The name of Kristina’s giant killer is expected to be a joke between us in the future, but what we need to care about is not Kristina’s sturdy performance. They are the only two giant manufacturing machines left over there.

There are seven giant manufacturing machines in this city, along with the one on the ground that was smashed by the tank and the camouflage was exposed. In the ground battle, the giant manufacturing machine on the ground had been destroyed by me at the bottom of the magic array. In the following battles, I probably realized that this thing has no effect. A giant Russian player took advantage of it. The battle emptiness has completely destroyed it. Now that giant manufacturing machine has become a pile of scrap iron, even if I can collect some of the parts, let alone the heavy workload, I want to restore such a complicated one just by relying on these parts. Of large-scale equipment, which in itself is like a dream.

The giant manufacturing machine on the ground has been confirmed to have lost its recovery value, and as I said before, we need to recover a giant manufacturing machine, so our goal can only be the following six giants One of the manufacturing machines.

Originally, when we were on the ground, we didn't know that Christina was slaughter all sides below. We thought there were six giant manufacturing machines intact below, so we didn't worry too much. However, after going down to this Underground City, he was first shocked and educated by Kristina. Among the messy city ruins, there were four distorted and obscure ones, but it was roughly the wreckage of the giant manufacturing machine. Although this thing is still in the rough frame, it is not the same as the giant manufacturing machine on the ground that was destroyed by the Russian players themselves. The giant manufacturing machine on the ground was smashed by a giant Russian player. Although the parts are all split up and in pieces, the original shape and function can be barely figured out as long as the thing is restored through engineering. of. However, although the four distorted giant manufacturing machines under the ground are still in general form, their surfaces are in a mess. It seems that the ice cream that has melted in half is frozen again, which clearly shows that these devices are destroyed by high temperatures. Different from physical destruction, the most fragile and most important internal structure of these devices is the first thing that melts under high temperature. Therefore, although the four giant manufacturing machines can still see their original approximate shapes, they can even be said to be quite preserved. Complete, but when it comes to research value, they are not even as meaningful as those fragments on the ground.

Except for the four giant manufacturing machines that have been burnt and completely deformed and cannot be studied in depth, there are still two giant manufacturing machines, but the situation of these two giant manufacturing machines is not optimistic. . One of the giant manufacturing machines in front of us is now on the ground at a forty-five degree angle. The giant vertical launcher-like device has obviously lost two rings, and most of the remaining rings. There are different degrees of deformation. All of this shows a problem, that is, this giant manufacturing machine has actually been scrapped. However, compared with the other ones, this giant manufacturing machine has at least one advantage, that is, its main body is intact, and it is obviously the damage caused by physical damage, although it looks like it is quite bad. Serious, but in fact, it is not a problem for reverse engineering research. Moreover, this giant manufacturing machine has another very important advantage, that is, it is basically complete. Although two rings were dropped, the dropped ring was inserted obliquely on the ground in the vicinity and did not fly to other places. Moreover, the two rings were intact and did not become countless fragments. This relatively complete structure means that I can collect relatively complete fragments, thus ensuring that the dismantling and research will not be impossible because of missing key components.

Except for this damaged giant machine that can be studied, there is only one giant machine that is still working in the entire Underground City. At present, this giant manufacturing machine is sparking electric sparks in chi chi, and it is obviously a player who is making giants.

Counting the damaged giant manufacturing machine that can be researched, there are now two targets left in the entire Underground City to choose from. If I can choose, I would of course choose the giant maker machine that is still working. Although the damage of the other one is not very serious, it is damaged after all. If you want to study, of course, it is better to get a good one and go back. However, there are not many choices that I can give me now. Whether it is the bad one or the other good one, as long as it can be obtained, it will be useful.

After observing the situation at the scene a little bit, I fixed my gaze on the damaged giant manufacturing machine on the other side. Although the giant manufacturing machine that is still in operation next to it is obviously more valuable than this, the giant manufacturing machine over there is still working, and there are many giant Russian players guarding it nearby. If I rush over there, it won't be difficult to kill the giant Russian players in a short time, but the problem is that it is very easy for them to destroy the machine within this time. So, the result of rushing over there may be that you can't get anything. It's better to be more reliable and go directly to the damaged Giant Maker.

Probably because we were still fighting on it before, and there was only Christina alone. Those Russian players did not completely destroy the damaged giant manufacturing machine, and they actually Not even a guard was left. There is no Russian player guarding this giant manufacturing machine at all. The closest Russian player is at least 400 meters away, and the straight-line distance between us is only four more than a hundred. The appearance of meters.

When the distance is about the same, our speed absolutely prevails. After confirming the target, I didn't hesitate to summon directly out of the bird and jumped up, and then moved towards the target location and rushed away. Although the distance between these two places is only four hundred meters, I used Asuka to get to the thing as quickly as possible.

Four hundred meters is a matter of seconds for Asuka, because of the time wasted in the acceleration process. At the cruising speed of Asuka, such a distance would be only about one second.

Birds are jet-flying creatures, so they make a lot of noise when flying. In this empty underground space, this kind of noise is even more conspicuous. Basically, all the Russian players on my side just started it. I noticed us here, and when I stepped on the flying bird and landed next to the damaged giant manufacturing machine, the Russian players finally reacted and screamed and wanted to rush here, but it was too late to do anything at this time.

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