Chapter 362 Accidental Persons

After finally passing the first shock wave, I barely supported the eternal force and moved myself forward slightly A little bit, because I know there is a hole not far in front. This hole was supposed to be part of the urban drainage system, but now it seems to me that it has almost the same function as the air-raid shelter.

In fact, the most powerful shock wave this thing is the first one at the front, because the first shock wave that erupts first is actually an instantaneous transition from zero pressure to ultimate pressure. During this process The structural strength of the material itself can be said to be a severe test, so once you can’t hold the first shock wave, it will be completely disintegrated in the blast, and if the first shock wave does not destroy your defenses, then usually This defense system will not solve problems in subsequent attacks.

After climbing forward with difficulty, I finally touched the hole. I carefully took away the eternity and then went into the hole. As soon as I entered the interior, I felt the pressure on my body dropped a lot. Obviously that kind of wind pressure is powerless in the cave under the ground.

As soon as I entered the cave, I opened the communication and contacted Kristina. They asked: "Kristina, true red, gold coin, report the situation."

"I'm fine." Real Red was the first to replied. Compared with the Kristina of the legal system and the gold coin of the semi-legal system, Zhenhong, a purely physical attacker, is obviously more resistant to this kind of impact. In fact, if someone could see True Red now, he would definitely open his mouth to the limit he could open, because True Red did not adopt any evasive posture at this time, but just stood in the wind.

In fact, the performance of True Red is not without reason. The reason why she can stand completely motionless in the blast is mainly due to her equipment. Because her equipment has an inconstant direction of gravity, in theory, Zhenhong has the same ability as a space anchor. She can completely fix herself in the air, and then stay stable without any external force. When she is affected by external forces, as long as she changes the direction of gravity on her equipment and ensures that the various forces she receives cancel each other out, she can make herself not feel any influence from external forces. It is precisely because of her ability that the shock wave generated by the explosion has no effect on her at all, and she does not even need to use wings to form a protective structure to reduce air resistance like me.

The reaction of gold coin is much simpler than true red. Although the gold coin method does not seem to be so good, but it has to be said that her method is the most labor-saving. In fact, gold coin does not use any exaggerated special effects. She just used her Flying Sword to form a fixed structure around her and locked her own on the ground. Countless Flying Swords are inserted into the ground, and then linked with other Flying Swords to form a strange fixing device composed of Flying Swords. This device firmly fixes the gold coin itself on the ground, and its upper part is covered by those blades. The roof can also withstand the attacks of flying debris.

Different from gold coin, Kristina’s method is even more special. She is now floating directly in the air almost like Zhen Hong, and the debris that has been flying around by the shock wave seems to her to be completely non-existent, without any influence at all. The reason for this effect is of course not because Kristina can also change the direction of her gravity, but because she directly activated the elemental mode that had not been activated before. Now she has completely turned into the Queen of Elements, that is, an incorporeal structure without entities. In this mode, physical damage is completely useless to her, so no matter how violent the shock wave is, it is useless.

"What's the situation over there?" Just as we are struggling against the shock wave generated by the explosion, not far from us, several people are looking at the direction of the mushroom cloud rising in surprise daze. If I saw these people here, I would be very surprised, because these people are clearly Matsumoto Masaga.

"Is that an atomic bomb?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji asked surprisedly looking at the direction of the mushroom cloud rising.

"It should not be." Masaka Matsumoto said: "This may be the kind of element bomb that the president told us before. I didn't expect that they actually have this thing."


"Is that elemental fusion bomb really mass-produced?" Ying Yu Shen Hina asked, looking at Matsumoto Masaka. "I always thought that elemental fusion bombs were obtained by accident. Didn't expect it was something that could be made. If this is the case, once Nobunaga Onishu can obtain a large number of these weapons, we will continue to do so in the future. Hunk?"

Masiga Matsumoto looked at Sakura Rain and said: "I don’t think this will be that simple. Even the patrons that Nobunaga found this time can really mass-produce the elements. Fusion bombs, their output must be very low, and this thing is basically unlikely to be widely used, at least when our personnel are mixed together, it is impossible to use."

"But Even so, this elemental fusion bomb is still too dangerous for us." August Xun said: "The Frost Rose League is now different from before. The industry is too big and there are too many places to be attacked. Although we ourselves Now I am not afraid of Nobunaga Onishou using this thing, but I am afraid that Nobunaga Onishou will use this thing to assist the Eight-Piece Orochi to attack those industries of the Frost Rose League. We can prevent one place but not all places. "

Chi Fire Dragon Ji said: "You are so worried about this and that there is no point at all. I think what we should do now is to quickly find the source of that thing, and then solve this problem fundamentally. As long as we can complete this task, I believe the president will definitely praise us."

