"With your current strength, do you still try to sneak attack me?" Frozen Banshee triumphantly looked at me with an indignant expression, then smiled and waved forward. The people around said: "Go and catch him, we still have important things to do."

"Yes." The two Russian players immediately walked to me under the orders of the frozen Banshee. Come here, and of course I resolutely resisted it, but after some "firm" confrontation, I was still "invincible". The two players that I could kill with my hand were pressed to the ground.

Kristina who followed me is also a personal spirit. My hints made her understand what I was going to do. Seeing that I was easily caught by the other party, she immediately realized that I was She wanted to be caught deliberately, so she immediately pretended to drop in battle strength just like me. First, she released a bunch of magic missiles and beat the Russian players who rushed towards her half-headed, but suddenly there was a spell failure in the middle, and then I shook myself a bit. As soon as the surrounding Russian players saw an opportunity, they immediately surrounded them again.

Kristina’s magic is a skill, so there is no way to control the formidable power, but only the standard output of a single skill cannot be changed. It does not mean that the actual damage of the skill is completely unchanged by the magic cultivator. In order to be more realistic, Kristina deliberately turned off several auxiliary skills on her body. These skills can greatly increase her magical attack power. On the contrary, after closing it, she will feel that her attack power drops. As for the attack frequency, this can be lowered as long as you control it yourself. Occasionally, you can make an action that does not activate the skill and pretend to have failed to cast the spell. In this way, it seems that the real battle strength is not working. But Kristina was pretty good. Even if she pretended to be out of magic, she still fought them in close combat after the people approached, and actually used the negligence of the other party to take advantage of the fact that she was a mage and had no melee combat ability and killed a fellow. This change made Banshee's good mood a little worse, but I wanted to see Kristina and I being held by her people, and she immediately returned to a state of excitement.

The reason why I pretended to be incapable of acting with Kristina was not without reason and was controlled by the other party, and this reason was in my previous conversation with Ladamantis. The information learned from the conversation shows that the other party does not seem to intend to kill us directly, but to capture us. Radamantis and the others did not die even though their battle strength dropped. Instead, they were all controlled, and they seemed to have something to do.

In fact, because the player itself can be resurrected, the cost of one death is not very high. The Russian players set up such a big plan this time. If it was just to trick us to come here and kill it once, the pay and return are obviously completely disproportionate. Of course, if it was Radamantis who died, the price would be high, but I think it shouldn’t be the Russians. After all, Divine Race is very precious, even if it is hostile. Anyone would consider killing casually.

After capturing me and Kristina, these Russian players escorted us along the main road of the city to a large building, but what we are going to is not a building. The surface, but the underside of the building. Go through the hall and enter a room at the back of the building. After passing through a gate guarded by a large group of guards, we enter a very deep vertical well. After walking down this vertical well, I don’t know how many stairs we finally reach the bottom of this deep well, and this is not the terminal yet, but a certain section of an underground river.

This underground river has obviously been repaired, the river is very flat, and there are sidewalks on both sides, but we are by boat, going up the river, relying on the cables on the river to pull the boat forward, and soon Moved several kilometers forward against the current.

After getting off the boat, we found that we arrived at a stone-built pier. The pier is not very busy, but the scale is not small. On both sides of the dock, you can see several metal giants about four meters in height carrying some huge metal boxes, and on top of these giants there are some players who seem to be directing them. I looked at the giant over there more curiously, and the Russian player next to him violently stepped forward and kicked my back waist, but the ridiculous thing was that I didn’t feel anything, but he accidentally inspired the armor. On the automatic revenge attribute on the Internet, a thick arc that suddenly gathered from me connected to his body, instantly knocked him out more than a dozen meter away, and then fell into the river with a plop.

"What the hell!" Frozen Banshee turned angrily and walked back. The Russian players who followed her immediately rushed up to hit me like a vicious, but unfortunately they were caught before they could start. Frozen Banshee stopped. "You idiots, his attribute is suppressed, but the equipped attribute will not drop. Purple Moon's armor has an automatic revenge attribute, do you want to try the formidable power?"

