The reason why Ninth Prince accepts my terms so easily is actually not how much he trusts me, but because he just clarified that there is really no way. . Although what he said just now seems to be very firm, saying that even if the situation is special now, it is impossible to let me lower the price, but in fact, he still follows the normal route of most people psychologically, that is, he thinks how much he can sell. Anyway, if he sells it now, every benefit he gets is his own, and if he waits for some time to hand over this thing to someone else, he won't be able to get a dime. So even though the words were powerful, in the end he made the simplest and most direct judgment.

After the agreement was reached, Ninth Prince's actions were quite fast. He first took me to a heavily guarded database, and after a wink with the guard outside the door, he immediately stood in the aisle. Around the corner to help us stare at the movement outside, but Ninth Prince himself quickly opened the database door and searched inside.

To be honest, the area of ​​this database is really not that big. Compared with the back-up warehouse in our guild’s super library, which is dedicated to storing the guild’s research results, the area here is simply the difference between a private toilet and a public stadium. In fact, the area here is really only the size of a toilet. It is said that there are two rooms inside and outside. Adding one piece is not enough for eight square meters, and it is difficult to turn around.

The materials piled up in this narrow room are not too small, but the messy piles there seem to be nothing imposing manner. Fortunately, the needed things are in a particularly conspicuous position, and Ninth Prince quickly took out the needed information after entering.

"It's all here." Ninth Prince handed me a pile of materials comparable to Da Cihai.

I flipped through the information, then looked at the database over there and asked, "Is there nothing worth selling besides this? Anyway, these won’t belong to you anyway. , If you think there is something valuable that can be sold to me, of course, it’s only if I can also see it."

My words reminded Ninth Prince, and the other party was just a little stunned. He immediately turned around and went back to the database, then pulled out a not too thick book from a shelf at the door and handed it to me. "This is a catalog of all the research results here. There is a brief explanation later. If you are interested in anything, please tell me. The price is right and you can discuss it."

What else can I say after seeing the other party's reaction? I can only take that booklet and turn it over.

The research power of this institute is not very strong, so the results can only be said to be some, so the catalog is actually not very thick, and the contents in it are not like our guild. The technical catalog is densely packed with the names of various technical achievements. This catalog is actually very comprehensive. There are usually only two to three achievements on each page of the book, and most of the area is written with the introduction of these achievements. Because this information is relatively comprehensive, the length is relatively large, and as long as you see a name, you can already guess the general purpose of the technical achievement, and even if you don't understand it, just a cursory look at the introduction is almost the same. Because of this, I quickly turned through the information booklet. Not to mention, although there are not many technical achievements here, there are still several useful results.

"How about? Is there a need?" Ninth Prince asked as soon as I closed the catalog.

I directly nodded and reopened the catalog, then turned to one of the pages and turned to Ninth Prince and said: "How do you plan to sell this technology?"

Ninth Prince looked at the one I was referring to The name said: "Allogeneic cells reject interfering agents?" He looked up and looked towards me with a little surprise: "Is this technique useful?"

I nodded and said: "Of course, otherwise you Do you think I would be willing to buy this thing for you?"

Ninth Prince nodded re-looked towards me and said: "To be honest, this technology does not have much application space for us, but I know that with your My character shouldn’t hurt me, so the price is up to you. I promise not to bargain. You will give the price directly. If I think it is suitable, we will close the deal. If it is not suitable, we will give up the technology and discuss the next one."

I nodded and asked: "What do you need most now?"

Ninth Prince was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that we probably cannot use gold and silver in our transactions. Currency is directly traded, so in the end some intermediate things are needed for exchange. "To be honest, I'm not sure what I need now." Ninth Prince said hesitantly. Then he hesitated for a while and went on to say: "Maybe I need too much, so I don't know how to speak."

After hearing what he said, I thought about it for a while before speaking. "Listening to what you said before, I probably know that you seem to be in a state of power struggle now, and it looks like you have suffered a short loss."

