Chapter 349 Monster

"Hello, I really need your help." I was here to ask someone for directions, and the other person asked Of course I have to ask quickly. Anyway, creatures like Shuji have always been very enthusiastic about powerhouse requests, so there is no need to worry that the other party will cheat me or something.

The Shusi was just like I imagined. He was very cooperative with my question. After I asked my own question, he quickly described it to me in concise language. Things he knows.

After this Shusi’s explanation, I finally figured out why this so-called map has such a serious deviation. The key issue is actually time. According to the description of the tree division, this area has a spatial opening with a constantly changing location, and the topography drawn on the map should actually be the topography within the channel entrance. This tree division happened to have evolved from a big tree inside that space gap, so he actually passed through that space door more than once, so he knew this matter very well.

According to Shusi’s explanation, this space gate will move randomly within a few hundred kilometers around it, and it is only open for three hours a day, from midnight to 1:00 in the morning, and in the morning. Between 8 o'clock and 9 o'clock and 4 o'clock in the afternoon to 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the day happens to be divided into three equal parts, that is, the cycle is opened for one hour at a time, then closed for seven hours, and then opened for another hour.

Because it took a little time to find the way and find the local creatures to ask questions, it is actually past 12 o’clock, which means that the space gate has actually been opened, but the specific location is still unknown for the time being , So I have to find it myself.

After giving the Shusi a little reward, I let the Familiars scatter to find the so-called channel entrance, and because I now know what we are looking for, the search speed is obviously much faster NS.

Even if the channel entrance this thing is formed naturally, there will be many abnormal phenomena when it is turned on, such as the disturbance of the gravity field, the dense wave of magic, and the confusion of electromagnetic signals. Most of these things can be detected from far away, so it took us almost a few minutes to accurately find the entrance.

Sure enough, this channel entrance exists, and just like that Shusi said, it keeps moving. When we found it, it was moving slowly on the ground, and the speed was probably a little slower than when people were walking, and this channel entrance seemed to have been specially processed, it was not like most channel entrances. There is an edge with strong repulsion. For general space doors, if they are not constructed with equipment, the edges of the generally speaking will be sharp like a razor. The Dimensional Slash in space magic actually uses this feature of the space door to artificially create an incomplete space opening, and then uses its sharp edge to cut the target.

However, the space door in front of you is completely different from the space door in your imagination. Its edges do not have that sharp effect. Because this space door is always moving, it will inevitably encounter some trees, protruding rocks or animals along the way, but the strange thing is that when this space door passes through big trees, large rocks or piles of pictures, these Things that cannot be moved are not cut in half. If it is a normal Transmission Gate that passes through a big tree, then normally the space door should transmit the section of the tree trunk that just enters the space door, and the part above and below the space door does not reach the space door. The height of the bottom should be left. But this space door seems to have an automatic filtering function. When it passes through an object, if the object can move, then no matter whether it enters the space door completely, it will be teleported away as a whole, and if the object is fixed, If it cannot be removed from the ground, it will be ignored, and it will not be cut into several sections if it passes through the space door safely.

Zezhong’s strange performance is not what a naturally formed space door should have, so I guess 80% of this space door is a personal space door, and the technology applied in it should be very high-end, at least our guild. The space door cannot be moved like this, and it is impossible to let something pass through it without being cut off.

Although this space door is quite strange, now I just want to test the effect of the little mischievous broken handkerchief, so I didn't take it too much. After putting away the pet, I dived in.

After passing through this space gate, I immediately spread my wings and flew into the air, and then took out the map that was originally thought to be wrong and began to compare the terrain here. The results are amazing. Now it seems that this map is exactly the same as the surrounding scenes. I can directly see the river marked on the ground, and I can also see several peaks not far away. These things can be numbered correctly. In this way, the person who drew the map may have accidentally entered the space door, and he did not know the situation. What is more surprising is that he should have passed through the space door accidentally when he left, and he still do not know. Only in this way can it explain why this guy didn't mark this place as a special space behind the space gate on the map.

Now that the map can be used, it will save trouble. Now all I need to do is to find a monster and test the monster battle strength in this place.

