing what I said, Angrily roared angrily: "What are you talking about? How could I be your guild Divine Race? I mean to disband your guild, and then put people into our Siberian Divine Race and become our Siberian Divine Race. Part of the race."

"Are you sure you know what you mean?" I looked at the young and insulting so-called Siberian Divine Race in surprise and said, "In my opinion, you said Words are more like dream talk. Do you know how big the scale of the Frost Rose League is? Do you know what we have done before? You know..."

"I don’t need to know anything, neither do I I don’t want to know.” The other party interrupted me very angrily, and then said: “I just need to know that if you don’t follow my ideas and become a member of our Siberian Divine Race, I will let you completely learn from in this world. Disappeared."

"Ha!" Gold coin looked at the guy like an idiot and said, "Do you know where the headquarters of our Frost Rose League is now?"

"Why should I know?" The other party remained arrogant.

Gold coin panting with rage said: "Because the headquarters of our Frost Rose League is now located in China."

"So what?"

"Don't you know that Guardian God Race in China is Celestial Court?"

The other party shook the head, then turned to look towards the guy next to him in golden armor and asked: "Celestial Court What is it? Very difficult to deal with?"

The guy asked began to think about it when he heard this question. We thought he would persuade this guy how much, but let us didn’t The guy who expects is looking up and saying, "Celestial Court should be the Divine Race in China, but as an old man Divine Race, there is nothing to be afraid of."

There is nothing to be afraid of? Hearing this guy casually say such words, we almost rushed to the street. What is old man's Divine Race? What is nothing to be afraid of? As the largest entity in the world, Divine Race, the strength of Celestial Court is simply unimaginable. Such a Divine Race would actually be said to be a Divine Race without terrifying. What kind of understanding does the other party have to say such a thing?

King Peacock stared at the group of guys in front of him in surprise for a long time before he suddenly said to me: "President, I think we should consider other methods, this group of people can't communicate at all! "

I am deeply moved and nodded said: "This whole bunch of second fools! It's so insightful to be able to meet such a wonderful Divine Race." Pandora said: "You will take the weakest person first. Let's stay for a little bit, no problem, right?"

Pandora nodded and said: "Just buy me five seconds. "

I nodded and notified Hong Yue them. Although their own battle strength is not weak, it is actually the weakest existence among us, and the enemy on the opposite side is still Divine Race, even Divine Race with not very bright brains, it is also Divine Race. , So what we need now is to minimize the number of people who are holding back. As long as Hong Yue and the others are not here, the rest of us can at least guarantee to persevere in the encirclement of Divine Race and escape or something, as long as they are not lost in an instant, there will always be a chance.

Hong Yue, who was notified in advance, and their weaker personnel immediately began to move to Pandora, and the personnel we were going to stay were all gathered on the periphery.

The leader of the Siberian Divine Race over there, after learning about Celestial Court from his subordinates, he turned back and prepared to continue to persuade us to join them in the so-called Siberian Divine Race, but he turned around In an instant, a sudden strong energy fluctuation made him suddenly stunned. Although his brain seems to be a bit problematic, this guy's combat capability is still good. When he sensed the magic wave and the moment he reacted, he directly threw the long spear in his hand as a lance.

I saw the flying long spear, and I immediately stood in front of Pandora and the others, my hand instantly transformed into a hook and sickle form, and then I swept it horizontally. Just heard a sound, that long spear was stunned by a blow, but after the thing flew out, it went around in a circle and returned to that guy's hand, but what he didn't expect was our action. Quickly, when his weapon returned to his hands in a circle, it was suddenly blue light flashed behind us, and then we lost more than half of the people at the scene.

Since Pandora's transmission capability can forcibly connect to the unopened Transmission Formation, it is naturally easier to enter the open type of Transmission Formation. It only took five seconds for Pandora to complete his teleportation technique, and then he took Hong Yue and a large group of people and disappeared in place. When the shining silver guy over there reacted, there were already a few people who could hit the most.