"You don't need to say so euphemistically. I did not lose briefly, but failed completely.” Ninth Prince said: “I was originally one of the three most promising heirs to the throne, but now the situation is that my big brothers have been helped by some ministers. Then Royal Father listened to those ministers, thinking that I was an unsuccessful Prince. So he kept depriving me of my inheritance rights, and put my most important alchemy laboratory under the name of the big brother. Now I really have nothing. "

I nodded again and asked: "How is your relationship with other heirs to the throne?"

"Relationship?" Ninth Prince sneered. "Except for those sisters who are not destined to inherit the throne, what can Prince have to do? The average enemy probably does not hate each other so much."

I slightly smiled when I hear this, and continue Asked: "Then, now the last question. Do you think if those heirs to the throne do not exist, is it possible for your Royal Father to let you inherit the throne?"

Ninth Prince is a Prince after all, After hearing what I said, he immediately understood my intentions, but he did not have the slightest expression of excitement. Instead, he shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I admit that you are a powerful mage, but you underestimated my big brothers. . They also have their own power, just like I own this alchemy laboratory. They also have their own power, but their power is troublesome and pure military power. A few involve business, but there is no private researcher like me. Power."

"Do you think their power is far more powerful than me?" I asked aloud.

Prince nodded and said: "I admit that I think so, but I don’t mean to belittle you here. As long as you have a powerhouse in their military organizations, although those people may not be as powerful as you, But they are not the shrimp that can be squeezed to death casually, and that is after all an army, and you are only one person... Maybe you also need to count your few summon creatures. But it can’t change that you can’t face one. The whole Legion facts."

"No, you will say this because you don’t understand my power." I said directly: "Maybe because you just suppressed those experimental subjects before, and you made a wrong estimate. You have underestimated the battle strength of my pets, and you underestimated the number of my summon creatures. But this is not a problem. Now that I know your needs, it will be easier." I said directly to Ninth Prince Said: "Let’s sign the agreement. You sell me all the research results that I like in this catalog, and the price I pay is to help you defeat the army of your competitors. Of course, if you are I think this is not enough. I can even help you kill your big brothers and the ministers who support them."

"Are you sure you are kidding?"

"I Is it like joking?"

Ninth Prince shook the head, and then said again: "Although you think what you said is like a fantasy story, I can see that you are not a person who likes to brag. . Anyway, this information is not very valuable, besides, after this laboratory is assigned to my big brothers, everything here will no longer belong to me, so I have nothing to lose. Well, well, we’re done. "

I don't know if I completely believe me or plan to gamble once, Ninth Prince didn't sign any agreement with me this time, so he gave me all the materials that I liked. To be honest, these things are really not very important, but they are essential information. And the research stuff in the game is actually throwing money to play the lottery game. When will the prize be shaken is unknown, but as long as you are willing to throw the money, you will be able to shake it out sooner or later. So, these technologies will certainly be researched out by our own research, but the cost and time consumption are definitely more than the little price I pay now. Therefore, what I am doing now can definitely save a lot of money for our guild.

"Very good, I got the information, now take me to see your technicians."

Ninth Prince directly followed my instructions and took me to find three Potion Masters . Two of these three guys are orthodox Potion Masters. They are all wearing magic robes. After all, Potion Master should be regarded as a part-time job. Most of the Potion Masters themselves start from magician. However, among these three people, there is still a more unusual guy. Instead of wearing a magic robe, he was wearing a white costume that was no different from that of a doctor, and he also had a transparent air bag on his head. This airbag is completely connected to the neckline of his clothes, and it should look like a protective suit.

Probably knowing that this guy’s clothes are rather different, Ninth Prince explained directly to me: "This is our best magic Potion Master Surabi, but he is not quite the same as the average Potion Master. Similarly, he is naturally unable to cultivation magic, so although he has very rich theoretical knowledge, he does not use any magic and can only be a Potion Master. But probably because he can’t cultivation magic, so all his energy is concentrated on the research of medicine. He has the innate talent of pharmacy that no one else can have. As for the strange costume you see now. This is actually a kind of isolation costume he invented. Surabi discovered that when making potions, The hair and dandruff of the patients themselves will contaminate the medicine, as well as their saliva and breath when breathing. These seemingly insignificant things will actually seriously affect the success rate of the medicine preparation. See you at Surabi, our Other Potion Masters began to use special magic to seal themselves up and then configure their potions. As a result, the success rate was greatly improved. However, Surabi himself does not know how to cast spells, so he can use this costume to isolate himself."

