Aware that this protective shield may have exceeded our attack power limit, there is no point in attacking this thing anymore, at least it cannot be attacked as it is now. After hesitating for a while, I immediately made a decision, gave up my current attack method, and recalled all the familiars as soon as I reached out, and instantly activated Divine Domain to merge into the full body mode.

My perfect body mode was only used to deal with Divine Race NPC before. Those who have experienced my perfect body mode among players can be counted on one's fingers, the main reason is Of course, it's because I can handle most players even if I'm not fit, so in general, I don't use fit skills at all. However, these things in front of me, whether it is the protective cover that looks thin but can't be worn in any way, or the giants that keep appearing, all these things make me feel quite a lot of pressure.

Although I know that the other party’s method of creating giants must also have certain limitations, the problem is that I don’t know the limits of this limitation, so the current situation makes me very crazy. In the face of the giants swarming over there, I can only choose do it quickly, otherwise if the other party’s restrictions do not happen, there will be more and more giants here. Although a single giant can't cause actual harm to me, the battle strength of these giants has reached the basic level of fighting against me, which means that if the number of these guys is large enough, my strength advantage can be filled.

I started the Divine Domain integration here and the eight giants intercepted there immediately rushed towards me without any obstacles. Fortunately, my integration speed was very fast, and it was completed in two seconds. The integration process, so when those guys rushed here, I had already entered a full body form.

"I was forced to enter full body form, this time I was really ashamed!" After the transformation was completed, I sighed helplessly. Turning to look at the giant maker next to him, then the right hand was lifted, and the eternity turned into a long spear in my hand that burned the flames of the dark flames. The next second I looked at the sneer of the surrounding giants. Long spear moved towards The machine was thrown in the past.

The giants obviously knew that their protective shields were particularly powerful, so the attack on me was just watching with a lively mood, and they didn’t plan to rush over to intercept them at all. Imagine that thing is impossible to be penetrated.

However, the mocking smile quickly solidified on the faces of these guys, so that the expressions of the group of people became very strange. The thing that can make them like this is of course the long spear I just threw out. This skill based on eternity has both the damage power and extra damage of the skill itself, and also counts those attributes that eternity comes with. So now this long spear of flames actually has all the attributes of eternity.

The flame long spear with terrifying speed directly hits the protective cover, but there will be no collision effect, as if the protective cover does not exist, the entire flame long spear just goes straight through. It passed, and then passed directly through the gaps in the circles, and finally it was embedded in the disc-shaped magic array on the ground, and it was very accurately inserted at the center point.

Just after the group of giants were surprised to see the long spear of flames inserted in the magic array, I directly extended the hand and made a finger sword, and then reversed the palm of my hand and pressed it down. Following my movements, the long spear of flames nailed to the center of the magic array suddenly began to vibrate violently and emitted a buzzing sound of dragon's roar. At the same time, the whole long spear suddenly spurted out. After a few feet of flames, the long spear, which had been nailed to the magic array and stopped, began to go deeper, and the long spear started to slow down as it drilled down. It spins, and the speed of this rotation is getting faster and faster, and finally the whole long spear becomes a rotating drill bit, while spraying fire and squeezing down into the magic array a little bit.

Originally, the giants were only surprised when they saw the flame long spear nailed to the demon array, and did not show any nervous expressions, but when they saw the flame long spear talking about drilling down, I finally realized that the situation was not good, or when they rushed to the machine over there to do something, they suddenly realized that I didn't know when I appeared in front of them.

"fuck off!" When a giant saw me appear first, he just slapped it with a slap in a daze. In terms of their size, I was actually with a sparrow in front of them. About the same size. With such a big difference in body size, the opponent can slap me directly and slap me, of course. However, that is the result of calculation under normal circumstances, but the problem is that I have never been a normal player, so normal circumstances never apply to me.

Seeing a huge slap slapped over, I suddenly turned into a plume of black smoke and disappeared in place. The next second a sudden cloud of black smoke was on top of the guy’s head. Gathered and formed, I appeared above his head again.

The guy reacted well, he immediately slapped his head when he sensed my presence, but I was peng sound disappeared again, and his slap was firm. Really buckled on his forehead.