To be honest, in the game, there are really many monster this thing. Whether you want to encounter it or not, as long as you leave the Safety Sector, you can always see those various collective names. For the monster's wild creatures. However, in this special leveling area, I actually found that I couldn't find any creatures other than plants and small Insects. This strange phenomenon usually represents only one situation-there is more dangerous existence nearby.

Ultra high level monster’s territory is usually in this state of silence, because all other monsters in its territory, who did not gather by his side as its younger brothers, must have been killed. .

There is no existence in this area that can be regarded as the target of attack, so the eight achievements here are the territory of a super monster. Of course, there is also a probability that there is a certain NPC force here. For example, there will be no monsters in a large area near the temple, because the temple is an NPC organization, and they will clean up nearby monsters, just like you are in a human. It’s hard to see wild beasts around towns, and there are very few monsters around the temples.

Since I have determined that this may be the territory of the high level monster, I naturally increased my vigilance and started moving carefully. At the same time, a large number of ghost worms were dispersed by me and started to explore in the vicinity. Their task is to help me scout the surrounding environment. In case a high level monster appears, the ghost bug can help me find the opponent before the opponent finds me, which helps to gain the initiative on the battlefield.

After carefully searching for a certain distance, I still found nothing here. It feels like I have walked out at least a dozen or more li roads in the jungle. This distance is actually already in the dense mountain forest. It's pretty far. However, the surroundings are still quiet and unreasonable, let alone monsters, not even a small animal can be seen. If it weren't for occasionally seeing some insects and the surrounding plants are normal, I would even think that this place is a miasma zone or some special area.

After wandering in the woods for an hour, I still found nothing. Even I began to gradually relax my vigilance. However, at this time, one of my ghost bugs first discovered something different.

Following the signal of the ghost worm, I quickly reached the location of the ghost worm, and then I saw a big tree falling on the ground, and it was like a start signal. From this tree, you can see an open forest avenue, but this is not an artificially constructed road, but a passage that was hit hard. The entire passage is full of big trees that fall in one direction. From the point of view of the fracture, the time for these trees to break may be less than an hour, because some of the broken parts of the trunks have not yet solidified the resin that has just leaked out. Signs.

Along the passage of the fallen trees, I quickly saw a hill in front of me, but at this moment, the hill turned into a bite. A U-shaped structure is still standing on both sides, but there is a missing piece in the middle. It feels like something has passed through here.

Through the on the verge of collapsed hill from the gap in the middle, I quickly saw the situation behind the hill.

Here is a forest that was knocked down by earth and rocks, and then there is a large open area not far ahead, and there is a lake farther away. On the open ground between the big lake and me, a lot of soil, rocks and some fragments of trees were scattered all over the place at this time, but the two creatures, one big and one small, caught my attention even more.

Although it is said to be one big and one small, the size of these two creatures is actually much larger than mine. Although in the game, a creature of this size can only be regarded as a medium-sized creature at best, but in reality, it can definitely be regarded as a huge monster.

Located on my left hand side is a creature that is close to a bear, but whose head is completely different from that of a bear. The limbs of this creature are shorter than that of a bear, and its body is not the round shape of a bear, but slightly flattened, somewhat similar to the body structure of a Mi Badger. There should be a big tail like a squirrel behind him, but now only half of it can be seen, and there is still nowhere to be seen. In addition, this guy has long and sharp claws on his limbs, which look very lethal. But compared to the physical characteristics of this guy, his hideous head is actually something that really has deterrent power.

This guy’s head looks like a Saber-Toothed Tiger skull. The outer skeleton armor is completely white. No soft tissue can be seen except for the eyes. The huge front part of the head is a Open your mouth wide, the edge of this mouth has tightly biting canine teeth, and the two Saber-Toothed Tiger fangs extend from the upper jaw to more than the thickness of the lower jaw, which looks quite impactful.