"It turns out that you also know the necessity of the clean room." I said with a smile: "This kind of technology is also available in our guild, but the solution is much better than yours. You may not know yet, use magic Creating a magical barrier on the surface of your body is actually not the best solution, because the magical barrier itself is a magic product and it will interfere with the balance of magical power, so not only can you not add a magical shield to your body when doing experiments, even magical jewelry is best not to In fact, any magical fluctuations will actually interfere with the synthesis of the potion, but the interference is very weak, and you can't notice it if you don't pay attention. However, for those highly difficult special potions, the only difference is the slightest interference."

The three-masted researcher who was dismissive of my appearance immediately changed his previous attitude when he heard what I said, surprised and asked if I was also a Potion Master. Of course, I could only say that I was not, and then Ninth Prince I talked to them about the arrangement. Unexpectedly, these three had no objection to their being sold. Apart from showing that they did not want to give up their own research, I took them away with almost no objection.

After getting the three researchers, I agreed with Ninth Prince that I would come back immediately after finishing my own business to help him fix his brothers, and then left the research with the three researchers. Place.

Because this world is an independent world, back to Isengard we have to find the space gate that keeps drifting, so we waste a lot of time, until after dawn we waited for the space gate again Open and safely pass through the space door and return to the main world.

After returning to the main world, of course we returned to Fulcrum City as Asuka. During the period, the 3D researchers became very interested in my Asuka. If it weren’t for me to stop them, they almost planned to feed it directly. Tried the mutation-inducing potion to Asuka.

Bring the three of them back to Isengard and give them to Woma to arrange, and then hand over all the materials that they brought back to the past. Then I arrived at the main hall of the Temple of Chaos and Order. The good thing is that at this time today, the guild elites were summoned to prepare for a raid on the secret base of the Russians.

When I arrived at the scene, I realized that I was the latest to come. All the people who were notified as required had already arrived, and the highest gold coin claimed to have been here waiting for me. It's been an hour.

We only started talking about business after sorry's apologized to them. First of all, we explained the target of our attack today and the precautions. The city we are going to send to this time may not be the secret headquarters of the Russians, and it may still be a springboard just like the previous Korean cities. Of course I think this is unlikely, but it is not absolutely impossible.

Because we don’t know whether the city over there is our ultimate goal, we are not sure what we will encounter in the past. But fortunately, the people here are all elites, either high-level players or Divine Race NPCs. Anyway, they are all masters who can fight. Therefore, I don't need to emphasize the battle, but tell them to try not to use large-scale tactics. After all, we need some clues to confirm whether the other party’s city is the production base of that kind of super weapon, so we must ensure the integrity of the city as much as possible.

Of course, everyone accepted my request immediately, and then began to line up.

The number of people dispatched this time is not large. In addition to me, there are three pillars of the guild: Kristina, gold coin, and true red. In addition, Hong Yue, ice grabbing, big pot of rice on time, and Bingbing and Bingling will also come together. In addition to our nine players, the Divine Race of Chaos and Order will dispatch the Big Three of Hell, including Ladamantis, Pandora, Aphrodite, Xinghuo and the King of Peacocks.

Such a lineup is absolutely luxurious, but because the space transfer can be used to force a breakthrough and magic Transmission Formation to block only Pandora, it is impossible to send us all at once. According to the plan, first Pandora will be the first echelon with me, Zhenhong, gold coin, Kristina, Peacock King, and Ladamantis and all three of them will be teleported there. After we stand there, Pandora will Send it back and take the others away with you.

"Okay, the team will be arranged like this. After a while after the transmission is completed, each will pay attention to the surrounding environment. If you find something abnormal, you need to judge by yourself. I am afraid I can't give you anything in that situation. Instructions. Fortunately, you are all high-level personnel, It shouldn't be a low-level mistake." I finished looking towards Pandora nodded and said: "Okay, let's start teleporting."