"Fire Dragon Ji, why do you care about the praise of the president so much recently?" Ying Yu Shen Hina asked suddenly.

Fire Dragon Ji heard the words of Ying Yu Shen Hina and immediately said: "You don't know, I recently landed with the trumpet that Isengard left behind, and then went to the guild for contribution I went to check it at the exchange point. Guess what I saw?"

"What else? It's nothing more than some Divine Item level equipment." August Xun said indifferently. "These things on us are already the highest. When we came to Japan before, the president and they gave us a lot of support in order to make us stand firm here. Now if we sell these equipment on our body, If it is dropped, several hundred million is definitely not a problem. Do you want to change equipment for such a good thing? Not to say whether there is better, but there is, can you afford it?"

Chi Fire When Dragon Ji heard this, he immediately said: "That's why I am so anxious to get the chairman's affirmation! You don't know, what I saw this time is not equipment, but a kind of demon, a very, very powerful one. Familiars. This kind of Familiars is very powerful. I have never seen such high-level Familiars except for a few with the president. Don’t you know..."

"So you want to quickly get the praise of the badge, and then accumulate some guild contribution points to exchange for that Familiar Egg?" Matsumoto Masaga interrupted Chi Fire Dragon Hime and said.

Chi Fire Dragon Ji nodded said: "That kind of pet egg is definitely something that may come by with luck, but not by searching for it. If I want to spend money to buy it, I will probably Don't count on it, so you can only rely on guild contribution!"

"Speaking of guild contribution, how much do you have now?" Masaka Matsumoto suddenly asked.

August Xun and Ying Yu Shen Chou both fell asleep suddenly, because they didn't expect Masaka Matsumoto would suddenly ask this, but August Xun still quickly replied: "I have It’s more than three hundred. I just exchanged some things before, so I don’t have much left."

Sakura Rain God young also immediately said: "I have about 29,000 more here, Matsumoto Masaga-kun, you Is there something to redeem? If I want it, I can lend it to you first."

Fire Dragon Ji immediately anxiously said: "Hey hey hey, why are your sisters? I'm right. Worried about not having enough guild contribution, you guys have to lend to Masaga-kun Matsumoto without considering my needs. Although his relationship with us is also very good, he is not better than my sister, right?" Speaking of this, Chi Fire Dragon Ji anxiously said to Masaka Matsumoto over there: "And you Masaka-kun Matsumoto, if you don’t have anything urgent, don’t snatch it with me. This beloved egg is a rare one. I won’t have a chance if someone else gets me late!"

Matsumoto heard the complaint of Chi Fire Dragon and immediately said: "I’m not trying to grab the guild’s contribution with you, I’m Asking your guild contribution is to help you gain guild contribution faster."

"What do you mean?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji Yiting Matsumoto Masaka must be in order to himself Gaining guild contribution faster is an immediate enthusiasm. "Come on and tell me what you can do?"

Matsumoto's words to Chi Fire Dragon Hime were completely ignored, and he asked directly again: "You tell me your guild contribution is now How many are there, right?"

"A little more than ninety-one thousand. What are you going to do?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji asked anxiously.

After hearing this number, Masaga Matsumoto was nodded first, and then said: "It should be enough."

"Hey, do you want to die me? What do those guild contributions do?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji pulled Matsumoto Masaga and asked nonchalantly.

Matsumoto saw that Seki was almost sold and said: "I want you to concentrate your guild contributions, and then apply for a full scan opportunity in the nearby area."

< p> "A comprehensive scan of the guild?" August Xun and Ying Yu Shen Chou both exclaimed together, not even looking at the mushroom cloud in the distance.

In fact, there is a reason why they are so surprised. The guild scan, as the name suggests, is a scanning function provided by the guild. This function is not simply to scan a certain place by magic, but to use all the scanning capabilities that our guild currently possesses for an area, completely Scan it again. This scanning includes Babel's Tower’s full coverage terrain detection and moving object locking, as well as the micro-reconnaissance provided by Clear Sky Mirror, which has targeted detection at giant mosquito outposts, as well as our guild’s battlefield guide car and Investigation of various special props.

If a series of investigative methods are connected, basically all the information in an area can be scanned out, and almost impossible to be deceived by any means. Of course, because these devices involved in scanning are all very important equipment in the guild, and these things are all very expensive, they require a lot of people to operate once booting up, and even require a lot of magic crystal support, so these things are not easy. use. If it is a guild battle, using these equipment is naturally as it should be by rights, but if it is an individual player who needs to use it, it must be paid. Because the contribution of our guild is more expensive, it is also possible to use the contribution point. However, this usage fee is definitely very expensive, and it is not a one-time charge when it is used, but is calculated according to the time. If you have a large scope of investigation, you will have to spend more time, and the charging standard for these devices is 100 contribution points per minute.

