According to Frozen Banshee, this messy guy with a weak battle strength should be her hole card, but nothing weird happened when I pierced it with a sword. , Everything is going very smoothly. Eternally pierced through that guy's body with ease, and then I got EXP, which proved that the target was dead. After all, the system can't go wrong, and only the target can get experience when the target is dead.

I took Eternity out after confirming that the guy had died, and then I pulled out my feet from the guy's legs, and then turned my head and looked towards the ice-bound Banshee. "Aren't you this guy, very difficult to deal with? What kind of expert is this?"

Frozen Banshee, who should have been very lost, smiled strangely at this time, and then looked at it. I said, "You won't understand how powerful he is without witnessing it with your own eyes, but you will know soon."

"How do I know if this guy is dead?" I looked at Frozen Banshee said: "Don't be mistaken, this guy is an NPC, not a player. After death, he will reappear impossible."

"Oh? Do you think so?"

< p>Banshee’s mystifying rhetorical question made me suddenly stunned, and then immediately turned back and looked towards the guy on the ground. As a result, when I turned and looked towards that guy, the one had died completely before, even EXP The dispensed corpse suddenly twitched without warning.

The corpse's sudden corpse deception made all of us stunned for a while, but everyone was just surprised, and there was no element of fear. If in reality a dead person suddenly got up, it would of course be very scary, but this is a game, our guild is a place where the undead is plagued by disasters, and people who are afraid of ghosts are really very rare.

As we watched, the movement of the corpse on the ground that was confirmed dead by me began to become more and more obvious. First, the hands and feet twitched unconsciously. Gradually, the head began to shake from side to side, and then suddenly lifted. He raised an arm and touched his head, feeling as if he had a headache when he got up early after a hangover, and the corpse sat up on the ground with his head frowned.

It seemed to be a little delirious. After he sat up, he first stared at us and scanned for a circle, and then he supported the ground and slowly tried to get up, but his movements were a little shaky, which took a long time. Finally stood up from the ground.

After standing up, the guy's hand was also put down from his head, and then he reached out to touch the hole in his heart. This position no longer bleeds, but because of the barriers of armor and clothes, it is impossible to see whether the wound inside is healed, but if he wants to come back from the dead, the wound is probably compounded.

After stroking his wound, the guy looked up again and looked towards us, and at the same time began to stagger towards his long sword, but his movements were so slow, with intentions It was so obvious again, of course I was impossible to let him succeed.

"gold coin."

As soon as my reminder sounded, a spinning sword wheel flew over, and pu' sound flashed past him, and then We saw the guy stop, and then his upper body suddenly slid down from the lower body and fell to the ground, while the remaining half of the body did not plop back until the upper body fell to the ground. The sword wheel of gold coin neatly divided this guy directly, and there were no accidents in the middle.

After the guy broke into two pieces, I immediately looked towards gold coin, and gold coin was immediately replied: "It should be dead, I even got the EXP here."

"I also received EXP just now, but he still got up."

"It may be transformed into the undead." Gold coin said: "But this time it should be really dead. I have cut him into two sections. Even if he is not Death God, there shouldn't be much battle strength left with only half of his body."

"hahahaha, don't think about it." The frozen Banshee suddenly laughed. and said with a smile: "Valkyrie is immortal, you should never expect to defeat him."

This time we did not laugh at the frozen Banshee, but looked towards the side with a solemn expression. Two corpses called Valkyrie, it seems that the guy hasn't changed significantly now, but if the ice-bound Banshee is not really crazy, then what she said is likely to be true. This NPC called Valkyrie may really have some kind of mortal ability. But I always think that the abilities of this guy may not only be the characteristic of Immortal Body, because if it just keeps resurrecting, this guy is actually not terrifying at all. From the way he was resurrected just now, it can be seen that this guy actually had almost zero battle strength when he was resurrected, and he even had to struggle to stand up. In this state, even if he is resurrected, we can easily make him lie down again, and every time he dies, he will provide experience. In this way, the person who killed him can not only suppress his resurrection, but also continuously gain benefits. What is the difference between this resurrection ability and giving experience to the enemy?

If this Valkyrie’s ability is really resurrected like this over and over again, I don’t think the ice-bound Banshee will be so arrogant, but the question is what kind of ability does she rely on? ?