A few Russian players Unanimously, he glanced at the embarrassed companion who had just climbed up on the side of the river there, and then stopped together. They also know that if I am not suppressed, even the automatic retaliation attribute on the equipment is not something they can contend, so if you don’t want to be injured, it’s better not to take advantage of me, otherwise, they may be more unlucky. .

After this episode, they treated me a lot more honestly, not to mention Kristina. The system protects female players thoroughly. In addition to fighting or voluntarily playing some alternative games, female players are not allowed to touch casually under normal circumstances. Once they are identified as abuse or sexual harassment by the system, the punishment is also very serious. So those Russian players dared to kick and beat me, but didn't dare to move Kristina, but now they both dare not move. Although I was tied up and pretended to be powerless, they knew that the equipment on my body was just like a hedgehog, and I couldn't move it at all. As for things like grilling equipment, don't even think about it. Except for the case that the player’s equipment bursts out after death, items with no special attributes can’t be taken off. Besides, my equipment itself has non-dropable attributes, so it’s useless for me to want to take off equipment.

After being escorted through the dock, we obviously entered the same place as an underground military base. There are many players coming in and out, of course, more of them are NPCs, but they all wear uniform uniforms. , It feels like an army. From time to time, you can see the extremely huge metal giants. It seems that they should belong to the construct creatures like the mobile angels of our guild. However, from the slow movement and each giant, there is a player or Judging from the existence of NPCs, even if these metal giants are magic puppets, their automatic level should be very low, otherwise it would not be necessary to have a commander around each giant.

"The steel giants of our guild are scary, right?" We were walking, and one of the Russian players holding me suddenly said with pride.

I know this guy said this because he saw the steel giant I was watching over there. In his impression, he probably thought I had never seen such a huge robot-like thing. That's why I said this in an expert tone.

After hearing what he said, I didn't say anything, but Kristina Pu Chi next to him laughed. The Russian player who was arrogantly ready to accept our sigh suddenly became angry when he heard this obviously mocking laughter, but due to my previous performance, he didn't dare to do it after thinking about it.

I didn't speak until he suppressed his anger, "You haven't fought with the main force of our Frost Rose League, right?"

"What do you mean? "The guy stared at me angrily and asked.

I smiled disdainfully, and then said: "I am a layman when I hear you. Don't you know our mobile angel of the Frost Rose League?"

The guy argued: "Of course I know, but most of your mobile angels are only more than two meters high. The ones over three meters are just the leader of the town. There are hundreds of super giants over four meters high here. Isn’t this worthy of your looking up?"

"Stop talking about it, I'm going to be laughed to death by you!" Kristina said next to him: "Who told you that the bigger the magic puppet, the better Do you think that your designers want the magic doll to be stronger to make your magic doll that big? They made it that big because they couldn't reduce the size. Think about the world The size of the first wireless phone, and then think about the current personal electronic terminal. According to you, that cordless phone that can be used as a weapon is more powerful than the current electronic terminal? Also, if you don’t understand, shut your mouth and use your ears. Listen, don’t talk indiscriminately. Who told you that our guild only has a few mobile angels over three meters high? And, one thing to tell you at last. The three-meter high mobile angels you mentioned are not us. The most powerful golem in the guild, the most powerful golem in our guild is a test machine, not too many, but only one can disassemble all the magic dolls in your place into small pieces."

"You brag."

"You think we are bragging that is your freedom, but if you want to know the strength of mobile angels, it is also very simple. Go and find one on the Sino-Russian battlefield. The main force is War Zone. You should be able to see the figure of the mobile angel often. When it locks you, you will not feel that the mobile angel over two meters tall is weaker than your scrap iron."

"hmph, you are a liar. I will go back to the battlefield to see the formidable power of your mobile angel, but I believe that thing is definitely a pile of scrap iron."

Regarding the arrogance of this guy's unfathomable mystery, I can only shrug my shoulders and move on. Fortunately, that guy probably knows that he can't talk about us, so I didn't say much, and walked forward in silence.

Soon we followed the passage in this underground building to a square hall. There was a circle of doors in the center of the hall. We were led into one of them, and then the door closed behind us , And then the whole room vibrated and started to drop. I realized that this was originally an elevator. Of course, because the cost of the motor in the game is much higher than that of the magic crystal power equipment, and the structure is responsible, this thing is definitely not electric. It can only be said that it has a function similar to an elevator. .

