The mutated monster has a length of more than 120 meters. Its size is similar to that of the monster that was killed by Mira before. Its evolutionary direction is similar. It's short and small, but in fact it's only slightly reduced in proportion, it's not really smaller, and it still looks like a deterrent.

Monster’s hind limbs have obviously increased a lot compared to the previous ratio. Not only are they stronger, they are also elongated a lot, so that the creature that was originally close to a crocodile or a lizard has now become an ostrich-like upright state. , And the guy's four claws have obvious signs of becoming bigger and elongated. The most important thing is that the sharp barbs on the claws are shining cold light, which is very deterrent at a glance.

In addition to the changes in the limbs, the scales of this monster have also disappeared, replaced by a layer of wrinkled skin, which looks rougher than elephant skin, and the surface keratinization is very serious, although there is no Calcification, but it seems that the defensive power is not low.

Monster's body has not changed much, except that the abdomen is slightly enlarged to adapt to the two long legs, basically it can be said that there is not much change, but there is one more unfathomable mystery on the back. The longitudinal fins extend from the top of the head to the tip of the tail and appear to have completely transformed into amphibians. In addition, the tip of this guy's tail seems to have also mutated, and a bony spike unexpectedly grows, and it looks like it should be very aggressive.

Speaking of changes, this guy's head should be the most changed part. Originally, this guy’s head was between a crocodile and a lizard. It can be said that the head is basically a flat triangle, but now the triangle is still a triangle. Pull down the long state. This change allowed this guy to have more masseter muscles, and it also meant that his attack power increased. Also, this guy's eyes were originally protruding out, which is very common in lizards, but now the pair of eyes have become deeply sunken in their eye sockets. This variation is beneficial to protect the eyes from harm during the fight, and of course it also reduces the range of sight. However, as a predator, you just need to keep an eye on the target, and always observe the actions needed by the preyed creatures around you.

The newly changed monster can be said to be basically similar to the monster previously killed by Mira, except for the increase in volume and the addition of spikes at the tip of the tail, that is, the small proportion and shape of the head The scope changes only. However, the key part now is not to look at the changes in the monster's battle strength, but to look at the changes in its intelligence.

The monster that was killed before was completely unable to communicate and was extremely irritable, so it ran through the ceiling of the laboratory and ran out, and was hunted by me. The biggest improvement of the new medicine is the addition of medicine that protects the brain. I hope this thing can maintain a certain sense of reason. It's okay to be violent, as long as it can be domesticated.

As I watched the monster's reaction over there carefully, the monster gradually adapted from its own changes. It slowly stood up from the ground, and then suddenly looked up to the sky angry roar. The huge sound waves bounced back and forth in the confined space, almost like a sonic boom. The Potion Masters who were climbing the stairs over there almost immediately released their hands holding the railings and changed their ears, and this action caused inconvenience. Few people stumbled and rolled down, causing a lot of confusion. Fortunately, no one fell off the escalator, just a fall.

After a five-second roar ended, the monster immediately turned and looked towards the spiral staircase over there. After all, compared to me, who stood there quietly, said, the escalator over there. Both the volume and the sound are more attractive than me, so the monster without the slightest hesitation rushed over there.

The Potion Masters over there immediately screamed and climbed up when they saw the monster rushing over. As a result, you pushed and shoved me and made the situation more chaotic, but they can’t be blamed, after all, they are just Potion Master, fighting is not their specialty. It's normal to be weaker in areas that you are not good at.

Although the monster didn't rush towards me, I still wanted the method of dispensing the medicine, so these researchers must not have trouble. After watching the monster rushing past me in strides, I snapped my fingers directly, and the sickle suddenly appeared beside me, followed by two spider silks spraying out, accurately hitting one of the monster's legs. However, the slightly troublesome thing is that the monster's power is obviously too much beyond expectations. Although the sickle has eight legs, the difference in size is too obvious. It can't hold the guy at all. It almost only slightly affected the guy's balance and was dragged. Past.

Seeing the sickle being dragged away, I quickly summoned Lucky, Plague, and Mira together. This time, the killing form was not used for annihilation, and the three dragons jumped directly onto the monster's body.

Although the monster is very big and powerful, the three dragons plus one can't be carried by ordinary creatures. As a result, the guy was thrown to the ground without any accident. Finally, when it fell, the tip of its mouth was less than two meters away from the spiral staircase. Some Potion Masters in the lower position even felt the heat from the nostrils blowing through the body when the monster fell. .

Although they were scared to death, they soon realized that they were saved, but they did not dare to stay here because the monster below was too close, and that thing It's just being thrown down, not being subdued.