While we were nervously observing the guy’s corpse, a lot of slender red tentacles suddenly stretched out from the cut into two corpses, and then the two corpses started to stretch out. The two tentacles in between accidentally touched each other. As if the target was discovered, the tentacles stretched out from the two sections of the body immediately turned their heads and all converged to the other section of the corpse on the opposite side after the two tentacles that had come into contact with each other appeared. A large number of tentacles touched in the air, and then entangled with each other and began to tighten. The two corpses were quickly pulled together by the tentacles. After the incisions were connected, the guy actually wriggled and started trying to stand up.

"What kind of situation is this? Is it really Immortal Body?" Gold coin said as he looked at the guy over there who was trying to get up.

I frowned and said: "Maybe it’s not enough to destroy, try cutting a few more paragraphs."

As my voice fell, dozens of sword wheels fluttered immediately. Go up and cut the Valkyrie, who hasn't fully stood up, into a pile of meat of the same size. Looking at the scattered pieces of meat, I didn't feel much at ease. Instead, I turned my head and looked towards the ice-bound Banshee, only to find that the ice-bound Banshee was still looking there with a smile. This reaction of the ice-bound Banshee obviously means that the Valkyrie has not really died. Although gold coin once again stated that she had received another EXP, the thing on the opposite side must still be alive. Since that guy has demonstrated the resurrection twice, it is not surprising that it appears the third time.

Sure enough, just after I made my judgment, the fleshy pieces scattered over there splintered into a large number of filaments again. These red thread-like things were connected and entangled in the air, and then pulled Those pieces of meat were integrated and stacked, and soon formed a whole new human body. However, unlike before, the armor on this guy was completely gone at this time. In the attack just now, the guy's armor was cut into pieces along with his clothes. His body has the ability to heal automatically, but his armor does not have such ability, so he is completely naked now. But I don't know if it is because he knows that the clothes are gone, or he is afraid of being embarrassed, or that he should be at this stage now, anyway, the guy's appearance has changed significantly.

The guy before was a typical pretty boy-shaped handsome male, but now the creature in front of me has basically no human characteristics. His height has soared from a normal human category to about 2.5 meters, which is almost the same as a mobile angel. In addition, this guy's legs have turned into a three-fold state like a werewolf, but what is different from the werewolf's long legs is that this guy's legs are very thick, and it looks like a bodybuilder. In addition, the angle of this guy's legs is more than that of a werewolf. Normal werewolf's legs are mostly extended at an angle of close to sixty degrees, which means that even if they extend their legs completely, their height will not increase too much, after all, they are already close to a fully upright state. However, the Valkyrie’s legs in front of him are different. His legs are bent, very difficult to deal with. Although it seems that his height is already 2.5 meters, his legs actually seem to be half squatting. The state, simply not fully developed. Although it can be seen that this posture is his normal upright posture, this almost fully folded structure means that he may have very strong jumping ability. After all, his leg muscles are so developed, and he usually folds his legs. Once he suddenly stretches his legs out, he will definitely be able to jump high.

Except for the changes in the legs, this guy’s body structure is similar to that of a human, but his body is obviously very toned, with relatively thin waist and abdomen, eight-pack abs and some lateral muscles. It looks well organized. His arm still has the same general structure as a human being, the only difference is that the length is slightly increased, and the outer belt has become much thicker. Also, his claws have obviously become more like wild beasts. Although the fingers are still very clear, the sharp sharp claw shows that these hands may be more suitable for use as weapons to wield rather than tools.

In addition to these changes, this guy has two other changes. One is that there is an extra tail behind him. This long tail, which is a bit like a crocodile tail, hangs behind him and swings from side to side. It can be seen that the power of this tail should be sufficient. The last change is his head. This guy’s face has been preserved, still the same shape as before, but the difference is that his facial skin is the same as all the positions up and down the whole body. It has lost the color of human skin, but has become a faint blue blue. In addition, the surface of this skin is covered with large and small cracks, which look like old tree skin, without the smoothness of human skin. However, I think this change may be to increase defensive power. After all, this kind of skin is much stronger than human skin.

In addition to the change in skin color, the biggest difference between his head is that there are two horns on his head. These two horns grow on both sides of the forehead near the temples. They grow symmetrically on the left and right sides. They are spiral in shape, a bit like goat horns, and a bit like cow horns. Not only is it very thick, but it is also very sharp and Jian Ruitao.