To be honest, the shape of this creature makes me feel very strange, because the head and body of this thing are obviously not compatible, and it feels like the head of some other creature has been forcibly installed on this The body is the same. The body and limbs of this creature are actually quite fat, and, including the half-broken tail, all visible parts are basically covered with thick tan hair. The hair is not very long, but it is extremely dense and looks very soft and comfortable. If you don't look at this guy's head and reduce his size, you might even think that this is some kind of cute pet. However, its head is not only hairless, and even muscles and skin are invisible. The white outer skeleton covers the entire head, and there is no trace of soft tissue except for the eyes. If such a head grows on one The body of a reptile or undead creature is a bit strange to me, but it is so strange that such a big furry creature has such a head.

Compared to this strange creature, the creature on the right is significantly larger in size. The fluffy guy just now was lying on his side on the ground, his body didn't move at all, it looked like he had already died. Visually judge that the creature's body length should be between eight and ten meters, and it may stand up to a height of about five to six meters. But the creature on the right is relatively obvious. The overall shape of this creature is a bit like Tyrant Dragon among dinosaurs, but it is much larger. Although its body twisted like a twist at this time, it can still be seen that this thing should be at least 20 meters tall when it was alive, and its body length should be more than 30 meters. Such a big size is definitely Hegemon in reality, but in the game it is actually not very big. At least fortunately, their giant dragons will be much larger than this when they are grown up. If a giant dragon is not more than 50 meters in length when it grows up, it will basically be about the same as a human being less than 1.5 meters tall in adulthood. Absolutely It is a situation that has developed a problem.

Although the body is much larger than the bear-like creature before, compared with the bear-like creature that should have died, this guy is obviously hurt more thoroughly. Its head is basically unrecognizable now, because its entire upper jaw is gone, only the lower jaw is distorted and connected to the skull. In addition, this guy is also covered with large and small lacerations, one of them He even tore his entire abdomen away. However, the real cause of this guy's death may not be the above injuries, because his body is now like a bunch of rags still on the ground, almost squeezed into a rag. Obviously this guy was caught by something and twisted like a towel. Not only did he squeeze out the internal organs and blood, he also broke the guy's entire spine.

Although the creatures on both sides died, judging from the death marks of both, the dinosaur-like creature should be killed first, and the bear-like monster was probably killed by that The dinosaur was bitten and died of his injuries.

After confirming that both creatures are dead, I went to look at the scene without worry, and by the way, I carefully studied the characteristics of the creatures in this place. However, just after I landed on that one When I was twisted beside the pulpy dinosaur creature, I was taken aback.

"Fuck me!"

The reason for my surprise is not that there is a new type of wound on the body of the creature in front of me, but that there is still a creature under the body of this creature. Half of the corpse. In fact, I am not sure if this is half a corpse, because the other half may be pressed under the corpse of this creature, or it may be really only half.

The exposed half of the corpse is obviously a two-legged creature, but it's definitely not a human being. As for whether it is a player or not, it is difficult to determine. The structure of the legs of this creature is similar to that of a werewolf, that is, the structure of the hind legs of a dog. The difference is that the legs are much longer than that of a dog, and the lines are very beautiful and there is no hair on the surface. Of course, this guy's feet are not human foot structures, but hoofed feet similar to cows. Judging from the surrounding traces, there should be something like armor on these feet, but they have now become a pile of metal fragments around them.

From this pair of legs that are at least one meter two long, upwards are the crotch of this creature. This part is wrapped in clothes, but at this time there is only the structure of the head of the shorts, and look. It seems that the thing should actually be the remaining part of a set of metal armor rather than a simple trousers. Going up, you can see the slim waist of this creature. Compared with the hips, this guy's waist is quite thin. It may seem to be a female creature. Of course, the premise is that this creature has the same physical characteristics as a human. After all, some creatures are female instead. More sturdy than males.

The only part of the corpse I can see is here. The upper body of this guy is all under the corpse of the monster, so I can’t see it either, but in order to study this clearly Is the suppressed creature a player? I decided to get the corpse out to see.

Because this monster’s body is very heavy, so I didn’t push it, but used Eternal to cut all the muscle tissue in this area, and then tore off this piece of meat directly to that guy. Pulled out.