Sure enough, the monster was struggling to stand up immediately after being thrown down. Without the impact of flying, the weight of the three dragons couldn't hold down this guy, so he gradually pushed it up. Mira directly turned over and earned the guy's front and kicked the back wall, and then the forelegs hugged the guy's head and pressed it down desperately, while luck and plague were two things that pulled the guy from left to right. The hind legs make it impossible for him to stand up.

The monster restrained in this way can only wield its big tail desperately to swing from side to side, but unfortunately, when the body is controlled, the tail alone does not have enough angle of rotation. In fact, it is not huge at all. might, and luck and plague are actually at the dead end of its attack. As for the guy’s forelimbs, although it’s terrifying, the only target that can be reached is Mira, but Mira is a gemstone dragon, and the whole body is like a diamond. The monster’s claws are caught on Mira, except for the fire star. There is no effect at all.

"ao..." The suppressed monster once again made that kind of sonic attack, but as soon as he made a sound, he was hit back into the stomach with an elbow by Mila. But the guy didn't give up, he was struggling to shake his head and barely broke his mouth out, and then took a deep breath fiercely.

The three present are all Dragon Clan. Although Mira is a material dragon, not a giant dragon, they are all dragons after all. They know the dragon flame very well. The movement of the creature in front of them instantly reminded them of the preparation for the dragon flame jet, so scared that Mira hurriedly dressed the guy's head to the side, followed by a bright white pillar of fire jetting out, instantly experimenting. The wall on the right side of the area penetrated a large hole, and the soil and rocks inside were directly dissolved into lava.

"Damn, why is this guy's Dragon Flame stronger than ours?" Lucky said while suppressing that guy's leg.

Mila shouted: "Master, I can't help it anymore!"

"Wait a minute."

Mila and luck In fact, which one of them pulled out is much more powerful than this creature. If they really want to fight, any of them can handle the monster in one minute, but now it is difficult to control whether to kill or not. NS. It takes pure physical power to control a target, so Mira and the others need to spend more physical power than fighting to limit this monster.

Seeing that Mira alone could not control that guy’s head, I waved directly, and the control spirit Vajra appeared beside Mira, and hit the monster’s head with a punch. Mila held the guy's head together to keep it from moving. The sickle that was thrown aside by the guy before quickly rushed up, and then climbed up the guy’s mouth to protrude a spider silk and started running laps up and down. Soon the monster’s upper and lower jaws were covered by a thick layer of spiders. The silk is tightly tied together.

Although the sickle is not as big as this monster, his spider silk is definitely the strongest rope, let alone this guy, even if it’s a tank, don’t even want to break even a sickle. Spider silk, not to mention that the spider silk on this guy’s mouth is no longer as simple as one or two, but the whole is wrapped in a layer of silk as thick as a blanket, even if the guy’s power immediately increases a hundredfold, don’t expect it. Remove such thick spider silk.

After the mouth is sealed, the guy can no longer spit. Mira simply controls the guy’s head so that it doesn’t take much effort to control it. Vajra starts to cooperate. Luck and the plague pulled the guy's legs back, and finally gathered with the tail, and the sickle was once again wrapped in spider silk. Soon this guy's tail and legs were fixed in a spider silk tube and could no longer be removed, and at this time I signaled that Mira could let go.

The monster that was released struggling to stand up as soon as it got out of control, but because the tail and hind legs were fixed together, it couldn’t stand up anyway, so I could only try to use it. Crawling with the forelegs propped on the body. However, after it mutated, the proportion of forelimbs was reduced, and its athletic ability was very bad when it crawled. In addition, his mouth was sealed, he couldn't bite or breathe fire, and now this guy was completely deterrent.

The Potion Masters who have used this time to crawl back to the observation room saw that the monster outside was under control and started to run down, but the speed was much slower than before, the observation room After all, it is more than 40 meters high from the ground. Before going down halfway and running back, even climbing the stairs and scaring the researchers has consumed too much energy for the researchers who had no physical strength. Now they are all the same as the old man. Move down with the railing.

The monster below was tied up like a shrimp, after struggling for a few times, finally realized that he couldn't get rid of it, so he began to use his forelimbs to support it while twisting and running towards the corner. Obviously, I am beginning to know that I am afraid.

The researchers were very excited about this monster’s reaction. After they got down, they began to talk about the strange item that was shrunk in the corner. I probably understood from their conversations. The monster now knows that it is afraid that the animal instinct is normal, so there is the possibility of domestication. The result of their previous tests on the monster was that there was no normal biological response at all, so it couldn't be domesticated at all.

"Is that a success?" I asked when I looked at Ninth Prince who had just run down.

Ninth Prince was a little excited nodded and said: "Basically it was a success, but this can only be said to be a successful drug test. It is not clear whether this organism can be used by us. After all, even if it is preserved Biological instincts cannot necessarily be domesticated for our use."