Because my senses are super keen, I can basically determine the depth of our descent when the elevator is descending. It turns out that our descending depth is very deep. This elevator shaft should have a depth of at least 300 meters, maybe more than that.

After the elevator stopped, we were forcibly pulled out of the elevator and then into a narrow passage. From here, I passed a lot of intersections, and I met a lot of people during the period, and there were still many rooms along the way. I feel that this underground building system is very large, and the staff inside are also very large.

After following them for about ten minutes, we finally reached our final destination. This is a row of small single rooms separated from a huge room like a warehouse. First of all, we entered the warehouse-like room. The internal space is very large, but on one side of the wall, there are a row of more than twenty small compartments. These compartments are as narrow as public toilet compartments. The difference is that these compartments do not have doors, and they are not toilets, but seats fixed on the ground.

The size of these seats is very large, and it feels like they are completely made of metal. From the structural point of view, this seat should be very strong. After all, all its parts look very thick, and The bottom of the seat seems to be completely embedded in the ground, and it looks completely immovable.

After I and Kristina were brought in, it was discovered that Radamantes had been brought over first, and they were all fixed on the seats now. These seats have special fixation devices, which can not only fix people on the seat, but also have special fixation devices for hands, feet, neck, and waist. Even the head is fixed, and it is impossible to turn your head.

After Christina and I appeared, the Ladamantis and they all naturally focused on us. Some of them were very excited, especially Zhenhong and Aphrodite. Oh, these two have hot tempers, and of course they are aggrieved now. After seeing Kristina and I, they both tried to break free to fix their seats, but unfortunately, those seats are very strong, and their physical attributes are indeed weakened to almost nothing. So their struggle can't even make the chair shake.

I didn’t say much when I saw the reaction of the two of them. Instead, I blinked at them. Both of them were clever people. I didn’t stop immediately after seeing my actions. It was the foul-mouthed who quarreled with the Russian players who were betting on them before giving up struggling to be honest.

Although it’s strange to wink at me, Zhenhong and Aphrodite quickly realized what I meant, because just after I blinked at them, I was taken to After the front of this row of compartments, the two of them and the others around suddenly felt that their attributes were slowly rising. Although the speed was very slow, they were indeed rising continuously, and at this speed, they would have another five minutes at most. It can be restored to 80% of the peak state's battle strength, and as long as it reaches that level, basically no one can stop us here. Moreover, if you can give us seven or eight minutes, they will be able to recover 100% of their strength, when the time comes, whoever interrogates who is not the Russian players has the final say.

After being pulled to the front of the row of compartments, Christina and I were escorted into two compartments respectively, and then a few Russian players came up and started to put our hands, feet and various positions on the body. They are all fixed to this seat. Under normal circumstances, we are basically in a state of being slaughtered. After all, it is simply impossible for normal people to resist any resistance. However, these measures are actually completely useless to Kristina and me.

The main source of my battle strength is not myself, but my familiars. They fix me in this way. In fact, it is simply meaningless behavior. Not to mention that my current strength has not disappeared. Even if I become paralyzed now, it is useless. As long as the pet is still there, my battle strength is actually It won't drop much. As for Christina, it was even more nonsense. The biggest feature of Kristina's elemental incarnation ability is "silent spell", that is, silent spell casting. To put it bluntly, you don’t need to chant a spell, and any magic that you think of will take effect immediately. As long as the magic power is enough, you can still exert normal battle strength even if you cut her tongue off. Now although Kristina’s body is fixed, as long as she enters the Elemental Queen mode, she will enter a physical immune state. In that state, she will have the ability to penetrate walls like a ghost. When the time comes, this fixed chair is simply a It's just furnishings.

Before those guys didn’t know, Christina and I took the initiative to cooperate with them and were fixed on the seats, and then the people who escorted us before stood under the opposite wall, there There is already a small group of Russian players standing there, probably the guards who escorted Ladamantis to them before. However, there are other guards besides those people in this room. These guards are standing behind our seats, and there are two people behind each chair. These people should serve as a precaution, but if we can open the seat, it doesn’t make any difference whether they stand or not, and if we can’t open the seat, they don’t stand there. It doesn't matter, so it's a psychological comfort to say that these people are standing there.