It turns out that this is a complete corpse, the upper body is indeed suppressed, and it can be determined that it is a female, because she still wears a bust, but it is impossible to confirm whether it is beautiful, because the head The whole became a big pie, and the color on it was like a pizza. On the contrary, this guy's body is well preserved, except for a little flattened but not completely damaged.

The part that can be seen from this corpse is that this female creature once wore a metal armor. The level of armor is not low, because there are traces of special metals in the raw materials. In addition, the weapon used by this creature should be a long spear. From the perspective of its length, this thing should be designed to deal with large beasts rather than human-sized creatures, at least from the appearance of this point.

In addition to the discovery of her weapons and some armor fragments, there is a backpack next to the creature’s corpse. The backpack is made of woven fabric and the material is similar to linen. Although it is broken, it can be seen. The workmanship is very meticulous, and there are many patterns and decorations on it. It is obviously not a product of ordinary civilization, at least it is something that can only be possessed by a fairly high level of civilization.

I found some bauble in this damaged backpack, but it is surprising that the final confirmation result after careful inspection actually shows that these little things are probably some kind of cosmetics, not medicines. In addition, there are some special spices in this backpack. Although I haven't seen this type of spices, I feel that they taste pretty good.

In addition to these things, the only thing in the backpack that can be regarded as useful is probably a short wooden stick. This thing has also been specially processed, there are very obvious traces of paint on its surface, and there is a handle that can be rotated at one end of the thing. Thanks to my mindfulness and research, if I just screwed that thing a little bit recklessly, I might be out of luck. After my research, this thing proved to be a signal bomb. When you turn its lower handle, it will activate a core inside, and then the other end can spray a small projectile outwards. The projectile itself is similar to a small firework bomb. According to the internal structure, this thing should be able to fly very high, and it will explode in the air and form a large flash of light, so it can be determined that this should be a kind of earthen flare.

Actually carrying the flare, indicating that this creature should have a companion, at least she is impossible, otherwise the flare would be meaningless. As for those cosmetics...this can only be classified as women’s special needs.

After checking these things, I checked the body of the big guy again, and found another shocking situation. Putting down this large creature, I quickly rushed to the side of the bear-like creature body over there to check it, and then I confirmed one thing I had previously confirmed on that big guy, that is, there should be a third rare here. beast.

The situation I judged before was that the bear-like creature and the dinosaur-like creature on this side had a battle, and both sides suffered. The dinosaur monster was killed directly, and the big bear died here because of his injuries. But when I checked the dinosaur monster’s body just now, I found that the laceration on that guy’s body did not match the claws of the furbolg here, and that guy’s body was indeed twisted like that by some force. , If this big bear can't use telekinesis abilities like mind power, then that kind of damage shouldn't be caused by this big bear. After all, his size is there, impossible to make that kind of action.

After confirming that there was a third creature here, I immediately jumped onto the body of the big furbolg, and then looked around. There is no shadow of any creatures around, but the big bear at the feet and the dinosaurs over there obviously have no traces of being swallowed. The battle between the generally speaking monsters will eventually eat the enemy. Even if they can’t finish eating, it’s impossible. Don't touch it at all. Therefore, this situation is unreasonable. Of course, if the attacker is a race like a giant dragon, who is very large, but possesses high intelligence and only eats certain foods, then it's a different matter. However, that kind of situation is obviously very rare, so I suspect that the creature may have only temporarily left, and it is not that it really does not eat the corpses of these two monsters.

Standing on the furbolg and looking around, I am more and more sure that the third creature should be in the vicinity and it hasn’t gone far, but it hasn’t been illuminated. There are open areas around here, and the line of sight can be said to be very good, and it should be impossible to hide things. Furthermore, judging from the injuries on that dinosaur monster, the body of this third creature should be much larger than the sum of the two, which is supposed to be difficult to hide. But now it seems that there is no trace of the monster hiding nearby. This is indeed a strange phenomenon.

After looking around for a long time, I still found nothing. I even started to feel the hairs all over my body stand up. An increasingly intense tension accumulates in my heart. This strange feeling is not an illusion but an intuition. The game is not the same as in reality. In the game, the player can really sense danger in advance. This ability is actually a hidden ability given to the player by the system, and everyone has it. The specific effect is mainly based on the weighted effect of the player's level, equipment, race, and skills. My level and attributes determine my ability to sense in this area is absolutely outstanding, so as long as I feel it, it must really exist.

