"Master, this thing is impossible for us to break through!" I was watching the battle ahead when I suddenly heard Ling's anxious shouts.

"What?" I quickly turned and looked towards Ling and asked in surprise: "Why can't we wear this thing?"

"Because this is simply not a city-level protective shield."

"Isn't it a city protective cover?" I focused my gaze on that protective cover again, and at the same time all the various sensing abilities on my body were also concentrated on that protective cover, but the result of the induction was indeed what I had before As judged. In my perception, this thing is a city shield, and it's the lowest one.

Ling probably knows that I can’t tell the difference between this thing, and before I ask, he explained directly: “This is a special protective cover, and the energy output is adjustable. I thought it was a city before. Level protection shield, but the upper limit of this thing has been rising during our attack just now. Several times I thought this thing was about to break, but it turned out to be safe and sound. This shows that this thing can self-adjust its defense strength. The energy characteristic that comes out should only be a special treatment for saving energy. When it is attacked, its energy value will rise linearly, but because we are also outputting energy at the moment of the attack, most people don’t feel it at all. The short-lived energy changes."

"Damn it, I was pitted!" After listening to Ling's explanation, I already knew the characteristics of this thing, so I stopped letting the familiars continue to attack the shield. . If there is no problem with Ling's induction, then this thing is really a self-adjusting protective cover, and this protective cover is generally a type with super defensive power. The energy consumption of ordinary protective covers is relatively normal, so they do not need to adjust the output range, because it is not necessary. However, some super-powered protective covers have very strong protective capabilities, but the associated effect brought by the really strong protective capabilities is super-high energy consumption, so super-powered protective covers often cannot work for a long time. One is that the energy consumption is too large, and the owner is impossible to consume energy unlimitedly. After all, the energy in the game is provided by the magic crystal, and the magic crystal is a kind of ore. It costs money to change the energy. No one will. Keeping a protective cover that consumes a lot of energy kept open like this is simply burning money. Besides, even if a certain guild has money to the point where it is not afraid of burning, this thing is impossible to keep working, because just like those high-power electrical appliances in reality will heat up, the high-energy magic devices in the game will also heat up. The huge energy consumption of this super protective cover means that its heat is also huge. It's okay to turn on the machine occasionally, but once the continuous working time is too long, the cooling system can't keep up with the speed of heat accumulation, and the final result can only be burned internal components and equipment scrapped.

Because of the many limitations of the high level energy shield, everyone used to use the manual boot method to circumvent those limitations. To put it plainly this way is to find someone to stand next to the switch to see if there is an enemy launching an attack. Once an attack comes, the protective cover will be activated, and it will be closed immediately after blocking the attack. The benefits of this method are obvious. The energy consumption of the protective cover that starts at the moment of interception is naturally not a problem, and the short-term startup can greatly reduce the heat dissipation burden, so this method can be said to be a very common solution. However, the shortcomings of this method are as obvious as its advantages, that is, the response speed of manual control and the accuracy of judgment.

Under normal circumstances, the flight of general assault weapons takes time, and the activation time of the protective cover is generally only two to three seconds. This time can be said to be not long. If it’s an enemy’s shells or bows and arrows, you can definitely catch up with the protective cover after seeing the enemy launch. As for magic attacks, the general speed is not very fast, usually. The interception was successful. However, some spells or siege weapons are not simply physical attacks, but beam attacks, such as the magic light cannon.

No matter what its formidable power, this kind of beam attack is fast enough. The light beam travels at the speed of light, so there is no way to predict it. If you see the other party happening, it means you have been hit. This kind of attack must be intercepted by humans, which is definitely impossible. In addition, another situation is the determination of protective weapons. If under normal circumstances, a city is attacked by a musketeer, the city shield will definitely not be activated. Because relative to the attack power of a musketeer, the robustness of the city wall can basically be described as invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, so there is no need to activate the protective cover.

But, what if the gunman attacked the city wall? Gunslinger’s attack power is still the highest in the game so far. His instant damage output surpasses me. Christina is alive and they are so big. Although he is also a musketeer, for people like him, it’s It can't be regarded as a mere musketeer at all. At this time, if it is a manually controlled protective cover, there may be misjudgment, because if this person knows the gun god and knows that his attack power is high, he will definitely activate the protective cover, but if he does not know the gun god is who? The result must be very tragic.

Because of the huge shortcomings of manual control, some guilds are now studying automatic control type protective covers. The design principle of this protective cover is actually very simple, it is nothing more than a two-layer protective cover. Set a layer of lowest ultra-thin protective cover on the outside, and then manually control this low-level protective cover. As long as there is a battle, this low-level protective cover can be activated, anyway, its protective ability is very poor, the energy consumption is also very low, and it is no longer wasteful. However, the main function of this protective cover is to exist as a detection means.

This low-level protective cover will be connected in series with a super protective cover, and the low-level protective cover will withstand all the attacks of the enemy after it is activated. If the opponent's attack cannot even penetrate the low-level protective cover, it naturally means that there is no threat, but once the low-level protective cover is penetrated, the super protective cover behind will be activated instantly. The start switch of this super protective cover is the rupture detector of the low-level protective cover, which means that as soon as the low-level protective cover is broken, the high-level protective cover will be connected immediately, and the low-level protective cover will be repaired once the attack is over and the energy is obtained. At this time, the high level protective cover will be closed again. The advantages of this kind of linkage are accuracy, speed, low energy consumption, no misjudgment, no waste of energy, and it is perfect.

Of course, the design difficulty of this kind of protective cover is also quite high. Although the principle is placed there as if everyone can understand it, it is actually very difficult to do it, at least the high level. The instantaneous activation of the protective cover is a big problem.

If the protective cover in front of you is really a special protective cover with dual control, then what Ling said may be true. This kind of protective cover is definitely not worn by my familiar. It seems that we must change the method!

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