To be honest, I really don’t care about helping the other person to do research. What I really care about is the mutation potion. According to the other party, this thing can make ordinary creatures mutate into something similar to a devil beast.

Don't underestimate the effect of this variant medicine. Many people may say that if you need a devil beast, you can just go to the forest to catch it. Why do you need to turn ordinary animals into devil beasts and then domesticate them?

Yes, on the surface, it seems that using potions to induce mutation is unnecessary. It not only wastes the cost of potion production, but also has the probability of failure. The most important thing is that there are all kinds of devil beasts in the wild. Just go for it. That's it, there is no need to modify ordinary animals.

However, if you think about it, you will find that it is not like that. There are indeed many types of devil beasts in the wild, but devil beasts are devil beasts after all. They have quite strong battle strength. It may not be difficult to kill a devil beast, but it is very difficult to catch alive. Things. From this point alone, it can be seen that devil beast is actually not that easy to grasp.

The second point, even if a certain method is invented to capture devil beasts simply and quickly, the mutation potion still has a huge advantage. Why do you say that? Because of the number of devil beasts.

As a creature with strong battle strength, devil beast must be at the top of the food chain, and the stronger the devil beast, the higher the level. These high level devil beasts, as a kind of high-end existence, must be impossible to appear in nests like mice or rabbits. Sometimes you can see three to five in a leveling area, or even a country with only a dozen or so. of. Therefore, mass production of high level devil beasts is almost impossible. However, it is different if the inducer is used. Although the inducer has a failure rate, the failure rate is very low, which means that it can be used in a large amount and is a common creature with the knowledge of the basis of mutation. In the game, the common creature can be bred using the skills of auxiliary class players. This means that if you find a creature that can be safely used after compilation and then farm it in large quantities, you can get a powerful combat devil beast in batches. This is simply a profitable business. How could I not pay attention to such a good thing?

"You agree?" The youngster who claimed to be the Ninth Prince of the Kingdom of Kaman immediately confirmed with excitement when he heard what I said.

I nodded again to confirm what I meant, and then said: "I really have something tomorrow, so if you really need me to help you, you'd better hurry up."

"Then let's go now. Anyway, that monster is dead, and our mission is considered complete."

Under the order of Ninth Prince, the other Knights over there quickly Climbed on his mount, and even the dead Knight's body was also taken on the mount.

Slightly different from what I imagined, the furbolgs under these guys seem to be cumbersome, but in fact, these guys not only run very fast, but also make turns, which is the most important thing. The endurance is actually very good. At the speed of Ye Ying, he can trot forward and will not get rid of those guys. You must know that when acting with others in the past, no matter how their mounts run, Night Shadow is at best walking like a walk. The situation that really needs him to start running is not me alone, that is, Klee is the only one around me. Stina or gold coin are players who have high level familiars themselves, and most of the players’ mounts are actually not compatible with Night Shadow.

Although the speed of those guys surprised me a bit, compared to the surprise they brought me, what I brought them here was the surprise of Chi Guoguo. Although they kept speeding up to get ahead of us, they were unable to do so. No matter how they accelerate, Ye Ying always trots forward at a fixed pace. It seems to be very leisurely, but in fact, the speed is surprisingly fast.

Thanks to everyone's speed, we quickly passed through a large forest and saw a small village. Ninth Prince saw the village over there and immediately began to introduce: "That is my alchemy laboratory. It is a laboratory I built with my own money. The residents around here are all my people, and they are responsible. Provide food and other services to the people in the laboratory."

I understand Ninth Prince's words relatively easily, because Longyuan Group also has similar units. However, Longyuan Group does not own such a small town, but a whole city. It is a national second-tier city, which is not very large, but the economy is very developed. The headquarters and the first production plant of Longyuan Heavy Industry under the Longyuan Group, and the Longyuan Precision Electronics Manufacturing Company under the Longyuan Group and its factories are all located in this city. There is also a large-scale Longyuan Group subsidiary in the suburbs near the city. Steel mill. The employees of these companies plus their family members account for more than 70% of the city’s population, and the rest are almost all around the employees of the Longyuan Group to provide some peripheral services, so that In fact, the city is equivalent to Longyuan Group's city. Even the administrative and public security work basically needs the assistance of Longyuan Group to complete. After all, the industry in the entire city is more than 80% owned by the group, no matter who wants to do something here. What, it is absolutely impossible for Longyuan Group to be nodded.