Twice slapped, and finally slapped himself unfathomable mystery, that guy is completely angry. He roared and yelled: "Flies-like guy, there is a kind of you don't fly around me."

"Do you think you are great when you are big?" Flashed the guy's slap again After that, he also sarcastically said.

Didn't expect that guy was thick-skinned, he heard me directly said with a smile: "Yes, big is great. You are a short toe-high guy like me. Obediently let me shoot you to death."

The shameless of this guy makes me quite angry, and when I am angry, I usually choose to send it directly instead of holding it in my heart. So-that guy is unlucky.

"Since you say big is good, then I will believe you once." I said, I suddenly retreated a certain distance, and then my body began to grow rapidly at the speed that naked eye can see, and I said at the same time : "You are not the only ones who will grow bigger. I can do the same." When the voice fell, I also happened to become a giant form of the same height as the giants on the opposite side, and then I stretched out one hand toward the machine over there. The eternal swish that completely penetrated the magic array flew into my hand, and it kept getting bigger and bigger when it flew over, and when it fell into my hand, it had become nearly three shots. A giant hook and sickle gun with a length of ten meters and a diameter of at least one meter.

Although this skill was rarely used in the past, Eternity is actually not just that it can be transformed. It can also change the volume. Of course, this ability needs to be used in conjunction with my own transformation, because too large a weapon means a change in the center of gravity. Even if the strength of the weapon can support the weight of this weapon, if it is too long and too large, you cannot grasp its center of gravity. , No matter how strong it is, it can't be lifted. And even if I lift it up, I might throw myself out because of an unstable center of gravity during combat, so I rarely let Eternal change its size.

Holding the huge eternal hook with one hand, he struck the ground forcefully, and only heard a muffled sound, the ground of the whole city trembled. Moving my gaze to the giant over there again, I suddenly lifted the eternal hook, and then deliberately said with an evil smile: "Now everyone is the same age, let's fight a fair game." I counted. Without waiting for the other party's confirmation, he moved violently.

With a bang, the ground under my feet burst open, and a large amount of masonry was mixed with mud and flew backwards. The formidable power is comparable to a cannonball, and at the same time, my whole person has already used the kick The reaction force of the ground flew forward. The giant on the opposite side didn’t expect me to grow bigger, he didn’t expect me to be so fast, I almost arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye, and then he didn’t wait for any response from him. Jumping and cutting, the guy flew up instantly, blood sprayed from his body, and there was no sound when he landed.

One fell off in a blink of an eye. The giants around were staring at me with a monster look, but I didn’t pay attention to their eyes, but disappeared again in their panicked eyes. Then in the next second, I saw a guy with an eternal hook and sickle in his stomach, flying out to the side. I appeared next to him instantly, grabbing the end of the Eternal Scythe, the guy's body continued to fly forward due to inertia, but the Eternal Scythe was pulled by me, so the gun body began to slide from his body. out. However, this is the eternal hook and not the eternal gun. The reason why it is called the eternal hook is because there is a sickle-shaped horizontal hook on the side of the gun blade. This hook is obviously much larger than the diameter of the gun itself, so when this part is forcibly pulled out of his body, the hook directly opens a larger penetration on his waist. Injury, the result is that the guy’s waist was almost cut off 2/3/2021, and the whole body was distorted and fell to the ground at an abnormal angle. As for the internal organs, it naturally flew out a long time ago, and now it is at least paved. It's as long as a street.

I didn't stop at all after the second man was hit. I threw the eternal hook that I just pulled out of my head in a circle and shot it at the guy on the other side. A normal hook and sickle gun certainly can’t be used like I do, because I’m holding the tail section of the gun now, and it’s not really useful to hold this place. Even if the opponent is not wearing any protective equipment, this one should only cause a little superficial wound. Of course, the greater probability is to be directly separated by the opponent, or even snatched by the opponent.