To be honest, if it weren't for the crocodile tail and his feet are claws instead of hoofs, I would even think it was an Archfiend. But anyway, his head is indeed very devil-like.

Because the skin of the whole body has become blue and it looks very rough, this Valkyrie no longer needs clothes to cover his shame. In fact, he does not have any gender characteristics. Even if it is the position between his legs, he can't see anything. It is certain that even if he has a gender, he should be distinguished from humans in a completely different way.

This changed monster didn't rush up immediately after the resurrection was completed. Instead, it seemed curious to lift up his paws and look at it before turning around to face us. After seeing gold coin and me, this guy was obviously angry. He glared at us with a stern face, and then suddenly rushed towards us with his long legs, and in the process of charging, he instinctively fell on the ground. , At the same time open arms, stretch out the palms of both hands and five fingers forward to sit and get ready to grasp.

Seeing the guy's reaction, I turned my head and looked towards the direction beside me moved towards the real red nodded who was looking at me, and the latter shot out immediately. As soon as the two silhouettes entered the attack range, Valkyrie swung their claws and grabbed them fiercely, but Zhen Hong did not dodge or dodge, raising his hand and banging his claws frontally. He only heard pu chi, followed by a rough scream. Valkyrie used his right hand to pinch his left wrist, which had lost his entire palm, and retreated three or four steps. Obviously, the attacking team just now caused a considerable amount of damage. harm.

True Red, who succeeded in a move, did not let him go. Instead, he took advantage of the opportunity of Valkyrie to scream and scream, and began to jump more than two meters away, with his right foot He stepped on Valkyrie's knee and used force to rise, then raised his right hand, and slammed Valkyrie's forehead with a punch from top to bottom from the air. As if it had exploded a watermelon, there was a sound of explosion mixed with liquid jets. I remembered that Valkyrie’s headless corpse stumbled back two steps before falling to the ground crashingly, and at this time, the red was stable. Stood on the ground.

"Got experience?" I looked at Zhenhong and asked.

True red nodded said: "Didn't expect this guy is so useless, EXP is quite a lot!"

"hmph hum, soon you will know Valkyrie It's abolished in the end." Bingfeng Banshee said arrogantly again.

I have begun to believe the words of the frozen Banshee, but so far I have not thought of a good way. The only way I can think of is to destroy it as thoroughly as possible. My current thinking is that if this Valkyrie is resurrected in a while, I will let King Peacock Ming use Fudo Ming Wang Yan to completely burn his body, when the time comes, even if his body can regenerate, we will not give him the rest Any living cell should not be able to regenerate, right?

It turns out that the guy does continue to regenerate. Just after Zhenhong finished talking to us, the headless corpse over there immediately moved again, but this time he didn’t stretch out a thread. Connecting the scattered limbs, but directly surging out a new head on the neck. This new head does not look the slightest difference from the previous head, but the way it appears also makes me worry about whether the previous decision is really effective. But anyway, this guy seems to be in no danger except for resurrecting constantly, so I'm not too anxious for the time being.

True Hong watched this guy's head suddenly grow out again and he would do it. I immediately reminded: "Don't break his limbs, twist his neck, I'm going to burn him. "

True red nodded suddenly rushed up, slammed a foot on the guy’s stomach and ran on his shoulder, then hugged his head with both hands and twisted it hard, only to hear a crackling sound. The body of the guy who had just stood up immediately fell down again. Seeing that guy fell down again, I immediately talked to King Peacock Ming. The latter also immediately stepped forward to completely cover the guy with his own Fudo Ming Wang Yan, and even the parts of his limbs and blood stains were included for safety. They are covered with flames to incinerate them completely.

Although our idea is good, this guy surprised us very much. After the King Kong Ming Wang's Fudo Ming Wang Yan covered it, his body was turned into coke and burned as expected. Flying ash, but continued to rebirth without any influence at all. He slowly twisted his neck to the strange angle and pulled it back to its original position, and then stood up from the ground again. It wasn't until this time that he seemed to realize that he was in the flames, so he immediately took a breath, and instantly sucked all the surrounding flames into his stomach, and finally he even burped.