In fact, there are only four people left on our side now. Apart from me, there are only real red, gold coin and Kristina. Of course, the four of us cannot be counted as the top four among the most powerful people we came this time. Maybe Christina and I can be counted, but Zhenhong and gold coin are not the top four because there is also a peacock. King Ming is here. As one of the gold medalists in Buddhism back then, the Peacock’s battle strength is very terrifying, even now in our chaotic and order Divine Race because it is only a guild Divine Race, it is suppressed by a certain amount of power, but after all, the foundation is It is there, once the battle strength restriction is released, her battle strength is very scary.

However, even if the battle was amazing, I still asked Pandora to take it away, even if the weakest battle strength among the people who came this time, Bingbing, and Bingling left me behind. Send the peacocks away first, not for anything else, because they are Divine Race, NPC, and once they die, there is no chance of resurrection.

The guy on the opposite side saw that there were only four people left on our side, and immediately rushed up to attack me, but I didn’t plan to contact this guy, just back. With a light leap, he avoided the blow of that fellow's rage.

It turns out that this idiot’s battle strength is actually quite good, but his intelligence is really not flattering. Looking at the big hole on the ground, I jumped straight back several times in a row and pulled a distance away, and at the same time signaled to Kristina and Zhenhong, they immediately nodded and responded to my meaning and all distanced me. .

The reason why I don’t gather together is because I intend to let everyone run away one by one. If so many people gather together, it will be easy for the other party to use a big trick. If we are separated, the opponent will always be reluctant to use big moves because we are not together. As for single attacks, as long as the speed is fast enough, they can actually flash past.

The group of Divine Races on the opposite side were not idle after their boss attacked me. Instead, they all rushed up and started chasing Zhenhong them, but now I am a little bit self-conscious. I don't have time to observe their situation and can only take care of myself before talking.

The performance of these Siberian Divine Races in terms of battle strength is not so strong, but just like what I was worried about before, these guys act impulsively and recklessly, and sometimes they would rather be injured and will not let Hello, in this situation, although I have not received much threat, I still have been wiped a few times. If it weren't for the strength of the dragon soul suit, it is estimated that I have been at least seriously injured.

Of course, I am not the kind of soft-footed shrimp that others knead. Those guys played with me in exchange for injury, of course I would not be polite with them. Anyway, the dragon soul suit on my body is strong enough, even if the opponent's Divine Item attack on my body is just breaking the defense, it can only cause very weak damage, and my eternity is different. Eternity, which has the law of cutting off, has an absolute advantage in attack power. Every time those guys add a small injury to me, the price is that they are hit hard.

Although the situation on my side is pretty good, the group of people on the other side are really crazy. In the beginning, their boss was chasing me there alone, but more and more Siberian Divine Races were involved in the fight, and finally they even let them figure out my battle feature is to use flexible swimming. Coming to fight their attacks, the guys left and changed their strategy and started using rogue tactics. A bunch of dignified Divine Races didn’t fight with me. Instead, they rushed up and hit me like rugby, and they tried to hug me as long as they got a touch. This was clearly prepared to entangle me with manpower. Then play the rhythm of the black hand.

After discovering the intention of the other party, I also understood that it would definitely suffer a loss sooner or later. Although I acted flexibly and responded quickly, these guys are really crazy. Sooner or later I will be entangled by them, when Once the time comes is suppressed by this group of guys, I can't give full play to my specialty, even if my defensive power is too high, it can't stand up to so many of them playing black hands together!

"Stop." Playing well, I suddenly kicked a guy who was trying to get up and yelled. The Siberian Divine Race around was an emergency stop, and then we watched in confusion. So I don't know why I called to stop. Seeing that they actually stopped, I immediately shouted loudly: "You guys don't push me, I'm really going to kill you again."

"hmph, how much ability do you have we just now It's been tested, and now you still want to scare us, simply dreaming." The leader who spoke to me before stood up and said again at this time. In fact, since his men began to besiege me, he has stopped fighting with me, but stepped aside and began to command his men to encircle me.

After hearing this guy's words, I knew that Impossible was easy to escape today, so I stopped reporting any extravagant expectations, but started to prepare for the big move. If we don't hurt them today, these guys will definitely not let us go easily. The idea of ​​preserving my strength is obviously too naive.