However, what I am holding is not an ordinary hook and sickle gun, this is the eternal hook and sickle gun. The eternal attribute determines that no one can grab my weapon, and nothing can resist its advancement. So, the person on the other side was tragic. Because I was holding the end of the Eternal Scythe to perform this action, so now my attack distance is the length of my arm plus the length of the entire Eternal Scythe. This length is already close to forty meters. The guy originally thought that we were far away. Who knew that I had stretched the attack distance to this extent. The guy who couldn’t be defended was cut directly from the center of the eyebrows to the crotch by the blade of the eternal hook. Then he got out of his body, and he could actually look down at his crotch, and then he turned into two halves one after the other fell down.

Although three people were killed in a row, in fact, this process did not add up to three seconds. The other party didn't react much and felt that there were a few people around. By the time they noticed their own disadvantages, I had retreated to the side with the eternal hook.

Actually, the explosive attack just now is also a heavy burden for me, but the effect is also obvious. It drops three enemies in a row within three seconds. This efficiency is enough to deter any enemy. It's like now, although I retreated and was resting, none of the giant players over there dared to rush forward. The shock just now was really too great, they never expected my attack to be so sharp and fast.

While I was busy panting, and the giant players on the opposite side were considering how to attack me, in the two caves not far away, four giant Russian players crawled out one after another. These guys rushed here as soon as they appeared, obviously wanting to join the battle.

Originally, I killed three in one breath. I thought this group of people could stop the meeting for a while. Who knew that they added four more at once, which means that not only one enemy is not missing, but there are more Come out one. It seems that without smashing those machines, it is difficult to suppress the output of these guys by killing them alone. Of course, if I keep killing like this, the other party will definitely not be able to withstand it. After all, these giants are all players, and they will lose their ranks when they die. Impossible will come and die infinitely. Besides, the cost of making giants must not be small, I don't believe they can make unlimited. However, even if I know that the other party will not last long, I dare not spend it with them, because my Divine Domain integration will not last long. Don't look at the battle strength of this Divine Domain combination is very sturdy, but its magic consumption is the same sturdy, even I can't hold on for too long.

I was about to move after I wanted to understand the direction of the attack, and I saw a purple beam suddenly flying from the side. The speed of this beam of light was very fast, and it instantly hit one of the giants who had just climbed out of the ground and directly exploded his head. The headless body rolled horizontally in the air for a week and a half before falling to the ground. Of course, he was already dead at this time and could no longer die.

This sudden blow caused the surrounding giants to panic. They all looked in the direction of the attack, and they happened to see Pandora, who was wearing a black dress and holding a gold long spear, volleyed towards this. The look of Bian Piao flying over.

Although I saw Pandora's appearance, the group of guys in front of me couldn't figure out why the other party was so powerful for a while. Most of them don't know Pandora. Although Pandora is one of the world-famous Divine Races of Olympus, it is considered a relatively famous existence, many people know her. But the problem is, all you know is just a name. If you want to say that ordinary players have a deep understanding of Pandora, that is pure nonsense.

In fact, the image of Pandora in the real Greek mythology is only a few simple descriptions. There are indeed a few murals, but not only those murals themselves are very different from each other. , The degree of personification is also quite bad. After all, they are all stone sculptures, not to mention comparing with photos or wax figures. Even when compared with oil paintings, the image is quite vague.

Because Pandora in the myth only has a few characteristic and simple descriptions, no one has seen this Demi-God half-human beauty, so the creators of "Zero" made this character themselves Some art processing was done. This kind of behavior is common in film and television cultural works within the world. After all, mythical characters are originally fictional, so in order to highlight certain characteristics in their works, the images of these characters will naturally need to be adjusted. For example, it is also Goddess Athena. In religious history films, she is the image of a noble middle-aged woman, giving people a feeling a bit like a mother. In combat mythological works, the image of Athena is often a feeling of queen temperament. As for romance films, Athena is usually a beautiful young woman, even in certain restricted special works. The image of Athena is entirely used to lure people into crime. Therefore, the image of the mythological character itself cannot be determined. Except for some of their familiar features, such as Erlang Shen's three eyes and his dog, all the unimportant details can only be determined by the creator of the work. Improve it by yourself.

The image of Pandora in "Zero" was re-made by the artists. Her only iconic thing is the gold long spear and black dress, and the glamorous temperament. However, within the allowable range of the above three prerequisites, any artist with a little level of skill can give you hundreds of different imaginations, and these images are guaranteed to be different on the premise You can also take into account the above three essential features.