The eight achievements of the village built around the laboratory of this Ninth Prince are the same as that of the city of the Longyuan Group, and they are solely for laboratory services. The benefits of this row are obvious. The development direction of the specialized villages determines that the composition of German personnel here will be very single, which is really good for security work. Moreover, this thing in the Alchemy Lab is actually much more dangerous than the fireworks factory. It is not too much to say that it exploded twice in three days. Although the formidable power of most explosions is not very large, super explosions also happen from time to time. Of course, such dangerous buildings cannot be placed in large densely populated cities. They can only choose such places to establish special settlements. After all, as an independent gathering place, the houses in this area can be specially designed for various possible dangers in advance. On the contrary, in large cities that have existed for many years, the surrounding houses should be dealt with accordingly. That cost is definitely more than rebuilding a city.

As Ninth Prince explained, we gradually approached the village. A strangely shaped city wall can be seen on the periphery of the village. The top of this city wall is no different from a general city wall, but its wall is a circular column, and the span between the two columns is basically more than three meters, with double steel bars in the middle. The fences are isolated to achieve a closed effect, but the gaps in these fences are actually quite large. Although adults can't get through, children can go in and out freely.

Of course I have to pay more attention to this strange city wall like a zoo fence, and Ninth Prince probably also knows that I am curious about this city wall, so he took the initiative to explain: "This city wall It is specially designed by us. You may also know that the alchemy laboratory will often cause some dangers. The city wall composed of this kind of metal fence will not completely seal the city. When the big laboratory explodes, the shock wave You can vent from the fence so that you won’t knock down the city wall. We have built a normal city wall before, but we have to rebuild it every few months, so in the end we invented this kind of city wall.”

I looked at that strange city wall and smiled and said, "You really have a way."

"This is also forced out!" Ninth Prince was a little embarrassed. Said. Then he suddenly pointed to a building at the end of the road ahead and said: "That is our laboratory."

"So small?" I looked at the laboratory at the end of the road in surprise. The laboratory in the center of the village seemed to be the size of an ordinary movie theater, and its height was only a little more than two stories. There were at least seven or eight buildings in the village that were taller than this.

Ninth Prince next to me did not show any dissatisfaction after hearing my amazement, but explained: "This is just the entrance. The main body of the laboratory is under the ground. The pressure helps us increase The anti-explosion ability of the laboratory."

"But don’t you know that the explosion in a sealed environment is actually the largest type of formidable power?"

"Of course we know this Therefore, the laboratory has a special pressure relief channel, which will not endanger the safety of the building under normal circumstances. If the formidable power is large enough to destroy the laboratory, the explosion is actually the same whether it is placed on the ground or underground. ."

I thought about it and admitted that the other party’s point was reasonable, but soon I discovered that there was a large open space not far from the laboratory in the center of the village. Although there is not much rubble on the open space, the remaining traces on the ground clearly indicate that there should have been buildings in this place.

Ninth Prince saw me looking at the open space over there and explained: "That experimental creature ran out from here. The building debris on the ground has been cleaned up, and the ground has been refilled. , But the building above hasn’t been repaired yet."

I nodded and said: "Let’s go to your laboratory first."

"Okay."< /p>

Under the personal leadership of Ninth Prince, the guards in the laboratory did not intercept us, and did not even ask us. In fact, the security work of this laboratory is very simple. Except for the two teams of about twenty Knights at the entrance to this underground laboratory, I didn’t see a single guard in the laboratory, and there was nothing to check the checkpoints inside. The entire underground laboratory was completely inside. Undefended.

