"These guys are...Divine Race?" Aphrodite looked at a large group of people in surprise and turned to me and asked: "I remember not saying that before we joined Russia Has Divine Race been destroyed by you?"

"It was originally like this, but now it seems that they have re-established a new Divine Race." I pointed to the group of creatures on the opposite side. Aphrodite said: "Did you see a senior in such a large group of people?"

"The lifespans of Divine Race are very long and there is no certainty in appearance, so this cannot be regarded as Metric." Pandora interrupted.

I nodded and said: "Even if the appearance cannot be counted, I am really sure that the previous Russian Divine Race was destroyed. Although I am not sure that all of their members must be killed, but I am sure that Russia The divine force core of Divine Race was indeed destroyed by us."

"If that is the case, then this is indeed a new Divine Race." Pandora said. However, after she finished speaking, she suddenly changed the conversation and continued: "Although this is a new Divine Race, I would rather they are an old Divine Race."

I nodded agreed: " I think so too, but unfortunately this kind of thing is not decided by ourselves."

Compared with the old Divine Race, many people may think that the emerging Divine Race is better to deal with, because according to common sense, an emerging power No matter what type of power it is, as long as it is new, its internal organization and strength accumulation are definitely not as good as the old power. This is indeed a very reasonable way of inference, and it does have a certain reference value, but this thing really cannot be used to measure the destructive power of a Divine Race force. In fact, if a Divine Race power is to be eradicated, the emerging Divine Race power is indeed much easier to deal with than the old Divine Race power. After all, the emerging Divine Race power means that they have no experience, no reasonable staffing, and even various The battle method is not very comprehensive. On the contrary, the veteran Divine Race forces will perform perfectly in these aspects, so relatively speaking, the veteran Divine Race forces are more difficult to annihilate. However, if the other party takes the initiative to make trouble for you, then this situation will be reversed.

Because the old Divine Race forces have existed for too long, factional struggles will inevitably occur inside, and the relationship between various internal and external forces is tangled and complicated, coupled with factors such as structural rigidity, resulting in the old Divine Race forces There is usually no consensus on many things. In this case, even if this Divine Race force has a strong battle strength, it is often unable to fully display it when it comes to action. So it seems that the old Divine Race force seems to be very strong, but there is no formidable power in foreign combat.

On the contrary to the old Divine Race forces, the emerging Divine Race forces are as full of vigor as the youngster, and they are swift and decisive in action, and even a bit reckless. However, because of this recklessness and impulsiveness, the emerging Divine Race forces tend to be more aggressive than the established Divine Race forces. For a veteran Divine Race force, sending one or two experts to take a group of soldiers out to fight is even a large-scale operation, while for a new Divine Race force, they may even be dispatched, even the lair is ignored. , All members charge ahead and fight together. In this case, you can imagine how much battle strength they can erupt.

Since the Divine Race forces in front of them have appeared in Russia, they have only one possibility. Either it is a local Divine Race force or a guild Divine Race force.

It’s not easy for the guild Divine Race to be established, and there are obviously too many people in front of them. Even if Banshee is frozen, they really have the ability to establish their own guild Divine Race during this time. , It is also impossible to bring so many people out all of a sudden. Think about the chaos and order Divine Race back then! How many of us were when we first established this Divine Race pedigree? Later, it developed step by step, pulling people in one by one. How difficult was that? Even if the ice-bound Banshee has the ability and luck, it is impossible to create a Divine Race force comparable to the chaos and order Divine Race in an instant. So, this is definitely not a group of guild Divine Race.

If it is not a guild Divine Race, then it can only be a local Divine Race. The local Divine Race is the guardian power of each country, just like the Celestial Court in China and the headquarters of the Dark God Palace in Germany. If the Divine Race power in front of you is a local Divine Race, it must be the Russian Divine Race, because of the foreign Divine. Race cannot enter the territory of other countries on a large scale. Players of the country must first occupy their land, and then the Divine Race of the country can follow and stabilize this land. Deep in the heart of Russia, impossible is occupied by foreign countries, so this group of Divine Races must be Russian Divine Races, and the problem is that the previous Russian Divine Races have indeed been eliminated by us, which means that the Divine Races in front of us can only be new The Russian Divine Race established is a brand new Divine Race force.

After confirming the identity of these guys, we started to worry. Although we were able to destroy the old Russian Divine Race, it does not mean that we can withstand the attack of this Divine Race. When the Russian Divine Race was invaded, it actually took a lot of money, and there was a surprise element in it, but now it is clear that people came when they were ready, but we were raided. In this case, we can be said to be quite passive.

"Are you the newly established Russian Divine Race?" Since it has been blocked by others, I can only brace oneself to communicate first. According to the current situation, most of our people can't beat the opposite group of guys, so if there is no fighting, it is best not to fight. Even if we really want to fight, we have to wait for us to run back first, and then gather the people and then come over and play with them, so that we won't suffer. Now we have a lack of personnel, and there are also mobile angels used for Divine Race and many weapons specifically used for Divine Race. If this fights, aren’t we boring ourselves?

Although I have a good idea, it is a pity that the guy on the other side doesn't seem to come to greet us. I saw that those Divine Races suddenly gave way after I spoke, and then I saw a Divine Race who looked quite young and at most only eighteen-nineteen years old came out of the group of guys.

This young Divine Race wears a platinum Battle Armor with a red cloak behind it. The shape is quite exaggerated. Behind him are two Divine Races wearing the same form of armor as him, but with different colors. The armors on those two guys are all golden, the whole person looks golden light and very dazzling, but compared with the platinum armor of the previous one, it seems to be slightly worse in terms of gloss.

The guy in the platinum Battle Armor stood out with his head held up all the way, as if he was watching the road with his nostrils. After standing in front of the team, this guy first glanced at us with contemptuous eyes, and then asked in a pretentious tone: "Are you the Purple Moon?"

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