The guy on the opposite side saw that I stopped talking, and the magic fluctuations in his body became older and stronger. He immediately realized that I might be doing something. He immediately pointed at me and shouted, "Don’t Stop, rush together and bring him down."

The surrounding Siberian Divine Race immediately became active again upon hearing the boss’s order. A large group of Siberian Divine Race suddenly rushed like crazy. Come, it feels as if there is something on my side that is attracting them.

"This is what you asked for." After I said bitterly, I directly inserted the Eternal Scythe Spear into the ground, and then activated the skill instantly. "Divine Domain-fit together."

The Siberian Divine Race who rushed up only felt a flash of light and shadow around them, followed by everyone flying upside down, without knowing what happened. what. However, these guys found that although they were lifted off, they didn’t suffer any harm, so they landed a little bit after grasping a little balance and started to rush back. It’s just that I’ve completed the fit and entered. Complete body state.

After the transformation is completed, I squeezed the eternal hook and sickle spear that was just inserted on the ground and then took it out and danced a spear in my hand. Along with the strong dance, the surrounding air emitted from time to time. There was a gust of wu wu wind, which was caused by the vibration of the airflow driven by the eternal hook and sickle gun, but because the battlefield was too noisy, no one noticed it.

As I danced the eternal hook, the fastest Siberian Divine Race was about to reach me, but at the moment when he extended the hand and wanted to catch me, I But his eternal hook gun suddenly completed a twist and slammed a shot on his shoulder. With a click, the guy suddenly fell short, not because his body was smashed and bent, but because his legs sank into the ground.

I took a step forward immediately after I hit my hand, and a whip leg was drawn on this guy’s head, and a part of the liquefied eternity from the eternal hook and sickle gun has been scattered across the blades of my body. Covering it to act as a blade. Before kicking this guy, a long blade had been spread out on the front armor of my calf, and this blade was also covered with eternity, so it looked like that guy. It seems that I was just kicked, but in fact Equivalent to was cut in the head by Eternity.

There is no resistance at all. The surrounding Siberian Divine Race just feels my fluttering leg swept over, and then that guy’s head suddenly lost half of it. Even in Divine Race, the head suddenly cut in half is sure to die. This guy's body leans back directly without even a sense of resistance. As a result, his body can't fall down because his legs are inserted under the ground, and his body is muscled. Pulling a bullet, he fell forward and fell to the ground, and it wasn't until this time that the blood began to spray wildly.

The Divine Race in Siberia, which had been chasing and blocking me for so long without much harm, realized that I didn’t seem to be joking before, but these guys are all emerging Divine Race, as a young organization , Their fighting spirit is very strong, so these guys rushed up again after only a short meal.

I also knew that I couldn't scare them, so I didn't expect to be able to run away so easily. I immediately took the initiative after the kick and rushed towards the densest place. Those Siberian Divine Races were worried that I would not approach them. Suddenly they saw me rushing up. Of course, they immediately surrounded me and tried to suppress me. What they didn’t expect was that I suddenly hugged me after rushing to the middle of the crowd. The head squatted down.

My strange reaction caused the group of Siberian Divine Races around to be taken aback for a while, but it was only a short while for the guys to realize that this was an opportunity, and then dash on bravely with no thought of All personal safety players rushed up and flew towards my body and piled up a mountain of meat on top of me.

In fact, in this situation, we can see the difference between the experienced old Divine Race and the aggressive new Divine Race. If it is a veteran Divine Race, they will first see my unreasonable reaction, they will definitely wonder if this is a trap, and then stop and watch, or adopt a more conservative way to deal with it. However, the emerging Divine Race's thinking after seeing the same situation is completely different. Their first reaction was that this was an opportunity to make good use of, so instead of carefully changing the combat strategy, they rushed to stake all on one throw and pressed me under the crowd.

These two reactions cannot be said to be superior or inferior, because things themselves are not static. If this is really a trap, then the response of the veteran Divine Race can undoubtedly reduce losses or even turn the tide of the battle, but if this is really an opportunity, the veteran Divine Race will miss the opportunity. Therefore, impulsivity and calmness are actually not right or wrong in themselves. The key lies in how lucky you are to encounter the right event.