After we were fixed, Banshee Frozen did not rush to speak, but walked out of the warehouse, but this is just to my liking. Anyway, it takes time for Ladamantes to recover their strength. They are not in a hurry to do something to us just to allow us to slowly regain strength.

I looked at the situation in the room, and then by looking at the surroundings, I finally moved my gaze to Pandora, who was sitting not far away, and after thinking about it a little bit, I started to use a strange The pronunciation started. The Russian player on the opposite side yelled at me immediately after I made the sound, and at the same time walked over quickly, but I ignored him at all. Pandora on the opposite side immediately responded to me after hearing my voice. Just now, of course she also used that kind of language with a very strange pronunciation. This situation caused the surrounding Russian players to become alert. They shouted to stop us from speaking out, and we finished all the things we had to say before they approached.

Actually, what I just said was the language used by the Olympus Divine Race. To put it simply, it is God’s language. This is a special language for NPC, not a foreign language, so the translation system cannot automatically translate this language. The translation function of the system just allows players from different countries to communicate without obstacles. It is not for players to understand all other languages, so they can only guess that we are communicating from our singing, but because they don’t understand at all. , So they don’t know what we said.

Because the room is relatively large, we stopped communicating when those guys rushed to us. Anyway, I asked Pandora if their own strength has begun to recover, and I am getting affirmation. After answering, there is no need to say anything. Anyway, just wait for time now. At the current rate, the strength of all of us here will be restored to the peak state in at most six minutes. By then, it will not be the turn of the opposing group of Russian players to call the shots.

"What were you just talking about?" The guy who argued with me about the strength of the mobile angel and asked me back seemed to be particularly unpleasant to us. He rushed to me and pointed at me and asked loudly.

I looked at him laughed, and then said two words out of anger: "Guess."

That guy was really angry, and then he forgot the previous one. When the lesson came up, I hit my face with my fist. Because I was pretending to be incapacitated, I couldn’t hide, but I didn’t intend to get hit for nothing, so when he punched my helmet, there was a sudden click on my helmet, and the mask automatically fell, and he hit me with a punch. On the helmet visor, the result was white light flashed immediately, and a white halo quickly spread around me. The temperature in the entire room dropped by at least fifty degrees in an instant, the entire ground was instantly frozen, and there was a layer of ice scum on the guy opposite.

The Ring of Frost is a rare revenge attribute. This guy can inspire revenge at this level. It can only be said that he is rather unlucky. However, since it is an attribute that compensates for excitation, it must be an attribute with a larger formidable power. Not only was this guy himself frozen with scum on the scene, but several Russian players around me were frozen on the ground. It took a lot of effort to open the ice and get himself out of the ice shell.

The commotion on our side is of course impossible. No one noticed. The ice-bound Banshee suddenly opened the door and rushed in. As soon as he came in, he shouted: "What's the matter? Why does attack magic appear?"


"It was reported that Joseph had just hit Purple Moon, and then triggered the automatic counterattack attribute on Purple Moon, so just..."

Frozen Banshee immediately turned to that when he heard this The guy who beat me yelled, "You idiot? Didn't you see the situation before? Give me back to your position immediately. Nothing much. If it's because you messed up our plan, let's see how I punish you. You!"

"Yes, I promise there won't be another time." The scolded Joseph bowed his head helplessly and admitted his mistake, but after the ice-bound Banshee turned around and left again, he turned around and glared at me, but he I really didn't dare to do it this time. My defensive ability is so strong. Even if the whole body is fixed like this, he is so embarrassed. The ice-bound Banshee doesn't let him move us, so he has no choice but to give up and continue to trouble me. Intend. He couldn't beat me anyway, and the quarrel was obviously not an opponent, so it was better to keep silent than to find it boring. Angrily warned me with two sentences. The guy returned to his position with the other guards and stood up, and the room remained quiet after that. After all, our communication here has been completed, and now we are just waiting for the attribute to recover.