Although the sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger, I just can’t find any traces of the existence of monsters. Even if I borrowed the power of Emenis, I didn’t find any invisible or disguised monsters, but my heart The increasingly serious sense of crisis is indeed reminding me that the danger is around me, and it is approaching me.

Just when I was extremely anxious, I was stunned for a moment, then turned my head and looked towards the back side. To my left and behind is the huge lake. The distance between the lake and the giant bear corpse under my feet is no more than ten meters. The lake is dark and green, and you can't see the bottom. At that moment, I suddenly understood where the hidden creature was, so I suddenly spread my wings and kicked the furbolg corpse under my feet and flew backwards, and at the same time, the wings began to slam upwards, but at the same time I started, The lake in front also flew up at the same time, and a huge black shadow rushed out from under the lake at lightning speed, then opened a huge mouth and moved towards I took a bite.

I didn't panic at all when I saw the huge open mouth gradually surrounding me. Instead, I suddenly turned Eternity into an I-shaped structure and held it horizontally in my hand. The monster's huge head was bitten laterally, so its upper and lower jaws were on the left and right sides of my body. As a result, when it was closed, it immediately bite over eternity.

Although eternity can become a state where mercury can generally change its shape at will, it is absolutely invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable when it is solidified. If it weren’t for not wanting to be bitten by that guy, I could even turn Eternal into a long spear with pointed ends, and then let that guy bite through my upper and lower jaws in one bite, but for my own safety. , I still let Eternal unfold a plane at both ends in order to resist the guy's bite force.

Sure enough, the guy’s power was not enough to destroy eternity. The huge mouth stopped abruptly by my side and couldn’t get in at all, but the guy didn’t stop there, but suddenly stuck out a stick from his mouth. The huge tongue rolled on Eternal to try to get it out, but Eternal is not so easy to touch. The moment that guy’s tongue touched Eternity, a flashing blue arc even made me smell the smell of barbecue.

Along with a scream, I was spit out together with Eternal, and the monster shook his head desperately, obviously his tongue was hurt.

After being vomited by this guy, I finally saw the whole picture of the creature in front of me. This is a creature that looks a bit similar to the dragon monster. Its body is also the type that is known to be thick and short, but its body is more streamlined and obviously has a good drag coefficient. Moreover, this The guy's head is very special. Its head looks like a T-shape, with a horizontal winglet at the top of the nose, but I think it might be a weapon.

In addition to this huge structure, this monster also has a huge mouth full of fangs, and there is a strange smell, feeling and luck in that terrifying mouth. The taste in their mouths is similar, so I suspect that this thing might breathe fire.

The sneak attack failed after this creature came out of the water, but it did not back down. Instead, after shaking its head to relieve the pain, it suddenly roared at me. The huge sound shocked. It makes my eardrums hum.

"Damn, what's your name? Don't you know if you have bad breath?" Seeing the roaring monster, I directly raised my head and shot Eternity as a javelin. As a result, the thing reacted quickly With a flick of his head, eternity smashed into the air. I extend the hand far away, the eternity returned to my hand after a big circle in the sky, and the monster on the opposite side was obviously afraid of eternity. Just now his tongue was almost cooked by Eternal, not afraid of impossible.

After seeing me catching eternity, the creature did not immediately rush up, but began to move laterally, but its eyes always focused on me, and this guy was moving while experimenting The sexual charge seems to be testing my reaction. It seems that the intelligence of this thing should be quite high, but it seems that there is only intelligence in hunting, and it should not have reached the thinking ability of humans.

After spinning around me twice, this creature didn’t know if it thought it had mastered my weakness, so suddenly it rushed towards me with a roar, but just before I was ready When he was about to meet that guy, a green stream flew out of the forest on the side. The stream of light was so fast that it reached us almost instantaneously, and then it accurately hit the side of the monster's neck and exploded with a bang.