In this case, players are naturally impossible. They know in advance what Pandora in "Zero" looks like. Unless they have specifically searched on the forum, they are absolutely impossible based on the three basic features. Just confirm Pandora's identity. Because of this, these giants are completely confused now. They just feel that the battle strength of the beauty in front of them is too scary, but they don't know why she is so powerful.

The giants here haven’t come back to his senses from shock. There was a loud noise over there, and then they saw an explosion in a certain area of ​​the city, and then a silhouette It suddenly jumped up from the ground as if it had appeared suddenly, and the silhouette in the air was getting bigger and bigger, and when it landed, it had become a giant inferior to these giants.

This new giant is dressed in gorgeous black armor. There are a lot of amethyst and black liquid crystals inlaid on the armor, giving people a mysterious and evil feeling. Above the feeling, there seems to be a sense of majesty.

In fact, their feelings are very accurate, because the giant in front of them is Radamantes. As one of the three giants of the underworld, and also the presiding judge who specializes in judging souls, Ladamantis must have some majestic aura on his body. However, while being majestic, Radamantis is a god of the underworld, and he deals with souls, so he also carries a mysterious and evil aura on his body. After all, he always deals with the dead, if he can still It's a hell to have a sunny breath.

"We just went around for a while and made such a big move. There are so many hidden things in this city."

"Don't talk nonsense with them. , Kill it first, then say it." A crisp, melodious and delicate voice suddenly appeared. The giants turned their heads in a panic and looked towards the direction of the sound source, and then their expressions changed collectively, but this The direction of change is divided into two situations. Some of them felt a guilty conscience immediately after seeing the owner of this voice, and those with such an expression were all female players. As for the other half of course, all were male players, but their expressions were like a pig brother. , Almost drooling.

It can make all the male players present become Brother Pig in one second, and the owner of this voice can only be Aphrodite without guessing. As a god of beauty, Aphrodite's beauty is beyond doubt. Although the Divine Race NPCs in the game are basically good-looking, Aphrodite is definitely above the standard. Her beauty has even reached the point where people can stare at her in a daze and completely forget what they are doing. If Aphrodite appears on the battlefield of ordinary players, I guess that at least one third male player will have obvious pauses in action. It even freezes completely, and the result of doing so is estimated to be knocked down by the enemy's sneak attack. Putting it that way Aphrodite is actually very strong on the battlefield, and her beauty can be used as a wide range of field control skills. Of course, to give full play to the effect of this skill, it is best to replace all your own troops with women. After all, Aphrodite's skill is irrelevant to the enemy.

When the male players over there were all in a daze, Aphrodite suddenly carried her long sword and rushed up. At this time, Aphrodite has become a giant like Ladamantis. It seems that many Divine Races use this skill. After Aphrodite turned into a giant, the battle method is still so sturdy. He came up with a sword to cut off a person's head, and then punched one backhand with a sword, pulled the sword back, raised his leg and kicked the third. The enemy kicked to the ground, and then a vertical leap directly jumped onto the guy and hit him with a sword. Looking at the sturdy and incomprehensible Aphrodite, I sometimes wonder if she has competed with Athena for the position of War God before.

To be honest, the first time I saw Aphrodite, she gave me a rather exaggerated shock, because normal people would imagine a dignified beauty when they heard the goddess of beauty. At best, she is a livelier sunshine girl, but what's the matter with this Spartan-like war madness? Athena didn't look so sturdy when fighting!

The giant players over there lost a lot of people at the scene in a daze. The remaining giant players reacted at this time and quickly gathered together back to back to form a circle to defend our attack.

Seeing that the other party had recovered, Ladamantes and Aphrodite stopped, even Pandora flew to my side and landed on my shoulder.

Looking at the nervous giants over there, I turned my head and asked Pandora, who was sitting on my shoulder: "Did you find anything?"

Pandora and the others I was in the city before, and I had fought those giants for so long, and I would definitely be awake when I fell asleep with such a big movement. But they didn't show up until now, which shows that they must have discovered something, otherwise it is impossible to come out to help for so long.

