"I understand what you mean, first protect yourself, and I will help you out in a while."

"Understood." Radamantis said After that, I took the initiative to cut off the communication, and I turned my gaze to the ice-bound Banshee on the opposite side again. Although she is laughing very crazy now, I hope she can be a little more crazy.

The current situation is obvious. The ice-bound Banshee on the opposite side thinks that both Kristina and I have been suppressed by the traps they set, and their strength is quickly disappearing, but the actual situation is the damn thing. Reliable Divine Item unexpectedly appeared at this time, so the current situation is that the strength of Christina and I have not changed at all, but the other party thought we had become soft-footed shrimps. The more exaggerated thing is that Kristina has actually just finished promotion, her elemental queen transformation is still not known to many people, and I have no plans to let her show this ability in front of others. So, on the surface, it seems that the other party holds the initiative in the battlefield, but in fact we are the one that really holds the initiative.

A lion in the forest is not terrifying, because you know that there is a lion there, and will be careful to guard against being attacked by a lion. Whether it is going around or bringing a shotgun, you can ensure your own safety. However, if this lion was kept in a cage and placed in a zoo, would you still be wary at this time? Of course, if it is a normal zoo iron cage, you really don't need to be so careful, anyway, the lion can't get out. However, the current situation is that the "cage" that holds us is actually made of foam material, but it is also painted with a layer of metallic paint. As a result, the ice-covered Banshee thinks this "cage" is strong enough. This is the most dangerous thing, because they are completely defenseless at this time.

I winked at Kristina, and then I immediately rushed towards the frozen Banshee. Frozen Banshee was also taken aback when she saw my sudden eruption, but when I swung my sword, she keenly realized that my speed seemed not as fast as usual. Realizing that I could stop it, Frozen Banshee immediately reached out and squeezed my wrist, but I followed by pulling my hand and pulling her into my arms while raising my leg and facing her with the spikes on the knee joint. It’s just a click on his belly.

Although the speed has dropped a lot, my skills are still very high-end, so the ice-bound Banshee completely didn't expect my combos to be so dense, I immediately lost my balance and I kicked it sturdily. Feet, but to her surprise, in fact, she was not hurt as much as expected.

With the help of the power of this foot, I quickly backed away from me, and the corners of the ice-bound Banshee's mouth showed a triumphant smile instead. The reason why she was happy because she found out from my attack that my attacking ability had indeed dropped a lot, which made her sure that I had been affected by the trap they had set before, so she was Would be so happy. What she didn't know was that the reason why she was so slightly injured was entirely because I didn't give all my strength. Although the skill damage cannot be changed, the normal attack can actually adjust the attack power at will. After all, you can completely control the amount of force you use to throw a fist, so if it is a normal attack, it is actually very simple to control the attack power. And the reason why I have to limit my offensive power is to make her think that I have been recruited. After all, I was very strong before and denied that I was affected. If I suddenly show that my strength has declined and become very weak. Instead, it will cause suspicion. So I just launched a raid directly, so they would think that I was pretending to be innocent, and my purpose of doing this was to launch a raid before the power had completely disappeared.

It is far more credible to let the other party make such a logical guess than to pretend to lose strength suddenly, and the smile of Frozen Banshee also made a smile in my heart. It was obvious that she was hit. When a lion is treated as a sheep, that is its most terrifying moment.

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