Pandora nodded I started to prepare the magic array, but this time there was no delay, because this time the teleport point was activated from the Temple of Chaos and Order, and Vena could directly burn the Power of Faith to help Pandora activate the magic array. This is equivalent to spaceflight The aircraft is equipped with a booster rocket, and it is still a super model.

It is not the same with strong energy support. It only took a few seconds for Pandora to lock the other party’s Transmission Formation, and then began to force the invasion. The other party's Transmission Formation defense system lasted less than five seconds before it completely collapsed, and then a space gate twisted instantly on the soles of our feet and swallowed us all.

"What are you doing?" We only felt the surrounding pictures flash, and suddenly we felt huge magical energy appearing above our heads. King Peacock Ming didn't even want to raise his hand to support him, a colorful mask instantly covered us all, followed by a wave of mountains shaking, but we were not damaged. Obviously, the other party is ready to meet us on the Transmission Formation side, and the arrangement is quite adequate.

In fact, think about it, being besieged is also as it should be by rights. When we destroyed the cities that the Russians built on that island, Russian players already knew that they were exposed, so it's normal to be prepared. As for the magic that happens to be released to the top of the head, it is also very simple. Although it didn't take long for Pandora, who was supported by the power, to open the other party's Transmission Formation this time, it still took a few seconds. Give the other party a few seconds of reaction time on the premise that the other party already knows that we will come. If the other party can watch us appear, that's a hell.

The Peacock King took off the protective shield immediately after supporting the opposite attack with one hand, and everyone on our side immediately dispersed and rushed out. What we have to do as the first group is to establish a "beachhead position", that is, to control this Transmission Formation. However, although we thought well, the other party was not unprepared.

Just after we dispersed, we suddenly saw a purple ball of light flying over our heads. I was taken aback when I saw that thing, because it was clearly the shell of the Magic Crystal Cannon, and the diameter was still the shell of the Super Heavy Magic Crystal Cannon. This thing is simply a cannon-launched nuclear bomb. The formidable power is definitely startling heaven and earth, ghosts and gods weeping. Apart from the slower flight speed and the special burning of money, this thing can hardly find many shortcomings.

Seeing that the ball of light was about to fly over our heads towards the Transmission Formation behind, I quickly drew out Eternity and planned to go up and explode this dangerous ball of light, but obviously someone at the scene reacted better than me Much faster. Before I could take off, I saw a golden silhouette suddenly flying from behind me, and then hit the ball of light with a punch in the air.

It feels as if two meteorites collided head-on in the air. On the plane where the fist and the light ball are in contact, a huge shockwave ring spreads to the surroundings. This shockwave almost cuts in like a steel knife. On the ground, a building below the impact point was vertically split in half.

After the shock wave spread, the silhouette of the sky and the ball of light suddenly changed at the same time. The ball of light exploded directly, but the strange thing is that the impact of the explosion turned into a long strip like a comet. What's even more strange is that the direction of this strip seems to be moving towards the real red side. But in fact, its tip simply hasn't moved. Instead, the comet-like tail continues to extend in the direction it came from, forming a fan-shaped destruction zone.

Different from the strange explosion effect, True Red reacted normally. She flew out directly back, feeling as if she had been hit by a car. But although people flew out, she didn't seem to be injured, at least it seemed so. He turned over dexterously in the air, then steadily landed on all fours, and finally stopped after pulling out four long gullies on the ground.

Blast the shells of the super heavy magic crystal cannon with one punch. This kind of attack power can no longer be simply described as strong or not strong. This should be called unimaginable. However, Zhenhong has always taken the route of breaking by force, so it was not surprising when she could do such a thing.

Although it was quite shocking to see Zhen Hong pick up a magic crystal shell in the air, the players of the Russian guild were not frightened at all. On the contrary, they felt that after eating such a big cannonball, Real Red should be very weak, so after seeing Real Red flying out of our defense circle and falling into their crowd because of the impact, those guys immediately Surrounded with excitement, wanting to pick up the bargain.

Facts have proved that Zhenhong is a violent demolition machine, even if she has just eaten a shell, it can't change the nature of her invincible destruction king. The first person to rush up waved the giant sword at Zhen Hong’s head and cut it off, but after turning his head to look at him, Zhen Hong suddenly put his arms on the ground, and the sound was like a flea. He bounced off the ground, and then flashed in front of the guy, raising his hand as an uppercut. Hearing the muffled sound of peng sound, the guy turned into a star in the sky and disappeared into everyone's sight.