Even if the Peacock King was the number one expert in Buddhism back then, and her Fudo King Flame is the same as her colorful divine light. It is a famous killer. No matter how famous this Fudo Ming Wang Yan is, if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. The Valkyrie not only ignored Fudo Ming Wang Yan, but even ate it.

After swallowing the Fudo Ming Wang Yan, Valkyrie seemed to be enjoying his stomach very much, and then we found that his figure suddenly increased by several tens of centimeters, his original height was 2.5 meters. It looks almost three meters away now. This big man is already very huge for us, and in my psychology, this guy's magical fluctuations are also growing. All of this shows that this Valkyrie is not just a look, he can really eat flames and can absorb the energy in it.

Frozen Banshee yelled to us again as before, "You shouldn’t waste your energy. If I were you, please run now. Valkyrie is not afraid of energy supply at all, you The magic can only replenish him with energy. The more you hit him, the stronger you will be. If you don’t believe it, you can try it."

Although Frozen Banshee’s words instigate us to experiment, this This kind of thing is still indeterminate, so I let Kristina attack the Valkyrie with magic, and the result was that Valkyrie opened his arms against Kristina’s magic rainstorm, as if enjoying the winter. The sunshine in the room is the same. The magic missiles that were supposed to explode after touching his body turned out to be like water droplets on a sponge, and they were directly absorbed when they touched Valkyrie's skin. This terrifying phenomenon caused Kristina to immediately turn off her magic, and thanks to her quick response, Valkyrie just increased by another circle during the attack. If Kristina reacts more slowly, it might be okay. How much benefit can he get.

"Damn, this guy is really not afraid of magical attacks!" Kristina exclaimed.

I looked at Valkyrie frowned over there and said: "Magic attacks will only make him stronger and stronger, but physical attacks seem to only suppress him for a short period of time. In this case Isn't this guy invincible? How could such a powerful existence appear?"

Kristina stepped back and said: "System will not allow such an existence to appear, he must have weaknesses."< /p>

Frozen Banshee suddenly said to the gold coin next to him: "It's useless for you to see me. I was impossible to tell you his weaknesses."

"That means Does this guy really have weaknesses?" Gold coin keenly discovered the loopholes in the frozen Banshee's words.

Frozen Banshee, who knew that he had leaked his mouth, simply said: "What if I let you know? As long as you can't find that weakness, you can't defeat him. Valkyrie can continue to resurrect. , And the more you fight, the stronger you are. Sooner or later, you will never be able to beat him again, and then it’s time for you to repay everything."

"Don’t say so exaggerated, even if you can’t find the weakness, I Now there are at least three ways to solve your helper, and they are absolutely effective."

Banshee froze when he heard what I said, then suddenly laughed arrogantly. "Hahahaha, Purple Moon, do you have a hard duck mouth? It doesn't matter, you can blow it as much as you want. If you can't find Valkyrie's weakness, you will never be able to defeat him, even if you can blow it through the sky, it's useless. "

Although Frozen Banshee doesn't believe me, what she doesn't know is that I am not lying. I really know that there are three ways to get this Valkyrie. But these three methods are very troublesome, so if possible, I would rather find the weakness and kill this guy directly.

Actually, the three methods I mentioned are not complicated, they are all very simple methods, but they are a little troublesome to implement.

The simplest method first is to grab this guy directly, and then hang him in midair with a fixture to prevent him from touching anything. After previous battles, it can be determined that this guy does not use magic, but can only use melee combat, so we only need to hang him, and even if his limbs are not strong enough, he will be useless. Of course, this method cannot kill him, it can only be said that he loses the ability to harm us. And with this guy's battle strength, it shouldn't be difficult to block his actions. As for the question of if he can get magic, I think it's very simple. Just get a magic device. Although mobile forbidden equipment is very rare, it is actually very simple to set up a fixed forbidden area in each area.

However, although this method can limit Valkyrie's harm, it needs permanent care, and as long as he cannot be eliminated, this is always a hidden danger.

This second method is actually simpler than first, and it can basically eliminate hidden dangers completely. This method also requires Valkyrie to be captured, but instead of being imprisoned permanently, it is thrown directly into the Sea of ​​Silence.

