"Today’s harvest is good, and it seems that your Potion Master will have to study for a while before digesting today’s results, so I think it’s time to leave."

"You are right. Our harvest today is very great. We must know that the harvest this evening even exceeds the sum of our progress in the past six months. I would like to thank you again."

"You don’t need to thank you for anything. I’m not helping you in vain. I was eager to see the effect of the potion and forgot to talk to you about the payment for a while. You won’t be able to do today’s Do you deliberately deduct my salary from work?" Although I said it jokingly, I was actually reminding Ninth Prince to pay attention to the benefits.

As a Prince, even no matter how dull aptitude is, he is bound to be more sensitive to human conditions and sophistication than ordinary person, not to mention that I have said so clearly. Fortunately, the other party did not mean to renege on a debt, but immediately said after hearing what I said: "Of course, you don’t have to doubt my credibility, but before talking about remuneration, let me ask one Questions?"

I nodded to beckon the other party to continue.

Ninth Prince immediately said: "When you introduced yourself before, you said that you were the leader of a military organization called the Frost Rose League, didn’t you?"

"We call it okay. Yes, but it’s not wrong to say it’s a military organization. But I’m not used to people calling me chief, I still prefer people calling me President Purple Moon."

Ninth Prince nodded continued to ask "Then may I ask, your... guild organization, does it have its own research institution? If so, I would like to know how your research and development capabilities are?"

"Of course. Frost The Rose League is a very large organization, of course we have our own research institutions. As for the research and development capabilities... It depends on what you are talking about."

"Magic Pharmacy. That’s where we are today. The research direction of this mutation-inducing agent tested."

"To be honest, this is not the research direction of our guild, so compared with several other special directions, our research ability is not Prominent." When I said this, the face of Ninth Prince who was opposite had visibly dimmed, and he seemed to be very disappointed. But I continued: "However, although our research capabilities are not outstanding, judging from the experimental conditions that just visited your place, our research institution should still be much better than yours. At least in terms of hardware facilities. That's it."

Ninth Prince immediately became excited when he heard the second half of my words, and the whole person seemed to be doped. He looked at me with a little excitement and said, "This is the President of Purple Moon. I wonder if you think the drug we tested today has a development prospect? I mean, do you think this drug is useful for you?"

"Of course. For a militarized organization like us, this thing is very useful, but the premise is that we can get enough supplies or can produce ourselves."

Ninth Prince After hearing what I said, he immediately said excitedly: "Then if I say, I am willing to send all the current research materials on the mutation-inducing agents and related major researchers to your guild, would you like to sign with me? An agreement guaranteed by Supreme God guarantees that I own 50% of the proceeds of this medicine and its follow-up products?"

To be honest, Ninth Prince's intentions surprised me a little. Yes, I wanted to get this medicine from the very beginning, because as I said by myself, this thing is too useful for our guild. However, my original plan was to purchase the research materials for this item, and even I had already figured out that I would just grab it if I couldn't buy it. But I didn't expect that the other party would be willing to directly send all the information, even the researchers, to package it to me. Of course, he wants to have a high share ratio. Although it seems that he is a strong side now, I know the research ability of the Frost Rose League, so this share ratio is obviously too high for us. Because this thing is in our hands, there will be the development of advanced by leaps and bounds, and the benefits it produces will be far greater than Prince's own expectations.

Although I was a little surprised, I did not hesitate for long, but quickly responded: "I can ask, why do you have this idea? I'm not saying I don't want this medicine, but Yes... You know, shouldn't you hold this thing tightly in your hand during the production, and then sell the finished product? Your reaction is really strange!"

Ninth Prince was just laughed when he heard what I said, but I could see that there was a trace of sadness in his smile. After a short pause, he said, "If you know that this research institute and the mutation-inducing potions will no longer belong to me soon, do you still have any doubts?" /p>

Although Ninth Prince didn't explain it in detail, I completely understood it. This matter is nothing more than the status competition among some Princes, and Ninth Prince obviously failed, so this institution and those research results will soon belong to other Princes. Under this circumstance, Ninth Prince chose to sell the research data of this thing and some of the core technicians. This is really normal. As long as people with no brain water are expected to do so.

"I think I understand what you mean. Then let's talk about this agreement." I said directly: "In principle, I agree to receive this technical achievement and some of your researchers, but your share I don’t accept the ratio."

"How hard do you think is a reasonable value?" Ninth Prince looked at me and said, "Although I am quite passive now, you should know that I am also a Prince. , I have my own dignity. Impossible because I am about to lose everything, I will sell these things crazily, trying to get as much as I want. That’s impossible."

"no no no, I think you are Misunderstanding.” I organized the language a little before I said, “Let’s put it this way. The distribution ratio you determined before is based on your belief that we can improve this medicine on your basis and estimate it based on this. The value has been distributed. However, what I want to tell you is that our research capabilities for the Frost Rose Alliance are far beyond your expectations. We will not only improve this potion, but also make major breakthrough improvements on this basis. So the value we create is far greater than your expectations. If you divide it into proportion, we will suffer a lot. So...can you understand what I mean?"

Ninth Prince thought about it a little bit, Then he looked up at me and asked: "Then what ratio do you want to be...?"

"Three to seven. You three to seven, this is the bottom line."

"The deal. "

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