However, this group of Siberian Divine Race guys are obviously out of luck, because their judgment is completely wrong. Just after those guys flew and pressed me underneath, suddenly the rays of light flashed in the pile of people, and then I saw my whole person flying up from the ground against the pile of people flying in all directions, and at the same time, A huge rose composed of countless red silk threads with glittering sparkle suddenly bloomed in the sky. The beautiful scene at that moment made the surrounding Siberian Divine Race members stunned for a moment. However, in the next second, the reason for their stupefaction changed from that beautiful picture to a terrifying result.

Just now, the Siberian Divine Races that flew with me actually disintegrated in the air, not a general disintegration, but completely turned into a pile of meat, everyone at least split into For hundreds of thousands of dollars, all the Siberian Divine Races that were pressing on me were no exception. As many as a dozen Divine Races were all divided into pieces in an instant, and they were cut into pieces.

This horrible whiplash made all the guys around sucked in a cold breath, and until I flew out of the corpse and landed steadily, those flying pieces of meat were mixed with blood and water. It fell to the ground like it was raining around me. At this time, those Siberian Divine Races, which were not affected because they were too far away to rush up, suddenly took a step back collectively. They now understand my terrifying and understand that what I said before is not intimidating them, and Is really about to start to kill.

"This, this...How is this possible?"

"There is nothing impossible, I said, I'm going to kill." Looking at the opposite Siberia Divine Race leader, I coldly said. Originally, my words like this should not have any deterrent effect, especially when facing a group of second fools, but when I stood in the Asura field composed of a pile of Divine Race corpse fragments, my words Words have amazing formidable power, so that the guy who was arrogant just now has become a little stuttered.

Of course that guy stuttered because he was scared by me. Although I killed so many Divine Races in an instant, as the leader of this Siberian Divine Race, his own strength should be far above these low-level Siberian Divine Races. As a powerful existence, he himself can actually almost do the explosion like I did earlier. Of course, it is not necessarily to produce so many pieces of uniformly sized meat, but in terms of the number and speed of killing enemies, it shouldn’t. 't be weaker than me.

However, although he was not scared by my strength, he was very surprised, surprised that my strength was so strong that the shock to him made him even start to stammer. Originally, he thought that I was just a better player, completely impossible, so outrageous, after all, they are Divine Race, and I am just a mortal in name.

Actually, there are not many Divine Races that have this guy's idea. Before seeing my battle strength, many Divine Races had this idea. Of course, the Divine Race that has this idea is probably no longer Much, at least in their perception I am an absolute exception.

"Do you know my battle strength now?" I asked aloud when I looked at the guy on the other side.

The guy over there swallowed his saliva before looking at me again and said, "I have to admit that I underestimated your battle strength before. Now it seems that you are indeed worthy of me to take seriously." At this point, he paused for a while, and then said: "But since you really have such a strong strength, then I can't let you go."

The words in front of the other party made me a little The guard was loosened, because I thought I showed enough strength to make the opponent give up after my piece of meat is not good to chew, but what he said later obviously meant that it was a big one hundred and eighty degrees. Turning, this obviously means smashing with me.

To be honest, I really don’t understand why he has to trouble me. If Pandora and the others hadn't left before, they started besieging us as soon as they came up, then I can still think that these guys are the ice-bound Banshee invited to deal with us. However, not only did they not attack us as soon as they came up, but they also wanted us to join. This is absolutely impossible. This is what the helpers of Frozen Banshee should say. Of course, they have other plans that I don’t know about, but come normally. Said that these Siberian Divine Races, apart from helping Banshee and them this reason, I really can't think of any reason why they have to fight us to death. And now listening to the meaning of that guy's words, it is clear that the stronger my strength, the less they can let me go, which makes me even more confused.