The Sea of ​​Silence is an ocean of negative energy. This guy can absorb magical energy and strengthen himself. This shows that he is a positive energy creature, so once he comes into contact with negative energy, his body will interact with negative energy. And reaction, the final result is mostly direct annihilation. The advantage of this method is that it can be done once and for all, but the disadvantage is that it takes pains to get this guy to Isengard, and then take the Yin and Yang road to the underworld, and down to the bottom of the Seventeenth Layer hell. You know that the road over there is not easy to walk. It’s okay for me to go down alone, but it’s very hard to bring something down. Moreover, this method still has a trouble that it cannot guarantee whether the negative energy in the Sea of ​​Silence will definitely neutralize the positive energy of Valkyrie. If he can even use the negative energy, it will be even more troublesome.

In addition to the above two methods, there is a third method. Compared with the first two methods, the biggest advantage of this method is to ensure that Valkyrie can be eliminated without any accidents. , And it is the kind of effect that permanently eliminates future troubles. However, compared with the previous two methods, this method is really super troublesome. Because this method is to use the ring of commandments.

The ring of discipline governs all laws, so it can directly erase the existence of Valkyrie from the law and even existence, no matter how powerful this Valkyrie is, even if he is High God, as long as the discipline When the ring is activated, he will undoubtedly die. This is 100% guaranteed. However, the Ring of Discipline is not my thing. The thing is shared by Divine Race in all countries in the world, and I just take care of it. Although it can be borrowed, it requires various Divine Race nodded, and this process is bound to be a lot of annoying exchange of benefits. Therefore, although this method is 100% safe, it is the most difficult to implement.

Anyway, at least these three methods can still be used as our backup plan, and the final use of the ring of discipline can be used as a backup plan for the backup plan. In case the previous plan is useless, the final plan It must be effective.

If you have a bottom in your heart, you don't have to panic. Looking at Valkyrie, who is fighting with the real red over there, I began to seriously think about the weakness of this guy.

Judging from the performance of the frozen Banshee, this Valkyrie must have weaknesses, and it is a real weakness that can be completely killed, but we have not found it. True Red is now trying to attack different parts of Valkyrie to test whether he has any special reactions to damage from different positions. Of course, the other purpose of this is to not kill Valkyrie for the time being, because that guy seems to be there. It seems that the constant death will become stronger a little bit, so we decided not to kill this guy as much as possible before finding a reasonable way. Fortunately, this guy's battle strength is not very strong yet, and it is relatively easy to restrict his actions.

Relying on the absolute advantage of movement method flexibility and strength, he kept taking Valkyrie around in circles, and from time to time he gave a punch to test the reaction of the opponent, just because he couldn’t kill. He died, so he has been deliberately suppressing his attack power, and he also paid attention to not attacking those vital parts that he tried before.

Looking at the real red flashing over there, and then at the Valkyrie who was chasing behind and always keeping a pace, I frowned began to think hard, and also activated the surrounding Other people think together. Since the people who come here are all experts, their minds are generally more flexible. Except for Aphrodite and Zhenhong himself, the people here are basically half technical personnel, so everyone has a wide range of knowledge.

I have strong experience and knowledge in physical combat, Kristina has a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of magic theory, and gold coin knows how to use various oriental techniques. In addition to us, Hong Yue and Da Guofan also know some special aspects of knowledge, coupled with the random chaos and order. Divine Race has deep knowledge that players can’t reach. It is said that our knowledge should be able to cover As for Valkyrie's weakness, we just don't know where his weakness is for the time being.

"Boss, how about tying up that guy first and then studying it slowly?" Gold coin, who had no good idea for a long time, suddenly suggested.

I am more inclined to accept the suggestion of gold coin, but to be honest, this Valkyrie has been wicked since its appearance, so I really don’t want to get it back to Aisin. Grid, but hope to get rid of it directly. But standing so stupidly is not a problem, so in the end I agreed to gold coin's decision.

The process of arresting the Valkyrie was very simple. Like I said, this guy’s battle strength is still relatively weak so far. Although it is much stronger than the average player, it is still weaker than true expert. Not to mention the perverts of our guild, even if it’s not. Those super players in the guild, it is not difficult to defeat him. So this guy is really not much threatening at all. A group of people from our side rushed up, and efficiently pressed it to the ground, and then the iron chain and spider silk were put on together, and the guy was quickly fixed. But after catching this guy, I was more concerned and didn’t let them take him away directly. Instead, I first glanced at the ice-bound Banshee, and I happened to see the ice-bound Banshee's face over there. A proud look.