To be honest, I originally thought that the place where the mutation potion could be researched should be the same place as our guild’s new continent experimental center, not to mention five steps, one post, ten steps and one sentry. At least two or three guards should be arranged at every intersection, right? Besides, I didn't see any armed forces in this existence except for a few patrols at the entrance of the village. Even if someone was discovered, the force here would not be able to stop the force of the opponent's impact!

Although I am very confused about what is going on in this place, there are only so few guards, but I am too lazy to ask about this kind of thing. Anyway, I am not here to help them do security checks.

After a few turns in the tunnel, we entered a relatively huge experimental space. This place seems to be semi-natural, because one side of the wall is not flat. It's just a naturally formed rock, and there are traces of artificial excavation on the other side.

In this huge place comparable to an indoor sports field, dozens of Potion Masters are gathering around a cage, arguing about something there, until Ninth Prince is angry. Go up and push these people away before stopping.

For this scene, Ninth Prince was obviously very angry. He finally asked me to help, but when he came over, he saw a stick and his subordinates were fighting in groups, which obviously made him very shameful. Fortunately, I didn't care about these and didn't say anything, otherwise he really didn't know where to put his face.

Under my persuasion, Ninth Prince was also a calmer, and did not hold these researchers accountable, but still asked why they were fighting. The reason for this is actually very simple. The researchers here made adjustments to the inducing agent, and some of them wanted to find a monster prototype creature that I killed just now for experimentation, while others insisted It’s too risky to do so. I hope he will wait until Prince comes back before he decides whether he needs to experiment again.

Even if Ninth Prince came back by himself, he would certainly not be able to decide this matter, but now it is not a problem. Now that my powerful helper is here, it's as it should be by rights to continue the experiment, so the Potion Masters were excited to grab the experimental body immediately after they learned that I could easily kill the mutant creatures.

The new test subject was prepared long ago. It was just because the two sides disputed that they did not start the medication. After obtaining consent, they immediately emptied the site and moved the creature to the center of the test site, and then forced it to infuse it. I filled a large jar of that unknown inducer.

This so-called inducing agent looks like a transparent grease-like thing, with strong fluidity, and does not seem to have much adhesion. After forcibly pouring the bottle of potion, the few Knights who were in charge immediately turned around and ran, and in the blink of an eye they rushed to a small door on the nearest wall and got in. There was someone at the door specially responding, and when the Knight entered, he closed the door.

Although they ran very fast, the monster in the center of the field didn't actually mean to chase. The monster didn't show any change after being filled with the potion, only tossed his head twice to express his dissatisfaction because of the smell of the potion. For this creature that looks a bit like a crocodile and a bit like a lizard, the venue is very huge, so after looking around, it just chose a direction and started walking there. It first crawled to the small door where the Knight who filled it with the medicine left and sniffed it, and then began to crawl around the wall again, without any intention of mutating at all.

The group of Potion Masters who were standing with us at the top of the cave observation port saw the result and discussed in a hurry. Some said that the stabilizer was added too much, and some said yes. What kind of cursive ratio is wrong, anyway, it is their professional terminology, I didn't understand it. When it comes to magic arrays or magical machinery, I followed Woma, Noreen and others and heard some theoretical knowledge and professional terminology. They can’t do research, and bragging with others is quite bluff, but My eyes on the branch of Magic Pharmacy are really black. The technology in this area is not a particularly developed technology in our guild. My president does not specialize in this area, so naturally it is even worse. NS.

They were so noisy here, but I couldn't understand it, so I just walked to a door next to the observation window and turned the handle to go outside.