Before wild beasts look for their prey, they will measure the ability of a prey. First of all, you can't look for creatures that you can't fight as prey, just like a lonely jackal will definitely not attack a tiger. Secondly, the prey of the beast must also choose the kind of creature that is easy to catch, and its own ability determines that it can be caught. For example, a wolf would not attack the birds in the sky, and he would not be able to catch it no matter whether the opponent was strong or not. In addition, hedgehogs or tortoises are rarely targeted by beasts, because the risk of attacking these prey is greater and they often cannot eat their mouths. Such efforts are obviously meaningless.

Although these Siberian Divine Races are not wild beasts, the truth is the same. There must be a reason why they want to attack me. This reason can be compared to the need for food among animals. They need to get some kind of benefit from me, so they need to attack me. It's easy to fix that the beasts need to eat other animals to fill their stomachs. So, according to the general rule, the stronger I am at this time, shouldn't they be less likely to treat me as a prey? But they actually did the opposite, and after knowing that I was very strong, they became more motivated.

This is obviously very strange, but also not completely unreasonable, at least I can think of a probability, that is, they need something in me. This thing is not necessarily a real thing, it may be something non-specific, but this thing must increase its value as my strength increases. That is, the stronger my battle strength, the greater the value they hope to get from me. Only in this case can they be more excited after seeing my strength so strong.

Although I can guess the probable reason, I am still very confused. I don't know what this guy is thinking, but it's not the time to think about it now. I am not measuring whether a task is worth doing, but other people regard me as the task goal, so the decision is not in me. All I can do is escape or defeat the opponent. However, our strength here is obviously not in the best state, the staff is uneven and there is no preparation. At this time, it is obviously a loss with the other party, so my choice has been determined, and that is to run quickly.

Before showing strong strength is just to deter these guys so that I can escape for a while, but the performance of these guys is not scared by my strength, on the contrary, they are even more excited. This unexpected situation really makes me feel like trying to gain an advantage only to end up worse off. But even if the other party was not frightened by me as planned, he still had to run.

"Why do you have to oppose us?" I looked at the leader of Divine Race in Siberia and said.

Although the guy just said something like he can't let me go, but this time he unexpectedly answered my question. "As for why we can't let you go, don't ask about it. Anyway, knowing that it's the same for you."

"That's not necessarily."

I said After I finished, I planned to induce this guy to tell the truth. Who knows that after I finished speaking, that guy suddenly turned to the other side frowned: "That's yours? How come all the people in your guild are transformed?"

The other party's sudden change made me look towards the direction he looked towards, but there was a sudden flash over there, and the entire Heaven and Earth turned white in an instant. This effect is clearly caused by the glare , But the source of the light is still unclear. But fortunately, the rays of light came suddenly and disappeared quickly. After two seconds, the strong light quickly extinguished. At this time, we clearly saw that a huge red mushroom cloud was slowly flying into the sky at a certain location in the distance.

"Damn, it's that thing again!" I knew what it was when I saw the mushroom cloud. I quickly opened the guild newsletter and shouted at Kristina and the others: "Everyone, prepare for the impact!"

Actually, I don’t remind them, Kristina and the others should also know to avoid this thing. . The mushroom cloud is so obvious that everyone can see it, so they must have seen the situation there.

After reminding Kristina and the three of them, I also reacted immediately, turning the eternity into a sword shape and plunged into the ground, followed by the eternal moment that went deep into the ground. A large piece of structure like tree roots formed under the ground firmly grasped the ground, and I quickly squatted on the ground holding the hilt in both hands, and at the same time, my wings spread out to form a half olive shape. The low wind resistance structure protects myself.

Almost as soon as my preparations were completed, a terrifying shock wave swept across my body like lightning, and the huge wind pressure made me sink sharply. Fortunately, it’s just below. The ground is now, there is enough support, otherwise I will definitely be destroyed by the low wind resistance structure behind me.

After the first shock wave passed, a continuous gust of wind flew over with all kinds of messy things. I could feel the impact of something on the wings from time to time. But the strength is very large. This kind of impact even made my body unstable for a while. If it weren’t for the eternal insertion of my body under the ground to fix my body, I guess I would be hit by these messy debris without being blown by the blast. Flying. Fortunately, my coping strategy was fairly correct, and I barely withstood the first shock wave of formidable power.

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