It is said that Valkyrie was caught, although it was not killed, but in fact there is no deterrent. Normally, Banshee would be very disappointed in this way, but instead of being disappointed at all, she is acting very happy. This is obviously abnormal.

Generally speaking, a person who is happy is naturally because he followed his meaning, so the ice-bound Banshee now looks like this means that what we do may be a good thing for her. But what are the things we are about to do now that will help her?

I think about it, the only thing I can think of is to take Valkyrie to the ground. This seems to be the only thing I can think of that might help her. After determining this general direction, I began to think about why taking Valkyrie to the ground would help the frozen Banshee. Then I suddenly thought that Valkyrie can absorb magical energy to strengthen himself, so like divergent thinking, can he absorb other energy?

In addition to the energy of attacking magic, there should be three kinds of energy around us. The first is free magic energy. This is a common energy in the game, and there are many ways to use it, but where we are now is not a forbidden area, so if Valkyrie can really absorb free energy, then he is here now It can also be absorbed, and it makes no difference whether to go to the ground or not. Then, this energy should not be free energy.

In addition to free magic energy, one of the remaining energy is temperature energy.

Temperature is also a kind of energy, high-temperature objects carry more energy than low-temperature objects, and certain special abilities can absorb the energy in temperature. Now we are located at an underground base in a certain city in Russia. When I came down on the ground before, I felt that the ambient temperature was about zero degrees, and the base under the ground was obviously much warmer. It is estimated that there will be Ten degrees of temperature. Therefore, if Valkyrie can absorb energy from ambient temperature, it is obviously more suitable underground. Of course, it does not rule out that Banshee was thinking about waiting for Valkyrie to arrive at Isengard to absorb energy. After all, there is a temperature of more than 20 degrees on Isengard, which is much warmer than this underground base. However, I think this probability is not great, because the energy carried by the ambient temperature is actually very small, and absorbing temperature energy does not mean that you can fully convert this energy. The absorption ratio will actually be very low, so it is calculated, unless We throw Valkyrie into the lava, otherwise the general temperature changes should not help much.

In addition to temperature, there is only one common energy I can think of, and that is sunlight.

Everyone is familiar with solar energy. Human beings have used solar energy for a long time. Whether it is to generate electricity or what to do, we have been using solar energy all the time. The energy on Earth, whether it is coal, petroleum, wind, hydropower, etc., is actually solar energy in the final analysis. The energy in coal is the energy stored by sunlight through photosynthesis before the ancient trees turned into coal, so the thermal energy in coal is actually solar energy. Petroleum is the same principle, it is the energy fixed by solar energy. Wind energy is a kind of change of solar energy because of the uneven heat generated by Daqi after being irradiated by the sun. The water energy seems to be generated by the terrain drop, but in fact, the water is the potential energy formed by the rain and snow after the solar energy evaporates, and then flows back to the sea to form the potential energy, so they are still solar energy. In fact, most of the energy in thunder and lightning is actually solar energy.

The energy on Earth that can be used by humans and has nothing to do with solar energy is actually nuclear energy, geothermal energy and tidal energy. Among them, nuclear energy is released by the reaction of nuclear matter, and geothermal energy is also produced by nuclear reactions. , But unlike nuclear energy, geothermal energy is a natural nuclear reaction, not artificially generated. As for tidal energy, it involves celestial mechanics, and it has nothing to do with solar energy anyway.

In reality, most of the energy is direct or indirect energy produced by solar energy, and although there are no messy energy utilization methods in the game, there are still settings for massive use of solar energy. For example, our most common magic crystal energy is actually the magic crystal formed by the accumulation of free magic energy and then we dig it out for use. According to the game settings, the free magic energy is actually a kind of energy formed by magic elements after being irradiated by the sun. , Which means that magic energy is actually a variant of solar energy, just like fossil fuel energy in reality.

In addition to magic energy, there are actually many things that directly use light energy in the game. The most common one is the divine technique of Light God Palace. The reason why Light God Palace is called Light God Palace is because they are experts who use light energy. Those Light God techniques are actually a way to use light energy, and Light God Palace itself has many methods to directly use solar energy. .

From the use of light energy, it can be seen that solar energy is actually a very powerful form of energy, but it is widely used. So, it is not surprising that

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