This observation room is located at the top of one side wall of the huge experimental area, at least forty meters high from the ground below. The window of the observation room uses a metal fence with a magic barrier instead of glass. After all, the destructive power of the creatures in the game is too strong, and the players can only burn ordinary glass and cannot make bulletproof glass, so generally this kind of isolation wall Most of them are magic barriers. As for the crystal wall... except for our guild, there are really few people who can use it. Besides, the crystal itself is not really strong. Even if you have money to buy crystals, you still have to have the ability to make a special magic array. The reason why a crystal wall is stronger than a simple magical defense barrier is that the crystal itself is a magical material, so you can draw a magic array on it to make it a defense barrier that is dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of times stronger than a simple magical barrier. Of course, it’s okay to use this technology as an observation window. Don’t count on the defense of the city wall. The price will definitely scare anyone down.

"You can't open the door, it's dangerous." Before I unscrewed the handle, I heard the Ninth Prince yelling from behind. Although there is a spiral staircase with a metal frame structure outside the door, the danger is not the height, but the monster below. Although that thing has not changed, the ghost knows what that thing will become.

For Ninth Prince, I just raised my hand and shook it to indicate that I don't need to worry, and then opened the isolation door and walked out. After going out of the gate, I stepped on the handrail of the spiral ladder and jumped out, spreading my wings and landing smoothly, and then looked at the monster over there.

The reptile on the opposite side noticed me after I landed, but this thing hasn't mutated yet, so it behaves like Prince introduced before, timid by nature. After seeing me appear, it didn't rush over, but retreated backwards to a corner away from me while facing me.

I was frowned when I saw that thing, and then I spread my wings and flew over there. The thing saw me flying over and immediately slammed his upper body off the ground, and at the same time opened his mouth and screamed silently at me. The warning was very obvious.

Although this guy made combat moves, I didn't worry at all. This thing is not very big, even the headband and the tail are only a little more than two meters in length, and the main length is occupied by the tail. In fact, the volume is not very large. Besides, although the teeth in this creature's mouth are sharp, they are only about one centimeter in length. Teeth of this length can be regarded as beast-level in reality, but in the game, creatures with such teeth can only be regarded as the existence at the bottom of the food chain, and there is no deterrent at all.

In the deterrent action of that thing, I landed directly in front of it, and then pulled away the head of the opponent who was actively attacking, then pinched its neck with my backhand and lifted me up. After being lifted up, the monster desperately flicked the big tail behind me and beat my body, but where is its level, how much damage can a single tail be? For me, this kind of attack doesn't even itch at all, and it can't cause any other damage except for the forced deduction of blood each time, and I can't even catch up with the speed of my own blood recovery.

The monster I was holding was struggling so desperately, but no matter how hard it tried, it was useless, and I lifted it to the center of the field, and then raised my head and shouted at the observation port above. Said: "Is there a problem with your potion? Is this obviously an ordinary creature!"

"Perhaps it is not time yet!" Because I have pinched the monster, the researchers and Ninth Prince all walked out of the observation room and crowded on the spiral staircase outside, and the somewhat impatient Potion Master had even begun to run down the stairs. They probably wanted to come over to see the situation, but when these people ran halfway, suddenly the monster in my hand slammed, making it impossible for me to hold its body. He jumped out in his hand. The power just now is obviously different from the previous reaction, this is not the power that the monster should have.

Seeing the monster let go, the researchers over there immediately stopped in their respective positions with a sudden brake, but the next second they turned around and ran back desperately, because they were lying on the ground. The monster was writhing and struggling frantically on the ground, and as it writhed and struggled, its body was expanding rapidly at a speed visible to naked eye, just like a blowing balloon.

"Damn, hurry, go back!" Because the spiral staircase from the observation room is very narrow, at most two people can go side by side at a time. There are dozens of people crowded together on the spiral ladder and want to return in a short time. The observation room is simply impossible. But I didn't care about them, but stepped back carefully while watching the monster in front of me grow up there.

The monster didn’t writhe and struggle for a long time. It was only seven or eight seconds before and after. This thing has increased to the size of an elephant, and it continues to grow, but the speed is slightly slower. Some. About twenty seconds later, the creature in front of me finally stopped growing, but at this time its size has surpassed the monster that was blasted into rotten flesh by Mira, and reached a scale of more than a hundred meters. The length and appearance have also undergone tremendous changes.

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