Foreign staff like Masaga Matsumoto and Akatsuki Kaun, because they do something special, they get more contributions than those in the guilds like Zhenhong and Kristina. There are many pillars. Although their battle strength is not as good as Kristina and the others, their position is very important. It should be a little bit more contribution. Also, in terms of the benefits our guild has gained, Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaoru are currently What they have done so far is absolutely worthy of their high income.

However, even for high-income people like them, the contribution of the guild is only a few thousand. From this you can imagine how precious the contribution of our guild is. Chi Fire Dragon Ji has been planning to buy magic pets before, so her account contribution has never been used much, and it has always been accumulated there. Even in this case, her account contribution is just so little. That's it. In this case, it is necessary to use 100 points per minute for the bank account contribution, you can imagine how big this trumpet is.

After Matsumoto Masaka finished his plan, the sakura rain god young man over there was calculating there, and Chi Fire Dragon Hime was even more surprised and said: "Matsumoto Masaka-kun, you are not talking Am I kidding me?"

Masika Matsumoto looked at Chi Fire Dragon very seriously, and Ji asked: "Do you think I am joking?"

Chi Fire Dragon Ji glanced at Matsumoto Masaka’s expression, then reluctantly shook the head and said, “But that’s a guild scan! It’s 100 points per minute for household contributions! Now the ghost knows where the ghost Nobunaga is going. Go, we scan him with the contribution of the bank, in case of time, we will not be able to find it, but we can’t afford this consumption! So now we have to redeem the bank account contribution for a scan. This is called reluctant to bear the child and can't catch the wolf. Nobunaga Ghost is the wolf, as long as we catch him, we can follow the vine and find the place where the super fusion bomb is made. This way We can help the guild clean up this huge threat. Think about it, for this contribution, how much bank account contribution will the president pay us? You need anything, as long as you get the bank account contribution this time It’s not a problem anymore."

When Chi Fire Dragon Ji heard Matsumoto’s beautiful prospects, she began to whisper in her heart. On the one hand, she wanted the contribution of these business owners, and on the other hand, she worried about her own behavior. The contribution of the households was in the water, and it was a tangled in my heart. However, after hesitating for a long time, she was still nodded: "Well, I will give it up. For that demon egg. Anyway, the current bank account contribution is not enough, staring at me that I have accumulated enough bank account contribution. It may not be mine. If I succeed in one fell swoop this time, I can be sure to get that Familiar Egg."

Fire Dragon Ji has just expressed his opinion on the other side of Ying Yu Shen Hina. Then he said: "I also agree. I don't have anything to change after the shock. The contribution of the bank account is piled there and there is no interest. It is better to use it."

Matsumoto Masaka Seeing that both Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji agreed, she did not ask August Kazuo any more. Anyway, she didn't have much contribution from the industry. The main thing is to look at Chi Fire Dragon Ji's opinion. After all, Matsumoto Masaka I don't have much contribution from the bankers. It is said that everyone is raising funds. In fact, Chi Fire Dragon Ji is the key. Who said she is now the Little Rich Lady in terms of bank account contribution!

"Shall we call now?" Chi Fire Dragon asked.

Matsumoto Masaga nodded. "Start calling right away. We need to know the location of Nobunaga Onishu. The sooner we move, the faster the search speed will be. He is impossible to run too far in a short time."

After hearing Matsumoto's words, Fire Dragon Ji immediately opened the communication and contacted the military god's side, and the military god's side immediately analyzed the situation here, and then arranged a scan for them. The result was much better than Matsumoto's expectations. The other equipment on the guild side hadn't been activated yet, just opened the Babel Tower and scanned the surrounding area and found the missing Guishou Nobunaga.

Actually, Masaga Matsumoto and the others were originally in Japan. Before, because a spy in the guild lurked in the Guishou League of Nobunaga Onitou and found some vital information, so Only a few of them will leave Japan and go to Russia under such circumstances. In fact, only from the task I gave Masaga Matsumoto and the others, they came here as an act of malfeasance.

Matsumoto Masaga and Sakurayu Shinhina are special personnel I specially arranged for the mission in Japan. As for missions in other countries, we have people in our guild that can perform them, but only they can perform them in Japan. Mixed up. Therefore, it is a waste of resources for them to go elsewhere. Of course, if they can really chase Nobunaga oni to find the place where the bomb was made, then I am definitely not accounting for their leaving Japan privately. After all, this matter is currently our most important thing. The threat of that super bomb is too great for us!

"His son." Matsumoto Masaga excitedly pointed in one direction to deal with each other, while the Sakura Rain God and Chi Fire Dragon Hime rushed out immediately.

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