I am nodded, but in my heart I am thinking about the purpose of this thing in our guild. Although this Ninth Prince said that even after the mutation retains normal animal instincts, many monsters cannot be domesticated, but that is for them, not for us. Because our guild’s dark element tends to be more serious, the guild’s research on undead magic is very advanced. Although our guild did not produce large groups of undead creatures, in fact, our guild's application of undead magic is very common. Among other things, those mobile angels in our guild. Their artificial souls are actually branches of undead magic. Although it is now planned to be in the alchemy research room, the essence of that thing is actually the undead enslavement magic and Lich’s. The fusion product of phylogenetic technology, so although it looks like alchemy technology on the surface, it is actually undead magic in nature.

Because our guild's research on undead magic is very advanced, the use of this kind of creatures is actually not a big problem in our guild. As long as we can catch powerful creatures alive, we can use a special device to control them. I have seen this kind of equipment in the new continent experimental area before, but no one has ever thought of using that thing to control the devil beast to fight for themselves, because capturing the devil beast itself is a thankless thing, and it’s really possible to capture it alive. It would be more cost-effective to make a magic familiar, naturally no one would think of using that kind of biological controller. But it's different now. If I can get this potion, it means that we can produce high level monsters, and if there are enough monsters, it would be uneconomical to capture them as familiars. After all, although familiars can be upgraded and resurrected from death, the number of familiars is limited, and they need to be cultivated slowly. The most important thing is to occupy the seat of the familiar and cannot be changed. In contrast, if you can take a large group of these monsters out to fight... think about it, it will be very exciting.

"By the way, do you have other laboratories? This creature can't get out here at all, and I don't have time to wait for you to slowly domesticate this thing, so you better have other laboratories Let us start the next biological experiment."

"No, we only have this large laboratory." After Ninth Prince finished speaking, he immediately followed: "But we are not in the laboratory. Didn’t you finish the experiment?”

I was taken aback for a while when I heard Ninth Prince’s words, and then I reacted. They built such a laboratory before because monsters mutated and became very violent. They needed a sturdy laboratory to trap the monster in order to prevent the monster from getting out of control. If it proves that the monster cannot be used, they can easily kill the monster. . However, after seeing my previous performance, this restriction is actually unnecessary.

The difference between the battle strength of those monsters and mine is obvious, and there is simply no need to imprison them anymore. As long as I directly hold the primordial sample to instill the medicine, I will throw the monster out after the monster starts to mutate. After the monster change is completed, I can immediately go up and test whether the creature is useful. If it is not valuable, it can be killed directly, and if it is valuable, just tie it up like the one just now. So, with me, the laboratory is actually unnecessary.

Under the order of Ninth Prince, the Potion Masters only left a few assistants here to continue analyzing the monster. Others flocked around me and Ninth Prince to the ground, and then ran to the village. I found an open place outside and planned to experiment here. Of course, due to the previous situation, they all ran to a long distance to stand after they explained the situation clearly, and each of these Potion Masters has a kind of furbolg Knight that protects and rides on the furbolg. The monster on the side is crazy, they can turn around and run. With my restraint, even if the monsters mutated, it is absolutely impossible to catch up with the furbolgs.

Because I have already had an experiment, I probably know all the experimental procedures. After the other party told me the precautions, I went to a far place and started watching me do it.

The goal of this experiment is a furry creature that looks a bit like a hamster. It was originally a working pet raised by a local. Their role in the homes of locals is similar to that of cats raised by humans, except that cats are mainly used to deal with mice, while this kind of creatures are used to deal with insects. This little hamster-like creature is actually larger than a hamster, about the same size as an ordinary house mouse, but their athletic ability is much stronger than that of a mouse, and their bounce ability is almost comparable to that of a kangaroo. Their huge and protruding eyes can see small insects flying in the air at night and prey on them to eliminate the harmful insects. If placed in reality, this is simply a biological mosquito coil.

Because this thing is very small, and it is a very docile creature, so I directly turned Mira into a humanoid holding this guy in both hands and started pouring that kind of potion. The taste of this medicine is obviously very bad, so the creatures who are being filled are very difficult to deal with. Fortunately, this little thing is not powerful, so even if I have no experience, I quickly completed the filling work.

Mila still held the little thing after the potion was poured, and I stepped back a little to watch the thing and wait for it to change. Although my defensive power is very high, the ghost knows the mutated attribute of this thing, so I still avoided some. As for Mira...there is a diamond-like body. Simply don't worry about anything, right?

The reaction speed of this drug test was very fast. We only filled the small things here, and it changed in less than five seconds. After a twitch in Mira's hand, the little thing grew three times. The body that was originally the size of a house mouse has now grown to a size similar to that of a medium-sized dog, but apart from the increase in size, its appearance has hardly changed. In the end, I asked the Potion Masters over there in a puzzled way, but didn't expect the other side to ran over and took the big thing away.