A few minutes later, when Ladamantes and their strength had almost recovered more than 80%, the ice-bound Banshee suddenly walked back, and this time she was not alone. But there was a large group of people behind him. Most of these people are combat players like the Frozen Banshee, and 80% of the equipment is the elite of the Russian players, or they are the leaders of various guilds, anyway, the equipment is very good, obviously Not an ordinary player.

In addition to these experts, there is also a group of people on the scene. Only a few of these people are players, and the rest are NPCs. They all wear uniform white coats. They look like technicians, and they also carry a strange machine behind them. This machine is cylindrical as a whole, about three meters high, with a diameter of more than one meter at the bottom, and divided into three layers.

There are several universal wheels at the bottom of this equipment, so it can be dragged and run, and there are many pipes behind it, and there are many miscellaneous combat players holding piles of equipment following behind. .

After entering this room, those messengers started to assemble the machine in accordance with the instructions of the technicians, with the erected machine as the core, and the subsequent equipment was all installed on the main body, and those The pipes dragged behind the machine are also connected to a lot of complicated equipment. After the final completion, this device has completely turned into an octopus-like thing. There are many long device chains connected to a huge core, but the most frightening thing is the clip in front of this thing.

This clip looks like a personal shape. It looks like it can be laid on it, but the problem is that there are many small holes in this thing, and you can see sharp points from the hole. Needles. Obviously, as long as someone lies down, these small needles will pop out to pierce the person on it. According to the position of these needles, their function should not be as simple as fixing the human body or torturing people.

Although I don’t know what this device is for, I think it’s not a good thing, so the safest way is not to let these things touch us. Fortunately, now we basically don't have to worry about anything. After these people have completed the assembly of the machine, the strength of everyone on our side has recovered to more than 95%, and it is still slowly recovering. In this state, what really should feel scared at the scene is the ice-bound Banshee and the group of talents.

"Okay, our things are ready to use." After completing the assembly of the machine, one of the researchers reported to the ice-bound Banshee.

Frozen Banshee walked up to me excitedly after hearing the report, and then looked at me crazy said with a smile: "You must be surprised what this device does? Tell you the truth, this thing It is the attribute extractor. It will not degrade you, but it will directly absorb your attributes and transfer them to other people’s bodies. How about? Did you start to tremble? Yes, you should tremble. This thing is not. Killing you is so simple, it will completely destroy your character account, because a player with more than one thousand levels, but the attribute is zero, and then want to upgrade the attribute is a dream. Moreover, when your attribute is lower than yours After the equipment requirements of, the equipment on your body will be forcibly dropped, and then I can get all your equipment. How about? Is it getting more and more scared? It doesn’t matter, if you are afraid, just cry, I don’t mind you. Just be exaggerated before dying."

Just after Bingfeng Banshee proudly finished her statement, the gold coin sitting in a compartment next to me suddenly deliberately used a robot-like coldness. The voice said: "Ah, I'm so scared!" These words matched the plain robotic tone, which was a vividly and thoroughly interpretation of the word mockery in an instant, and the ice-bound Banshee's face turned green in an instant.

"hmph, I'm still playing tricks when I die, wait for me to suck up your attributes, and see how arrogant you are." Bingfeng Banshee immediately spoke to the researchers over there. Said: "Quickly, start absorbing their attributes now, starting with this low-mouthed woman."

After receiving the order, a group of technicians around immediately pushed the device and rushed to gold coin. Then the two guards standing behind the gold coin immediately cooperated with those people to remove the gold coin from their position, and then prepared to fix it on the equipment over there. However, at this moment, I was Suddenly shouted: "Do it."

Dang. As my voice fell, there was a sudden metal crash, and the crowd found that I had actually stood up from my seat, but then there was a continuous sound of metal distortion, Zhen Hong and Pandora, they all got from their own The seat was disengaged. Those fixed seats look very sturdy, but simply won't produce a single bit of lethality if our attributes are okay.

"After sitting for so long, I should move around." Zhen Hong said as she stood up from her seat while moving her wrists and neck.

Looking at her arrogant appearance, the surrounding Russian players suddenly forgot to come up to subdue her, but they quickly reacted, but unfortunately, the reaction at this time is actually nothing. Makes sense.

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