The sudden attack shocked the monster, and it seemed that the attack did cause a certain amount of damage. It called out pitifully to evade in the opposite direction, but this was just a late reaction, and it didn't make much sense. After the fire disappeared, I vaguely saw a small black hole appeared on the guy’s neck, and no blood oozes out. It's not that the wound is not deep, but because the wound is scorched, it is equivalent to hemostasis in disguised form. deal with.

Just after the guy was attacked, there was a commotion in the forest where the green light flew out, and then the trees on the edge of the woodland were swaying, and then the two monsters going side by side moved from Rushed out of the woodland.

After seeing these two monsters, my first reaction was not to be surprised, but to turn my head and look at the furbolg corpse over there, because I found that the two monsters and furbolgs over there might be It’s a kind of creature. When I think of the humanoid corpses over there and the Knight on the backs of the two newly run monsters over there, it clearly shows that the furbolg should be something like a mount, and I saw That corpse should be the creature that drove them. Moreover, after the two monsters rushed out, I also found that my previous judgment on the appearance of this creature might have been biased.

The two furbolg-like creatures that rushed out were actually covered with a kind of white armor, and this kind of armor looked like the thing on the head of the furbolg body over there. Exactly the same. But the furbolg over there does not have such a white bony shell, which means that this thing should be an external protective armor rather than a part of the body. The furbolg's head shouldn't look like that, it's probably just a helmet. The two lively furbolgs over there are wearing helmets similar to that guy, but obviously different, and the helmets of the two monsters are not tightly fitted. From the exposed part, you can see that the furbolg’s head should be the same. Covered with hair.

At first I thought there were only two knights here, but after the two knights over there rushed out of the forest over there, I found that the calmness between the trees was not restored, but more The furbolg rushed out, and in a short while, more than 30 furbolgs ran out from the woodland over there, and each furbolg was sitting on its back with one or two Knights. It seemed that they were completely an army. It's not a simple squad or tribe.

As soon as they rushed out, these people unfolded into a battle formation, and then formed a small semi-arc encircling circle that faintly encircled the huge monster in the middle. As they completed their encirclement, a Knight on the back of one of the furbolgs closer to me actually yelled at me: "Come here and hide behind us."

"Huh? "The other party's words made me stunned for a moment, but soon I realized that the other party probably regarded me as a victim. After all, in terms of size, I am completely out of proportion to the monster in front of me. Even the furbolg under those people is actually much smaller than the giant monster, because the size of the giant monster is actually close to the lucky size. As the dragon king, the lucky size is actually very large in Dragon Clan. The real giant Dragon Knight is the size of the creature in front of you, and the length is generally 80 to 90 meters. That is to say, the size of the creature in front of me is actually in the category of large creatures. Compared to it, my size, which is not even tall among humans, is really not enough to look at.

When the other party saw me hearing their shouts but did not move, they turned their heads and shouted at the companion next to him: "Cover me, that person is scared, I will save him."

The other party's words made me almost fall to the ground, but this time I didn't dare to hesitate anymore, because I didn't want to be rescued by others. Regardless of whether it is necessary or not, people risking a mortal danger to save you should be regarded as a kindness to you, and I don't want to be unfathomable mystery.

I originally planned to use the creatures in front of me to test the effect of that little mischievous broken handkerchief, but the current situation obviously does not allow it, so I can only consider do it quickly.

Turning my head again and looked towards the monster over there, and then suddenly I closed the soul seal on my body, so that I can let the monster use all the battle strength, of course this will cause that kind of laughter More than just the problem is out of control, but I am ready. However, when I closed the seal, there was no such thing as the previous laughter. This change made me stunned for a moment, but it was a good thing after all, so I reacted quickly and threw Mira out quickly.

Now this situation needs to do it quickly. Although the lucky battle strength is also very high, this kind of fight at close quarters is actually cheaper than Mira.

The sudden appearance of the gem dragon shocked the surrounding furbolgs, Knight, until they found Mira rushed up and collided with the giant monster and they relaxed.

Mila, who got out of the space door, didn't waste any time. When she went up, she swooped the monster to the ground. As a material dragon,

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