Sure enough, as soon as I asked Pandora, I immediately replied: "We found a hidden Underground City in the city."

"Underground City?" I thought of those giants coming out. Those two caves, I understood that there must be an underground building here, but didn't expect it will actually be Underground City. Before, I thought it was just a burrow for hiding the giant maker machine. Now it seems that this place should be a complete city, otherwise Pandora would not say it is Underground City. "What did you find over there?"

"I saw a lot of hidden combatants, and I also saw several devices that make giants. I just destroyed one of them and then When I heard you fighting on it, I gave up the offense over there and came out first."

"You mean there are many more under that kind of manufacturing machine?"

"It's not a lot, just six."

"Then count at least two under the two caves here and there. Isn't there at least nine this thing in this city?" Thinking that the opponent can produce such a giant player at a rate of nine giants every three seconds, I feel my scalp numb.

"No, not as much as you think." Pandora said suddenly: "The six that we see below include those that come out of the two holes."

"You mean those openings are connected to the Underground City below?"

"Yes. Of the two openings here are the openings of the giants in the Underground City. So you The giants that you see coming out of the ground are actually giants made by the Giant Maker in Underground City."

"In this case, there are seven devices in total. That's good, not too exaggerated."

"President. What are we going to do now? Destroy those equipment or get one back to study?" Radamantis suddenly turned around and asked.

"Does this still need to be asked? Get one to go back and study, and destroy all the others. These things cannot be left to the enemy. I guess they must also be very laborious to make these things. We destroy a device for them Just one step less can increase their production costs at the least."

Radamantis and Aphrodite are both nodded, and then they moved towards the remaining giants. Past. With these two Divine Race shots, those giant players simply don't have enough to watch. Aphrodite and Ladamantis are Divine Races with very strong battle strength. The Olympus Divine Race itself is the battle Divine Race. Almost all the people in the Divine Race are soldiers. All of them are amazing existences of battle strength. As one of the few existences in the Olympus Divine Race, Aphrodite and Radamantis is naturally even stronger.

This kind of strength is not actually the kind of strength on the attribute, but a kind of strength on the fighting skills. Even though Aphrodite seems to be just slashing, but her attacks are actually the most direct and effortless battle method. This is a battle method that has reached Return to the Natural State realm. It seems It seems that the beginner is attacking indiscriminately, but it is actually an exquisite fighting technique.

Compared to Aphrodite’s battle method, Ladamante’s battle method is more obvious. He hardly uses the enemy’s weapon to meet force with force, but instead relies on Reaching out flexibly while avoiding the enemy’s attack, he gave the enemy a knife. You feel that he never seems to take the initiative to swipe the knife to slash people, but seems to be swinging the weapon in his hand at random in the process of walking, and then around All of the enemies of unfathomable mystery are dead.

The fighting skills of the two people have reached an indescribable point. In addition, the divine force of Divine Race itself has ten times the attribute suppression on the player, so the battle process can be said to be simple and efficient.

Although the giants on the ground are constantly being replenished, they only come out of two holes, so the speed of their emergence is not very fast. The attack speed of Ladamantes and Aphrodite was too fast, and the enemies could not keep up with the speed of their killing. It only took a few minutes for the giants on the ground to be cleared, and then the two Divine Races went straight. Jumped down from the hole where giants kept coming out.

Ladamantis and Aphrodite jumped out of the cave, and I jumped down too, but I thought there would be a large group of giants waiting for us, who knows that we will see it after coming down But it was a small spot of light chasing a group of giants scurrying across the Underground City in the distance.

Needless to say, the light spot must be Christina. We fought so intensely on the ground and she didn’t even come up to help. It turned out that the underside also fought. When Pandora returned to me before, she didn’t say that Christina was fighting underneath. I thought she had some trouble. . But now I see that it is not Kristina who is in trouble, but the giants over there.

Although the battle strength of the giants has been improved, the problem is that Kristina's attack power is still too high for them. And Kristina is different from ordinary people. Her attack feature is to use massive low-level magic to carry out a saturated coverage attack. The advantage of this method is very obvious, that is, the defense problem can be completely ignored.