The surrounding Russian players were slightly taken aback, but they immediately recovered and continued moving towards here to launch a charge. A guy holding a heavy shield attempted to use the shield's protection to knock down True Red with his own mass, and then use a rogue style to deal with True Red.

High level players often only have attributes and equipment at high level. Once a person is brought down, no matter how powerful the power is, don’t even think about it. Therefore, many power players have a lot of people on their side. Under the circumstances, they will consider knocking the opponent down, so that the rest is pure force duel. This method is very common among Russian players, but it is a pity that they must have never tried this trick on real red before, otherwise they will forget this trick from now on.

The player rushed up with a shield on his shoulder, and then when he approached Zhen Hong and was about to hit him, Zhen Hong suddenly lunged and danced into a circle. Then he punched again. The speed of this fist is very fast, almost like lightning, but to everyone's expectations, this fist hit the shield but did not penetrate the shield. It just made the nearly one-inch thick shield sound like a bell. The bell was dull and melodious, but just as the bell rang through the battlefield, the person holding the shield spewed back as the bell burst into a red mist, pouring the Russian players behind them into blood men.

After a trick Hitting the Cow Behind the Mountain is completed, Real Red immediately squeezed the shield backhand, put it in her hand and weighed it twice, she simply squeezed the shield in her hand, and then turned to the other side A heavy shield hand walked over. The heavy shield hand over there was scared back when she saw her coming, but Zhen Hong speeded up her pace.

Several players realized that Real Red might be looking for the heavy shield player to do. Although they don’t know what Real Red intends to do, what the enemy has to do is always the right thing to stop, so they don’t The slightest hesitation rushed up in an attempt to stop Zhen Hong from advancing.

Although their wishes are good, the result is indeed very sad. Zhenhong was waving that heavy shield left and right like a fly, and anyone who was touched would immediately fly out of the crowd. Good luck’s flying at 51 hundred meters will fall down, and some of the bad ones will fly directly out of sight.

Looking at Real Red, it was like pushing away the weeds in the way, and all the warriors in front of him were thrown away, and the heavy shield hand was so scared that he sat on the ground. Real Red didn't even look at it. When she walked over, she stepped on the shield and squashed the guy directly. Seeing blood sprayed out from under the shield, the real red hooked the edge of the shield with one foot, and the shield immediately flew. Zhen Hong caught the shield with her other hand, and then began to bow left and right, treating the two shields as two giant fly swatters. Anyone she touched would almost be photographed into a pile of blood and mud, even resisting. Almost none of them. To say that other people's attacks can still be blocked with weapons, and they can't be stopped and can be avoided, but Zhen Hong is holding a tower shield that is as high as one person on both sides. The area of ​​this thing is also a little smaller than the door panel. With such a large size, let alone how large the attack range is, the amount of waving it is absolutely shocking. Not to mention blocking ordinary weapons, you won't know where to fly when touched by this thing. As for dodge, it's possible to stay away, don't expect it when you get closer. This thing plus the length of the arms of true red, the surrounding area of ​​more than two meters is within the attack range, there is no way to hide.

"It's so cruel!" As soon as the follow-up personnel who had just teleported over appeared, they saw Zhenhong a person slaughter all sides outside, and everyone else surrounded the city in a circle with their backs facing the middle guard. This Transmission Formation.

"Beware of being hit by the real red and you can find your teeth all over the floor." Hong Yue kicked on the butt of the regular big pot rice and said.

The big pot of rice on time is not angry, but said with a smile: "Am I telling the truth. Otherwise, you ask other people, who doesn’t think the real red fight is the most brutal. Although speaking of which is better than killing Speed, Christina and gold coin are faster than real red, but it is more cruel, which one is more powerful than real red?"

At this time, Bing Ning was also next to her husband and said, "Yes. The target that Kristina kills is at most blasted, and in most cases it turns into fly ashes. Gold coin kills more cleanly, with only a small hole on her body. It is a real red attack too. I’m terrifying, every time I pat people into mushy, and I look so disgusting."

