Chapter 350 Invitation

The few people over there did not answer my question immediately, but looked at each other cautiously, and finally It was the Knight who was the first to talk to me and said: "That is indeed a mutant, but it is not naturally mutated."

"Not a natural mutation?"

Knight nodded and said: "Our country’s alchemy laboratory is experimenting with a very advanced magic-inducing mutation potion, which can mutate a very ordinary creature into a particularly powerful monster, and there is a certain hope that the nature of this creature will not change much. The mounts that you see now we are riding are a kind of mutation. They were originally just a kind of little courageous animals. Domesticated, very easy to use."

After listening to Knight’s detailed explanation, I asked a little surprised: "Do you want me to help?" The other party and I explained that these things are normal. In fact, it should be regarded as a kind of secret, at least in reality, if a laboratory in a certain country can produce this kind of medicine, it will definitely not be known. However, this Knight not only explained the origin of this thing in detail to me, but even explained its function. This is obviously abnormal. And the more reasonable probability I can think of is that the other party has something to ask for. In addition, when I saw the situation of Summon Mila fighting just now, I thought I was a powerful helper, so I told me so many things that I shouldn’t have said. .

Sure enough, I just finished the question here. The Knight immediately acknowledged his purpose and generously explained: “Although the effect of inducing mutation is very good, the success rate is very low. It is not that the success rate of using a certain animal for mutation is low. If that is the case, we can completely solve the problem of success rate through large-scale breeding. The real trouble is the variety. In fact, there are only three species of successful items so far. Species, this giant bear-like creature is one of them. The inducer seems to vary in different directions based on the situation of different species. If a species can be induced to mutate into a usable species, then the Any individual can make similar mutations, and generally there will not be much difference. But if one of a species cannot be mutated or becomes an unusable creature, it means that the species should be unusable."

"You are here to grab different species to test whether they can be transformed into usable creatures?" I asked guessingly.

The other party shook his head and said: "No, we are not here to catch test creatures. You know, there are actually many biological species that can be used for testing, and you can find them casually even in cities. Dozens of different creatures are used for testing, and there are even more in the woods around the city. Therefore, our experiment materials are not lacking. The key problem is that we dare not test those creatures casually."

"Don't dare to test casually? What does that mean?" After I asked, I suddenly reacted and turned and looked at the pile of rotten meat over there. "I think I understand!"

The Knight nodded and said when I looked towards the rotten meat over there: "As you guessed, the mutation of these creatures can't find any regularity. The original fierce monster may become a pet-like thing after mutating, and the original non-dangerous creature may become a super monster after mutating. The creature you just killed was originally a very common one here. These are aquatic animals. Although they are offensive, they only attack small creatures. They are not harmful to the residents here. But you can also see the way after the mutation. The monster you just killed destroyed a village in our place and caused More than 300 people were casualties. We were ordered to destroy the monster's team. As a result, after being scattered in the woodland here, we were taken advantage of by it, so we lost one team member."

" So what you mean is that you want me to help you look at the laboratory, and if there is an uncontrollable mutation in the tested monster, I can help you fix this thing, right?"

nodded and said: "Yes, can I invite you on behalf of the laboratory to help us participate in the experiment?"

After hearing what the other party said, I thought a little bit before replied: "Although I also want to see Look at your experiment, but to be honest, I don’t have much time. I have something to do after dawn tomorrow, and I have to leave here."

"If this is the case, I think you can actually help us Yes. The experiment does not take long. You can go to the laboratory with us now, and then we will make a surprise experiment. Anyway, the medicine is readily available, so just fill the creatures directly. If an uncontrollable catastrophe occurs later Mutations, you are responsible for helping us to limit or kill the monster. By tomorrow morning, you should be able to test several sets of experimental targets before you leave. After you leave, we will improve the medicine and help us when you are free. , We can carry out the experiment of improving the potion."

"Your suggestion is good, but I have a question." I paused on purpose when I said that, and then until the other party put out an ear-satisfying picture After expressing his expression, he asked: "Can you make any promises on behalf of your country or your alchemy laboratory? You should know that I am impossible to help you do things for no reason, and I am afraid that the compensation I need is not Can you agree to it casually?"

I didn’t say this to reject the other party, but to hope that the other party would take me back to communicate with their leader, but let me didn’t expect But just after I said this, the other party reached out and took off his helmet. Hidden under the full-covering helmet is a handsome face that looks quite young but full of heroic spirit. If the age distinction of this species is the same as that of human beings, then the age represented by his appearance should be only fourteen or five years old, maybe even lower than this.

After taking off the voyeur, this handsome young man shook his golden long hair, then took out a golden ring from the backpack behind him and put it on his head. A rather serious expression said: "introduce myself. I am the owner of this place, the Ninth Prince of the Kingdom of Kaman, and the alchemy laboratory I just told you is my private property, so as long as I agree, there is no People can make any objections to my decision."

A smile appeared on my face immediately upon hearing the other party’s words. "Yes, really good."

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