I learned from Ninth Prince that the situation just now is actually very common while the Potion Masters are preparing for the next research target. Mutations like the giant rare beast at the beginning are actually very rare. About one-fifth of the tested organisms will die directly, and another one-fifth will become deformed creatures that have no way to survive on their own. Usually die soon. The remaining three-fifths are survivable creatures, but half of these three-fifths will not undergo any mutation at all, that is, medicine is completely ineffective against them. The remaining half can be divided into three equally, one of which became the first rare beast, a wild beast that is completely irrational and cannot be domesticated, and one of the two is the same as the little thing just now. A very small change has occurred, either after the change, there is still no use value, or the ability after the mutation is useless. The last one left is a type that has domestication value after mutation, and is also sensible but cannot be domesticated because of its strength. The monster that was tied up by me just now is probably one of them. As for the useful variants that can be truly domesticated, there is no need to draw a separate classification for that, because they are so small in number that it is almost impossible to meet one by luck. Otherwise, Ninth Prince's research institute would not have discovered three useful creatures for so long.

The creature that failed to become a rare beast was taken away soon afterwards and the targets of the follow-up experiment were sent up one by one. We first received a creature that looked a bit like a pig, but was much smaller, probably about the same size as the little fragrant pig. This creature directly becomes a meat ball after being fed with medicine, let alone fighting, it can starve itself to death if no one feeds it.

Next we got another insect-like creature. This time it was more thorough. After eating the potion, the insect died with one kick of the leg. Later, we tested six insects in a row, except One of them was turned into a deformed waste, and the rest were all dead. According to those Potion Masters, the test success rate of insects seems to be the lowest, but it seems that dangerous creatures rarely appear.

Then they gave me more than a dozen animals one after another, among which is included a creature that looks a bit like a double-headed snake. However, although the main part of this creature looks like a two-headed snake, it has four more plesiosaur-like flippers. Among the dozen or so creatures, except for this double-headed plesiosaur which had useful mutations, the others either died or turned into waste, and one even exploded directly. It was simply irregular. Word. However, the double-headed plesiosaur-like creature was a pleasant surprise.

This creature changed very special after taking the potion. After its volume increased to nearly 100 meters, it suddenly began to grow its head outside, and finally turned into a nine-headed plesiosaur shape, and this time it is not a small plesiosaur toy, but rather than a real plesiosaur. The dragon is even bigger than the huge monster. To be honest, if it wasn't for this guy with four flippers instead of an ordinary retreat, he could completely pretend to be a Nine Headed Snake. Unfortunately, this guy’s flippers are not as good as the Nine Headed Snake, but it seems that this thing should be used as a water combat creature. After all, its nine heads have sharp teeth and they are big enough. . The most important thing is that the intelligence level of this thing is actually quite good, and it is not very violent. Although it is offensive, it can still communicate.

Because of the appearance of this creature, the Potion Masters became very excited. They were very happy to take away this huge experimental body and sent me the next batch of experimental bodies.

The first experimental sample sent this time was a tortoise, not like a tortoise, but really a tortoise. This thing is an ornamental animal in the game, not a devil beast, but a part of the game environment, similar to scene props.

I don’t know if it’s luck. This time, the harmless tortoise was instilled with medicine and it was successful again. After taking the medicine, the tortoise turned into a giant mobile fortress with a body length of seventy-eighty meters. The sturdy tortoise shell caused us serious troubles during the capture and control. In the end, even I had to rush up with the eternity and barely suppressed the big tortoise.

In fact, speaking of which this tortoise has not changed much in terms of its abilities except for its larger size. The main reason for this difficulty is that the defensive power of this thing is too strong, and because the limbs and head are all It can be retracted into the tortoise shell, so it really makes us feel a little bit at a loss. Moreover, compared with the small tortoise, the defensive ability of this mutant tortoise has been clearly strengthened in a targeted manner. Not only does the carapace scare people to death, but also the head and limbs grow out of the shells similar to those on the body of sea prawns. It means that the whole body is protected. In addition to my eternity that can easily hurt this guy, even lucky their dragon teeth are not effective. They need to stare at a place for a long time to bite through. Fortunately, although this super Divine Tortoise is outrageous, its personality is still similar to that of a normal tortoise. Anyway, it is silly and not offensive. If you don't attack it, it won't resist. The whole thing is super slow.

Because of this super successful experiment, those guys don't plan to test new creatures today, and it's almost dawn now. Today's results are enough for them to study for a while. However, when they were happily studying the big tortoise, I called Ninth Prince aside. Helped them all night, it was time to collect some labor fees.

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