Hong Yue said with a smile: "This is the other’s battle method. Don’t eat the grapes there. The grapes are sour. Bingbing, you and Bingbing start quickly, we need to control the field to assist."


This time I bring Bingbing and Bingbing to use. Their magic sounds control the field, which can reduce our resistance to fighting, but the more important role is to reduce the damage to the city. After all, the stronger the enemy, the more we have to use formidable power, and in that case, the degree of damage to the city will naturally increase, so it is very necessary to have several field control personnel.

As soon as our music rang, the Russian players outside immediately complexion changed. This reaction shows that the Russian players here must have fought with our guild troops, because the profession of magic musicians is still a very scarce profession so far, and there are not many in the whole game. Although our guild is the guild with the most magic musicians, the list is still so small. Therefore, if there can be magic musicians, it is usually not the elite troops of the guild that push BOSS. That is a large-scale guild battle. You can't see their silhouettes in ordinary small battles.

Finding that we actually brought the magic musicians over, the Russian players over there suddenly became nervous. According to the normal concept, if the number of personnel in this situation is not very large, then they must be super powerful. Although the number of our personnel is still unsure whether this is the case, they have probably experienced the battle strength. I don't care about the real red who is still using people as fly swatters. Just look at the whole area of ​​corpses lying in front of our orderly defensive circle.

The other party was clearly prepared to ambush us, but instead of causing any casualties to us, the ambushing troops suffered heavy casualties. Isn't it possible that this kind of strength can't tell?

"Damn it. It is the elite group of the Frost Rose League." Not far from the battlefield, a Russian player brow beaded with sweat looked at the battlefield ahead and said to a player beside him.

The player frowned, who is much shorter than this player, said: "I knew for a long time that someone from the Frost Rose League would come here, but the one who didn't expect came from such a high-end team. It seems that those elemental bombs before really scared them."

"But with so many people here, our plan...?"

One by one, the players pondered a little. After a while, suddenly clenching one's teeth said: "A fish is caught, and a school of fish is caught. Since a large school of fish comes in, then one of them will be let go."

"But I am afraid of fish. It’s too heavy. Don’t rip our net without catching the fish. You know that we don’t have much bait."

"If you know that there are not many bait, you can't give up. That's it. . I’ll ask for instructions now. If there is no reply from my side, please follow the current decision."

"Understood." After the player was nodded, he walked over to the battlefield and greeted him. The last group of Russian players who had just assembled nearby rushed to the battlefield together.

On the battlefield, as the follow-up personnel arrived, we no longer carried out Transmission Formation protection. The team began to disperse, starting with a single player or a few squads and searching for all directions while fighting. The reason for the separation is of course to confirm as soon as possible whether this is a super weapon production base. As for the matter of being divided and surrounded by the enemy, we didn't even think about it. The people here are basically expert experts and high-experts. I dare not say anything about killing the people here. There is absolutely no problem if you want to run away.

Because of our strong strength, we have strong self-confidence. The team started to advance in different directions, and my group is only two people with Kristina. The reason for marshalling with Kristina is because of Kristina's ability. In order to ensure the stability of the guild, we still hope that she will try not to show that ability first. Although I have obtained that little mischievous broken handkerchief, this unreliable Divine Item is weird. At the beginning, all of us were cursed with laughter, but then it was unfathomable mystery. It has lost its function, and now it has actually become invisible and intangible. If I could not see the item name in my equipment bar, I would almost think that the thing had disappeared.

Because of the many problems with that damn broken handkerchief. My current strength can be said to have not moved at all. I had known that yesterday, it would be better to find a place to brush the level, but the result was all wasted.

Because I still have my previous strength, once Kristina initiates her Elemental Queen transformation, her strength will briefly surpass me and become the first in battle strength list. Although if I start the Divine Domain combination simultaneously, mine will surpass her and become the number one again, but the problem is that I am impossible to maintain the combined state. After all, my combined state time is not as long as the state of Kristina. Besides, even if the time is the same, I can't always transform with Kristina, right?

So, in order to ensure that Kristina do

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