According to the rules in the game, when a person is attacked, no matter how small the attack power is, no matter how high your defensive power is, as long as an attack occurs and hits, the minimum blood will be deducted. a little. This effect is the basic attribute stipulated by the system, which is insurmountable and unchangeable, so everyone must accept this setting.

Because of the existence of this setting, this attack method of Kristina can be said to be a kind of cheating in disguise. Based on her super magic power and super high magic level, she does not use any high level magic, but simply uses low-level magic missiles as a means of attack.

These magic missiles are the lowest magic, which is an entry skill for mage players. As long as they are players, as long as they can spell, they must have learned this type of spell. Therefore, this magic missile is the lowest spell, and there is no lower level spell.

As a low-level spell, the attack power of magic missiles is naturally not much higher. It can break defenses against ordinary people, but if you encounter high-level players, it will basically end without breaking defenses. However, Kristina simply didn't care about it, she didn't want to break the defense, but the system setting that forced a little blood deduction.

When a player is attacked by a magic missile, he will be forced to deduct a little blood. This bit of blood may not be the worst for a player, but what if it’s not a magic missile attacking you, but one million, ten million? Each magic missile can be forced to deduct a little blood, but the average player does not have that many health points to deduct it. Therefore, this attack method of Kristina is quite lethal to most players. If you are just an ordinary player, it’s better to say something. After all, a person is only a little bit bulky. It is actually very difficult to make all one million magic missiles hit you, and the process is relatively long, even if it is With Kristina's magical control power, this would not be possible without a continuous attack of more than ten seconds.

However, when the giants here face Kristina, they find that their body is not good at all, but bad luck everywhere. Although the bodies of the giant Russian players have grown larger, their lives have not increased. Although they have been quite resistant to beatings before, it is entirely because their protective power has increased simultaneously. Because of this increase in defensive power, the resistance of these guys has risen. But the juice displayed by this ability is a defensive ability on the surface. After all, the life value is still so much, and there is simply no change.

The defensive power rises, but the health value has not changed. Under normal circumstances, this situation has little effect. After all, not all players have an attribute that ignores defense. You must know that ignoring the defense of this attribute itself is already a very high-end one attribute. According to this attribute, in addition to the bad luck, you must have super strength, and then you need to complete some particularly difficult tasks. Hope to get such an attribute.

However, Christina does not need such an attribute at all. Her magic missiles will not break the defense at all, she relies on the attribute that forces a little blood deduction, and then uses enough magic missiles to fire her enemies to death. Therefore, what Kristina needs is speed and hit rate, not an increase in attack power.

Based on this characteristic, the defensive power rising effect of those giants has completely turned into a display-like attribute in front of her. What is the use of defensive power no matter how high it is? People don't want to break the defense, no matter how high the defensive power is, it still doesn't break the defense, and there is no change. But the opposite. As the giants increased their protection, their size also increased. The advantage of this is a substantial increase in strength, defense and attack range, but what use is this for Kristina?

Christina is a mage, she is a ranged attack. No matter how large the attack range of the giants is, the total impossible range is longer than the magic attack range of Kristina, right? As for the increase in power attribute, this one is even more useless. If you can't touch Kristina's side, no matter how high the attack power is, it will be useless. Needless to say defensive power. Kristina Cong no longer cares how high the enemy's defensive power is, anyway, she just has to force a deduction of blood.

Finally, the huge body gained the above seeming advantages, but in fact it is completely useless. It also left a huge shortcoming in front of Kristina, that is-the goal too big!

What Kristina needs is to project as many magic missiles as possible to a fixed target in a short time. A giant or a normal person, which one do you think is easier to bear in a short time? How much magic missile attack? The answer is definitely a giant. So, now Underground City is lively.

Kristina’s magic missile is fast, but it still takes more than ten seconds to cause fatal damage to a player. This time was not because Kristina was not able to make magic missiles fast enough, nor was it because Kristina’s ability to control magic missiles was not strong enough, and certainly not because Kristina’s magic missile attacks were not accurate enough. The reason why it takes such a long time is entirely because Kristina's magic missile has the disadvantage of all magic,

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